

词条 张日清

张日清,中国共产党第九次全国代表大会代表、第九届中央委员会候补委员。1955年被授予少将军衔,荣获二级八一勋章、二级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章。 1988年被授予中国人民解放军一级红星功勋荣誉章。另有同名中南林业科技大学教授张日清。





























中南林业科技大学 张日清 教授

Zhang Riqing (张日清)

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: 10/18/1959

Place of Birth: Liling, Hunan, China

Nationality: Chinese

Languages: Chinese (mandarin & mother tongue)

English (1st foreign language; fluent)

Specialization: i) Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement, with emphasis on tree fruits

and nuts, woody medicinal plants, etc.

ii) English Teaching

iii) Biotechnology in Agriculture (mainly forestry)


1995-2000 Ph.D.. Major: Culture and Genetic Improvement of Non-timber Forest Crops. Minor:

Applied Agroforestry. South Central Forestry University, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China

1997 Two-month study tour on pecan production in Southeastern United States

1996 Three-month short course on biotechnology at 湖南医科大学, Changsha,Hunan, China

1995 One-month study tour on tree fruit and nut production in the United States

1991-1994 M.S. Major: Culture and Genetic Improvement of Non-timber Forest Crops.

Minor: Silviculture and Horticulture. South Central Forestry University,

Zhuzhou, Hunan, China

1980-1983 B.A.. Major: English Language and Literature. Minor: Education. 郑州大学, Zhengzhou, Henan, China

1978-1980 Major: Forestry. 中南林业科技大学, Xupu, Hunan


· Administration;

· Teaching, research, extension, and consultancy in Silviculture/horticulture and genetic improvement of forest tree crops in terms of planning, site preparation, seedling raising, tree planting, post-planting maintenance, harvesting, post-harvest management, overall silvicultural monitoring and assessment, etc.


·Administration, Research, teaching, and extension experience

2003- Dean of College of Forest Resource and Environment, Central South University of Forestry & Technology; Professor in Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement.

Main responsibilities: teaching, research, extension and administrative work.

Research and extension undertaken as listed below.

Courses taught include: Cultivation of Nontimber Forest Crops; Ecological Nontimber Forestry in

Theory and Practice; Information Science in Forestry; Professional English in Forestry, etc.

2002-2003 Dean of the New College dealing with foreign-related studies, South Central Forestry University; Professor in Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement.

Main responsibilities: teaching, research, extension and administrative work.

Research and extension undertaken as listed below.

Courses taught include: Cultivation of Nontimber Forest Crops; Ecological Nontimber Forestry in

Theory and Practice; Information Science in Forestry; Professional English in Forestry, etc.

1999- 2001 Professor in Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement; Head of Non-timber Forest Crops Teaching and Research Section, College of Forest Resource and Environment,

South Central Forestry University.

Main responsibilities: teaching, research, extension and administrative work.

Research and extension undertaken as listed below.

Courses taught include: Cultivation of Nontimber Forest Crops; Ecological Nontimber Forestry in

Theory and Practice; Information Science in Forestry; Professional English in Forestry, etc.

1997-2000 Associate Professor in Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement; Head of

Non-timber Forest Crops Teaching and Research Section, College of Forest Resource and

Environment, South Central Forestry University.

Main responsibilities: teaching, research and administrative work

1996-1997 Associate Professor in Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement, Research

Institute of Non-timber Forest Crops, South Central Forestry University.

Main responsibilities: teaching and research

1992-1995 Instructor in Silviculture and Forest Tree Improvement, Department of Economic

Forestry, South Central Forestry University.

Main responsibilities: teaching and research

1987-1991 Instructor in English Language, Department of General Studies, South Central

Forestry University.

Main responsibilities: English teaching

Courses taught: Listening Comprehension; Improving Your Oral Comprehension; Intensive Reading;

Extensive Reading; Guided Writing; Translation in Theory and Practice, etc.

1983-1986 Teaching Assistant in English Language, Department of General Studies,

South Central Forestry University.

·Consultancy experience

1998- National Silviculture Consultant for the Sino-German Afforestation Project (Hunan Province).

Part-time employment. Responsible for silvicultural aspects under the Chief Technical Advisor, CTA.

1995- Consultant for nontimber forest crop cultivation in Liling, Hunan. Part-time technical donation.

Responsible for horticultural aspects.


2005-2005 Pathway and mechanism of androgenesis in oiltea camellia. Sponsored by National Science Foundation of China. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in collection of experiment materials and lab work; writing of final report.

2004-2008 Extension of comprehensive techniques in upgrading the low-yield stands of oiltea camellia. Sponsored by China Forestry Administration. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in field and lab work; writing of final report.

2003-2008 Clonal selection and fast propagation in Zelkova spp.. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Integrated Agricultural Development. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in collection of experiment materials and lab work; writing of final report.

2001-2002 Analysis of population diversity and cultivar identification by randomly amplified polymorphism DNA markers in pecan. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Education. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in collection of experiment materials and lab work; writing of final report.

2001-2002 Molecular identification of clonal cultivars in ginkgo and Chinese torreya. Sponsored by China State Administration of Forestry. Main project participant.

Main responsibilities: lab analysis and data processing.

2001-2002 Resource inventory and background environmental analysis for the nature reserve of David’s deer in Huarong of Hunan. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Environment Bureau. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application report; preparation of implementation plan; writing of progress reports as well as final report; and partial work in field inventory and data processing.

2001-2003 Optimal harvest duration of scionwood orchard of oiltea camellia and effective viability of scionwood. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application report; preparation of implementation plan; nursery grafting and orchard technical management; and writing of progress reports as well as final report.

2001-2002 Construction of cDNA bank and molecular probe for oiltea camellia. Sponsored by China State Administration of Education. Deputy project leader.

Main responsibilities: collection of experiment materials; lab analysis; data processing; and partial work in writing of progress reports as well as final report.

2001-2002 Feasibility study of pecan extension in China. Sponsored by South Central Forestry University. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in field investigation and lab analysis; and writing of final report.

1998-2001 Techniques for establishing protection forest in the Dongting lake region. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Project leader.

Main responsibilities: writing of application report; preparation of implementation plan; trial demonstration of mixed forest establishment; and writing of progress reports as well as final report.

1998-2001 Techniques for establishing wavebreak forest in the Dongting lake region. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Deputy project leader.

Main responsibilities: trial demonstration of mixed forest establishment; data processing; and partial work in writing of progress reports as well as final report.

1996-2002 Pecan introduction from USA. Sponsored by China State Administration of Forestry and cooperation with USDA-ARS. Deputy project leader.

Main responsibilities: germplasm importation from USA; contact and coordination of US pecan specialists’ academic visits in China; inventory and germplasm collection of domestic pecan resource; construction of introduced gene bank orchards, scionwood tree orchards, demonstration orchards, and cultivar comparison orchards; absorptive use and extension of introduced techniques; and writing of progress reports.


1998 Regionalization of Nontimber Forest Crop Cultivation in China. Grade I prize for scientific and technological advances in forestry by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Main project participant. Responsible for field inventory of six trees including oiltea camellia, tungoiltree, ginkgo, hickory, pecan, and moso bamboo.

1995 Site classification and site quality evaluation for China’s oiltea plantations. Grade II prize for scientific and technological advances by Hunan Provincial Government. Deputy project leader. Responsible for field inventory, lab analysis, data processing, and writing of achievement assessment report.

1993 High-yield cultural techniques for China’s tungoiltree plantations. Grade II prize for scientific and technological advances in forestry by the Ministry of Forestry of China. Main project participant. Responsible for field inventory and data analysis.

1989 Raising the teaching quality by improving the teaching method. Grade III prize for teaching excellence in colleges and universities by Hunan Provincial Department of Education. Project leader.


·Co-author and translator of:

[1] Selected Tree Crops in China with Special Emphasis to Their Products. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, China. 2000.

[2] Culture of Nonwood Product Forest Crops. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, China. 2004.

[3] Culture and Utilization of Chinese Nonwood Product Forest Trees. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, China. 2006.

· 47 articles, including:

[1] ZHANG Riqing, DING Zhilei, ZHANG Xu, WEN Li. 2006. Literature review of genetic improvement in oiltea camellia. Nonwood Forest Research, 24 (4):1-8.

[2] ZHANG Riqing, TANG Chunfang. 2006. Advances in research on genetically engineered plants for metal resistance. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 48 (11): 1257-1265.

[3] MA Jinlin, ZHANG Riqing, LI Kaixiang. 2006. Literature review of research in star anise. Nonwood Forest Research, 24 (3):59-61.

[4] Donglin Zhang, Riqing Zhang, Jiangfan Yu, Lois B. Stack, Bixia Xie, and John M. Ruter. 2006. Oiltea camellia – eastern “olive” for the world. Proceedings 27th IHC & E: 47-48.

[5] Riqing Zhang, Donglin Zhang, Xiaoling Jin, Tana Wuyun, Yongzhong Chen, Xu Zhang, and Jinlin Ma. 2006. Genetic improvement of oiltea camellia in China. Proceedings 27th IHC & E: 71.

[6] Xiaoling Jin, Huaiyun Zhang, Riqing Zhang, Tana Wuyun, and Anxiang Wu. 2006. In vitro regeneration of Davidia involucrata Baill. Proceedings 27th IHC & E: 359.

[7] Tana Wuyun, Xiaofeng Tan, Youhong Li, Yoichi Matsubara, Riqing Zhang, and Lin Zhang. 2006. Identification of 7 new S-alleles and S-genotypes assignments in Chniese pear. Proceedings 27th IHC & E: 73.

[8] WU Anxiang; JIN Xiaoling; XIONG Fang; ZHANG Riqing. 2006. Advances in research on somatic embryogenesis of ornamental plants. Journal of Huaihua University, 25(2):72-75.

[9] LIU Yunguo, ZHANG Riqing, TANG Chunfang. 2006. Effects of cadmium stress on cadmium uptake, subcellular distribution, mineral nutrients accumulation, translocation in Typha latifolia L., and the regulative role of exogenous spermidine. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. Accepted.

[10] WANG Lingdan, ZHANG Riqing. 2005. Research progress of Zelkova Spach. Guangxi Forestry Science, 34 (4): 188-191+211.

[11] WEN Li, ZHANG Riqing, LI Dianjun. 2005. Effect of hormone combinations on callus induction from the anther in oiltea camellia. Nonwood Forest Research. 23 (4):21-23.

[12] ZHANG Riqing, WEN Li, LIU Youquan, et al. 2005. Effect of low temperature pretreatment on callus induction from the anther in oiltea camellia. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 25 (6):24-28.

[13] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, ZHANG Xu, et al. 2005. Feasibility study for pecan extension in China. Nonwood Forest Research, 23 (4):1-10.

[14] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, HE Fang, et al. 2005. Pecan cultivation in China. HortScience, 40 (4):1140.

[15] ZHANG Riqing, LUO Qinghai, TANG Chunfang, et al. 2005. Heat pumps for improving the energy efficiency of heating water. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, published by China Construction Industry Publishing House, 586-590.

[16] JIN Xiaoling, HE Ping, ZHANG Riqing. 2005. In vitro culture of Zelkova schneideriana shoot tip. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 25 (1):39-42.

[17] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, TAN Xiaofeng, et al. 2004. Characterization of pecan cultivars with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Nonwood Forest Research, 22 (4):3-7.

[18] ZHANG Riqing, LI Jian’an, LIU Youquan, et al. 2004. DH breeding method and its implications and approaches to variety improvement in oiltea camellia. Nonwood Forest Research, 22 (4):73-77.

[19] WEN Li, ZHANG Riqing, LI Jian’an, et al. 2004. Application of anther culture in variety improvement in oiltea camellia. Nonwood Forest Research, 22 (4):89-92.

[20] HE Fang, HE Bai, LI Zhonghai, ZHANG Riqing, et al. 2004. Criterion constitution for product quality in oiltea camellia. Nonwood Forest Research, 22 (4):107-110.

[21] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, CHEN Liangming. 2003. Growing the pecan tree for its high yield quality nuts and land profitability. Nonwood Forest Research, 21 (4):90-92.

[22] ZHANG Riqing, LI Jiang, LU Fangde, et al. 2003. Historical survey of the introduced pecan tree in China: distribution and resource estimate. Nonwood Forest Research, 21 (4):110-112.

[23] LI Jian’an, ZHANG Riqing, SHI Mingwang et al. 2003. Callus induction by anther culture in two oiltea camellia species. Nonwood Forest Research, 21 (3):37-39.

[24] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, HE Fang. 2002. Cultural regionalization for the introduced pecan tree in China: III. Region designation and description. Journal of Central South Forestry University, 22 (1):15-20.

[25] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde. 2002. Pecan distribution, cultural regionalization and cultivar classification in USA. Nonwood Forest Research, 20 (3):54-56.

[26] BO Fangmin, CHEN Chaozu, ZHANG Riqing, et al. 2002. Silvicultural techniques for wavebreak plantation establishment in the Dongting Lake Region and neighboring southern bank of the Yangtze River. Hunan Forestry Science and Technology, July (sup.):23-31.

[27] DAI Chengdong, ZHANG Riqing, OUYANG Shuolong, et al. 2002. Silvicultural techniques for establishing soil and water conservation plantations in the Dongting Lake Region. Hunan Forestry Science and Technology, July (sup.):37-46.

[28] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, HE Fang, et al. 2002. Cultural regionalization for the introduced pecan tree in China: II. Survey and assessment of previous introduction results. Journal of Central South Forestry University, 22 (2):18-21.

[29] LU Fangde, YANG Fang, ZHANG Riqing. 2002. Karyotype analysis of six Camellia species. Journal of Central South Forestry University, 22 (1):48-50.

[30] ZHANG Riqing, TAN Xiaofeng, LU Fangde. 2001. RAPD marking technology as is used in characterization of forest trees. Journal of Jishou University, 22 (3):18-23+52.

[31] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fang. 2001. The pecan tree and its adaptability in China. Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology, 28 (4):46-48.

[32] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, HE Fang. 2001. Cultural regionalization for the introduced pecan tree in China: I. Comparative study of the site conditions between USA and China. Journal of Central South Forestry University, 21 (2):1-6.

[33] ZHANG Riqing, HE Fang, LU Fangde, et al. 2001. Population genetic analysis by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers in pecan. Economic Forest Researches, 19 (2):1-6.

[34] ZHANG Riqing, HE Fang. 2001. Plant introduction and acclimatization in theory and practice. Guangxi Forestry Science, 30(1):1-6.

[35] ZHANG Riqing, CHEN Jianhua, XIA Chuange, et al. 2001. Historical survey of the introduced pecan tree in China: advances in science and technology. Hunan Forestry Science and Technology, 28(2):6-9.

[36] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, CHEN Jianhua. 2001. Historical survey of the introduced pecan tree in China: adaptabilty study. Journal of Fruit Science, 30 (4):36-40.

[37] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, CHEN Jianhua. 2001. Historical survey of the introduced pecan tree in China: problems identified and development proposals. Deciduous Fruits, 33(4):33.

[38] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde. 2001. The pecan tree as a highly recommendable economic crop. Guangxi Forestry Science, 27(4):202+206.

[39] ZHANG Riqing, LU Fangde, WANG Yiqiang. 1996. Oiltea camellia production in China. Economic Forest Researches, 14 (S2):209-211.

[40] WANG Yiqiang, LU Fangde, ZHANG Riqing. 1996. Ginkgo production in Hunan. Economic Forest Researches, 14 (S2):212-214.

[41] LU Fangde, ZHANG Riqing, LI Xianghua. 1996. Progress of cashew nut introduction in China. Economic Forest Researches, 14 (S2):207-208.

[42] HE Fang, WANG Chengnan, ZHANG Riqing, et al. 1996. Soil types site classification and site quality assessment in China’s tungoiltree plantations. Economic Forest Researches, 14 (1):44-58.

[43] HE Fang, WANG Yiqiang, ZHANG Riqing, et al. 1995. Soil types in ginkgo growing areas of Hunan. Economic Forest Researches, 13 (3)1-11+61.

[44] ZHANG Riqing. 1995. Nonwood product forest production with emphasis on integration of ecological and socioeconomic benefits. Economic Forest Researches, 13 (2):16-18+64.

[45] HE Fang, ZHANG Riqing. 1995. Rural forestry in China. Economic Forest Researches, 13 (1):1-4.

[46] HE Fang, LIU Yijun, ZHANG Riqing, et al. 1994. Site classification and site quality evaluation for China’s tungoiltree plantations. Economic Forest Researches, 12 (1):1-12.

[47] ZHANG Riqing. 1993. Use of systems approach in planning nonwood product forest production. Economic Forest Researches, 11 (S1):237-239.


2006- Member of International Society of Horticultural Science

2004- Member of American Society of Horticultural Science

1998- Deputy editor-in chief of Economic Forest Researches

1995- Chief Member of China Society of Nonwood Product Foresters

1990- Member of Hunan Branch Society of Foresters





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