

词条 张程华



中国科学院金属研究所 博士 教授 硕士生导师

现任 辽宁大学物理系主任、兼辽宁大学原子与辐射研究所所长









Chapters and books

1. Zhang Chenghua, et al, Principle of quantum collision, Dalian science and technology university press 1992 (chapters of 2,4,5,7)

2. Zhang Changhua, et al, General physics for normal college and university, Liaoning normal university press 1997 (mechanics parts)

3. Zhang Chenghua, et al Training of general physics for normal college and university, Jinzhou Normal University press 1998 (mechanics parts)

Journal Articles

4. Zhang Cheng-Hua, Zhang Shu-Liang, Wang Xiao-Wei and Wang Jing-Yang, Electron correlation in the final continuum of ionization hydrogen by 150-eV electron impact, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.21, No.9 (2004) 1737?1740 (in English)

5. Zhang Cheng-Hua, Qiu Wei, Xin Jun-Li and Wang Xiao-Wei, Triple differential cross section of hydrogen by electron impact at intermediate energies, Chinese Physics, No.12 (2003) 1394-04, (in English).

6. Zhang Cheng-Hua, Qiu Wei, Xin Jun-Li and Wang Xiao-Wei, The calculation of triple differential cross section of hydrogen single ionization by electron impact, Acta Physica Sinica, Vol.52,No.10,(2003)2449-04 (in Chinese).

7. Zhang Cheng-Hua, Niu Ying-Yu, Wu Wei, Wang Xiao-Wei and Wang Jing-Yang, Optimal truncation in ionization of hydrogen by electron impact, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.20, No.8 (2003) 1244?1246 (in English).

8. Zhang Cheng-Hua, Qian Wen-Jia Leng Wen-Xiu, Long Qi-Wei and Tiang En-Ke, the influence of scattering amplitude for distorted factor in Coulomb-eikonal approximation, Acta Physica Sinica, Vol.51,No.10,(2002)2225-04 (in Chinese).

9. Qiu Wei, Xin Jun-Li, Niu Ying-Yu and Zhang Cheng-Hua, Single ionization calculation of triple differential cross sections of hydrogen by electron impact, Journal of Liaoning University (Natural sciences editions), (2002) 17-19 (in Chinese).

10. C. W. Lung, J. Jiang, E. K. Tian and C. H. Zhang, Relation between fractal dimension and roughness index for fractal surfaces, Physical Review E, Vol. 60 No. 5 (1999) 5121?5125 (in English)

11. Lung Chiwei, Jiang Jian and Zhang Chenghua, The relation between the self-affinity and self-similarity of fractured surface, Progress in Physics Chemistry mechanics, No.4 (1997) 72?78 (in Chinese).

12. Chiwei Lung, Jian Jiang and Chenghua Zhang, Multirange fractal analysis on the negative correlation between fractal dimension of fractured surface and toughness of materials, Journal of materials science and technology, Vol.12 (1996) 318?320 (in English).

13. C. W. Lung, J. Jiang, E. K. Tian and C. H. Zhang, The relation between fractal dimension and roughness index for fractal surface, International Centre for theoretical physics, IC (1997) 83 (in English)

14. Zhang Chenghua, Lung Chiwei and Jiang Jian, The influence of superposition region of micro-structure scale for the fractured properties in the multi-range fractal, Materials design and processing, (1996) 185?188 (in Chinese).




按照现代物质结构观点,原子分子是构成各种具体物质的基元,物质的宏观特性最终由这些基元的微观性质决定,而后者又主要由核外电子,主要是价电子的运动规律所支配。在原子层次上的各学科中研究电子运动规律不但非常重要,而且也正好抓住了这些不同学科的基本特点。众所周知,物质中的电子运动规律由量子力学描述,按照量子力学的基本原理描述电子运动规律的两个最基本量是能级和波函数。电子和离子与原子散射的离化过程是同时得到电子的能级和波函数信息的重要手段。诺贝尔奖获得者Fukui和Hotfmanu的研究工作表明,分子层次上的相互作用动力学与原子分子的电子态结构有着直接的关系,物质的电子结构可以决定材?的物理、化学、光学和电学性质。电子动量谱和反应动力学有着十分广泛的应用前景。电子和离子与原子散射的离化过程很有希望成为研究新一代物质结构的主要方法,它在研究原子和分子结构以及纳米尺度的光、电、磁性质时显示出独特的优点。 自从20世纪60年代,国外已开始了实验和理论研究,其成果已渗透到多个学科,在国内这一研究也已取得重要进展,在理论研究方面已与世界接轨,并用约10年时间就赶上了国外已走过的40余年的发展步伐。预计不久的将来在理论研究和实际测量两方面都会有广泛的应用。





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