

词条 abe


ABE(Agent Booking Engine ActiveX Objects民航订座引擎开发接口),是用于ASP 或 ASP.NET 开发人员编写通过中航信网关系统或IBE接口访问中航信CRS系统,实现航班可利用状态查询、国内运价查询、订座、取消订座功能的ActiveX服务端控件。该控件很好的封装了CE和PE通讯协议和中航信主机通讯协议(Uniscope),通过将订座有关指令(AV、FD、SS、XEPNR)封装成对象,通过简单的接口形式为ASP 或 ASP.NET 开发人员最大限度的提供了灵活、简单的方法实现在CRS系统上查询、预订、取消预定功能。



英国工商管理协会The Association of Business Executives (ABE)是由英国政治家、工商企业家、和教育家于1973年发起成立的非赢利性教育机构,在全球有70多个国家的500多所授权学院从事协会的各专业证书或文凭的教育培训。其宗旨是通过教育实践,开办实用性的管理课程,使学员成为工商企业界的中高端实用型的管理人才。更多资讯,请浏览英国总部网站 http://www.abeuk.com 或英国文化协会网站http://www.britishcouncil.org, 或者中文网站http://www.abecn.org

Association of Business Executives (ABE)

A group of politicians, educators and businessmen founded ABE in 1973. We remain specialists in business qualifications to enhance the intellectual, social and economic development of individuals and communities through the provision of relevant, high-quality, affordable qualifications. We now have colleges, students and members in more than 500 credited and/or authorized colleges/universities over 70 countries. For more information, please kindly go to http://www.abeuk.com or http://www.britishcouncil.org , or http://www.abecn.org


Tens of thousands of graduate members of ABE programmes are from all over the world. Some of them work in public sectors, some others are CEO or directors of multinational corporations, yet others are senior educators in higher education organizations, we have also students who work in international star-hotels as managers, etc. Their achievements have justified our successful education and add a lot to ABE development.


ABE offers certificates, diplomas, and advance diplomas covering streams like business administration, business information systems, travel, tourism and hospitality, financial management, etc. that are internationally recognized. ABE diplomas are accepted by more than 100 universities all over the world such as Oxford Brookes University, University of Bath, Coventry University, University of Sunderland, Leeds Metropolitan University, University of California, University of Hawaii, University of Toronto, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, etc. Advanced diploma holders could enter directly the final year degree programmes or MBA programmes if with some working experience. The overseas schools that accept ABE awards are recognized by China’s Ministry of Education. For more information, kindly go to http://www.jsj.edu.cn.


Employer Endorsement – ABE qualifications are now developed in consultation with UK Sector Skills Councils or Standards Setting Bodies – these are not-for-profit organisations which link education to industry requirements. For example, in developing the new Business Management qualifications, endorsement was received from the Management Standards Centre www.management-standards.org, the Government recognised standards setting body for the management and leadership sector. Due to the high marketability of ABE graduates, ABE awards are reconised also as international “Employment Pass”. Students who select to study ABE programmes will have more competitive advantages in both career development and further study.


ABE : Acute Bacterial Endocarditis 急性细菌性心内膜炎

ABE : actual base excess 实际碱剩余

ABE : Association of Business Executives 协会的生意人

Abe : Abraham 亚伯

abe : abequose 马流产菌糖

ABE : Association of Building Engineers 建筑工程师协会

ABE : Automated Buyer Environment (Canadian Government software) 自动化的买家环境(加拿大政府软件)

ABE : American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work 美国董事会考官的临床社会工作

ABE : Automated Benefits Exchange (System) 自动化的利益交换系统

ABE : Acorn Banner Exchange (web group) 橡子广告交换(网络组)

ABE : AMA Business Education 一位商业教育的计划

ABE : Adult Basic Education 成人基础教育

ABE : Automated Barcode Evaluator 自动化的条码评估师

ABE : Army Budget Estimate 军队预算问题

ABE : Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Launching & Recovering Equipment; USN Rating) 航空额外的水手长伴侣(启动、回收设备;舰钩挂等级)

ABE : Assistant Brigade Engineer 工程师助理之旅

ABE : Advanced Billing Engine 先进的结算的引擎

ABE : Allentown, PA, USA - Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Airport (Airport Code) 为此蜂拥而至,美国- Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton机场(机场代码)

ABE : Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis (German: general operating permit) 德语:包括Betriebserlaubnis一般操作允许

ABE:基于属性加密,attribute encryption

ABE:Agricultural Biological Engineer 生物农业工程师





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