

词条 张大兵

















发表的主要论文( *为通讯作者)


1) Zhang DB*, Luo X, Zhu L, Cytological analysis and genetic control of rice anther development, J Genet Genomics, 38(9) (2011), 379-390.

2) Chen WW, Yu XH, Zhang K, Shi JX, Schreiber L, Shanklin J, Zhang DB*, Male Sterile 2 Encodes a Plastid-localized Fatty Acyl ACP Reductase Required for Pollen Exine Development in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Physiology, 157(2) (2011), 842-853.

3) Li HF, Liang WQ, Hu Y, Zhu L, Yin CS, Xu J, Dreni L, Kater MM, Zhang DB*, Rice MADS6 Interacts with the Floral Homeotic Genes SUPERWOMAN1, MADS3, MADS58, MADS13, and DROOPING LEAF in Specifying Floral Organ Identities and Meristem Fate, The Plant Cell. 23(7) (2011), 2536-2552.

4) Shi J, Tan HX, Yu XH, Liu YY, Liang WQ, Ranathunge K, Franke RB, Schreiber L, Wang YJ, Kai GY, Shanklin J, Ma H, Zhang DB*, Defective Pollen Wall (DPW) Is Required for Anther and Microspore Development in Rice and Encodes a Fatty Acyl ACP Reductase, The Plant Cell. 23(6) (2011), 2225-2246.

5) Hu LF, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Cui X, Zong J, Wang X, Hu JP and Zhang DB*, Rice MADS3 regulates ROS homeostasis during late anther development, The Plant Cell, 23(2) (2011), 515-533.

6) Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Tan HX,Wang Y, Li G, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Hu JP, Ren HY, and Zhang DB*, RICE MORPHOLOGY DETERMINANT encodes the type II formin FH5 and regulates rice morphogenesis, The Plant Cell, 23(2) (2011), 681-700.

7) Li H, Yuan Z, Vizcay-Barrena G, Yang C, Liang W, Zong J, Wilson ZA, Zhang DB*, PERSISTENT TAPETAL CELL 1 (PTC1) Encodes a PHD-Finger Protein That Is Required for Tapetal Cell Death and Pollen Development in Rice, Plant Physiology, 156(2) (2011), 615-630.

8) Li HF, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Zhu L, Zhang DB*, Genetic Interaction of OsMADS3,DROOPING LEAF, and OsMADS13 in Specifying Rice Floral Organ Identities and Meristem Determinacy, Plant Physiology,156 (2011),263-274.


1) Xu J, Yang CY, Yuan Z, Zhang DS, Gondwe MY, Ding ZW, Liang WQ, Zhang DB*, and Wilson ZA, The ABORTED MICROSPORES Regulatory Network Is Required for Postmeiotic Male Reproductive Development in Arabidopsis thaliana, The Plant Cell, 22(1) (2010), 91-107.

2) Wang CM, Xu J, Zhang DS, Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB*, An effective approach for identification of in vivo protein-DNA binding sites from paired-end ChIP-Seq data, BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (2010), 81.

3) Li H, Pinot F, Sauveplane V, Werck-Reichhart D, Diehl P, Schreiber L, Franke R, Zhang P, Chen L,Gao YW, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB*, Cytochrome P450 Family Member CYP704B2 Catalyzes the omega-Hydroxylation of Fatty Acids and Is Required for Anther Cutin Biosynthesis and Pollen ExineFormation in Rice, The Plant Cell, 22(1) (2010), 173-190.

4) Li H, and Zhang DB*, Biosynthesis of anther cuticle and pollen exine in rice, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(9) (2010), 1121-1123.

5) Li HF, Liang WQ, Jia RD, Yin CS, Zong J, Kong HZ, and Zhang DB*, The AGL6-like geneOsMADS6 regulates floral organ and meristem identities in rice, Cell Research, 20(3) (2010) 299-313.

6) Hu LF, Tan HX, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB*, The Post-meiotic Deficicent Anther1 (PDA1) gene is required for post-meiotic anther development in rice, Journal Genetics Genomics, 37(1) (2010), 1-10.

7) Zhang H, Liang WQ, Yang XJ, Luo X, Jiang N, Ma H, and Zhang DB*, Carbon Starved AntherEncodes a MYB Domain Protein That Regulates Sugar Partitioning Required for Rice Pollen Development, The Plant Cell, 22(3) (2010), 672-689.

8) Zhang X, Zong J, Liu JH, Yin JY and Zhang DB*, Genome-wide analysis of WOX gene family in rice, sorghum, maize, Arabidopsis and poplar, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52 (11) (2010), 1016-1026.

9) Zhang DS, Liang WQ, Yin C, Zong J, Gu F, and Zhang DB*, OsC6, encoding a lipid transfer protein (LTP), is required for postmeiotic anther development in rice, Plant Physiology, 154(1) (2010), 149-162.

10) Shen HF, Qian BJ, Yang LT, Liang WQ, Chen WW, Liu JH, and Zhang DB*, Estimation of thehomoplasmy degree for transplastomic tobacco using quantitative real-time PCR, European Food Research and Technology, 231 (1) (2010), 143-150.

11) Liu ZH, Bao WJ, Liang WQ, Yin JY, and Zhang DB*, Identification of gamyb-4 and analysis of the regulatory role of GAMYB in rice anther development, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52(7) (2010), 670-678.

12) Gao XC, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Ji SM, Wang HM, Su X, Guo CC, Kong HZ, Xue HW, Zhang DB*, The SEPALLATA-like gene OsMADS34 is required for rice inflorescence and spikelet, Plant Physiology, 153(2) (2010), 728-740.

13) Jiang LX, Yang LT, Rao J, Guo JC, Wang S, Liu J, Lee SH, and Zhang DB*, Development and in-house validation of the event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection methods for genetically modified cotton MON15985, Journal Science Food Agriculture, 90(3) (2010), 402-408.

14) Guan XY, Guo JC, Shen P, Yang LT, and Zhang DB*, Visual and rapid detection of two genetically modified soybean events using Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification method, Food Analytical Methods, 3(4) (2010), 313-320.

15) Liu DE, Shen J, Yang LT, Zhang DB*, Evaluation of the impacts of different nuclear DNA content in the hull, endosperm, and embryo of rice seeds on GM rice quantification, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 58(8) (2010), 4582-4587.

16) Wang C, Jiang LX, Rao J, Liu YN, Yang LT, Zhang DB*, Evaluation of four genes in rice for their suitability as endogenous reference standards in quantitative PCR, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 58(22) (2010), 11543-11547.

17) Xiang Li, Kailin Shen, Litao Yang, Shu Wang, Liangwen Pan, Zhang DB*, Applicability of a novel reference molecule suitable for event-specific detections of maize NK603 based on both 5¡ˉ and 3¡ˉ flanking sequences, Food Control, 21(6) (2010), 927-934.

18) Wei JL, XuM, Zhang DB*, and Mi HL*, The role of carotenoid isomerase in maintenance of photosynthetic oxygen evolution in rice plant, Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 42(7) (2010), 457-63.


1) Yuan Z, Gao S, Xue DW, Luo D, Li LT, Ding SY, Yao X, Wilson ZA, Qian Q, and Zhang DB*, RETARDED PALEA1 (REP1) controls palea development and floral zygomorphy in rice, Plant Physiology, 149(1) (2009), 235-244.

2) Zhang DB*, and Wilson ZA, Stamen specification and anther development in rice, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(14) (2009), 2342-2353.

5) Wilson ZA*, and Zhang DB, From Arabidopsis to rice, pathways in pollen development, Journal of Experimental Botany, 60(5) (2009), 1479-1492.

6) Zong J, Yao X, Yin JY, Zhang DB* and Ma H*, Evolution of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) genes, duplications and possible losses before and after the divergence of major eukaryotic groups, Gene, 447(1) (2009), 29-39.

7) Wang S, Li X, Yang LT, Shen KL, and Zhang DB*, Development and in-house validation of a reference molecule pMIR604 for simplex and duplex event-specific identification and quantification of GM maize MIR604, European Food Research and Technology, 230(2) (2009), 239-248.

8) Liu J, Guo JC, Zhang HB, Li N, Yang LT, and Zhang DB*, Development and in-house validation of the event-specific polymerase chain reaction detection methods for genetically modified soybean MON89788 based on the cloned integration flanking sequence, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry , 57(22) (2009), 10524-10530.

9) Li X, Yang LT, Zhang JZ, Wang S, Shen KL, Pan LW, and Zhang DB*, Simplex and duplex PCR analysis of Herculex RW (59122) maize based on one reference molecule including separated fragments of 5¡ˉ integration site and endogenous gene, Journal of AOAC International, 92(5) (2009), 1472-1483.

10) Zhang HB, Yang LT, Guo JC, Li XH, Feng YM, and Zhang DB*, Simultaneous detection of Listeriamonocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157,H7 in food samples using multiplex PCR method Journal of Food Safety, 29(3) (2009), 348-363.

11) Guo JC, Yang LT, Liu X, Zhang HB, Qian BJ, and Zhang DB*, Applicability of the Chymopapain gene used as endogenous reference gene for transgenic Huanong No,1 papaya detection,Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 57(15) (2009), 6502-6509.

12) Guo JC, Yang LT, Liu X, Guan XY, Jiang LX, and Zhang DB*, Characterization of the exogenous insert and development of event-specific PCR detection methods for genetically modified Huanong No, 1 papaya, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 57(16) (2009), 7205-7212.

13) Jiang LX, Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Marco M, Van den EG, and Zhang DB*, International collaborative study of the endogenous reference gene, Sucrose Phosphate Synthase (SPS), used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified rice, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 57(9) (2009),3525-3532.

14) Qu GR, Zheng SL, Liu YM, Xie W, Wu AB, and Zhang DB*, Metal ion mediated synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers targeting tetracyclines in aqueous samples,Journal of Chromatography B, 877(27) (2009), 3187-3193.

15) Zheng SL, Song SQ, Huo L, Qu GR, Li RX, Wu AB, and Zhang DB*, A newly combined method of molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction with ELISA for rapid detection of clenbuterol in animal tissue samples, Analytical Letters, 42(3) (2009), 600-614.

16) Yang LT, Jiang LX, Shen KL, Guo JC, Rao J, Lee SH, and Zhang DB*, Event-specific Qualitative and Quantitative PCR Detection Methods for Genetically Modified Cotton MON88913, Food Safety Quality & Detection Technology, 1 (2009), 10-19.


1) Yang LT, Guo JC, Zhang HB, Liu J, and Zhang DB*, Qualitative and quantitative event-specific PCR detection methods for oxy-235 canola based on the 3' integration flanking sequence, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry , 56(6) (2008),1804-1809.

2) Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Pan LW, and Zhang DB*, International collaborative study for the endogenous reference gene, LAT52, used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified tomato, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry , 56(10) (2008), 3438-3443.

3) Dong W, Yang LT, Shen KL, Kim BH, Kleter GA, Marvin HJP, Guo R, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB*, GMDD, a database of GMO detection methods, BMC Bioinformatics, 9 (2008), 260.

4) Yang LT, Liang WQ, Jiang LX, Li WQ, Cao W, Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB*, A novel universal real-time PCR system using the attached universal duplex probes for quantitative analysis of nucleic acids,BMC Molecular Biology, 9 (2008), 54.

5) Zhang DS, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Lia N, Shi J, Wang J , Liu YM, Yu WJ, and Zhang DB*, Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is critical for aliphatic metabolism and gene regulation during rice pollen development, Molecular Plant, 1(4) (2008), 599-610.

6) Zhang HB, Yang LT, Guo JC, Jiang LX, and Zhang DB*, Development of one novel multiple-target plasmid for duplex quantitative PCR analysis of roundup ready soybean, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 56(14) (2008), 5514-5520.

7) Wu AB, Chen HD, Tang ZZ, and Zhang DB*, Synthesis of Drosophila melanogasteracetylcholinesterase gene using yeast preferred codons and its expression in Pichia pastoris, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 175(1-3) (2008), 403-405.

8) Song SQ, Wu AB, Shi XZ, Li RX, Lin ZX, and Zhang DB*, Development and application of molecularly imprinted polymers as solid-phase sorbents for erythromycin extraction, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 390(8) (2008), 2141-2150.

9) Qu GR, Wu AB, Shi XZ, Niu ZF, Xie W, and Zhang DB*, Improvement on analyte extraction by molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres toward enrofloxacin, Analytical letters, 41(8) (2008), 1443-1458.

10) Song SQ, Shi XZ, Li RX, Lin ZX, Wu AB*, and Zhang DB*, Extraction of chlorpromazine with a new molecularly imprinted polymer from pig urine, Process Biochemistry, 43(11) (2008), 1209-1214.

11) Chen HD, Zuo, XL, Tang ZZ, Wu AB, Song SP, and Zhang DB*, Fan CH, An electrochemical sensor for pesticide assays based on carbon nanotube-enhanced acetycholinesterase activity, The analyst, 133(9) (2008), 1182-1186.


1) Yang LT, Guo JC, Pan AH, Zhang HB, Zhang KW, Wang ZM, and Zhang DB*, Event-specific quantitative detection of nine genetically modified maizes using one novel standard reference molecule,Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 55(1) (2007), 15-24.

2) Shi XZ, Wu AB, Li RX, and Zhang DB*, Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres for solid-phase extraction of chloramphenicol residue in foods, Journal of Chromatography B, 850(1-2) (2007), 24-30.

3) Xu SC, Wu AB, Xu YQ, and Zhang DB*, Production of novel recombinant Drosophila melanogasteracetylcholinesterase for detection of organophosphate and carbamate insecticide residues, BiomolecularEngineering, 24(2) (2007), 253-261.

4) Shi XZ, Wu AB, Qu GR, Li RX, and Zhang DB*, Development and characterisation of molecularly imprinted polymers based on methacrylic acid for selective recognition of drugs, Biomaterials, 28(25) (2007), 3741-3749.

5) Qian BJ, Shen HF, Liang WQ, Guo XM, Zhang CM, Wang Y, Li GD, Wu AB, Cao KM, and Zhang DB*, Immunogenicity of recombinant hepatitis B virus surface antigen fused with preS1 epitopes expressed in rice seeds, Transgenic Research, 17(4) (2007), 621-631.

6) Li X, Jiang DH, Yong KL, and Zhang DB*, Varied transcriptional efficiencies of multiple ArabidopsisU6 small nuclear RNA genes, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(2) (2007), 222-229.

7) Chu HW, and Zhang DB*, The shoot apical meristem size regulated by FON4 in rice, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2(2) (2007), e1-e2.


1) Yang LT, Pan AH, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Yin CS, and Zhang DB*, Event-specific qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis for genetically modified canola T45, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 54(26) (2006), 9735-9740.

2) Liang WQ, Huang YH, Yang XH, Zhou ZA, Pan AH, Qian BJ, Huang C, Chen JX, and Zhang DB*, Oral immunization of mice with plant derived fimbrial adhesin FaeG induces systemic and mucosal K88ad enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli specific immune responses, FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 46(3) (2006), 393-399.

3) Pan AH, Yang LT, Xu SC, Yin CS, Zhang KW, Wang ZY, and Zhang DB*, Event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection of MON863 maize based upon the 3¡ˉ-transgene integration sequence,Journal of Cereal Science, 43(2) (2006), 250-257.

4) Li N, Zhang DS, Liu HS, Yin CS, Li XX, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Xu B, Chu HW, Wang J, Wen TQ, Huang H, Luo D, Ma H, and Zhang DB*, The rice Tapetum Degeneration Retardation gene is required for tapetum degradation and anther development, The Plant Cell, 18(11) (2006), 2999-3014.

5) Chu HW, Qian Q, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Tan HX, Yao X, Yuan Z, Yang J, Huang H, Luo D, Ma H, andZhang DB*, The FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER4 gene encoding a putative ortholog of Arabidopsis CLAVATA3 regulates apical meristem size in rice, Plant Physiology, 142(3) (2006), 1039-1052.

6) Li XX, Duan XP, Jiang HX, Sun YJ, Tang YP, Yuan Z, Guo JK, Liang WQ, Chen L, Wang J, Ma H, Yin JY, and Zhang DB*, Genome-Wide Analysis of Basic/Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Family in Rice and Arabidopsis, Plant Physiology, 141(4) (2006), 1167-1184.

7) Jiang DH, Yin CS, Yu AP, Zhou XF, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Xu Y, Yu QB, Wen TQ, and Zhang DB*, Duplication and expression analysis of multicopy miRNA gene family members in Arabidopsis and rice,Cell Research, 16(5) (2006), 507-518.

8) Qian BJ, Shen HF, Xiong JJ, Chen L, Zhang L, Jia JW, Wang Y, Zhang ZC, Yuan Z, Cao KM, andZhang DB*, Expression and purification of the synthetic preS1 gene of Hepatitis B Virus with preferred Escherichia coli codon preference, Protein Expression and Purification, 48(1) (2006), 74-80.[[fulltext


1) Yang LT, Pan AH, Zhang KW, Yin CS, Qian BJ, Chen JX, Huang C, and Zhang DB*, Qualitative and Quantitative PCR Methods for Event-specific Detection of Genetically Modified Cotton Mon1445 and Mon531, Transgenic Research, 14(6) (2005), 817-831.

2) Huang YH, Liang WQ, Wang YJ, Zhou ZA, Pan AH, Yang XH, Huang C, Chen JX, and Zhang DB*, Immunogenicity of the epitope of the foot and mouth disease virus fused with a hepatitis B core protein as expressed in transgenic tobacco, Viral Immunology, 18(4) (2005),668-677.

3) Yang LT, Pan AH, Zhang KW, Guo JC, Yin CS, Chen JX, Huang C, and Zhang DB*, Identification and quantification of three genetically modified insect resistant cotton lines using conventional and TaqMan real-time polymerase chain reaction methods, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 53(16) (2005), 6222-6229.

4) Yang LT, Chen JX, Huang C, Jia SR, Liu YH, Pan LW, and Zhang DB*, Validation of a cotton specific gene, Sad1, used as an endogenous reference gene in qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenic cottons, Plant Cell Reporter, 24 (4) (2005), 237-245.

5) Yang LT, Shen HF, Pan AH, Chen JX, Cheng H, and Zhang DB*, Screening and construct specific detection methods of transgenic Huafan No,1 tomato by conventional and real-time PCR, Journal of Science Food Agriculture, 85(13) (2005), 2159-2166.

6) Yang LT, Xu SC, Pan AH, Yin CS, Zhang KW, Wang ZY, Zhou ZG, and Zhang DB*, Event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection of genetically modified MON863 maize based on the 5¡ˉ-transgene integration sequence, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 53(24) (2005), 9312-9318.

7) Weng HB, Yang LT, Liu ZL, Ding JY, Pan AH, and Zhang DB*, A novel reference gene, High-mobility-group protein I/Y, can be used in qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenic rapeseeds, Journal of AOAC International, 88(2) (2005), 577-584.

8) Yang LT, Ding JY, Zhang CM, Jia JW, Weng HB, Liu WX, and Dabing Zhang*, Estimating the copy number of transgenes in transformed rice by real-time quantitative PCR, Plant Cell Reporter, 23(10-11) (2005), 759-763.

9) Yang LT, Pan AH, Jia JW, Ding JY, Chen JX, Huang C, Zhang CM, and Zhang DB*, Validation of a tomato specific gene, LAT52, used as an endogenous reference gene in qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenic tomatoes, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 53(2) (2005), 183-190.

10) Liu HS, Chu HW, Hui Li, Wang HM, Wei JL, Li N, Ding SY, Huang H, Ma H, Huang CF, Luo D, Yuan Z, Liu JH, and Zhang DB*, Genetic analysis and mapping of rice (Oryza sativa L,) male-sterile (OsMS-L) mutant, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(2) (2005) ,122-125.

11) Li H, Xu L, Wang H, Yuan Z, Cao XF, Yang ZN, Zhang DB, Xu Y, and Huang H*, The Putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase RDR6 acts synergistically with ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 to repressBREVIPEDICELLUS and MicroRNA165/166 in Arabidopsis leaf development, The Plant Cell, 17(8) (2005), 2157-2171.


1) Zhao MW, Liang WQ,Wang N, Zhang DB*, Pan YJ, and Jong SC, Analysis of sqialene synthase expression during the development of Ganaderma lucidum, Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology, 14(1) (2004), 116-120.

2) Ding JY, Jia JW, Yang LT, Wen HB, Zhang CM, Liu WX, and Zhang DB*,Validation of a rice specific gene, Sucrose Phosphate Synthase, used as the endogenous reference gene for qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenes, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, 52(11) (2004), 3372-3377.

3) Cheng H, Lu JH, Liang WQ, Huang YH, Zhang WJ, and Zhang DB*, Purification of the recombiant heptatis B virus core antigen (rHBcAg) produced in the yeast Saccaromyces cerevisiae and comparative observation of its particles by transmission eletron microscopy (TEM) and atomic microscopy (AFM),Mircon, 35(5) (2004), 311-318.

4) Weng HB, Pan AH, Yang LT, Zhang CM, Liu ZL, and Zhang DB*, Estimating transgene copy number by real-time PCR assay using HMG I/Y as an endogenous reference gene in transgenic rapeseed, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 22(3) (2004), 289-300.

5) Zhang HB, Zhang DB, Chen J, Yang YH, Huang ZJ, Huang DF, Wang XC, and Huang RF, Tomato stress-responsive factor TSRF1 interacts with ethylene responsive element GCC box and regulates pathogen resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum, Plant Molecular Biology, 55(6) (2004), 825-834.


1) Gao HW, Zhang DB, Pan AH, Liang WQ, and Liang CZ, A multiplex-PCR method for detection bovine materials in foodstuffs, Journal of AOAC International, 86(4) (2003), 764-767.

2) Huang YH, Liang WQ, Pan AH, Zhou ZA,Cheng H, Chen JX, and Zhang DB*, Production of FaeG, the major subunit of K88 fimbriae, in transgenic tobacco plants and its immunogenicity in mice, Infection and Immunity, 71(9) (2003), 5436-5439.

3) Zhang YL, Zhang DB*, Li WQ, Chen JQ, Peng YF, and Cao W, A novel real-time quantitative PCR method using attached universal template probe, Nucleic Acids Research, 31(20) (2003), e123 p1-8.


1) Meng YL, Wang YM, Zhang DB, and NII NS, Isolation of a choline monooxygenase cDNA clone from Amaranthus tricolor and its expressions under stress conditions, Cell Research, 11(3) (2001), 187-193.


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