词条 | 袁隆平论文集 |
释义 | 基本信息出版社: 科学出版社; 第1版 (2010年9月1日) 精装: 585页 正文语种: 简体中文, 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787030285706 条形码: 9787030285706 产品尺寸及重量: 26.4 x 19.2 x 3 cm ; 1.5 Kg ASIN: B0041F6UAE 内容简介《袁隆平论文集》是从袁隆平院士从事杂交水稻技术研发40多年间发表的杂交水稻研究文章和在国际会议及活动的报告中选择并结集出版的中、英文论文集。全书共分三个部分:中、英对照论文及译文,英文论文及报告,部分论文英文摘要选登。共计各类文章83篇,摘要30篇。所收录的论文与报告基本按发表的先后顺序编排,为袁隆平院士在杂交水稻研发各个时期所形成的重要文献,涉及杂交水稻育种、栽培、基础研究、示范推广等各技术体系的研究理念、攻关思路、重大进展与未来展望的策略与战略性论述,集中展现了杂交水稻学的综合全貌与主要内容。 《袁隆平论文集》可供国内外农学界,尤其是水稻研究和杂种优势利用研究领域的专家、学者,广大农业技术应用与推广人员,农业大专院校师生,以及对杂交水稻有兴趣者阅读与参考。 目录序 自序 前言 Preface 第一部分 中、英对照论文及译文 1 水稻的雄性不孕性 2 A Preliminary Report on Male Sterility in Rice, Oryza sativa L 3 利用野败育成水稻三系的情况汇报 4 A Report on Development of Three Lines in Hybrid Rice through Wild Abortive 5 杂交水稻制种和高产的关键技术 6 Key Techniques for Hybrid Seed Production and Hybrid Cultivation in Rice 7 杂交水稻培育的实践和理论 8 Practice and Theory of Hybrid Rice Breeding 9 杂交水稻育种的程序 10 Organization of a Hybrid Rice Breeding Program 11杂交水稻新组合威优64 12 Weiyou 64.a New Hybrid Rice Combination 13 杂交水稻研究的现状与展望 14 Status of Hybrid Rice Research and Development 15 中国的杂交水稻 16 Hybrid Rice in China 17 杂交水稻在国内外的发展近况 18 Recent Development of Hybrid Rice in and outside China 19 杂交水稻超高产育种探讨 20 A Discussion on the Breeding of Super-high-yielding Hybrid Rice 21 杂交水稻育种的战略设想 22 Strategies of the Development of Hybrid Rice Breeding 23 水稻广亲和系的选育 24 Breeding for Wide Compatibility Rice Lines 25 利用无融合生殖改良作物的潜力 26 The Potential Use of Apomixis in Crop Improvement 27 水稻无融合生殖研究的新进展 28 New Progresses on Rice Apomixis Research 29 “无融合生殖”水稻84-15还有待科学验证 30 Rice Line 84-15 as an Apomictic Material Needs Scientific Evidence 31 水稻广谱广亲和系的选育策略 32 A Strategy for Developing Wide Spectrum Compatibility Rice Lines 33 选育水稻光、温敏核不育系的技术策略 34 Technical Strategies to Breed for Temperature-and Photoperiod-genic-male Sterile Rice(TGMS,PGMS) 35 水稻光、温敏不育系的提纯和原种生产 36 Purification and Production of Foundation Seed of Rice PGMS and TGMS Lines 37 选育水稻亚种问杂交组合的策略 38 Breeding Strategies for Development of Intersubspecific Hybrid Rice 39 两系法杂交水稻研究的进展 40 Progress of Two-line System Hybrid Rice Breeding 41 两系法杂交水稻研究 42 Studies on Two-line System Hybrid Rice 43 野生稻中拥有可以显著提高水稻产量的基因 44 Genes from Wild Rice Improve Yield 45 从育种角度展望我国水稻的增产潜力 46 Prospects of Rice Yield Potential from the View Point of Plant Breeding 47 我国两系法杂交水稻研究的形势、任务和发展前景 48 Current Status,Objectives and Prospects of Research and Development of Two-line Hybrid Rice 49 农作物两系法杂种优势利用的现状与前景 50 Exploiting Crop Heterosis by Two.1ine System Hybrids:Current Status and Future Prospects 51 杂交水稻超高产育种 52 Hybrid Rice Breeding for Super High Yield 53 杂交水稻选育的回顾、现状与展望 54 Retrospect,Current Status and Outlook of Hybrid Rice Breeding 55 超级杂交水稻育种研究的进展 56 Progress in Breeding Super Hybrid Rice 57 水稻强化栽培体系 58 漫长之路 第二部分 英文论文及报告 59 Hybrid Rice Breeding in China(A) 60 Prospects and Suggestions for Development of Hybrid Rice Technology in India 61 Hybrid Rice Breeding Consultancy for 1992 62 Development and Use of Hybrid Rice Technology in India 63 Increasing Yield Potential in Rice by Exploitation of Heterosis 64 Advantages of and Constraints to Use of Hybrid Rice Variety 65 Hybrid Rice Breeding in China(B) 66 Identification of Trait-improving Quantitative Trait Loci Alleles From a Wild Rice Relative.Oryza rufipogon 67 Hybrid Rice Development and Use:Innovative Approach and Challenges 68 Hybrid Rice:Genetics,Breeding and Seed Production 69 Recent Progress in the Development of Hybrid Rice in China 70 Research and Development of Hybrid Rice in China 71 Hybrid Rice Technology for Food Security in the World 72 Future Outlook on Hybrid Rice Research and Development in China 73 The Second Generation of Hybrid Rice in China 74 Recent Progress in Breeding Super Hybrid Rice in China 75 A Draft Sequence of the Rice Genome(Oryza sativa L-ssp-indica) 76 Preliminary Experiences on SRI for Growing Super Hybrid Rice 77 Development of Hybrid Rice in China 78 Hybrid Rice Technology for Food Security in the World 79 Developments in Super Hybrid Rice:Achievements and Prospects 80 The Genomes of Oryza sativa:A History of Duplications 81 A Transeriptomie Analysis of Super Hybrid Rice LYP9 and Its Parents 82 Hybrid Rice Technology Development 83 Development of Hybrid Rice for Food Security in the World 第三部分 部分论文英文摘要选登 |
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