词条 | 张俊善 |
释义 | 张俊善,毕业于大连理工大学,并留校任教,现任教授,博士生导师。 主要学历及工作经历:1968年大连理工大学毕业 1982年大连理工大学研究生毕业,工学硕士 1982- 大连理工大学任教,现任教授,博士生导师 1983-85 日本东京工业大学访问学者 1993 香港城市大学高级访问学者 1998-99 韩国原子能研究所高级访问学者 研究领域(研究课题):高温材料,高温强度,高温腐蚀 石油韩国高温材料损伤模拟 材料在乏燃料处理熔盐中的腐蚀与防护 材料表面改性 指导硕、博士生研究方向: 高温材料,高温强度,高温腐蚀 石油韩国高温材料损伤模拟 材料在乏燃料处理熔盐中的腐蚀与防护 材料表面改性 出版著作和论文:著作: 材料强度学, 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2004 译著: 晶体的高温塑性变形, 大连理工大学出版社, 1989 教材: 金属工艺学(主审) 大连出版社, 1999 论文:国内外杂志上发表100余篇 主要代表作:1. Effect of carbon on high temperature creep property of a Ni-20Cr alloy. TETSU TO HAGANE 73 (1987), pp.183-190. in Japanese 2. Relationship between high temperature creep behavior and dislocation structure in Ni-20Cr alloy Acta Metall. Sinica 1 (1988), pp.124-132. 3. Creep crack propagation at elevated temperature in a heat-resistant steel. J. Mater. Sci. 23 (1988), pp.3692-3697. 4. Creep crack growth behavior at elevated temperature in HK40 steel. Chin. J. Met. Sci. Technol. 4 (1988), pp.69-73. 5. Grain boundary precipitation strengthening in high temperature creep of Fe- 15Cr- 25Ni alloys. Scripta Metall. 23 (1989), pp.547-551. 6. Effect of grain boundary carbide on high temperature creep behavior of 15Cr-25Ni steel. TETSU TO HAGANE 75 (1989), pp.545-552. in Japanese 7. Effect of phase on creep rupture properties of Cr25Ni20 stainless steel. Scripta metall., 23 (1989), pp.1319-1322. 8. Grain boundary feature and creep behavior of Fe-15Cr-25Ni alloys. Acta metall. Sinica, 2 (1989), pp.368-373. 9. The effect of temperature and creep damage on creep crack growth in HK40 steel. Chin. J. Mech. Eng., 2 (1989), pp.66- 10. Combined matrix/boundary precipitation strengthening in creep of Fe-15Cr-25Ni alloys. Acta metall. mater., 39 (1991), pp.3063-3070. 11. A phenomenological model for grain boundary precipitation strengthening in high temperature creep. Acta metall. Sinica., 4 (1991), pp.43-46. 12. Carbide effect on creep crack growth of Cr-Ni austenitic stainless steels. Chin. J. Met. Sci. Technol., 8 (1992), pp.391-396. 13. Creep deformation of precipitation strengthened 15Cr25Ni steels. Proc. of ICM-6. Mechanical Behavior of Materials-VI, pp.595-600, Pergamon Press, 14. Influence of intergranular carbide density and grain size on creep of Fe-15Cr-25Ni alloys. Metall.Trans., 23A (1992), pp.1379-1381. 15. High temperature creep and fracture behavior of 15Cr25Ni steels. C-MRS Inter. Symposia Proceeding, Advanced Materials, pp.755-760, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.,1991. 16. Effect of intergranular carbide on creep rupture properties of Fe-15Cr-25Ni alloys. Acta. Metall. Sinica, 5 (1992), pp.269-271. 17. Effect of grain boundary carbide on creep crack growth in Fe-15Cr-25Ni alloy. Acta Metall. Sinica, 5 (1992), pp.48-51. 18. Abnormal creep behavior of ferritic Fe-24Cr-4Al stainless steel. Scripta Metall. Mater., 30 (1994), pp.1397-1402. 19. Low cycle fatigue behavior of ferritic Fe-24Cr-4Al alloy at high temperature. Scripta Metall. Mater., 32 (1995), pp.1589-1593. 20. Application of steady magnetic field for refining solidification structure and enhancing mechanical properties of 25Cr-20Ni-Fe-C alloy in centrifugal casting. ISIJ International, 35 (1995), pp.389-392. 21. Dependence of creep crack propagation on columnar grain orientation in cast HK40 tube. Mater. Sci. Tech., 12 (1996), pp.513-517. 22. Improvement of creep rupture properties of HK40 steel by electromagnetic centrifugal casting. Proc. of 6th Iner. Conf. on Creep & Fatigue, London, 1996 16pp.33-37. 23. Combined creep mechanism in an intermetallic alloy. Scripta Mater., 35 (1997), pp.573-577. 24. A study on the corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steel in hot molten salt. Koran J.of Mater. research, 9 (1999), pp.211-216, in Korean 25. Corrosion behavior of heat-resistant alloys of More 1 and Super 22H in molten salt of LiCl and LiCl-Li2O. Korean J. of Mater. Research, 9 (1999), p.556-563. in Korean 26. Corrosion Behavior and Effect of Alloying Elements of Fe-base and Ni-base Superalloys in Molten Salts. Kor. J.of Mater. research, 9 (1999), pp.985-991. in Korean 27. A study on the corrosion behavior of stainless steel and heat-resistant alloy in molten salts of LiCl and LiCl-Li2O. J. Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater. 38(2000), pp.704-709. in Korean 28. A Study on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys in Molten Salts of LiCl and LiCl-Li2O Koran J.of Mater. research, 10 (2000), pp.471-477. in Korean 29. Corrosion behavior of Fe-Ni alloy in hot lithium molten salt, J. Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater. 39 (2001), pp.441-445 30. Nondestructive differentiating three transformation products in low alloy steels with two ultrasonic methods. Proc. of 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Nondestructive Testing [M/CD], 2001, Brisbane, Australia. 31. Effect of Si content and RE addition on molten salt corrosion of the austenite alloys Koran J.of Mater. research, 12 (2002), pp.3-9. 32. DSC Research on Critical Temperature in Thermal Explosion Synthesis Reaction J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 67(2002), pp.605-611 33. Identification of the comprehensive kinetics of thermal explosion synthesis Ti+3Al=Ti3Al using non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry Materials Letters 54 (2002), pp. 284-290 34. Evaluation of the Ignition Temperature in Thermal Explosion Synthesis of TiAl3 by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 18 (2002), pp. 331-334 35. Activation Energy of Self-Heating Progress Studed by DSC J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 70(2002), pp.507-519 36. Nondestructive defferentating three trasformation products in low alloy steel with two ultrasonic methods, Materials Evaluation 61 (2003), 37. Numerical simulation of Reaction-diffusion during carburization of HK40 steel J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 2003, Vol.19 No.4, 327-330. 38. Physical simulation of the effect of sample volume on ignition trmperature in thermal explosion synthesis of Ti+3Al→TiAl3 Materials Letters, 2003, Vol.57,pp.2151-2155 39. Corrosion study of NiAl-28Cr-5.8Mo-0.2Hf alloy in molten LiCl-10wt%Li2O Meterials Lettes, 2003, Vol.57, pp.4433-4438 40. Effect of borate coating on corrosion resistance of pure Nikel in molten LiCl-Li2O Trans. Nonferr. Met. Soc. China,14(2004),pp.143-147 41. Corrosion of Nikel in molten LiCl-Li2O at 750℃. J. Nuclear Mater., 327 (2004), pp.194-201 42. Corrosion of intermetallic compound Fe40Al in molten LiCl and LiCl-Li2O J. Mater. Sci. 39 (2004), pp.4383-4386. 43. Corrosion behavior of Fe-Ni-Cr alloys in the molten salt of LiCl-LiO at high temperature. J. Nuclear Mater., 325 (2004), pp.13-17 科研成果及所受奖励:HK40 转化炉管寿命预测――国际教委科技进步二等奖 乙烯裂解炉管寿命预测――国际教委科技进步三等奖 高强度焊接结构钢HQ80钢研制――国内先进水平 石油化工高温炉管电磁离心铸造技术――国际先进水平 多项专利 |
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