

词条 杨永辉



中文名: 杨永辉

别名: 笔名凌翔

籍贯: 广东

出生地: 广东信宜

性别: 男

民族: 汉族国籍: 中国

出生年月: 1953年

所处时代: 现代

职业: 文学 作家

政党: 中共党员

成就: 报告文学《代价》获全国报纸副刊好作品三等奖,《情牵边关》、《钱木大爹》等作品获中国新闻奖、广州军区、广东省、湖南省优秀作品奖。1996年获广东省新闻人才最高奖——金枪奖,1998年被评为全国抗洪模范,2004年被评为“全国百佳新闻工作者”。 重要事件: 1973年开始发表作品 享受政府特殊津贴 1998年加入中国作家协会。









1987年获北京林业大学农学学士学位,2002年获日本千叶大学博士学位。1987年-2000年初在中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所工作,历任研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员、研究员,1993-1994年在英国陆地生态研究所从事客座研究,1995-1997年间担任所外事秘书,1998年-2000年初担任农业资源与生态工程研究室主任。于2000-2005年在日本国立环境研究所从事研究工作,任日本科技厅特别研究员、NIES FELLOW。





1. Yukun Hu, Juana Paul Moiwo, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, 2010, Agricultural water-saving and sustainable groundwater management in Shijiazhuang Irrigation District, North China Plain, Journal of Hydrology, 393: 219-232. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.017.

2. Jing Fan, Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Guoyu Qiu, 2010, Quantifying the magnitude of the impact of climate change and human activity on runoff decline in Mian River Basin, China, Water Science and Technology, 62(4): 783-791. doi:10.2166/wst.2010.294.

3. Moiwo JP, Yonghui Yang*, Huilong Li, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, 2010, Impact of water resource exploitation on the hydrology and water storage in Baiyangdian Lake, Hydrological Processes, 3026-3039. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7716.

4. Yanmin Yang, Yonghui Yang*, Juana Paul Moiwo, Yukun Hu, 2010, Estimation of irrigation requirement for sustainable water resources reallocation in North China, Agricultural Water Management, 97(11), 1711-1721.

5. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Juana P. Moiwo, Guoyu Qiu, 2010, Determination of the period of major runoff decline and related driving factors in Ye River Basin, North China, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 1(2):154-163.

6. Shaohua Zhao, Yonghui Yang, Guoyu Qiu, Qiming Qin, Yunjun Yao, Yujiu Xiong, 2010, Remote detection of bare soil moisture using a surface-temperature- based soil evaporation transfer coefficient, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 12(5): 351-358. Doi:10.1016/j.jag.2010.04.007.

7. Zhao Na, Yonghui Yang*, Xinyao Zhou, 2010, Application of geographically weighted regression in estimating the effect of climate and site conditions on vegetation distribution in Haihe Catchment, Plant Ecology, 209:349-359. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-010-9769-y.

8. Moiwo JP, Wenxi Lu, Yongsheng Zhao, Yonghui Yang, Yanmin Yang, 2010, Impact of land use on distributed hydrological processes in the semi-arid wetland ecosystem of Western Jilin, Hydrological Processes, 24(4): 492-503. Doi: 10.1002/hyp.7503.

9. YonghuiYang, Fei Tian, 2009, Abrupt change of runoff and its major driving factors in Haihe River Catchment, China, Journal of Hydrology, 374: 373-383. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.040.

10. Yonghui Yang, Na Zhao, Yukun Hu, Xinyao Zhou, 2009, Effect of wind speeds on sunshine hours in three cities in northern China, Climate Research. 39: 149-157. Doi: 10.3354/cr00820.

11. Yonghui Yang, Na Zhao, Xiaohua Hao, Chunqiang Li,2009,Decreasing trend in sunshine hours and related driving forces in North China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,97: 91-98. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-008-0049-x

12. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, 2009. Using runoff slope-break to determine dominate factors of runoff decline in Hutuo River Basin, North China. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 60(8): 2135-2144.

13. Moiwo JP, Yonghui Yang*, Han SM, Hu YK, 2009, Comparison of GRACE with in situ hydrological measurement data shows storage depletion in Hai River basin, Northern China, Water SA, 35(5), 663-670.

14. Chen Liu, Qinxue Wang, Alin Lei, Yonghui Yang, Zhu Ouyang, Yaoming Lin, Yan Li, Kelin Wang, 2009, Identification of anthropogenic parameters for a regional nitrogen balance model via field investigation of six ecosystems in China, Biogeochemistry, 94: 175-190. DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9317-9.

15. Shaohua Zhao,Qiming Qin, Yonghui Yang, Guoyu Qiu, Xiong Yujun, 2009, Comparison of two split-window methods for retrieving land surface temperature from MODIS data, Journal of Earth System Science. 118(4): 345-353.

16. Guo Yu Qiu, Liming Wang, Xinhua He, Xiying Zhang, Suying Chen, Jin Chen and Yonghui Yang, 2008, Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and its response to irrigation regime in the north China plain, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(11): 1848-1859.

17. Shumin Han, Yonghui Yang*, Yuping Lei, Changyuan Tang, J.P. Moiwo,2008,Seasonal groundwater storage anomaly and vadose zone soil moisture as indicators of precipitation recharge in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain, North China Plain,Hydrological Research,39(5–6): 479–495.

18. Yanmin Yang, Zhu Ouyang, Yonghui Yang, Xiaojing Liu. 2008, Simulation of the effect of pruning and topping on cotton growth using COTTON2K model. Field Crops Research.106:126-137.

19. Yongqiang Zhang, Changming Liu, Yanhong Tang, and Yonghui Yang, 2007, Trends in pan evaporation and reference and actual evapotranspiration across the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geographysical Research, Vol. 112, D12110, doi: 10.1029/2006 JD008161.

20. Zhang Yongqiang, Tang Yanhong, Jiang Jie and Yonghui Yang, 2007, Chracterizing the dynamics of soil organic carbon in grasslands on the Oinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Science in China Series D: Earth sciences, 50(1): 113-120.

21. Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, Yonghui Yang, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Yuhai Bao,2007,Land cover classification using moderate resolution imaging spectrometer- enhanced vegetation index time-series data and self- organizing map neural network in Inner Mongolia, China,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,Vol. 1, 013545.

22. Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Jianwen Zhai, Wanjun Zhang, Li Fadong, 2006,Factors affecting forest growth and the possible effect of climate change in the Taihang Mountains, Northern China, Forestry. 79(1): 135-147

23. Yonghui Yang, Xiying Zhang, Masataka Watanabe, Jiqun Zhang, Qinxue Wang, Seiji Hayashi, 2006,Optimizing irrigation management for wheat to reduce groundwater depletion in the piedmont region of the Taihang Mountains in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management:82:25-44.

24. Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Xiying Zhang, Jiqun Zhang. 2006, Estimation of groundwater use by crop production simulated by DSSAT-wheat and DSSAT-maize models in the piedmont region of North China Plain. Hydrological Processes, 20:2787-2802.

25. Xiying Zhang, Dong Pei, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun, Yonghui Yang, 2006, Performance of Double-Cropped Winter Wheat–Summer Maize under Minimum Irrigation in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 98:1620-1626.

26. Nakayama T., Yonghui Yang, Watanabe M., Xiying Zhang, 2006,Simulation of groundwater dynamics in North China Plain by coupled hydrology and agricultural models, Hydrological Processes. 20(16): 3441-3466.

27. Zhang JQ, Xu KQ, Yonghui Yang, Qi LH, Watanabe M, 2005,Measuring water storage fluctuations in Lake Dongting, China, by TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimetry, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 115:23-37.

28. Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, M. Watanabe, Yonghui Yang, Jianwen Ma, 2005,Land cover classification from MODIS EVI times-series data using SOM neural network, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26(22): 4999-5012. (EI)

29. Jiqun Zhang, Kaiqin Xu, Lianhui Qi, Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, 2005, Estimation of freshwater and material fluxes from the Yangtze River into the East China Sea using TOPEX/Poseidon Altimeter data, Hydrological Processes 19: 3683–3698.

30. T. Yamanaka, J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Yonghui Yang, Zhang W., and Hu C., 2004, Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in the north part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability, Hydrological Processes, 18(22), 2211-2222.

31. Jiqun Zhang, Kaiqin Xu, Masataka Watanabe, Yonghui Yang, Xiuwan Chen, 2004, Estimation of river discharge from non-trapezoidal open channel using Quickbird-2 satellite imagery, Hydrological Sciences Journal. 49(2), 247-260.

32. Yonghui Yang, M. Watanabe, Z. Wang, Y. Sakura, and C. Tang, 2003, Prediction of soil moisture change under different scenarios of climate change and implication of vegetation changes simulated by WAVES model in Taihang Mountain, Climatic Change, 57(1), 163-183.

33. Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Yasuo Sakura, Changyuan Tang, Hayashi Y., 2002, Groundwater table and recharge changes in piedmount region of Taihang Mountain in North China Plain and its relation to agricultural water use, Water SA. 28(2), 171-178.

34. Liu Chen, Wang Qinxue, Lei Alin, Yang Yonghui, Ouyang Zhu, Lin Yaoming, Li Yan, Wang Kelin, 2009, Identification of various parameters of nitrogen balance model in 6 typical ecosystems of China by field investigation, Journal of Japanese Agricultural System Society, 25(1), 35-44.

35. Liu Chen, Wang Qinxue, Motoyuki Mizuochi, Yang Yonghui, Sadao Ishimura, 2007, Human behavioral impact on nitrogen flow—a case study of rural areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, Journal of Japanese Agricultural System Society, 23(4), 305-316.



杨永辉,男,1955年8月出生,上海财经大学财政金融专业毕业,副教授,硕士生导师,1980年3月参加工作。所在学科;会计学。兼任陕西省价格学会理事。本人主要研究方向:①税收筹划与公司理财 ②企业及非盈利单位财务与会计制度设计。近10年来,主要担任MBA《税收理论与实务》,本科生《税收学》、《财政学》、《成本会计学》、《预算会计》等课程教学任务,教学效果优秀,多次被评为校级优秀教师。负责指导MBA毕业论文和本科毕业论文各40多人次,优秀率18%。近年来,在国内外公开期刊发表专业论文20多篇,编写教材三部,主持或参加科研课题12项,其中主持的"连云港东海县农村税费改革"和"陕西兴化股份有限公司内部财务控制研究"两个项目研究成果,取得显著效益,受到高度赞赏。




年 月 项 目 名 称 成果鉴定与采用部门或发表刊物与出版单位

1999.6 论我国证券市场的现状和发展构想 ISSN 1006-4710

1999.12 论我国个人所得税征收管理中存在的问题及对策 ISSN 1006-4710

1998.4 社会审计的独立性及会计事务所脱钩改制 CN61- 1250/F

2002.3 人力资源价值会计核算体系设计 ISSN 1006-4710

2000.5 论资本市场在国有企业重组中的作用 ISSN 1000-2731

2000.2 论现代企业成本管理的方法 ISBN 0452-8360

1999.12 论现代企业成本管理的新特点 SX11-1079

2000.10 作业会计在我国的应用分析 ISSN1000-5293 CN61-1012/C

1998.8 论职业谨慎性原则在审计工作中的运用 ISSN1005-121X CN61-1307/F

2000.2 论注册会计师的法律责任 CN61- 1250/F

1998.3 人力资源会计与传统财务会计的区别 SX11-1079

2000.2 项目投资中期权及其决策分析 ISSN 1006-4710

2000.9 对我国推行外贸代理制存在问题和对策研究 ISSN 1008-245/X CN61-1329/C

1998.5 我国期货市场理性发展探讨 中国资本市场发展国际研讨会论文集

2002.4 增值税不同类型的比较研究 ISSN 1006-4710

2005.12 纳税人信誉等级的构建与实施 CW15-1189/N科技与经济

2006.1 企业内部财务控制存在的问题及对策 ISSN1671-6566大学时代


年 月 项 目 名 称 成果鉴定与采用部门或发表刊物与出版单位

1998.2 现代企业理财 ISBV7-5369-2806-8/F.194

1997.8 成本会计学 7-5011-3063-9/F.172

1999.10 财政预算 ISBV7-5017-3340/F.2391



年 月 项 目 名 称 成果鉴定与采用部门或发表刊物与出版单位

1998.12 农电收费管理系统107-229738 陕西省农电举

1998.12 建立国有资产经营公司及运作方式方法研究107-229764 陕西省财政厅

1998.4 蒲城农电会计报表系统 107-229769 陕西省农电局

2000.6 关联交易及披露问题研究107-219826 西安理工大学

2001.2 宏观经济中长期规划预研107-229907 西安市计委

2001.9 企业资本运营问题的研究107-219910 西安理工大学

2001.12 西安电子商务与网络营销发展对策研究 

2001.12 营业部开拓上网交易的策略研究 107-230107 西部证券咸阳营业部

2001.12 西部证券咸阳营业部内部管理机制与发展规划的研究 107-230104 西部证券咸阳营业部

2002.12 东海县税费改革研究
107-230203 江苏连云港市东海县财政局

2003.6 会计师事务所开发与培育研究 陕西省财政厅

2004.12 西安市环境保护投融资机制研究 107-220424 西安市软科学研究计划

2006.9 陕西兴化化学股份有限公司财务内部研究107-230407 陕西兴化化学股份有限公司

2005.12 基于期权理论的公司财务危机动态预警方法研究 107-220424 陕西省科委

-2004.12 基于供应链管理下的企业低成本运营研究
107-210401 西安理工大学

2004.12 西安市旅游业竞争力提升研究107-220422 西安市科委

2005.6-2005.12 永济电济厂质量管理系统研究107-230404 铁道部永济厂电济厂





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