词条 | 许成林 |
释义 | 许成林博士现为山东大学特聘教授及北京交通大学兼职教授(04-07)。曾历任加拿大JDS公司设计工程师(95-96),加拿大Waterloo大学助理教授(97-99),加拿大Apollo Photonics公司首席科学家(99-05),加拿大McMaster大学访问教授(04-05)。他也是加拿大Apollo Photonics公司创始人之一。 许博士是电磁场数值问题及光子器件建模与仿真方面的国际级专家,在光电子器件CAD关键技术方面作了大量的基础性研究和软件开发工作。 个人简历许成林博士在天津大学获得精密仪器系学士(85)与硕士(88)学位,在加拿大Waterloo大学获电器工程系博士学位(94)。 许成林博士拥有2项美国专利,在国际光电子领域核心期刊和国际性学术会议上发表学论文50余篇,期刊论文全部被SCI收录,累计引用率达500多次,单篇引用率达115次。他创建的全矢量Beam Propagation Method和Optical Waveguide Mode Solver已被世界上光电子技术CAD领域中所有的五家公司采用。同时,许成林博士也是Apollo Photonics公司一系列国际领先的光电子技术CAD软件的主要开发者和技术支持者。 就职于国外时,许成林博士积极参与与国内大学在教学和科研合作。他曾多次来山东大学短期授课;作为项目负责人,他在北京交通大学从事国家自然科学基金委员会的重点项目的研究。 美国专利1. C. L. Xu, Xiaobin Hong, and Wei-Ping Huang, “Methods and Systems for Optical Multiplexing,” US patent application in progress. 2. X. Li, W. P. Huang, C. L. Xu, and Y. Liang, “Guided wave optical switch based on an active semiconductor amplifier and a passive optical component,” US patent, 20020076133, Filed on June 20, 2002 3. W. P. Huang, C. L. Xu, M. K. Chin, Y. Liang, and X. Li, “Strongly confined polarization-independent single-mode optical ridge waveguide”, US6522822, Feb. 18, 2003 书1. C.L. Xu and W.P. Huang, “Finite-Difference Beam Propagation Method for Guided-Wave Optics”, Chapter 8 in Methods for Modeling and Simulation of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices, J.A. Kong (Chief Editor), Lsevier, 1995. 国际刊物文章1. Chenglin Xu, Xiaobin Hong, and Wei-Ping Huang, “Design Optimization of Integrated BiDi Triplexer Optical Filter Based on Planar Lightwave Circuit,” OSA Optics Express, accepted. 2. Jian Yang, Li Yang, Chang-Qing Xu, Chenglin Xu, Weiping Huang and Yingfu Li, “Long-period grating refractive index sensor with a modified cladding structure for large operational range and high sensitivity,” OSA Applied Optics, accepted. 3. Mee-Koy Chen, Chenglin Xu, and Wei-ping Huang, “Theoretical approach to a polarization-insensitive single-mode micro ring resonator,”, OSA Optical Express, Vol. 12, No. 14, pp. 3245-3250, July 2004. 4. Ning-Ning Feng, Chenglin Xu, Wei-Ping Huang, and Da-Gang Fang, “A New Preconditioner Based on Paraxial Approximation for Stable and Efficient Reflective Beam Propagation Method,” IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 1996–2001, 2003. 5. Feng, N.-N.; Zhou, G.-R.; Chenglin Xu; Huang, W.-P., “Computation of full-vector modes for bending waveguide using cylindrical perfectly matched layers,” IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1976–1980, 2002. 6. D. Zhou; , W.P, Huang; C.L.; Xu, D.G.; Fang, B. Chen, “The Perfectly Matched Layer Boundary Condition for Scalar Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 13 No. 5, pp. 454 –456, 2001. 7. W.W. Lui, C.-L. Xu, W.-P. Huang; K. Yokoyama, S. Seki,” Full-vectorial mode analysis with considerations of field singularities at corners of optical waveguides,” IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1509 –1513, 1999. 8. T. Nakamura, C.L. Xu, X. Li and W.P Huang, “A Spot-Size Transformer Based on Mode Interference”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 325-327, 1998. 9. W. Lui, C.L. Xu, T. Hirono, K. Yokoyama and W.P. Huang, “Full-Vectorial Wave Propagation in Semiconductor Optical Bending Waveguides and Equivalent Straight Waveguide Approximations”, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 910-914, 1998. 10. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, W. Lui and K. Yokoyama, “The Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) Boundary Condition for the Beam Propagation Method”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 649-651, 1996. 11. F. Ma, C.L. Xu and W.P. Huang, “Wide-Angle Full Vectorial Beam Propagation method”, IEE Proc. Optoelectronics, Vol. 143, No. 2, pp. 139-143, 1996. 12. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, W. Lui and K. Yokoyama, “The Perfectly Matched Layer Boundary Condition for Modal Analysis of Optical Waveguide: Leaky Mode Calculations”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 8, No. 5. Pp.652-654, 1996. 13. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, J. Chrostowski and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ A Full-Vectorial Beam Propagation Methods for Anisotropic Waveguides”, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 1926-1931, 1994. 14. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, M. Stern and S.K. Chaudhuri, “Full-Vectorial Mode Calculations by Finite Difference Method”, IEE Proc. Optoelectronics, Vol. 141, No. 5, pp. 281-286, 1994. 15. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, S.K. Chaudhuri and J. Chrostowski, “ An Unconditional Stable Vectorial Beam Propagation Method for 3-D Structures”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 549-551, 1994. 16. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang and S.K. Chaudhuri, “Efficient and Accurate Vector Mode Calculations by Beam Propagation Method”, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Tech., Vol 11, No. 7, pp. 1209-1215, July 1993. 17. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, “Simulation of 3-D Optical Waveguides by a Full-Vector Beam Propagation Method”, IEEE J. Quantum electronics, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 2639-2649, October 1993. 18. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and J. Chrostowski, “ A Time-Domain Propagation Scheme for Simulation of Dynamics of Optical Guided-Wave Devices”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol 5, No. 9, pp. 1071-1073, September 1993. 19. W.P. Huang and C.L. Xu, “ A Wide Angle Vector Beam Propagation Method”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 1118-1120, October 1992. 20. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ Application of the Finite-Difference Vector Beam Propagation Method to Directional Coupler Devices”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1527-1532, June 1992. 21. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, S.T. Chu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ The Finite-Difference Vector Beam Propagation Method. Analysis and Assessment”, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 295-305, March 1992. 22. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ A Finite-Divverence Vector Beam Propagation Method for Three-Dimensional Waveguide Structures”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 148-151, February 1992. 23. W.P. Huang, B. Little and C.L. Xu, “ On Phase Matching and Power Coupling in Grating-Assisted Couplers”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 151-153, February 1992. 24. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ A Vector Beam Propagation Method Based on H-Fields”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 1117-1120, December 1991. 25. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ Modeling and Analysis of Fiber-Optic Mode Transducers: Single Fiber with Periodic Perturbations”, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 1431-1438, November 1991. 26. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, S.T. Chu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ A Vector Beam Propagation Method for Guided-Wave Optics”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 910-913, October 1991. 国际会议文章1. Chenglin Xu, Linping Shen, Dong Zhou, Wei-Ping Huang, and Jin Hong “Novel design of bi-directional triplexer based on PLC,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 5970, October, 2005. 2. Lin-Ping Shen, Hua Wang, Chenglin Xu, and Wei-Ping Huang, “Numerical analysis of multimode interference effect in Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 5970, October, 2005 3. (Invited) W.-P. Huang, N.N.Feng and D. Zhou, K. Jiang, and C.L.Xu, `Modeling and Simulation of High-Density Photonic Integrated Circuits,’’ Integrated Photonics Topical Meeting, IEEE LEOS/Optical Society of America, San Diego, 2005. 4. L. P. Shen, W.-P. Huang, and C. L. Xu, “A design of photonic crystal fiber with variable air-hole radius for broadband dispersion compensation,” in Software and Modeling in Optics, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5579, pp. 416-423, Nov 2004 5. L. P. Shen, C. L. Xu, and W.-P. Huang, “Integrated grating-assisted coarse/dense WDM multiplexers,” in Optical components and Ddevices, Proc. SPIE 5577, pp. 698-706, Dec 2004 6. (Invited) W. -P. Huang, D. Zhou, N.N. Feng, G. R. Zhou, L.P.Zhen, C.L.Xu, ``FDTD Method for CAD of Photonic Devices,’’ Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference (APOCC’02), October, 2002, Shanghai, China. 7. (Invited) Y. Chen, C. L. Xu, X. Li, W. P. Huang, "Computer-aided engineering of fiber optical devices,” Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 1999. APCC/OECC '99.... and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference , Vol. 2 , pp. 1335 –1338, 1999 8. N. N. Feng, G. R. Zhou, D. G. Fang, W. P. Huang, C. L. Xu, “Analysis of the half-wave voltage and modulation bandwidth of electro-optical modulator considering the effect of conductor loss,” International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics and Its Applications, 1999. Proceedings. (ICCEA '99) pp. 352 -355, 1999 9. W. Lui, C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang and K. Yokoyama, “ Bent Optical Waveguides – Polarization conversion and Full-Vectorial Modal Analysis”, Third Optoelectronics and Communications Conference 9OECC’98), Makuhari, Japan, July 1998. 10. (Invited) W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “Integrated Photonic Research ’98, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, April 1998. 11. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang. K. Li, W. Lui and K. Yokoyama, “Bi-Directional Beam Propagation Method Based on Full-Wave Analysis,” Integrated Photonic Research ’98, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, April 1998. 12. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, W. Lui and K. Yokoyama, “ The Perfectly Matched Layer Boundary Condition for the Simulation of Guided-Wave Optical Devices”, Integrated Photonic Research ’96, Boston, Massachusetts, May 1996. 13. (Invited) W.P. Huang, F. Ma and C.L. Xu, “ Beam Propagation Methods for Simulation and Design of Optoelectronic Guided-Wave Devices”, SPIE Internatinal Symposium Integrated Optoelectronics, San Jose, California, February 1995. 14. (Invited) F. Ma, C.L. Xu and W.P. Huang, “ Wide-Angle Full-Vectorial Beam Propagation Method”, SPIE International Symposium: Integrated Optoelectronics, San Jose, California, February 1995. 15. M.S. Stern, C.L. Xu, F. Ma and W.P. Huang, “ The Use of a Sparse Matrix Eigenmode Solver in Semivectorial Finite Difference Modeling of Optical Waveguides”, Integrated Photonic Research ’95, Dana Point, California, February 1995. 16. A.M. Sarangan, C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, G.P. Li, C. Wu and T. Makino, “ Analysis of Multi-Wavelength DFB Laser Arrays with Different Ridge Widths”, Integrated Photonic Research ’95, Dana Point, California, February 1995. 17. (Invited) W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and B. Little, “ Computer-Aided Design and Analysis in Guided-Wave Optoelectronics,” International Symposium on Guided-Wave Optoelectronics: Device Characterization, Analysis and Design, New York City, New York, October 1994. 18. (Invited) W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ Vector Beam Propagation Method for Guided-Wave Optics”, Integrated Photonic Research ’94, Technical Digest, Vol. 3, Paper ThB1, San Francisco, California, February 1994. 19. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, S.K. Chaudhuri, S.T. Chu and J. Chrostowski, “ Computer-Aided Design of Optical Interconnects”, SPIE International Symposium: Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, Los Angeles, California, January 1994. 20. S.T. Chu, Y. Kokubun, C.L. Xu and W.P. Huang, “ Modeling and Simulation of ARROW Devices”, MOC/GRIN’93 Conference, Paper C2, Kawasaki, Japan, October 1993. 21. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, P. Myslinski, X. Pan and J. Chrostowski, “ Computer Simulation of Soliton Propagation and Switching”, OSA Annual Meeting ’93, Paper TuC3, Toronto, Ontario, October 1993. 22. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, C. Barnard, J. Chrostowski and S.T. Chu, “ Modeling and Simulation of ARROW Couplings”, OSA Annual Meeting ’93, Paper MGG6, Toronto, Ontario, October 1993. 23. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang, W. Robertson and J. Chrostowski, “ Computer Modeling and Simulation for Optical Interconnects”, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Photonic Networks, Components and Applications, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993. 24. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.T. Chu, “ Simulation of Optical Interconnects by Finite-Difference Method”, SPIE International Symposium: Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, Los Angeles, California, January 1993. 25. A.M. Young, C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang and S.D. Senturia, “Design and Analysis of an ARROW Waveguide Based on Silicon Pressure Transducer”, SPIE International Symposium: Components Networks Sensors, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1992. 26. (Invited) W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “Modeling and Simulation of Vectorial Wave Propagation in Optical Guided-Wave Devices by Beam Propagation Method”, IEEE-APS/URSI/NEM Joint International Symposium, Vol. 1, pp. 252, Chicago, Illinois, July 1992. 27. C.L. Xu, W.P. Huang and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ Simulation of Optical leaky Waveguides by the Vecotr Beam Propagation Method”, Integrated Photonic Research ’92, Technical Digest, Vol 7, Paper MB14, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1992. 28. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ Progress in Modeling and Simulation of Optical Guided-Wave Devices”, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Photonic Networks, Components and Applications, Montebello, Quebec, Canada, March 1992. 29. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, S.T. Chu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ A Vector Beam Propagation Method for Guided-Wave Optics”, The Annual Meeting of the IEEE/OSA Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, San Jose, California, November 1991. 30. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu, S.T. Chu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “ A Finite-Difference Vector Beam Propagation Method for Guided-Wave Optics”, SPIE International Symposium: Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1991. 31. W.P. Huang, C.L. Xu and S.K. Chaudhuri, “Coupled-Mode Analysis of Fiber-Optic Mode Coupler”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, July 1991. |
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