词条 | 曾志刚 |
释义 | 曾志刚,男,1971年6月生,教授。03年6月在华中科技大学获系统分析与集成博士学位。8月进入"中国科学技术大学自动化系控制科学与工程博士后流动站"。04年9月至12月在香港中文大学自动化与计算机辅助设计工程学系进行合作研究。05年6月至12月和06年3月至9月在香港中文大学自动化与计算机辅助设计工程学系做第二站博士后。06年12月入选教育部06年度"新世纪优秀人才支持计划" 07年9月获得"国家自然科学基金"。08年4月获得霍英东第十一届青年教师基金资助08年9月至今在华中科技大学控制科学与工程系从事教学和科研工作。 讲授课程自动控制原理 研究方向神经网络理论与应用;切换系统控制理论与应用;计算智能;动力系统稳定性;模式识别与联想记忆。 学术生涯担任过二十多个国际学术会议的程序委员会委员,出版主席等。为包括IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks;IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I;IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems –II;IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics - Part B;IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control;Automatica在内的二十四个国际学术刊物审稿。希望招收的研究生具有自动化、数学、计算机等相关专业背景。 主持基金项目(1)中国博士后科学基金:人工神经网络的收敛性及其在模式识别中的应用(2004035579)。 (2)国家自然科学基金:一种新的基于RNN簇吸引子的模式流识别方法研究(60405002)。 (3)教育部 “新世纪优秀人才支持计划” (NCET-06-0658)“基于神经网络的模式识别和联想记忆的理论研究”。 (4)国家自然科学基金:网络簇多吸引子协调切换及多目标流异联想研究(60774051)资助。 (5)霍英东第十一届青年教师基金:“基于切换网络簇多吸引子的动态灰度流记忆研究(111068)” 部分发表论文(1) Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Design and analysis of high-capacity associative memories based on a class of discrete-time recurrent neural networks,”IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1525-1536, 2008. (2) Zhigang Zeng, Pei Yu and Xiaoxin Liao, “A new comparison method for stability theory of differential systems with time-varying delays,” International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, Vol.18, No. 1, pp. 169-186, 2008. (3)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Pattern memory analysis base on stability theory of cellular neural networks,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.32, No.1, pp.112-121, 2008. (4)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Analysis and design of associative memories based on recurrent neural networks with linear saturation activation functions and time-varying delays,” Neural Computation, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 2149-2182, 2007. (5)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Global exponential stability of recurrent neural networks with time- varying delays in the presence of strong external stimuli,” Neural Networks, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1528-1537, 2006. (6)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Multiperiodicity of discrete-time delayed neural networks evoked by periodic external inputs,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, (Regular Papers), Vol. 17, No.5, pp. 1141-1151,2006. (7)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Improved conditions for global exponential stability of recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, (Regular Papers), Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 623-635,2006. (8)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Complete stability of cellular neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 944-955,2006. (9)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Multiperiodicity and exponential attractivity evoked by periodic external inputs in delayed cellular neural networks,” Neural Computation, Vol. 18, No.4, pp.848-870, 2006. (10)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Global stability of a general class of discrete-time recurrent neural networks,” Neural Processing Letters, Vol.22, No.1, pp.33-47, 2005. (11)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Global asymptotic stability and global exponential stability of neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, Vol.52, No.3, pp.168-173, 2005. (12)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Memory pattern analysis of cellular neural network,” Physics Letters A, Vol.342, No.1-2, pp.114–128, 2005. (13)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Stability analysis of delayed cellular neural networks described using cloning templates,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers. Vol.51, No.11, pp.2313-2324, 2004. (14)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Attractability and location of equilibrium point of cellular neural networks with time-varying delays,” International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp.337-345, 2004. (15)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Global exponential stability of neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.50, No.10, pp.1353-1358, 2003. 中共江西省委党校副校长曾志刚,男,1963年10月生,江西抚州市(临川区)人,中共党员,江西大学哲学系马列基础理论专业、中共江西省委党校党建专业毕业,研究生学历,教授,现任中共江西省委党校(江西行政学院)副校(院)长,协助常务副校(院)长分管教务处、干部培训一处、干部培训二处、哲学教研部、经济学教研部、科学社会主义(政治学)教研部、中共党史和党的建设教研部、法学教研部、公共管理学教研部、工商管理学教研部、现代科技教研部、文史教研部、外语教研部、研究生部的工作。 |
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