

词条 徐宏喜


徐宏喜教授:国家中组部“千人计划”特聘教授,上海市首批特聘专家,2011年起全职担任上海中医药大学教授,博士生导师,中药学院常务副院长。1994年获得日本富山医科药科大学国立和汉药研究所药学博士学位。并于新加坡国立大学化学系及加拿大Dalhousie大学微生物学系进行博士後研究工作。曾先后受聘于香港中文大学中药研究中心科学主任、香港和记黄埔(中国)有限公司副总经理兼高级医药顾问,上海和黄药业有限公司董事兼研究开发总监。 2001至2010年, 担任香港赛马会中研究院副总裁兼中药研究室主任。

主要社会兼职有世界中医药协会联合会中药分析专业委员会副会长、香港卫生署中医药管理委员会中成药注册评审专家、国际现代化中医药学术会议联席主席(ICMCM)、Chinese Medicine副主编、Phytochemical Analysis、Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics、Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines、Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines、Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B、以及《药学学报》、《中国中药杂志》、《中国天然药物》、《中草药》中英文版等核心期刊编委、香港浸会大学中医药学院学术委员会顾问、现代化中医药国际协会创会董事、两岸四地中医药科技合作中心理事等职。先后应邀去美国、日本、新加坡、加拿大、印度等国家以及台湾、香港、澳门等地区参加学术会议,并做特邀学术报告或大会报告。兼任国家自然科学基金委生命科学部终审专家、国家科技进步奖、长江学者、东方学者等评审专家。

至今已发表研究论文200多篇,其中SCI论文180多篇。包括:Journal of Hapetology、Organic Letter、Current Medicinal Chemistry、Proteomics、International Journal of Cancer、Analytical Chemistry、Journal of Chromatography A、Journal of Natural Product、PLOS ONE等国际著名期刊。徐教授已获得1项PCT专利,6项美国专利以及数项中国专利。






1. S. L. Li, H.Shen, L. Y.Zhu, J.Xu, X. B.Jia, H. M.Zhang , H. X.Xu*, G.Lin, H.Cai, B. C.Cai, S. L.Chen, Ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time of flight mass spectrometry based chemical profiling approach to rapidly reveal chemical transformation of sulfur-fumigated medicinal herbs, a case study on white ginseng, Journal of Chromatography A, 30;1231:31-45(2012).

2. C. Feng, L. Y. Zhou, T. Yu, G. Xu, H. L. Tian, J. J. Xu, H. X. Xu*, K. Q. Luo,A new anticancer compound, Oblongifolin C, inhibits tumor growth and promotes apoptosis in HeLa cells through bax activation, InternationalJournal of Cancer, 2011Nov 24. [Epub ahead of print]

3. H. L. Zhao, Y. Sui, C. F. Qiao, K. Y. Yip, R. K. Tsui, H. M. Lee, H. K. Wong, X. Zhu, J. J. Siu, L. He, J. Guan, L. Z. Liu, H. X. Xu, P. C. Tong, J. C. Chan, Sustained antidiabetic effects of a berberine-containing Chinese herbal medicine through regulation of hepatic gene expression, Diabetes, 2012 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print].

4. J.Xu, L. Y.Zhu, H.Shen, H. M.Zhang, X. B.Jia, R.Yan, S. L. Li, H. X.Xu*, A critical view on spike recovery for accuracy evaluation of analytical method for medicinal herbs, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,25;62:210-5(2012).

5. X. M.Gao, T. Yu, M. Z.Cui, J. X.Pu, X.Du, Q. B.Han, Q. F. Hu, T. C.Liu, Kathy Q.Luo, H. X.Xu*,Identification and evaluation of apoptotic compounds from Garcinia oligantha, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 15;22(6):2350-3(2012).

6. H. M Zhang, S. L. L i, H.Zhang, Y.Wang, Z. L.Zhao, S. L.Chen, H. X. Xu*, Holistic quality evaluation of commercial white and red ginseng using a UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS-based metabolomics approach, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 25;62:258-73(2012).

7. X. Wang, Y. J. Lou, M. X. Wang, Y. W. Shi, H. X. Xu, L. D. Kong, Furocoumarins affect hepatic cytochrome P450 and renal organic ion transporters in mice, Toxicology Letters, 209(1), 67-77 (2012).

8. Y. Zhou, S. X. Huang, J. X. Pu, J. R. Li, L. S. Ding, D. F. Chen, H. D. Sun, H. X. Xu*,Ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometric procedure for qualitative and quantitative analyses of nortriterpenoids and lignans in the genus Schisandra, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 56, 916-927 (2011).

9. G. Lin, J. Y. Wang, N. Li, M. Li, H. Gao, Y. Ji, F. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Y. Ye, H. X. Xu, and J. Zheng, Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome associated with consumption of Gynura segetum, Journal of Hepatology, 54(4), 666-673 (2011).

10. Y. Zhou, M. F. He, F. F. Choi, Z. H. He, J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, S. L. Li, H. X. Xu*, A high-sensitivity UPLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination and confirmation of triptolide in zebrafish embryos, Biomedical Chromatography, 25(8),851-857 (2011).

11. H. Y. Qin, J. C. Wu, X. D. Tong, J. J. Sung, H. X. Xu, and Z. X. Bian, Systematic review of animal models of post-infectious/post-inflammatory irritable bowel syndrome.Journal ofGastroenterology, 46(2), 164-174 (2011).

12. X. H. Pang, J. Y. Song, Y. J. Zhu, H. X. Xu, L. F. Huang, S. L. Chen,Applying plant DNA barcodes for Rosaceae species identification,Cladistics, 27(2), 165-170 (2011).

13. Andrew C. L, Chan, and H. Xi.Xu*, Recent Advances in the Discovery of Novel Anti-herpetic Agents from Chinese Herbal Medicines, Current Organic Chemistry, 14, 1714-1726(2010).Review

14. Ruby L. C. Hoo, Janice Y. L. Wong, C. F. Qiao, A. Xu, H. X. .Xu*, Karen S. L. Lam, The effective fraction isolated from Radix Astragali alleviates glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia in db/db diabetic mice through its anti-inflammatory activity Nutrition & Metabolism, 7, 67 (2010).

15. Y. Zhou, Franky F. K. Choi, N. Li, C. F. Qiao, J. Z. Song,S. L. Li, X. Liu, Z. W. Cai, G. Lin*, and H. X. Xu*, A new approach for simultaneous screening and quantification of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in some potential PAs-containing plants using ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 681(1-2), 33-40 (2010).

16. H. Yao, J. Y. Song, C. Liu, K. Luo, J. P. Han, Y. Li, X. H. Pang, H. X. Xu, Y. G. Zhu, P. G. Xiao, and S. L. Chen, Use of ITS2 Region as the Universal DNA Barcode for Plants and Animals, PLoS One, 5(10),e13102 (2010).

17. Y. Zhou, Stephanie Lee, Franky F. K. Choi, G. Xu, X. Liu, J. Z. Song, S. L. Li, C. F. Qiao, and H. X. Xu*,Qualitative and quantitative analysis of polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols from Garcinia species using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry,Analytica Chimica Acta, 678, 96-107 (2010).

18. H. Y. Qin, J. L. Luo, S. D. Qi, H. X. Xu, J. J. Sung, and Z. X. Bian, Visceral hypersensitivity induced by activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 is mediated through the serotonin pathway in rat colon, European Journal of Pharmacology, 647, 75-83 (2010).

19. Q. B. Han, T. Yu, F. Lai, Y. Zhou, C. Feng, W. N. Wang, X. H. Fu, C. B. Lau, K. Q. Luo, H. X. Xu, H. D. Sun, K. P. Fung, and P. C. Leung, Quick identification of apoptosis inducer from Isodon eriocalyx by a drug discovery platform composed of analytical high-speed counter-current chromatography and the fluorescence-based caspase-3 biosensor detection, Talanta, 82(4), 1521-1527 (2010).

20. Y. Zhou, Franky F. K. Choi, Z. Z. He,J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, X. Liu, L. S. Ding,S. L. Gesang, and H. X. Xu*, Optimisation of ultra-performance LC conditions using response surface methodology for rapid separation and quantitative determination of phenolic compounds in Artemisia minor, Journal of Separation Science, 33 (23-24), 3675-3682 (2010).

21. X. Liu, T. Yu, X. M. Gao, Y. Zhou, C. F. Qiao, Y. Peng, S. L. Chen, Kathy Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*, Apoptosis-inducing effects of Polyprenylated Benzoylphloroglucinol Derivatives isolated from the Twigs of Garcinia multiflora, Journal of Natural Product, 13 (8),1355-1359 (2010).

22. S. L. Li, S. F. Lai, J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, X. Liu, Y. Zhou, H. Cai, B. C. Cai, and H. X. Xu*, Decocting-induced chemical transformations and global quality of Du-Shen-Tang, the decoction of ginseng evaluated by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS based chemical profiling approach, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 53 (4), 946-957 (2010).

23. J. Z. Song, L. M. Cheung, X. Liu, C. F. Qiao, Y. Zhou, S. L. Li, S. L. Chen, and H. X. Xu*, Development and validation of an ultra high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of a diastereomeric impurity in (+)-pinoresinol diglucoside chemical reference substance, Journal of Separation Science, 33 (13),1909-1915 (2010).

24. X. M. Gao, T. Yu, K. Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*, Novel polyisoprenylated benzophenone derivatives from Garcinia paucinervis, Tetrahedron Letters, 51, 2442-2446 (2010).

25. X. Liu, S. L. Li, J. Z. Song, and H. X. Xu*, Characterization of protostane triterpenoids in Alisma orientalis by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 24, 1514-1522 (2010).

26. G. Xu,K. Winnie,Y. Zhou, J. Z. Song, Q. B. Han, C. F. Qiao, L. Ge, and H. X. Xu*, Antitumor Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acylphloroglucinols from the twigs of Garcinia cowa Roxb., Journal of Natural Product, 73 (2), 104-108 (2010).

27. M. T. Hsieh, W. H. Peng, C. R. Wu, K. Y. Ng, C. L. Cheng, and H. X. Xu*, Review on Experimental Research of Herbal Medicines with Anti-Amnesic Activity, Planta Meddica, 76 (3), 203-217 (2010). Review

28. S. L. Li, J. S. Song, C. F. Qiao, Y. Zhou, K. Qian, K. H. Lee, and H. X. Xu*, A novel strategy to rapidly explore potential chemical markers for the discrimination between raw and processed Chinese herbs by UHPLC-TOFMS with multivariate statistical analysis, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 51 (4),812-823 (2010).

29. S. L. Li, J. S. Song, C. F. Qiao, Y. Zhou, and H. X. Xu*, UPLC-PDA-TOFMS based chemical profiling approach to rapidly evaluate chemical consistency between traditional and dispensing granule decoctions of traditional medicine combinatorial formulae, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 52 (4), 468-478 (2010).

30. J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, Q. B. Han, P. P. H. But, and H. X. Xu*, Development and Validation of a Rapid Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Method for the Determination of Aconite Alkaloids in Aconite Roots, Phytochemical Analysis, 21(2), 137-143 (2010).

31. X. M. Gao, T. Yu, K. Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*,Identification and evaluation of apoptotic compounds from Garcinia paucinervis, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 18 (14), 4957-4964 (2010).

32. J. Z. Song, S. L. Li, Y. Zhou, C. F. Qiao, S. L. Chen, and H. X. Xu*, A novel approach to rapidly explore analytical markers for quality control of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae extract granules by robust principal component analysis with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 53 (3), 279-286 (2010).

33. G. B. Liu, J. L. Xu, M. Geng, R. Xu, R. R. Hui, J. W. Zhao, Q. Xu, H. X. Xu, and J. X. Li, Synthesis of a novel series of diphenolic chromone derivatives as inhibitors of NO production in LPS-activated RAW264.7 macrophages, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 18 (8), 2864-2871 (2010).

34. Z. B. Bian, M. Zhang, Q. B. Han, H. X. Xu, and J. J. Sung, Analgesic effects of JCM-16021 on neonatal maternal separation-induced visceral pain in rats, World J Gastroenterol, 16 (7), 837-845 (2010).

35. L. Z. Liu, S. C. Cheung, L. L. Lan, S. K. Ho, H. X. Xu, J. C. Chan, and P. C. Tong, Berberine modulates insulin signaling transduction in insulin-resistant cells, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 317 (1-2), 148-153 (2010).

36. H. Y. Cheng, M. T. Hsieh, F. S. Tsai, C. R.i Wu, C. S. Chiu, M. M. Lee, H. X. Xu, Z. Z. Zhao, and W. H. Peng, Neuroprotective effect of luteolin on Amyloid β Protein (25-35)-Induced Toxicity in Cultured Rat Cortical Neurons. Phytotherapy Research, 24 (S1), S102-S108 (2010).

37. Q. B. Han, H. X. Xu*, Caged Garcinia Xanthones: Development Since 1937, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 16 (28), 3775-3796 (2009). Review

38. Y. Zhou, S. X. Huang, J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, Q. B. Han, and H. X. Xu*,. Screening and Identification of Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acylphloroglucinols from Garcinia SpeciesUsing Precursor Ion Discovery (PID) Scan and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Q-TOF Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 20(10), 1846-1850 (2009).

39. X. J. Zhang, H. L. Chen, Z. Li, H. Q. Zhang, H. X. Xu, J. J. Sung, and Z. X. Bian, Analgesic effect of paeoniflorin in rats with neonatal maternal separation-induced visceral hyperalgesia is mediated through adenosine A(1) receptor by inhibiting the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway, Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 94 (1), 88-97 (2009).

40. N. G. Kit Ying, C. L, Cheng, H. X. Xu*, Safety issues of Chinese Medicine: A review of intoxication cases in Hong Kong, Chinese herbal medicines, 1(1), 29-39 (2009). Review

41. Y. Zhou, J. Z. Song, Franky F. K. Choi, H. F. Wu, C. F. Qiao, L. S. Ding, S. L. Gesang, H. X. Xu*, Using SAS statistic strategy to obtain optimal gradient LC and ESI-QTOF-MS conditions to determine the alkaloids from Meconopsis species,Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (42), 7013-7023 (2009).

42. J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, S. L. Li, Y. Zhou, M. T. Hsieh, H. X. Xu*, Rapid optimization of dual-mode gradient high performance liquid chromatographic separation of Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae by Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (42), 7007-7012 (2009).

43. H. J. Chen, X. J. Zhang, S. D. Qi, H. X. Xu, Z. X. Bian, Simultaneous determination of glutamate and aspartate in rat periaqueductal gray matter microdialysates by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence, Journal of Chromatography B, 877(27), 3248-3252. (2009).

44. H. Yao, J. Y. Song, X. Y. Ma, C. Liu, Y. Li, H. X. Xu, J. P. Han, L. S. Duan, and S. L. Chen, Identification of Dendrobium Species by a Candidate DNA Barcode Sequence: The Chloroplast psbA-trnH Intergenic Region, Planta Medica, 75(6), 667-669 (2009).

45. Z. X. Bian, Z. X. Huang, M. Zhang, H. L. Chen, H. X. Xu, J. J. Sung, Unbalanced expression of protease-activated receptors-1 and -2 in the colon of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, Journal of Gastroenterology, 44(7), 666-674 (2009).

46. E. K. Chung, Z. X. Bian, H. X. Xu, J. J. Sung, Neonatal maternal separation increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor and tyrosine kinase receptor B expression in the descending pain modulatory system, Neurosignals. 17(3), 213-221 (2009).

47. G. B. Liu, J. L. Xu, C. C. He, G. Chen, Q. Xu, H. X. Xu, and J. X. Li, Synthesis and evaluation of a novel series of quinoline derivatives with immunosuppressive activity, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 17(15), 5433-5441 (2009).

48. Y. Zhou, G. Xu, F. F. Choi, L. S. Ding, Q. B. Han, J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, Q. S. Zhao, and H. X. Xu*, Qualitative and quantitative analysis of diterpenoids in Salvia species by liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (24), 4847-4858 (2009).

49. C. Y. Li, H. X. Xu, Q. B. Han, and T. S. Wu, Quality assessment Radix Codonopsis by quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance, Journal of Chromatography A, 1216(11), 2124-2129 (2009).

50. Z. Li, X. J. Zhang, H. X. Xu, J. J. Sung, and Z. X. Bian, Intracolonical administration of protease-activated receptor-2 agonists produced visceral hyperalgesia by up-regulating serotonin in the colon of rats, European Journal of Pharmacology, 606(1-3), 199-204 (2009).

51. S. L. Li, J. Z. Song, F. F. Choi, C. F. Qiao, Y. Zhou, Q. B. Han, and H. X. Xu*, Chemical profiling of Radix Paeoniae evaluated by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/photo-diode-array/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 49, 253-266 (2009).

52. S. D. Qi, S. L. Tian, H. X. Xu, J. J. Sung, and Z. X. Bian, Quantification of luminally released serotonin in rat proximal colon by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393 (8), 2059-2066 (2009).

53. S. X. Huang, C. Feng, Y. Zhou, X. Gang, Q. B. Han, D. C. Chang, K. Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*, Bioassay-guided isolation of xanthones and polycyclic prenylated acylphloroglucinols from Garcinia oblongifolia, Journal of Natural Product, 72 (1), 130-135 (2009).

54. X. Wang, Y. C. Chen, Q. B. Han, H. Wang, Z. Liu, C. H. Cheng, D. T. Yew, M. C. Lin, M. L. He, H. X. Xu*, and H. F. Kung, Proteomic identification of molecular targets of gambogic acid: Role of stathmin in hepatocellular carcinoma, Proteomics, 9(2), 242-253 (2009).

55. Q. B. Han, Y. Zhou, C. Feng, G. Xu, S. X. Huang, S. L. Li, J. Z. Song, Donald. C. Chang, Kathy Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*,Bioassay guided discovery of apoptosis inducers from gamboge by high-speed counter-current chromatography and high-pressure liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography B, 877 (4), 401-407 (2009).

56. Y. Zhou, B. L. Yang, J. Yang, S. X. Huang, H. D. Sun, H. X. Xu and L. S. Ding, Electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric analysis of ent-6,7-seco-kaurane diterpenoids from the Isodon species, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23, 138-146 (2009).

57. G. Xu, C. Feng, Y. Zhou, Q. B. Han, C. F. Qiao, S. X. Huang, D. C. Chang, Q. S. Zhao, Kathy Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*, Bioassay and UPLC/MS Guided Isolation of Apoptosis-inducing Benzophenones and Xanthones from Garcinia yunnanensis, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56, 11144-11150 (2008).

58. Y. Zhou, S. Y. Jiang, L. S. Ding, S. W. Cheng, H. X. Xu, P. P. But, and P. C. Shaw, Chemical Fingerprinting of Medicinal Plants“Gui-jiu”by LC-ESI Multiple-Stage MS, Chromatographia, 68, 781-789 (2008).

59. Q. B. Han, H. L. Tian, N. Y. Yang, C. F. Qiao, J. Z. Song, D. C. Chang, Kathy Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*,Polyprenylated Xanthones from Garcinia lancilimba Showing Apoptotic Effects against HeLa-C3 Cells, Chemistry & Biodiversity,5 (12), 2710-2717 (2008).

60. J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, S. L. Li, Q. B. Han, and H. X. Xu*, Purity determination of yunaconitine reference standard using HPLC with experimental design and response surface optimization, Journal of Separation Science, 31 (22), 3809-3816 (2008).

61. Q. B. Han, L. Wong, N. Y. Yang, J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, H. Yiu, Y. Ito, and H. X. Xu*, A simple method to optimize the HSCCC two-phase solvent system by predicting the partition coefficient for target compound, Journal of Separation Science, 31, 1189-1194 (2008).

62. S. H. Huang, Q. B. Han, L. Chun, J. X. Pu, W. L. Xiao, J. L. Yu, L. M. Yang, H. X. Xu, Y. T. Zheng, and H. D. Sun, Isolation and characterization of miscellaneous terpenoids of Schisandra chinensis, Tetrahedron, 64, 4260-4267(2008).

63. Y. Zhou, Q. B. Han, J. Z. Song, and H. X. Xu*, Characterization of polyprenylated xanthones in Garcinia xipshuanbannaensis using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 1206 (2), 131-139 (2008).

64. Y. Zhou, X. Liu, J. Yang, Q. B. Han, J. Z. Song, S. L. Li, L. S. Ding, and H. X. Xu*, Analysis of caged xanthones from the resin of Garcinia hanburyi using ultraperformance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 629, 104-118 (2008).

65. G. Xu, L. Y. Peng, A. J. Hou, J. Yang, Q. B. Han, H. X. Xu, and Q. S. Zhao, Isolation, structural elucidation, and chemical transformation of interconvertible 8,12-hemiketal germacranolide sesquiterpenoids from Salvia castanea Diels f. tomentosa Stib., Tetrahedron, 64(40), 9490-9494(2008).

66. Q. B. Han, N. Y. Yang, H. L. Tian, C. F. Qiao, J. Z. Song, Donald C. Chang, S. L. Chen, Kathy Q. Luo, and H. X. Xu*, Xanthones with growth inhibition against HeLa cells from Garcinia xipshuanbannaensis, Phytochemistry, 69, 2187-2192 (2008).

67. S. L. Li, Q. B. Han, J. Z. Song, C. F. Qiao, C. L. Cheng, and H. X. Xu*, Chemical markers for the quality control of herbal medicines, Chinese Medicine 3, 7 (2008). Review

68. S. L. Li, J. Z. Song, Q. B. Han, C. F. Qiao, and H. X. Xu*, Improved high-performance liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of 12 cytotoxic caged xanthones in gamboges, a potential anticancer resin from Garcinia hanburyi, Biomedical Chromatography,22(6), 637-644 (2008).

69. Q. B. Han, S. L. Li, C. F. Qiao, J. Z. Song, Z. W. Cai, P. P. H. But, P. C. Shaw, and H. X. Xu*, A simple method to identify the unprocessed Strychnos seeds used in herbal medicinal products, Planta Medica, 31(6), 1109-1114 (2008).

70. Y. Chen, Y. T. Cheung, L. D. Kong, T. B. Ng, C. F. Qiao, S. F. Mo, H. X. Xu, and H. F. Kung, Transcriptional regulation of corticotrophin releasing factor gene by furocoumarins isolated from seeds of Psoralea corylifolia, Life Science, 82 (21-22), 1117-1121 (2008).

71. Y. F. Wong, H. Zhou, J. R. Wang, Y. Xie, H. X. Xu, and L. Liu, Anti- inflammatory and analgesic effects and molecular mechanisms of JCICM-6, a purified extract derived from an anti-arthritic Chinese herbal formula. Phytomedicine, 15, 416-426 (2008).

72. C. F. Qiao, Q. B. Han, J. Z. Song,Z. T. Wang, L. S. Xu, and H. X. Xu*, Analysis of Eight Bioactive Compounds in Alpinia Species by HPLC-DAD. Natural Product Research & Development, 20 (3), 422-426, (2008).

73. Y. Xie, H. Zhou, Y. F. Wong, Z. Q. Liu, H. X. Xu, Z. H. Jiang, and L. Liu, An optimized high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for benzoylmesaconine determination in processed Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Fuzi, aconite roots) and its products, Chinese Medicine, 3, 6 (2008).

74. X. J. Zhang, Z. Li, W. M. Leung, L. Liu, H. X. Xu, and Z. X. Bian, The Analgesic Effect of Paeoniflorin on Neonatal Maternal Separation-Induced Visceral Hyperalgesia in Rats, Journal of Pain, 9 (6), 497-505 (2008).

75. Q. Xu, Y. Pan, L. T. Yi, Y. C. Li, S. F. Mo, F. X. Jiang, C. F. Qiao, H. X. Xu, X. B. Lu, L. D. Kong, and H. F. Kung, Antidepressant-Like Effects of Psoralen Isolated from the Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia in the Mouse Forced Swimming Test, Biol Pharm Bull. 31(6), 1109-1114 (2008).

76. J. Z. Song, H.W. Hillary Yiu, C. F. Qiao, Q. B. Han, and H. X. Xu*, Chemical comparison and classification of Radix Astragali by determination of isoflavonoids and astragalosides, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 47, 399-406 (2008).

77. S. Y. Zhang, G. Chen, P. F. Wei, X. S. Huang, Y. Dai, Y. J. Shen, S. L. Chen, C. A. Sun-Chi, and H. X. Xu, The effect of puerarin on serum nitric oxide concentration and myocardial eNOS expression in rats with myocardial infarction, Journal of Asian Natural Product Research, 10 (4), 323-328 (2008).

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