

词条 张良培





从1998年起,担任INT.J.REMOTE SENSING, PE&RS 等国际学报的审稿员、国际学术会议的组织者、会议主席以及SPIE的会员、国际地圈生物圈计划中国全国委员会RS/GIS工作组成员和Geo-Spatial Information Science学报编委。








英文部分 ( 论文与学生合作完成,本人为通讯作者 )

· Du, Q., Zhang, L., 2009, Enhanced Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectal Image Analysis, IEEE Geoscience and Remote SensingLetters,to appear.

· Huang, X., Zhang, L., 2009, Comparison of Vector Stacking, Multi-SVMs Fuzzy Output, and Multi-SVMs Voting Methods for Multiscale Urban Mapping, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters ,to appear.

· Zhang, L., Huang, X., 2009, Object-Oriented Subspace Analysis for Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images,Neurocomputing,to appear.

· Zhang, L., Du, B., Zhong, Y., 2009, Hybrid Detectors based on Selective Endmembers, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,to appear.

· Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Shen, H., Li, P., 2009, A Super-resolution Reconstruction Algorithm for Surveillance Images, Signal Processing ,DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2009.09.002.

· Zhong, Y., Zhang, L., 2009 , Unsupervised Remote Sensing Image Classification using an Artificial Immune Network, Int.J.Remote Sensing ,to appear.

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., 2009 , Feature fusion of aerial images and LIDAR data in urban areas: vector stacking, re-classification, and post-processing approaches , Int.J.Remote Sensing,to appear.

· Huang, W., Zhang, L., Furumi, S., Muramutsu, K., Daigo, M., Li, P., 2009 ,Topographic Effects on Estimating Net Primary Productivity of Green Coniferous Forest in Complex Terrain using Landsat Data: A Case Study of Yoshino Mountain, Japan, Int.J.Remote Sensing, to appear.

· Zhang, L., Huang, X., 2009 , Advanced processing techniques for remotely sensed imagery, J.Remote Sensing, Vol.13, No.4, pp.559-569. (Invited paper)

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., 2009 ,A Comparative Study of Spatial Approaches for Urban Mapping using hyperspectral ROSIS images over Pavia City, northern of Italy, Int.J.Remote Sensing , 30, No. 12 , pp.3205 – 3221.

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., 2009 ,Road centreline extraction from high resolution imagery based on multiscale structural features and support vector machines, Int.J.Remote Sensing , 30, No.8, pp.1977-1987. .

· Huang, X., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2009,Evaluation of Morphological Texture Features for Forest Species Discrimination using IKONOS Multispectral Imagery, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.6, No.3,pp. 393 –397 .

· Shen, H., Zhang, L., 2009 , A MAP-Based Algorithm for Destriping and Inpainting of Remotely Sensed Images, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , VOL. 47, NO. 5,pp.1492 -1502. .

· Shen, H., Ng, M. K., Li, P., Zhang, L., 2009 , Superresolution Reconstruction Algorithm to MODIS Remote Sensing Images, The Computer Journal, Vol.52, No.1,pp. 90 –100 .

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., 2008,An Adaptive Mean Shift Analysis Approach for Object Extraction and Classification from Urban Hyperspectral Imagery, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Vol.46, No.12, 4173-4185.

· Zhang,L., Wu, K., Zhong,Y., Li, P.,2008, A new sub-pixel mapping algorithm based on a BP neural network with an observation model, Neurocomputing, Vol.71,N.10-12, pp.2046-2054.

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2008,A multiscale feature fusion approach for classification of very high resolution satellite imagery, Int.J.Remote Sensing, 29 , No. 20, pp. 5923 – 5941.

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2008,Classification of very high spatial resolution imagery based on the fusion of edge and multispectral information, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,Vol.74, No.12,pp. 1585 –1596.

· Zhang,L., Zhao,Y., Huang, B.,Li, P.,2008,Texture Feature Fusion with Neighborhood Oscillating Tabu Search for High Resolution Image, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.74, No.3,pp.323-332 .

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2007, An adaptive multiscale information fusion approach for feature extraction and classification of very high resolution satellite imagery, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.4, No.4, pp.654-658.

· Zhong,Y., Zhang,L., Gong, J., Li, P.,2007, A Supervised Artificial Immune Classifier for Remote Sensing Imagery, IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.45, No.12, pp.3957-3966.

· Wang,Y., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2007, A Scale-Based Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Algorithm for Image Enhancement and Noise Reduction, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.16, No.7, pp.1854-1864 .

· Ng, M. K., Shen, H., Lam, E., Zhang,L., 2007,A Total Variation Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm for Digital Video, EURASIP Journal On Advances In Signal Processing: Art. No. 74585 2007.

· Niu, R., Zhang, L., Shao, Z., Chen, Q., 2007, Web-based Geological Hazard Monitoring in Three Gorges, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.73, No.6,pp.707 - 719 .

· Huang,X., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2007,Classification and Extraction of Spatial Features in Urban Areas using High Resolution Multispectral Imagery, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.4, No.2,pp.260 - 264 .

· Zhao,Y., Zhang,L., Li, P.,2007,Classification of High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using Improved General Markov Random Field – Based Texture Features, IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.45, No.5, pp.1458 -1468 .

· Zhang, L., Wu, B., Huang, B., Li, P., 2007, Nonlinear Estimation of Subpixel Proportion Via Kernel Least Square Regression, Int.J.Remote Sensing, 28, No.18, pp. 4157 – 4172.

· Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Yan, L., Yang, S., Fujiwara, N., Murumatsu, K., Daigo, M., 2007,Hyperspectral data transformation and vegetation index performance based on the universal pattern decomposition method, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.51, No.2 pp.141-147 .

· Zhang,L., Zhong,Y. , Huang, B.,Li, P.,2007, Dimensionality Reduction Based on Clonal Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery, IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.45, No.12, pp.4172-4185.

· Zhang,L., Zhong,Y., Huang, B.,Li, P.,2007, A Resource Limited Artificial Immune Algorithm for Supervised Classification of Multi/Hyper-Spectral Remote Sensing Image, Int.J.Remote Sensing , Vol. 28, No.7, pp.1665 - 1686

· Shen, H., Zhang,L., Huang, B.,Li, P.,2007, A MAP Approach for Joint Motion Estimation, Segmentation and Super Resolution, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.16, No.2,pp.479-490.

· Zhang, L., Furumi, S., Murumatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L., 2007, A New Vegetation Index Based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method, Int.J.Remote Sensing, 28(1):107-124.

· Zhang, L., Fujiwara, N., Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L, 2007, Assessment of the universal pattern decomposition method using MODIS and ETM+ data, Int.J.Remote Sensing, 28(1):125-142.

· Zhang, L., Furumi, S., Murumatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L., 2006, Sensor-independent analysis method for hyper-multi spectral data based on the pattern decomposition method, Int.J.Remote Sensing, 27(21): 4899-4910.

· Zhang,L., Huang,X., Huang, B.,Li, P.,2006,A pixel shape index coupled with spectral information for classification of high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.44, No.10, pp. 2950–2961 .

· Wu, B., Zhang, L., Li, P., 2006, Nonlinear Estimation of Hyperspectral Mixture Pixel Proportion Based on Kernel Orthogonal Subspace Projection, Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3971: 1070-1075 Part 1: Advanced In Neural Networks .

· Zhong,Y., Zhang,L., Huang, B.,Li, P.,2006, An Unsupervised Artificial Immune Classifier for Multi/hyper-spectral Remote Sensing Image, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 420–431 .

· Huang, B., Fery, P., Zhang, L., 2005, Multiobjective Optimization for Hazardous Materials Transportation, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1906, pp. 64–73 .

· Zhang, L., Li, D., 1999, Artificial neural network application in spectral recognition, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 19 (2): 158-160 .

· Zhang, L.,Li, D.,Tong, Q.,Zheng, L.,1998, A study of the spectral mixture model of soil and vegetation in Poyang lake area, China, Int.J.Remote Sensing, Vol.19, pp2077-2084 .

· Huang. Y., Li, P., Zhang, L., Zhong, Y., 2009, Urban Land Cover Mapping by Spatial-Spectral Feature Analysis of High Resolution Hyperspectral Data with Decision Directed Acyclic Graph SVM , Proceedings of the Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2009.

· Cao,L., Li, P., Zhang, L., 2008, Remote sensing image-based analysis of the relationship between urban heat island and vegetation fraction, Vol. XXXVII. Part B7, Commission VII, ICWG-VII-IV, pp.1379~1384.

· Wang, Y, Niu, R, Zhang, L.,2007,Detail preserving robust anisotropic diffusion for image enhancement and noise reduction, 5th International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognitin, MIPPR 2007: MULTISPECTRAL IMAGE PROCESSING, V. 6787,ppN7872-N7872.

· Chen, T.,Li, P., Zhang, L., 2007, Estimation vegetation fraction by remote sesnig based on "Beijing-1" microsatellite data, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6787, PP. 67871X-1~67871X-5.

· Cen, Y., Muramatsu, K., Zhang L., 2007, Estimation of Net Primary Production of the Kii Peninsula Using MODIS Data, Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, pp548-551,ISBN 0-7695-2929-1.

· Mei, X., Zhang, L., Li, P., 2007, An Approach For Edge Detection Based On Beamlet Transform, Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, pp353-357, ISBN 0-7695-2929-1.

· NIU,R.,Mei, X., Zhang, L., Li, P., 2007, Linear Features Extraction From Remote Sensing Image Based on Wedgelet Decomposition, Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, pp508-512, ISBN 0-7695-2929-1.

· Wu,K., Li, P., Zhang, L., 2007, Sub-pixel Mapping of Remote Sensing Image Based on MAP model, Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, pp742-743, ISBN 0-7695-2929-1.

· Zhu, Z., Gong, W., Li, P., Zhang, L., 2007, The Active-Passive Remote Sensing for Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona, Spain.

· Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Li, P., 2005, Texture Feature Fusion for High Resolution Satellite Image Classification, Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization: New Trends, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-2392-7, pp.19-23 .

· Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Li, P., 2005, Feature Fusion with Neighborhood-Oscillating Tabu Search for Oriented Texture Classification, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, Springer, pp.671-680 .

· Zhang, L.,Chen, X., 2006,Remotely Sensed Data and Information, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6419, ISBN 0-8194-6528-3.

· Mei, X., Niu,R., Zhang, L., Li, P., 2006, Linear features adaptive extraction from remote sensing image based on beamlet transform, Proceedings of SPIE, v 6419.

· Zhang, L.,Zhang, J.,Liao, M.,2005,MIPPR 2005: SAR and Multispectral Image Processing, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6043 II, 2005, 905p.

· Zhang, L, Fujiwara, N., Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Daigo, M., Zhang, L., 2005, Validate the universal pattern decomposition method using satellite data acquired over the Three Gorges region, Proceedings of SPIE, v 6042 I, ICMIT 2005: Control Systems and Robotics .

· Y. Cen, T. Chen*, L. Zhang, P. Li, M. Daigo, 2005, Estimate Model of Suspended Sediments in Yangtze River,ACRS2005, The 26th Asian Conference On Remote Sesing, Hanoi , VIETNAM .

· Yindi Zhao, Liangpei Zhang, 2005, Fusion of Rotation-Invariant Texture Features for Scene Recognition,ACRS2005, The 26th Asian Conference On Remote Sesing, Hanoi, VIETNAM .

· Zhang Lifu, Zhang Linagpei, Fujiwara Noboru, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, Daigo Motomasa, and Yanlei, 2005, Validation of the sensor-independent vegetation index based on the UPDM using hyper-multispectral satellite data, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6043, pp 60430G -1~ 60430G -8 .

· Tao Chen, Pingxiang Li, Liangpei Zhang, 2005,Estimating suspended sediment concentration in Yangtze River from Landsat-TM image Estimating suspended sediment concentration in Yangtze River from Landsat-TM image, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6043, pp604319-1-604319-6.

· Zhang Lifu, Zhang Liangpei, Fujiwara Noboru, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, and Daigo Motomasa,2005,Land Cover Classification based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method, the 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environmen,Saint Petersburg, Russian .

· Yi Wang, Liangpei Zhang, Pingxiang Li, Yindi Zhao, 2005,Nonlinear Multispectral Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for Remote Sensed Image based on MDL and Morphology, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, VI, pp.4327~4330 .

· Pingxiang Li, Bo Wu, Liangpei Zhang, 2005, Abundance Estimation from Hyperspectral Image Based on Probabilistic Outputs of Multi-class Support Vector machines, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, VI, pp.4315~4318 .

· Yanfei Zhong, Liangpei Zhang, Pingxiang Li, 2005, Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Simulated Annealing Clonal Selection Algorithm, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, VI, pp.3745~3748 .

· Yi Wang, Liangpei Zhang, Pingxiang Li, 2005, Local Gaussian Variance Controlled Anisotropic Diffusion Filter for Multispectral Remote Sensed Images, The 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, International Academic Publishers World Publishing Corporation, pp6079-6082 .

· Yi Wang, Liangpei Zhang, Pingxiang Li, Yindi Zhao, 2005,Anisotropic diffusion for image filtering based on MDL and Morphology, International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP 2005), ISBN: 0-7803-9063-4, IEEE Catalog Number: 05EX1051 .

· Huangfeng Shen, Pingxiang Li, Liangpei Zhang, Yindi Zhao, 2004, A MAP algorithm to super-resolution image reconstruction, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, pp.544~547 .

· Liangpei Zhang, Yanfei Zhong, Pingxiang Li, 2004, Applications of Artificial Immune Systems in Remote Sensing Image Classification, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXV, Part B3, pp.397-401 .

· Pingxiang Li, Huangfeng Shen, Liangpei Zhang, 2004, A method of Image Resolution Enhancement Based on the Matching Technique, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXV, Part B3, pp.689-692 .

· Zhang Lifu, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, Fujiwara Noboru, Daigo Motomasa, and Zhang Liangpei, 2004, A New Vegetation Index Based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method, The remote sensing society of Japan, Vol.36: pp 27-28.

· Daigo Motomasa, Zhang Lifu, Fujiwara Noboru, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, and Zhang Liangpei, 2003, Universality of Modified Pattern Decomposition Method for Satellite Data Analysis, The remote sensing society of Japan, Vol.35:131-132.

· Yi Cen, liangpei Zhang, Shinobu Furumi, Kanako Muramatsu, Noboru Fujiwara, 2003, Land cover clssification in Kii peninsula of Japan using Terra/MODIS data, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.5286, pp692-695 .

· Yi Cen, Kanako Muramatsu, Noboru Fujiwara, Liangpei Zhang, 2003, Landcover classification in Kii Peninsula using satellite (MODIS) data, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Vol.34, pp75-76 .

· Liangpei Zhang, Hui Lin, Deren Li, 2002,Influence of the illumination and viewing geometry on the vegetation indices, Proceedings of SPIE, VOL.4897, pp211-218 .

· Gongjian Wen, Deren Li, Liangpei Zhang, Xiuxiao Yuan, 2002, A global optimal registration method for satellite remote sensing images, ISPRS, VXXXIV, part5, September, 9-13, Graz, Austria .

· Liangpei Zhang, Xiaodong Zhang, Jianya Gong, 2002, IKONOS image classification using a color difference technique, Proceedings of SPIE, VOL.4875, pp513-520 .

· Liangpei Zhang, Hui Lin, Deren Li, 2001, Chromaticity difference-based classification algorithm for imaging spectrometer data, Proceedings of SPIE, VOL 4554, pp149-153 .

· Liangpei Zhang, Xianwen Ke, 2001, Image retrieval by using sub-piece accumulative histogram, Proceedings of SPIE, VOL 4551, pp165-170 .

· Jun Tian, Tianiu Tan, Liangpei Zhang, 2001, Image compression and encryption technologies, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 4551, pp1-380 .

· Lin Hui, Liangpei ZHANG, 2000, Unmixing of mixture pixel based on the chromatic characteristic of endmember spectra, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXIII, Part B7, pp776-781 .

· Liangpei Zhang, Deren Li, 1998, Calibration of airborne imaging spectrometer data acquired from Poyang Lake area, China , Proceedings of SPIE, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Application, vol.3502, pp57-64 .

· Deren Li, Liangpei Zhang, 1998, Processing of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image, Proceedings of SPIE, International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing, vol.3545, pp8-14 .

· Zhang, L., Zhong , Y., 2009, Analysis of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing images, Geospatial Technology for Earth Observation, Springer.

· 张良培、张立福 ,2005, 高光谱遥感 , 武汉大学出版社


· 一种推扫式卫星影像 CCD 相对辐射校正方法 200410060986.8

· 一种遥感影像的人工免疫监督分类方法 200610019506.2

· 一种遥感影像的人工免疫特征选择方法 200610019507.7

· 一种遥感影像的人工免疫非监督分类方法 200610019508.1

· 一种可调节的光谱和空间特征混合分类方法 200610124494.X


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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

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武汉大学优秀教师 2009年

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教育部自然科学奖一等奖荣誉证书 2008年

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指导的博士生张立福获日本京都市长奖 2004 年

武汉大学优秀教师 2004 年

中国科学院自然科学一等奖荣誉证书 2002 年

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