词条 | 张嵩平 |
释义 | 香港画院画家 中国书画艺术研究院会员 中国收藏家协会会员 国际ISQ9000A书画艺术家 国际ISQ9000A专家委员会委员 上海鲁迅纪念馆馆员 基本信息 出生年月:1957年6月 Date of birth: June, 1957 社会职务: Social professions: 画种:丙烯画 Category: propylene paintings 画题: 水系列画 Theme: paintings of the water series 材质: 铜板纸 Material: copperplate paper 艺术简历 Experience: 印刷厂从事制版和美术设计 Began from doing plate-making and art design in printing factory 赴日学习研修印刷技术 Had studying and research of printing technique in Japan 2002年在上海开个展 Held personal exhibition in Shanghai in 2002 同年香港《文汇报》刊登张嵩平画的介绍 In the same year, Hong Kong ”Wen Hui Newspaper” published the introduction of Zhang’s painting 同年上海《解放日报》刊登张嵩平画的介绍 In the same year, Shanghai “Liberation Daily” published the introduction of Zhang’s painting 同年上海电视台拍摄了张嵩平画展的介绍 In the same year, Shanghai TV Station shot the introduction of Zhang’s painting 同年上海教育电视台拍摄了张嵩平画的专题片 In the same year, Shanghai Education TV Station shot the special film of Zhang’s painting 2003年参展上海艺术博览会 Participated in 2003’s Shanghai Art Expo 《全国长城杯书画大展》入选 Be selected into “Great Wall Cup” national art and calligraphy exhibition 《纪念中日邦交正常化30周年书画展》入选 Be selected into “Art and Calligraphy Exhibition for the 30th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japan diplomatic relations” 《日本全国水墨画大展》入选 Be selected into “Japan National wash exhibition” 2003年《祖国颂国际书画摄影展》入选获得特别金奖 In 2003, be selected into “Ode of Motherland international art, calligraphy and photography exhibition” and won the special golden prize 2005年《世界遗产杯国际书画展》获得金奖 In 2005, won the golden prize for ”World Heritage Cup” international art and calligraphy exhibition 入编《中国记录年鉴》并获得金奖 Be written into “China Record Yearbook” and won the golden prize 入编《世界优秀专家人才名典》 Be written into “Memorial for World Famous and Excellent persons” 2005年10月在上海顶层画廊举办个人画展 In Oct. 2005, held personal exhibition in Shanghai Top-floor Hall 2005年获中国电影百年书画大展佳作奖 In 2005, won the prize for his excellent artwork in “China Century Movie art and calligraphy exhibition” 2006年签约ARTKEY艺术授权中心 In 2006, signed contract with ARTKEY art authorization center 2006年入编北京新奥运地图(地质出版社) In 2006, be written into “New Olympic map for Beijing ”(Geological Publishing Press) 入编纪念毛泽东同志诞辰110周年大型书画艺术精品集获“风云人物”金奖 Be written into “Large-sized Collection of delicate artworks for the 110th anniversary of Chairman Mao’s birthday” and won the gold prize for “man of the time” 相关作品 |
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