

词条 赵兴绪


赵兴绪,生于1962年10月,博士,甘肃农业大学教授,博导。 中国畜牧兽医学会常务理事、中国兽医协会常务理事、全国兽医专业学位研究教育指导委员会委员、农业部教材建设指导委员会委员、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医产科学分会理事长,中国农业生物技术学会理事,中国农业专家咨询团专家,瑞典皇家兽医学会特别会员,国际科学基金会科技顾问,英国纽卡斯尔大学客座教授,英国动物科学学会会员。曾获“教书育人奖”、“甘肃省优秀青年”、“甘肃省新长征突击手标兵”、“甘肃省高等学校青年教师成才奖” 、“全国教育系统劳动模范”及“政府特殊津贴", 1995年被国家教委遴选为“跨世纪优秀人才”人选,1996年被批准为首批进入国家“百千万人才工程”第一、二层次人选, 1997年被评为国家有突出贡献的中青年专家。主要致力于动物繁殖医学的教学科研工作,主持完成国内外各种科研项目十多项,获省部级以上科技进步奖3项,在《Theriogenology》、《Animal Reproduction Science》、《Reproduction in Domestic Animals》、《Animal Science》、《畜牧兽医学报》等国内外著名刊物上发表论文百余篇。任《Journal of Camel Practice and Research》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《中国兽医科学》等杂志编委。




动物生殖生理学 动物繁殖技术 发育生物学 临床兽医学



1. 赵兴绪. 1995. 骆驼的生态生理及繁殖.甘肃科学技术出版社

2. 赵兴绪,张勇。2002.骆驼养殖与利用.金盾出版社

3、赵兴绪主编.2002. 兽医产科学,第三版,面向21世纪教材,中国农业出版社


5、Zhao XX and Zhang RC eds. 2000. Recent Advances in Yak Reproduction. International Veterinary Information Services

6、Gahlot TK, Tibary A, Wernery U and Zhao XX Eds. 2002. Selected Bibliography on Camelids. The Camelid Publisher, India.
















1. Chen, B. X., Zhao, X. X. 1988. The mechanism of ovulation induced by intramuscular injection of seminal plasma of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). FAO, The camel, Development research, Rome, 1988, pp. 99-110.

2. Zhao, X. X., Pan, G. W., Huang, Y. M. Gao, Y. H., Chen, B. X. 1990. Studies on the ovulation-inducing factors in the seminal plasma of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus), 《Actes de l’atelier “Peut-on Amelioper les Performances de Reproduction des Camelins?》, CIRD-EMVT, 1993 pp. 197-210.

3. Chen, B. X., Zhao, X. X., Huang, Y. M. Freezing semen and artificial insemination of the Bactrian camel, ibid., pp. 285-291.

4. Pan, G. W., Zhao X. X., Chen, B. X.1992. The ovulation-inducing effect of the seminal plasma in the Bactrian camel. Proc. 1st Int. Camel Conf., 1992, pp. 159-162.

5. Zhao, X. X., Huang, Y. M., Chen, B. X. 1992. Biological activity of gonadotropin releasing-hormone-like factors in the seminal plasma of Bactrian camel. ibid., pp. 163-168.

6. Zhao, X. X, Huang, Y. M., Chen, B. X. 1994. Artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis in the Bactrian camel. Journal of Arid Environment, 1994, 26, 61-65.

7. Zhao Xing-Xu. 1994. Milk production of Chinese Bactrian camel. UCEC/ MDRE/ CIRAD/ IFS/ MAE Atelier ”Chameaux et Dromedaries, Animalus Laitiers.” 1994.

8. Zhao, X. X., Huang, Y. M.,Q. C. Nie, Y. K. Zhang, B. X. Chen. 1996. Effect of different extenders on motility, survival and acrosomal integrity of camel spermatozoa frozen in ampoules. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 3(1):23-25.

9. Zhao, X. X. and Chen, B. X. 1995. Peripartal endocrine changes in camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 2(2):123-124.

10. Zhao, X. X., Chen, B. X. and Huang, Y. M. 1996. Artificial insemination with deep frozen semen in the Bactrian camel (Camelus bacatrianus). In Research Progress in Animal Industry and Animal Products Processing, Compiled by Department of Animal Husbandry and Health, Ministry of Agriculture, China and Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies, Presented at The First China International Annual Meeting on Agricultural Science and Technology, March 19-22, 1996. pp 237-242.

11.Zhao, X. X. 1996. Artificial insemination with deep-frozen semen in the Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus). 13th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Sydney, Australia, P9-4.

12. Zhao XX, Huang YM, Nie QC, Zhang YK and Chen BX. Effect of different extenders on motility, survival and acrosomal integrity of camel spermatozoa frozen in ampoules. J Camel Pract Res, 1996, 3(1); 23-25

13. Xue Hui-wen, Zhang Ying-kuan and Zhao Xing-Xu, 1997. Growth and development pattern of neonate bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). J. Camel Pract Res, 4(1):103-109.

14. Zhao XX. 1998. Types and breeds of Chinese Bactrian camel (Camelud bactrianus). Revue Elev Med Vet Pays Trop, 51:345-352.

15. Zhao XX, Zhang Y and Chen BX. 1998. Serum progesterone and 17b-estradiol concentrations during pregnancy of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Theriogenology, 50:594-604.

16. Xue Hui-Wen and Zhao XX. 1999. Live-weight growth of neonate Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). J Camel Pract Res, 6(1):101-105

17 Zhao XX. 1999. Milk production of Chinese Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). In Bonnet P Ed, Dromedaries et Chameaux, Animaux Latiers, CIRAD, France, 101-105

18. Zhao XX. 1999. Postnatal growth and development pattern of the camel calves (Camelus bactrianus). International Workshop on the Young Camel”, Ouarzazate, Morocco, October 24-26, 1999.

19. Tie GD, Cao YJ, Zhao XX, Duan Ek. 2000. Induction of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and –9 activity in mouse blastocyst by fibronectin-integrin interaction. Chinese Science Bulletin 45:475-479.

20. Zhao XX. 2000. Reproduction in the Bactrian camel. In Gahlot TK ed, Selected Topics on Camelids. The Camel Publishers. Bikaner, India, 499-538.

21. Bravo PW, Skidmore JA, Zhao XX. 2000. Reproductive aspects and storage of semen in Camelidae. Anim Reprod Sci, 62:173-193.

22. Zhao XX, Li XL and Chen BX. 2000. Isolation of Ovulation-inducing Factors in the Seminal Plasma of Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) by DEAE-Cellulose Chromatography. Reprod Domest Anim36:177-181.

23. Zhao XX, Xue HW, Nie QC, Zhang YK. 2000. Postnatal growth and development pattern of camel calves. Revue Elev Med Vet Pays Trop, 53:201-208.

24. Zhao XX. 2000. Semen characteristics and artificial insemination in the Bactrian camel. In Skidmore JA and Admad Eds. Recent Advances in Camelid Reproduction. International Veterinary Information Service

25. Tian YQ, Zhao XX, Wang MQ, Lu ZL, Zhang RC. 2002. Endocrine changes and their relationship with body weight in growing yaks. Animal Science, 74:89-94.

26. Zhao XX, Zhang Y and Chen BX. 2001. Preliminary observations on the concentrations of serum luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone during gestation in Bactrian camels(Camelus Bactrianus). Vet Res Commun, 25:153-160.

27Li XL, Zhang Y, Chen BX and Zhao XX. 2002. The concentrations of LH, FSH, oestradiol-17b and progesterone in the blood plasma of the female Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus)before and after intramuscular injection of seminal plasma. Vet Res Commun, 26:571-576.

28Li XL, Zhao XX, Su L and Chen BX. 2002. An improved radioimmunoassay for plasma luteinizing hormone in Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus). Acta Zoologica Sinica, 48(5):685-688.

29. Tian YQ, Tie GD, Cao YJ, Zhao XX and Duan EK. 2002. IGF-II and IGFBP-1 reversely regulate blastocyst implantation in mouse. Chinese Science Bulletion, 47(21):1816-1821.

30. Li XL and Zhao XX. 2004. Separation and purification of ovulation-inducing factors in the seminal plasma of the Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus) Vet Res Commun, 28:235-245.





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