词条 | 姚树洁 |
释义 | 个人资料姓名: 姚树洁性别:男 生日:1959年1月1日 星座:魔蝎座 籍贯:广东揭阳 个人简介广东省揭阳市试验区渔湖镇仙阳村人。毕业于海南大学,诺丁汉大学当代中国学学院院长,经济学教授,著名华裔经济学家, 西安交通大学特聘讲座教授, 全英中国专业团体联和会副主席,联合国开发计划署和世界银行经济顾问, 到过20个亚非欧国家工作。 学习和工作经历1985年到英国曼彻斯特大学攻读硕士学位,后获得了曼大的全额奖学金继续攻读博士学位,18个月就完成了博士论文。1989年5月到牛津大学工作,作为世界银行和联合国开发计划署的经济顾问前后到过纳米比亚、埃塞俄比亚、坦桑尼亚、南非、斯威士兰等国家工作,随后到朴次茅斯大学经济系任教。2001年3月到伦敦米德尔赛克斯大学任经济系主任和教授,2005年1月任西安交通大学特聘教授。 学术成就已出版10部专著,在Journal of Political Economy、Journal of Comparative Economics、World Economy、China Quarterly、 Journal of Development Studies、China Economic Review等国际期刊上发表审稿文章90余篇,在《亚洲经济文献期刊》的排名中姚树洁教授被列在中国经济问题研究专家的第八位。 代表性论文·DAN, LUO, SHUJIE, YAO, JIAN, CHEN and JIANLING, WANG, 2011. Financial crisis and the rise of China’s state-owned banking sector: a DEA and FSA analysis, The World Economy, 34(5), 805-825. ·YAO, S. and ZHANG, J., 2011. On Economic Theory and Recovery of Financial Crisis The World Economy. 34(5), 764-777 ·YAO, S. and ZHANG, J., 2011. World Financial Crisis and Implications for China. In: ARESTIS, P., SOBREIRA, R. and OREIRO, J.L., An Assessment of the Global Impact of the Financial Crisis Palgrave Macmillian. 182-208 ·SUTHERLAND, D. and YAO, S., 2011. Income inequality in China over 30 years of reforms Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 4(1), 91-105 ·YAO, SHUJIE, GENFU, FENG and CHUNXIA, JIANG, 2011. 姚树洁,冯根福,姜春霞, 中国银行业效率分析,1995-08. 《经济研究》(Economic Research Journal), 第8期,第1-14页. ·GREENAWAY, DAVID, CHRIS, MILNER and SHUJIE YAO, 2010. China and the World Economy Palgrave (Basingstoke, UK; New York, USA; 250 pages), ISBN 978-0-230-52152-0.. ·YAO. S., SUTHERLAND, D. and CHEN, J., 2010. China's Outward FDI and Resource-Seeking Strategy: A Case Study on Chinalco and Rio Tinto Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics. 17(3), 313-326 ·WU, BIN AND SHUJIE, YAO, 2010. Openness of the Chinese Society after Three Decades of Reforms, Guest Editors Journal of Contemporary China. 19(67), 799-854 ·YAO, SHUJIE, BIN, WU, FANG, SU and AND JIANLING, WANG, 2010. Journal of Contemporary China. 19(67), 837-54 ·YAO, SHUJIE, BIN, WU, S. MORGAN and AND D. SUTHERLAND, 2010. Sustainable reform and development in post-Olympic China RoutledgeCurzon (Oxford, New York, 244 pages), ISBN: 978-0-415-55956-0.. ·YAO, SHUJIE, ZHONGWEI, HAN and AND DAN, LUO, 2010. Efficiency Analysis of the Insurance Industry in China under Economic Reforms Edward Elgar (300 pages, ISBN 9781847203816).. ·YAO, SHUJIE and DAN, LUO, 2010. World financial crisis and emergence of Chinese commercial banks Applied Financial Economics. 20(19), 1515-30 ·YAO, SHUJIE, DAN, LUO and STEPHEN, MORGAN, 2010. Impact of the US credit crunch and housing market crisis on China Journal of Contemporary China. 19(64), 401-17 ·YAO, SHUJIE and DAN, LUO AND STEPHEN, MORGAN, 2010. Bank share prices and stock market integration in Greater China Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 15(4), 388-95 ·YAO, SHUJIE and DAN LUO, 2009. The economic psychology of stock market bubbles in China The World Economy. 32(5), 667-91 ·WEI, KAILEI and SHUJIE, YAO AND AYING, LIU, 2009. Foreign direct investment and regional inequality in China Review of Development Economics. 13(4), 778-91 ·YAO, SHUJIE and DYLAN, SUTHERLAND, 2009. Chinalco and Rio Tinto: A long march for China’s national champions China Quarterly. 199(September), 829-36 ·YAO, SHUJIE, CHUNXIA, JIANG and ZONGYI, ZHANG, 2009. The effect of governance changes on bank efficiency in China: a stochastic distance function approach: China Economic Review 20(2), 183-92 ·LEI, CHUN KWOK and SHUJIE, YAO, 2009. Economic convergence of greater China RoutledgeCurzon (Oxford, New York, 234 pages), ISBN10: 0-415-43581-1; ISBN13: 978-0-415-43581-9.. ·YAO, SHUJIE and STEPHEN MORGAN, 2008. On the new economic policies promoted by the 17th CCP Congress in China The World Economy. 31(9), 1129-40 ·LEI, CHUN KWOK AND SHUJIE, YAO, 2008. On income convergence among China, Hong Kong and Macau The World Economy.. 31(3), 345-366 ·YAO, SHUJIE, CHUN KWOK, LEI and GENFU, FENG, 2008. On the economic convergence of China, Hong Kong and Macau, 《经济研究》, 2008年第10期,第80-92页. ·YAO, SHUJIE and ZHONGWEI, HAN AND GENFU, FENG, 2008. Ownership reform, foreign competition and efficiency of Chinese commercial banks. A non-parametric approach The World Economy. 31(10), 1310-21. ·YAO, SHUJIE, C. JIANG, G. FENG and D. WILLENBOCKEL, 2007. On the efficiency of Chinese banks and WTO challenges Applied Economics. 39(5), 629-643 ·YAO, SHUJIE and ZHONGWEI, HAN AND GENFU, FENG, 2007. On technical efficiency of Chinese insurance industry, a DEA approach China Economic Review. 18(1), 66-86 ·YAO, SHUJIE and ZHONGWEI, HAN, 2007. On technical efficiency of Chinese insurance industry, a DEA approach China Economic Review. 18(1), 66-86 ·YAO, S. and WEI, K., 2007. Economic growth in the presence of FDI: the perspective of newly industrialising economies Journal of Comparative Economics. 35(1), 211-234 ·YAO, SHUJIE and KAILEI, WEI, 2007. FDI and regional economic growth in China Applied Economics Letters. 15, 887–891 ·YAO, SHUJIE AND KAILEI, WEI, 2007. Economic growth in the present of FDI from a newly industrializing economy’s perspective Journal of Comparative Economics. 1 ·YAO, SHUJIE and KAILEI, WEI, 2007. On economic growth, FDI and exports in China, 《中国经济学季刊》, 2007 年, 第10期. ·YAO, SHUJIE and GENFU, GENG AND KAILEI, WEI, 2006. FDI and Regional Economic Growth in China, Economic Research Journal 《经济研究》, 2006 年12 月, 第35-46页. ·WU, Z and SHUJIE, YAO, 2006. On Unemployment Inflow and Outflow in Urban China Regional Studies. 40(8), 811-822 ·YAO, S., 2006. On economic growth, FDI and exports in China Applied Economics. 38(3), 339-351 ·YAO, SHUJIE, GENFU FENG and ZAIYANG LI, 2006. On the Efficiency and Standardization Formation Mechanism of the Information Industries China Industrial Economy, 《中国工业经济》. 23(1), 15-26 ·YAO, SHUJIE, GENFU FENG and KAILEI WEI, 2006. FDI and Regional Economic Growth in China Economic Research Journal 《经济研究》. ·YAO, SHUJIE, J and CHEN, 2006. Globalisation, competition and growth in China RoutledgeCurzon. ·YAO, SHUJIE and KAILEI WEI, 2006. Economic growth in the present of FDI from a newly industrializing economy’s perspective In: International Conference on economic development of China. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2005. Assessment of science and technological development in China In: international conference on China-EU relationship. ·YAO, SHUJIE, GENFU FENG and YAJUN MA, 2005. Empirical Analysis on the Assurance Behaviour of Listed Chinese Companies China Industrial Economy, 《中国工业经济》. 22(3), 13-21 ·YAO, SHUJIE and KAILEI, WEI, 2005. FDI and regional economic growth in China In: International Conference on economic development of China. ·YAO, SHUJIE, Z. ZHANG and G. FENG, 2005. Rural-urban and regional inequality in output, income and consumption in China under economic reforms Journal of Economic Studies. 32(1), 2-24 ·YAO, S., 2005. Economic growth, income distribution and poverty reduction in contemporary China London: RoutledgeCurzon. ·YAO, SHUJIE, G. FENG, A. LIU and G. FU, 2005. On China’s rural and agricultural development after WTO accession Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. 3(1), 59-78 ·YAO, SHUJIE, GENFU FENG and ZHONGWEI HAN, 2005. Efficiency Analysis of the Chinese Insurance Industry Economic Research Journal 《经济研究》. 40(7), 56-65 ·YAO, SHUJIE, ZONGYI ZHANG and LIN SONG, 2005. Openness and Economic Performance: A Comparative Study of the NIEs in Asia Journal of Xian Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 《西安交通大学学报,社科版》. 3, 4-16 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2005. Economic transition and the decline of agricultural production in Estonia Journal of International Development. 17, 495-509 ·YAO, SHUJIE and ZHONGMIN WU, 2004. Inflows and Outflows of Urban Unemployment in China Labor Economics 《中国劳动经济学》. 1(1), 93-107 ·YAO, SHUJIE, Z. ZHANG and L. HANMER, 2004. The implications of growing inequality on Poverty reduction in China China Economic Review. 15, 145-63 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2004. Urban unemployment and poverty, a case study of Guangzhou and Tianjin Journal of International Development. 16(1), 171-88 ·YAO, SHUJIE, GENFU FENG and CHUNXIA JIANG, 2004. Efficiency Analysis of the Chinese Commercial Banks Economic Research Journal 《经济研究》. 39(8), 4-15 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2004. Technical efficiency of Chinese commercial banks In: ASSA (Allied Social Sciences Association) annual conference. ·WU, Z and SHUJIE, YAO, 2003. Inter-migration and intra-migration in China, a theoretical and empirical analysis, China Economic Review. 14, 371-85 ·YAO, SHJIE, 2003. Inter-regional migration in China In: ASSA annual conference. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2003. Economic Growth Poverty Reduction in China Journal of Modern Economic Sciences, 《当代经济科学》. 1, 4-15 ·YAO, SHUJIE, A. BHALLA and Z. ZHANG, 2003. Causes of inequality in China 1952-99 Journal of International Development. 15(3), 1-17 ·YAO, SHUJIE and Z. ZHANG, 2003. Openness and economic performance, a comparative study of China and the East Asian newly industrialised economies Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. 1(1), 71-96 ·YAO, SHUJIE AND XIAMING LIU, ed., 2003. Sustainable economic development in China into the 21th century RoutledgeCurzon. ·YAO, SHJIE, A. BHALLA and Z. ZHANG, 2002. Regional economic performance in China, Economics of Transition Economics of Transition. 11(1), 29-39 ·ZHANG, Z and SHUJIE, YAO, 2002. Financial deepening and economic development in China Asian Pacific Business Review. 8(3), 63-76 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2002. Economic growth, income distribution and poverty reduction in China In: ASSA annual conference. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2002. China’s rural economy in the first decade of the 21st century: problems and growth constraints China Economic Review. 13(4), 354-60 ·YAO, SHUJIE and Z. ZHANG, 2002. Economic growth and diverging clubs: a case study of the Chinese regions Applied Economics Letters. 9, 833-836 ·YAO, SHUJIE, A. LIU and Z. ZHANG, 2001. Convergence of China’s Regional Incomes: 1952-97 China Economic Review. 12, 243-58 ·YAO, SHUJIE, Z. LIU and Z. ZHANG, 2001. Spatial differences of grain production efficiency in China Economics of Planning. 34, 139-157 ·YAO, SHUJIE and Z. ZHANG, 2001. Regional growth in China under economic reforms Journal of Development Studies. 38(2), 167-86 ·YAO, S. and ZHANG, Z., 2001. On regional inequality and diverging clubs: a case study of contemporary China Journal of Comparative Economics. 29(3), 466-484 ·ZHANG, Z and SHUJIE, YAO, 2001. Regional Inequalities in Contemporary China Measured by GDP and Consumption Economic Issues. 6(2), 13-29 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2001. Economic growth and regional divergence in China In: ASSA annual conference. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2000. How important is agriculture in China’s economic growth? Oxford Development Studies. 28(1), 33-50 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2000. Understanding China’s regional inequality In: international conference on China’s first rural census. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 2000. Economic development and poverty alleviation in China under economic reforms Economic Development and Cultural Change. 48(3), 447-474 ·YAO, SHUJIE and A. LIU, 2000. Policy analysis in a general equilib¬rium framework Journal of Policy Modeling. 22(5), 589-610 ·COOK, S., SHUJIE, YAO, J and ZHUANG, 2000. Chinese Economy under Transition Macmillan Press. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1999. Efficiency impact of government policy on agricultural production in the presence of externality Journal of Environmental Management. 55, 57-67 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1999. On the causal factors of the China’s famine during 1959-61 Journal of Political Economy. 107(6-1), 1365-1372 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1999. On the decomposition of the Gini coefficient by population class and income source: a spreadsheet approach Applied Economics. 34, 1249-1264 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1999. Economic growth, income inequality and poverty in China under economic reforms Journal of Development Studies. 35(6), 104-130 ·YAO, SHUJIE and A. LIU, 1999. On the measurement of spatial differentials in economic growth: an application of a shift share method for China in 1985-94 Applied Economics Letters. 6, 231-34 ·YAO, SHUJIE, A. LIU and Z. ZHANG, 1999. Multi-stages and multi-tiers economic growth in the Chinese regions under economic reforms Economics of Planning. 32(1), 1-20 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1998. Rice production in Thailand seen through a policy analysis matrix Food Policy. 22(6), 547-560 ·YAO, SHUJIE and L. ZHU, 1998. Understanding income inequality in China, a multi-angle perspective Economics of Planning. 31(2-3), 133-150 ·COLLINS, A. and SHUJIE, YAO, 1998. On the innovative activity over the business cycle: a note Applied Economics Letters. 5, 785-788 ·YAO, SHUJIE and J. LIU, 1998. Economic reforms and spatial income inequality in China Regional Studies. 32(8), 735-746 ·YAO, SHUJIE and A. LIU, 1998. The determinants of grain production and technical inefficiencies in China, 1985-94 Journal of Agricultural Economics. 49(2), 171-184 ·COLLINS, A, A and LIU AND SHUJIE, YAO, 1998. A multi-objective and multi-design evaluation procedure for environmental protection forestry Environmental and Resource Economics. 12, 225-240 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1997. Decomposition of Gini coefficients by income factor: a new approach and application Applied Economics Letters. 4, 27-71 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1997. A modified matrix for policy analysis on production diversification for the Thai agriculture Applied Economics Letters. 3, 215-218 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1997. Comparative Advantage and Crop Diversification: A Policy Analysis Matrix for Thai Agriculture Journal of Agricultural Economics. 48(2), 211-222 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1997. Profit sharing, bonus payment, and productivity: A case study of Chinese state-owned enterprises Journal of Comparative Economics. 24, 281-296 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1997. Industrialization and Spatial Income Inequality in Rural china, 1986-92, The Economics of Transition. 5(1), 97-112 ·YAO, SHUJIE and J. LIU, 1996. Decomposition of Gini Coefficients by Class: A new approach, Applied Economics Letters. 3, 115-119 ·LIU, A., SHUJIE, YAO and R. GREENER, 1996. Trade Liberalization in a CGE Framework for the Philippines Economic Systems Research. 8(1), 1-13 ·YAO, SHUJIE, A. LIU and R. GREENER, 1996. A CGE Model of Agricultural Policy Reform in the Philippines Journal of Agricultural Economics. 47(1), 18-27 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1996. Sectoral cointegration, structural break and agriculture’s role in the Chinese economy 1952-92: a VAR approach Applied Economics. 28, 1269-79 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1996. Determinants of Cereal crop productivity of the Peasant Farm Sector in Ethiopia, 1981-1987 Journal of International Development. 8(1), 69-82 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1995. Problems and Prospects of Grain Production in China' Oxford Agrarian Studies. 23(1), 29-43 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1995. Does Profit-sharing Work in a Centrally-planned Economy? evidence from the Chinese state industries' Applied Economics Letters. 2, 126-29 ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1994. Cointegration Analysis and Sectoral Linkage between Agriculture and Non-agricultural Sectors Applied Economics Letters. 1, 227-229 ·HAY, D., D, MORRIS, G, LIU and SHUJIE, YAO, 1994. Economic Reform and State-owned Enterprises in China 1979-87 Oxford University Press. ·YAO, SHUJIE, 1994. Agricultural Reform and Grain Production in China Macmillan Press. ·YAO, SHUJIE, J. BEYNON and S. JONES, 1992. Market reform and private trade in Eastern and Southern Africa Food Policy. 17(6), 399-408 ·YAO, SHUJIE and R. HAY, 1991. Food Market Liberalization in the Developing Countries: history and prospects Oxford Agrarian Studies. 19(2), 73-90 ·YAO, SHUJIE and D. COLMAN, 1990. Chinese Agricultural Policy and the Grain Problem Oxford Agrarian Studies. 18(1), 23-35 ·YAO, SHUJIE and D. COLMAN, 1990. Impact of Chinese Agricultural Policies upon the Patterns of Specialization in Grain Production: an Application of a Quadratic Spatial Equilibrium Model in the Chinese Grain Sector Oxford Agrarian Studies. 18(2), 81-96 ·YAO, SHUJIE AND KAILEI, WEI, Economic growth in the presence of FDI: the perspective of newly industrializing economies Applied Economics Letters. 15, 887–891. |
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