

词条 薛具奎


姓 名 薛具奎

性 别 男

职 称 教 授/博导


薛具奎,教授、博导。1986年毕业于西北师范大学物理系。1989年7月在中国科学院兰州高原大气物理研究所获计算流体力学专业硕士学位。1989.9-1991.1 在中科院计算中心做访问学者。1991.2-1996.7 在西北师范大学物理系任教。1996.9-1999.7 在中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所攻读博士学位并获大气物理专业博士学位(进行非线性动力学与非线性热力学的研究)。1999.8至今,在西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院任教。


在科学研究方面,注重前沿性及学科的交叉与融合,研究内容覆盖面较广,研究成果具有一定的创新性。研究成果得到4项国家自然科学基金和2项甘肃省自然科学基金资助,发表SCI收录论文80余篇,其中在国际物理学顶级刊物Phys.Rev.Lett上发表1篇、在Phys.Rev.A(E)上发表10余篇。 超冷原子分子理论






超冷量子简并气体中非线性物质波 包括超冷量子简并(混合)气体在外场中非线性物质波的激发、演化规律、稳定性、相互作用特征以及利用Feshbach共振技术和激光场对物质波的调控等。



在超低温下,原子之间及其与激光场之间的相互作用产生了极其丰富的动力学行为和复杂的物理现象,如超流性、量子涡旋态、宏观量子隧穿和相干、非线性物质波等。其中BEC在外势场中集体激发及稳定性、光学晶格势中BEC动力学性质及能带特征成为人们关注的焦点问题之一。近几年,我们在该领域开展了一些富有特色的工作,主要包括:研究了单分量BEC在非简谐势中的激发特性,发现两低能模频谱在非简谐势中会发生蓝移或红移现象,且两低能激发模会发生非线性耦合; 研究了BEC在非简谐阱中的集体激发特征,讨论了阱的非简谐性对激发模的影响;研究了双组份BEC中的模摸耦合特征、量子拍现象、参数共振特征及其引起的相分离特征等;研究了原子三体相互作用对光晶格中BEC能谱结构和隧穿特性的影响, 发现很弱的原子三体相互作用对系统的动力学和能量不稳定性、能级结构和隧穿特性会产生很大影响;研究了BEC在高维周期势中的输运特性以及发生局域态和自囚禁态的动力学特征,发现晶格维数对系统动力学特性存在显著影响,BEC发生自囚禁的临界条件与晶格维数密切相关;进一步研究了简并费米超流气体在高维光晶格中的输运性质,发现当系统从BEC过渡到BCS时,费米气体在光晶格中的动力学性质完全不同;将光晶格中BEC的研究推广到了环形周期光晶格中,研究了BEC在环形周期光晶格中的稳定性及其隧穿特性;研究了BEC的压缩性特征,从理论上给出了一种在实验上可实现的可控压缩方法;研究了囚禁BEC中的调制不稳定性特征,得到了一新的调制不稳定性条件;研究了激光与BEC中物质波和量子涡旋的相互作用特征,发现激光束可有效地控制物质波和涡旋(反射或捕获)的行为,并研究了发生控制的临界条件;利用我们发展的非平面理论(见研究方向2),从动力学的角度研究了囚禁BEC中环状物质波的振荡特征、辐射规律、稳定性及相互作用特征,解释了环状物质波发生周向不稳定的动力学机理,并将该研究推广到了双组份BEC;……


主要研究复杂等离子体性态、不稳定性以及等离子体集体运动规律、等离子体与电磁场、激光场及其它形态物质的相互作用等。等离子体物理的涉及领域广、学科交叉多、应用前景好。因此,对等离子体物理中这类问题的深入研究,对解决各分支领域中带有共性的重大理论问题、促进等离子体技术的发展和应用都具有重要的科学意义和实际意义。本人在该方向作了一些探索研究: (1)研究了复杂等离子体中的一类重要不稳定现象—调制不稳定性,包括平行调制不稳定性、斜调制不稳定性、高维、非平面调制不稳定性以及非均匀、耗散复杂等离子体调制不稳定性等,分析了发生调制不稳定的临界条件以及复杂等离子体物理要素对调制不稳定性的影响。(2)研究了复杂等离子体中的一类重要非线性波—冲击波和孤波的激发机制、传播特性以及尘埃颗粒特性及其动力学对非线性波模态和特性的影响,特别将这一研究也推广到了高维、非平面以及非均匀、耗散复杂等离子体。上述对高维、非平面以及非均匀、耗散复杂等离子体调制不稳定性和非线性波的研究,得到了一系列新的调制不稳定判据和调制不稳定的控制方程、建立了一系列新的非线性波模型方程及其演化规律、获得了一系列具有重要科学意义和实际应用价值(使理论研究更接近于实际问题)的成果,并且从一定程度上丰富和发展了等离子理论和孤立子理论。


























Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Ai-Xia Zhang,Jie liu, Self-trapping of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices: The effect of the lattice dimension. Phys. Rev. A, 77, 013602(2008)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Guan-Qiang Li, Ai-Xia Zhang,Ping-Peng, Nonlinear mode coupling and resonant excitations in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. Phys. Rev. E, 77, 016606(2008)

Ai-Xia Zhang, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Band structure and stability of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with two and three-atom interactions. PHY. REV. A 75, 013624 (2007)

Guan-Qiang Li,Li-Bin Fu,Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Xu-Zong Chen,and Jie Liu, Collective excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic trap,PHY. REV. A74, 055601 (2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Comment on "Stable and unstable vector dark solitons of coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger equation: Application to two-component Bose-Einstein condensates,Phys. Rev. E 73,028601(2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Head-on collision for dust acoustic waves. Phys. Rev. E 69, 016403(2004)

Ai-Xia Zhang, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),The dynamics and stabilities of Bose–Einstein condensates in deep optical lattices. Phys. Lett. A, 372 , 1147(2008)

Hao-Cai Li, Hai-Jun Chen, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Analytical studies of two-component Bose–Einstein condensates in two-dimensional optical lattices. Phys. Lett. A, 372, 2746(2008)

CHEN Hai-Jun, LI Hao-Cai, and XUE Ju-Kui(薛具奎), Stability of Two-Component Bose–Einstein Condensates in Bessel Optical Lattices. Commun. Theor. Phys. 49, 1519 (2008)

Wen-Mei Yong and Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Weak nonlinear matter waves in a trapped two-component Bose–Einstein condensates. Phys. Scr. 77 (2008) 035002

Ai-Xia Zhang, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Dynamics of Bright/Dark Solitons in Bose–Einstein Condensates with Time-Dependent Scattering Length and External Potential. CHIN.PHYS.LETT. Vol. 25, No. 1 (2008) 39

Mu Ai-Xia, Zhou Xiao-Yan, and Xue Ju-Kui(薛具奎), The dynamics of triple-well trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates with atoms feeding and loss effects.Chinese Physics B,17,1(2008)

WEI Xiu-Fang, TANG Rong-An, YONG Wen-Mei, XUE Ju-Kui(薛具奎), Nonlinear Landau–Zener Tunneling with Two and Three-Body Interactions. CHIN.PHYS.LETT. Vol. 25, No. 5 (2008) 1564

Shi-Ling Tian, Rong-An Tang, and Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Waves in a bounded two component electron-dust plasma. Phys. Plasmas15, 043703 (2008)

Ping Peng, Guan-Qiang Li, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Collisional phase shifts of ring dark solitons in inhomogeneous Bose–Einstein condensates. Phys. Lett. A, 365 (2007) 458

Nan-Xia Wei and Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Low frequency electrostatic waves in a cylindrically bounded dusty magnetoplasma with nonadiabatic dust charge fluctuation. Phys. Plasmas14, 053701 (2007)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Bose-Einstein condensates in a ring optical lattices. Phys. Lett. A,358 (2006) 74–79

Nan-Xia Wei, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Bounded dust-acoustic waves in a cylindrical bounded collisional dusty plasma with dust charge variation . Phys. Plasmas13, 052101 (2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Peng Ping, Head-on collision of ring dark soliton in Bose-Einstein condensates. Chinese Phys. 15, 1149 (2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Li-Ping Zhang(张丽萍), Nonlinear waves in nonplanar and nonuniform dusty plasmas,Phys. Plasmas13, 022104 (2006)

Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Chaotic synchronization by replacing nonlinear terms with signals. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28, 228(2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Interaction of solitary waves in magnetized warm dusty plasmas with dust charging effects, Chinese Phys. 15, 0562 (2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), The dynamics of ring dark soliton in inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates.Eur. Phys. J. D,37, 241(2006)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Controllable compression of bright soliton matter waves. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 3841–3848 (2005)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulational instability of the trapped Bose–Einstein condensates. Phys. Lett. A 341 (2005) 527–531

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Interaction of ring dark solitons with ring impurities in Bose–Einstein condensates. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (2005) 671–681

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), A cylindrical Davey–Stewartson equation for a modulated cylindrical wave packet. Phys. Plasmas12, 092107 (2005)

Li-Ping Zhang(张丽萍), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), The instability of electrostatic wave in a magnetized dusty plasma with nonadiabatic dust charge fluctuation. Chinese Physics. 14,2052(2005)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Non-linear waves in non-planar inhomogeneous dusty plasmas. Eur. Phys. J. D 33, 433-435(2005)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulation of magnetized multidimensional waves in dusty plasma. Phys. Plasmas12, 062313 (2005)

Li-Ping Zhang and Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Shock wave in magnetized dusty plasmas with dust charging and nonthermal ion effects. Phys. Plasmas 12, 042304 (2005)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Nonplanar dust-ion acoustic shock waves with transverse perturbation. Phys. Plasmas12, 012314 (2005)

Li-Ping Zhang(张丽萍), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Effects of the dust charge variation and non-thermal ions on multi-dimensional dust acoustic solitary structures in magnetized dusty plasmas. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 23, 550 (2005).

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Head-on collision for dust acoustic waves. Phys. Rev. E 69, 016403(2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Cylindrical and spherical ion-acoustic solitary waves with dissipative effect. Phys. Lett. A322, 225(2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulational instability of multi-dimensional dust ion-acoustic waves. Phys. Lett. A330, 390(2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Head-on collision of blood solitary waves. Phys. Lett. A331, 409(2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), The nonlinear evolution of ring dark solitons in Bose–Einstein condensates. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 11223–11228 (2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Interaction of the non-planar dust ion-acoustic solitary waves. Europhys. Lett., 68 (5), pp. 645–651 (2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Propagation of nonplanar dust-acoustic envelope solitary waves. Physics of Plasmas. 11, 1860-1865(2004)

Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Nonthermal electrons and warm ions effects on oblique modulation of ion-acoustic waves. Physics of Plasmas. 11, 3939-3944(2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Reply on Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) Burgers equation in a dusty plasmas with non-adiabatic dust charge fluctuation. The European Physical Journal D, 28, 283 (2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Electrostatic waves in inhomogeneous dusty plasmas with grain charge fluctuation. Choas, Solitons & Fractals., 19(4), 971-975 (2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Lang He(郎和), The KP and ZK equations for electrostatic waves with grain charge fluctuation. Chinese Physics. 13, 60-64(2004)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Lang He(郎和), Modulational instability of cylindrical and spherical dust ion-acoustic waves. Physics of Plasmas. 10(2), 339-342(2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Cylindrical dust acoustic waves with transverse perturbation. Physics of Plasmas. 10(8), 3430-3431(2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Cylindrical and spherical dust ion acoustic shock waves. Physics of Plasmas. 10(12), 4893(2003).

Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Stability of oblique modulation of dust-acoustic waves in a warm dusty plasma with dust charge variation. Physics of Plasmas. 2003, 10(9), 3800-3803.

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), A spherical KP equation for dust acoustic waves. Phys. Lett. A. , 314, 479-483(2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulation of dust acoustic waves with non-adiabatic dust charge fluctuations, Phys. Lett. A, 320 (2003) 226–233

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) Burgers equation in a dusty plasmas with non-adiabatic dust charge fluctuation. The European Physical Journal D, 26, 211-214 (2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulational instability of ion-acoustic waves in a plasma consisting of warm ions and non-thermal electrons. Choas, Solitons & Fractals 18(4), 849-853. (2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Oblique Modulation of Ion-Acoustic Waves in a Warm Plasma. Physica Scripta. , 67,74 –76(2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Nonlinear dust kinetic Alf′ven waves in warm dusty plasmas. Physica Scripta. , 2003, 68, 394 –398

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Lang He(郎和),Modulational instability of ion-acoustic waves in a warm plasma with a relativistic electron beam. Communications in Theoretical Physics. 39,465-468(2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulational instablity of the dust ion acoustic waves in a collisional dusty plasma. Communications in Theoretical Physics. 40, 717–720, (2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Lang He(郎和), Effect of dust charge variation on dust-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized two-ion-temperature dusty plasma. Chinese Physics. , 12, 538-541 (2003)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Duan Wenshan,Lang He, Modulational instability of ion-acoustic waves in a warm plasma. Chinese Physics. , 11(11), 1184-1187(2002)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Hu Yinqiao (胡隐憔),Numerical simulating for oasis-desert interaction. Advances in Nature Science., 11(9),675-680(2001)

薛具奎,胡隐憔,对流边界层大涡自组织过程的数值研究。力学学报, 34(6),970-976(2002)


薛具奎, 非定常不可压N-S方程的一种有效预处理数值方法。水动力学研究与进展(A辑),17,729-737(2002)

薛具奎, 对求解不可压非定常流的预处理方法的研究。计算物理, 19(5),403-407(2002)



Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Research of accuracy and convergence of TVD algorithm for high-speed viscous flow. Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent flow. ,9(1)( 1995)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),A time-dependent space marching algorithm for three-dimensional PNS equations. Computational Fluid Dynamics. (selected topics), Springer, 1995.

薛具奎, 推进—迭代算法计算效率的研究。力学学报,26(4)(1994)

薛具奎, 迎风通量差分分裂法对边界层特性的数值模拟。力学学报,1992,24(3)

Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Ru-Quan Wang, An efficient algorithm for hypersonic viscous flows. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 7(3)( 1991)

薛具奎, 王汝权,高超音速粘性流的快速算法。力学学报,23(6)(1991)

薛具奎, 王汝权,凹型钝头体超音速粘性流场的数值模拟。计算物理,7(4)(1990)





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