词条 | 徐铜文 |
释义 | 徐铜文,男,1967年8月生于安徽霍邱,教授,博士生导师, 1995年获天津大学化学工程博士学位, 2002年1月晋升为中国科技大学教授,同年4月受聘为博士生导师,2004年入选国家教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。至2006年8月,发表或接受国际期刊论文/专述72篇,其中化工和环境类领域高水平刊物J. Membrane Sci., AI ChE Journal, Chem Eng Sci. , ES&T 31篇),论文被国内外刊物或专著他引290余次。出版中文专著、译著、合著3部,国际英文邀请专著四部中的5个章节,现为《J. Membrane Sci.》等三个国际刊物和《膜科学与技术》等两个国内核心期刊的编委,是《J. Phys Chem B》等24个国际期刊和《Chinese J Chem Eng》等19个国内核心期刊的特邀审稿人。培养的研究生中有6人获得硕士学位,五人获得博士学位。2000年以来主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、国际合作项目共6项,“973”二级子课题1项,其他项目近20项。2010年获得国家杰出青年基金。 主要研究方向 1. 双极膜催化水解离及其清洁化工生产研究 2. 高效高质离子交换膜制备、表征和应用研究 3. 荷电杂化材料及荷电前体的溶胶-凝胶机理研究 4. 生物活性制剂的可控释放研究 获奖及荣誉 Dr. Xu received several awards, including Educational Award of Baogang (1995), Outstanding Ph.D thesis Award in Tianjing University (2000), and Huawei Faculty Achievement Award in USTC (2000). 文章及专著 [1] Xu TW Ion exchange membranes: State of their development and perspective JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 263 (1-2): 1-29 OCT 15 2005 [2] Xue YH, Fu RQ, Fu YX,Xu TW. Fundamental studies on the intermediate layer of a bipolar membrane - V. Effect of silver halide and its dope in gelatin on water dissociation at the interface of a bipolar membrane JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 298 (1): 313-320 JUN 1 2006 [3] Liu J S, Xu T W, Gong M, Yu F and Fu Y X. Fundamental studies of novel inorganic-organic charged zwitterionic hybrids. 4. New hybrid zwitterionic membranes prepared from polyethylene glycol (PEG) and silane coupling agent. J Membrane Sci, 2006, 283:190-200. [4] Huang CH, Xu TW, Jacobs ML Regenerating flue-gas desulfurizing agents by bipolar membrane electrodialysis AICHE JOURNAL 52 (1): 393-401 JAN 2006 [5] Tongwen Xu, “The recovery and/or recycle of waste acids from industrial spent liquors using diffusion dialysis with new series of anion exchange membranes”. Chapter 4, In “Trends in Conservation and Recycling of Resources”, Edited by Christain V. Loeffe, ISBN:1-60021-124-0, Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, NY 11788 (USA), Invited Book Chapter, pp100-136, 2006 |
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