词条 | 奥利夫布莱斯托夫 |
释义 | 奥利夫布莱斯托夫 挪威画家,代表作:《挪威的山川》 作者名称:Olav Brystorp (1842-1904) 奥利夫 布莱斯托夫 (1842-1904) 作品名称:Seascape with mountains in Norway 挪威的山川 规格:Oil on canvas 68*105 cm 油布画 68*105厘米 国籍:Norway 挪威 画家签名 : O. Brystorp The artist was born in the norwegian city of Bergen in 1822. Already in early years when he discovered art-painting as his talented passion, he decided to focus on landscapes in the countries of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) He became very famous in these countries because of the impressive view of the giantic mountains of the norwegian alps called Lofotias. The mountains seem unreal to those people who never been to the northern part of Norway. But these Mountains, called Fjords are as realitic as seen on the artwork. The wooden house on the left is typical. Brystorp died in 1886 at the age of 64 because of an accident while he slipped during a hicking tour and broke his negg. Today his paintings can be seen in the art-museums of Bergen-Norway, Stockholm-Sweden, and Kopenhagen-Denmark. The attached painting is in the art-museum, Bergen 画家于1822年出生在挪威西南部港口城市卑尔根市。早年他激情的进行绘画创作,主要在斯堪的纳维亚的乡村进行风景画的创作。他在这些地区非常出名,他所画的挪威的阿尔卑斯山非常宏伟。山川让那些没有去过挪威北部的人看上去感觉非常虚幻,但却真实的出现在绘画作品中。木屋在画面左侧是他的代表特征。奥利夫 布莱斯托夫死于1886年,享年64死。他的死因是去乡下旅行时不幸意外摔伤所制。 现在他的画收藏在挪威的卑尔根市艺术馆,瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,和丹麦的哥本哈根的博物馆 |
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