

词条 郑斯宁






1981年起在大连理工大学应用数学系任教,先后任讲师(1983), 副教授(1987),教授(1991),系主任(1998--2002)。

美国密西根大学(University of Michigan)数学系访问学者(1984--85),美国加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)应用数学系Visiting Associate (1995--96)。


美国数学会会员(1986-),美国“数学评论”(Mathematical Reviews)评论员(1987-)


非线性偏微分方程的理论和应用。 非线性科学是当代科学最具挑战性的关键性领域之一,而关于非线性偏微分方程的研究又是非线性科学的核心,其极端复杂性和多样性直接反映了自然界现象(包括生命现象)的极端复杂性和多样性。本人主要研究领域集中于非线性发展方程,特别是具有广泛实际背景的非线性抛物方程(组),以及非线性双曲守恒律组等。


非线性偏微分方程的理论与应用。 重点是对具有广泛实际背景的非线性抛物方程(组)的研究,例如:复杂抛物系统中多重非线性之间的相互作用,解的奇性的产生与传播等问题。



(1)对具mutualist的多种群反应扩散模型的研究(见Math. Biosci. 78 (1986), 217--245; J. Math. Anal. Appl. 124 (1987), 254-280; J. Partial Differential Equations 7 (1994), 264--268).是最早进行这类问题研究的学者之一,有较广泛的国际影响,有关文章被国内外同行广泛引用至今.

(2)对具非均匀反应项的反应扩散方程解的渐近性的研究(见Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 98 (1996), 103--108.也见王明新的专著“非线性抛物方程”(科学出版社,1993)).

(3)关于反应扩散方程组弱不变区域理论的研究(国家自然科学基金项目“反应扩散方程组弱不变区域的理论与数学生态学模型”,19371017),将不变区域的经典理论与Alikakos和Rothe最大模估计的技巧结合起来,引进了弱不变区域的新概念,并建立有界弱不变区域的判定定理.这一新的理论框架充分利用系统中各个分量之间的相互作用,允许反应项的适度增长性,可容纳相当广泛的(特别是具实际背景的)反应扩散方程组,从而将解的存在性的证明大大简化(见应用数学学报17 (1994), 578--584; Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 130A (2000), 1165-1180),得到多位国内外专家的肯定和好评.

(4)关于反应扩散方程组中临界增长性的分析研究(国家自然科学基金项目“关于反应扩散方程组临界增长性的分析及其数值模拟”,19871008).主要工作见 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 22 (1999), 43-54(SCI); J. Math. Anal. Appl. 232 (1999), 293--311; Nonlinear Anal. 39 (2000), 327--340.已引起国内外同行的注意,被多次引用. 得到著名数学家J. Serrin(美国科学院院士)的好评.

(5)关于非线性双曲守恒律组广义解的稳定性和唯一性的研究(见 J. Math. Res. Exposition 5 (1985), 89--93; Acta Math. Sci. 4 (1984), 443--454; Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1986), 295-296), 改进和推广了著名数学家R. DiPerna的重要工作,得到DiPerna本人的充分肯定.

为美国“数学评论”(Mathematical Reviews)撰写这些领域的评论150余则.



Sining Zheng, A necessary condition for $L^2$ stability of quasilinear conservation laws, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1986), no. 3, 495--496. (SCI)

Sining Zheng,A reaction-diffusion system of a predator-prey-mutualist model, Math. Biosci. 78 (1986), no. 2, 217--245. (SCI)

Sining Zheng,A reaction-diffusion system of a competitor-competitor-mutualist model, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 124 (1987), no. 1, 254--280. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, A note on asymptotic behavior of solutions to a heterogeneous nonlinear reaction-diffusion system, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 98 (1986), no. 1, 103--108. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Global boundedness of solutions to a reaction-diffusion system, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 22 (1999), no. 1, 43--54. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Nonexistence of positive solutions to a semilinear elliptic system and blow-up estimates for a reaction-diffusion system, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 232 (1999), no. 2, 293--311. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Global existence and global non-existence of solutions to a reaction-diffusion system, Nonlinear Anal. 39 (2000), no. 3, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 327--340. (SCI).

Sining Zheng, Weakly invariant regions for reaction-diffusion systems and applications, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 130 (2000), no. 5, 1165--1180. (SCI)



Sining Zheng, Lizhong Zhao and Feng Chen, Blow-up rates in a parabolic system of ignition model, Nonlinear Anal. 51 (2002), no. 4. 663--672.(SCI)

Lizhong Zhao, Sining Zheng, Blow-up estimates for system of heat equations coupled via nonlinear boundary flux, Nonlinear Anal. 54 (2003), no. 2, 251--259. (SCI)

Xianfa Song, Sining Zheng, Blow-up and blow-up rate for a reaction-diffusion model with multiple nonlinearities, Nonlinear Anal. 54 (2003), no. 2, 279--289.(SCI)

Xianfa Song, Sining Zheng, Blow-up analysis for a quasilinear parabolic system with multi-coupled nonlinearities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 281 (2003), no. 2, 739--756.(SCI)

Sining Zheng, Jing Liu, Coexistence solutions for a reaction–diffusion system of un-stirred chemostat model, Appl. Math. Comput. 145 (2003), no. 2-3, 579--590.(SCI)

Sining Zheng, Wenmiao Liang and Xianfa Song, Critical exponents in a parabolic system with inner absorption and coupled nonlinear boundary flux, Appl. Math. Comput. 154 (2004), no.2, 567--581.(SCI)

Zhaoxin Jiang, Sining Zheng and Xianfa Song, Blow-up analysis for a nonlinear diffusion equation with nonlinear boundary condition, Appl. Math. Letters 17 (2004),193--199.(SCI)

Xianfa Song and Sining Zheng, Multi-nonlinear interactions in quasilinear reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary flux, Math. Comput. Modellng 39 (2004), 133--144.(SCI)

Sining Zheng, Xianfa Song and Zhaoxin Jiang, Critical Fujita exponents for degenerate parabolic equations coupled via nonlinear boundary conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 298 (2004), 308--324.(SCI)

Lizhong Zhao, Sining Zheng, Critical exponents and asymptotic estimates of solutions to parabolic systems with localized nonlinear sources, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 292 (2004), 621--635.(SCI)

Sining Zheng, Xianfa Song, Interactions among multi-nonlinearities in a nonlinear diffusion system with absorptions and nonlinear boundary flux, Nonlinear Anal. 57 (2004), no.4, 519--530.(SCI)

Xianfa Song, Sining Zheng and Zhaoxin Jiang, Blow-up analysis for a nonlinear diffusion system, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 56 (2005), 1--10. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Fengjie Li, Critical exponents for a reaction-diffusion model with absorptions and coupled boundary flux, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 48 (2005), 241--252. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Bingchen Liu and Fengjie Li, Blow-up rate estimates for a doubly coupled reaction-diffusion system, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 312 (2) (2005), 576-595. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Bingchen Liu, A nonlinear diffusion system with convection, Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 123-135. (SCI)

Chunpeng Wang, Sining Zheng, Critical Fujita exponents of degenerate and singular parabolic equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A 136 (2006), 415-430. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Bingchen Liu and Fengjie Li, Non-simultaneous blow-up for a multi-coupled reaction-diffusion system, Nonlinear Anal. 64 (6) (2006), 1189-1202. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Fengjie Li and Bingchen Liu, Asymptotic behavior for a reaction-diffusion equation with inner absorption and boundary flux, Appl. Math. Letters 19 (9) (2006), 942-948. (SCI)

Peidong Lei, Sining Zheng, Global and non-global weak solutions to a degenerate parabolic system, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (1) (2006), 177-198. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Lan Qiao, Non-simultaneous blow-up in a reaction-diffusion system, Appl. Math. Compt. 180 (1) (2006), 309--317. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Han Su, A Quasilinear reaction-diffusion system coupled via nonlocal sources, Appl. Math. Compt. 180 (1) (2006), 295--308. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Wei Wang, Blow-up rate for a nonlinear diffusion equation, Appl. Math. Letters 19 (12) (2006), 1385-1389. (SCI)

Jing Liu, Sining Zheng, Second bifurcation for a food-chain model in an un-stirred chemostat, Differential Equations Dynam. Systems 14 (2006), 225--238.

Sining Zheng, Bingchen Liu and Fengjie Li, Simultaneous and non-simultaneous blow-up for a cross-coupled parabolic system, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 326 (1) (2007), 414-431 . (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Wei Wang, Critical exponents for a nonlinear diffusion system, Nonlinear Anal., NA|5458, PII: S0362-546X(06)00405-6, DOI information 10.1016/j.na.2006.07.007, in press. Available online 17 August 2006. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Lidong Wang, Blow-up rate and profile for a degenerate parabolic system coupled via nonlocal sources, Compt. Math. Appl., in press. (SCI)

Fengjie Li, Sining Zheng and Bingchen Liu, Blow-up properties of solutions for a multi-coupled parabolic system, Nonlinear Anal., NA|5690, PII: S032-546X(06)00690-0, DOI information 10.1016/j.na.2006.10.049, in press. Available online 8 December 2006.(SCI)

Bo Liang, Sining Zheng, Exponential decay to a quantum hydrodynamic model for semiconductors, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., NONRWA469, PII: S1468-1218(06)00136-2, DOI information 10.1016/j.nonrwa.2006.11.001, in press. Available online 18 December 2006. (SCI)

Fengjie Li, Bingchen Liu and Sining Zheng, Simultaneous and non-simultaneous blow-up for heat equations with coupled nonlinear boundary fluxes, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., in press. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Lan Qiao, Non-simultaneous blow-up for heat equations with positive-negative sources and coupled boundary flux, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., in press. (SCI)

Sining Zheng, Jinhuan Wang, Total versus single point blow-up in heat equations with coupled localized sources, Asymptot. Anal. 51 (2) (2007), 133--156. (SCI)














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