词条 | 心灵鸡汤:友情岁月(英) |
释义 | 美国作家坎费尔德主编,由安徽科学技术出版社于2007-11-1出版发行。《心灵鸡汤——友情岁月》用一个个温馨感人的小故事诠释美国青少年心中友情的真谛。这本书颂扬了我们人生中所走过的所有旅程。在这里有各种各样的故事――从运动到自我形象,从减肥到康复――它们如实反映了我们人类的传统和斗争、挑战和梦想。这些故事脍炙人口、发人深省。 基本信息作者:(美)坎费尔德 等编著 ISBN:10位[7533739248]13位[9 787533739249] 出版社:安徽科学技术出版社 出版日期:2007-11-1 定价:¥18.00元 内容提要谁能够划船不用桨,谁能够扬帆没有风向,谁能够离开好朋友没有感伤……友谊。是人类最珍贵的情感之一。没有朋友相陪的旅途是寂寞的。 没有友情相伴的岁月是漫长的。 青春是挥洒友情最广阔的天空。友情是点缀青春最绚烂的花朵。孩童时代的友情是最纯真的,如一块无暇的白玉,上面刻着嬉笑玩耍阳光灿烂的日子,刻着互相鼓励追逐梦想的美好时光。坚而不摧的友谊也会受到种种现实问题的冲击。误会摩擦曾让他们无奈彷徨,不同的观点理想曾让他们争执互不相让。然而信任理解宽容最终化解一切冰霜,始终不移的信念令友情久而弥坚……看了一个个慧人心智的故事后,你想不想测测自己的友情指数呢?赶快翻开《心灵鸡汤——友情岁月》吧,你是不是一个受欢迎的人。你是否善于修复受伤的友情,你是否择友得当……答案尽在其中! 目录Introduction Acknowledgments CHAPTER1WHATISAFRIEND? TheFirstDay FriendshipSoup DearFriend BeingaFriend TheGardener CHAPTER2FRIENDSHIPCHALLENGES CrossingtheFence AVolunteerfromtheAudience NotReallyaFriend TheIn-Crowd ADeckofSnails Andy CHAPTER3FRIENDSWHOINSPIRE TakeCare TrueFriends MyTwoBestFriends ADifferentKindofFriend TheGiftofFriendship CHAPTER4UNUSUALFRIENDSHIPS AFriendshipNeverBroken Twin MyReflection TheFriendshipCake ComfortHasFourLegs AFelineFriend Cello DirectoryAssistance CHAPTER5BLURRYLINES "FriendswithBenefits,"Prom-Style JustFriends Can'tFallinLovewithaFriend AChangingSeason ICalledYouMyBestFriend CHAPTER6WHENFRIENDSHIPSCHANGE TheHistoryofIzziandMe FriendForeverWe'llAlwaysBe FearorVertigo MyRhiannon ForHerOwnGood CHAPTER7TOUGHSTUFF TheLittleRedBunny MyLoss Regret WhyDidn'tYouTry? Jerry CHAPTER8FRIENDSINNEED AFatefulFriendship GuysCome,andGuysGo TakeBacktheNight BecomingOneandLosingaHalf MyDearFriend PayingBackaFriend TheLittleThingsFriendsDo 精彩节选WHEN I WAS FIFTEEN,I would have laughed at the sug- gestion that perhaps my parents were adually my best friends. My parents?You mean the ones who had the magi- cai ability to tell if l was lying even when I came up with a real doozy?Or the ones who were so overprotective of me that I couldn't ride my bike past the big rock at the end of the street?Or the ones who called my friend's parents to make sure they d be home during a weekend sleepover? Friends?On the contrary, many times I thought of my parents as enemies.The ones who were always trying to squash my good time and ensure that I didn't have too much fun,get too crazy or enjoy too much freedom. But what if freedom from my parents was oll I had, and I was stuck in the foster-care system like the author of think about the things many of us take for granted.Who would have thought that as a teenager, our parental units could be our closest friends? My Two Best Friends Nine schools and nine cities in fifteen years. Making friends pretty pointless. Foster kids easily learn how not to feel. |
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