词条 | 新疆密码 |
释义 | 图书信息作者:王族 出版社: 当代中国出版社; 第1版 (2011年7月1日) 平装: 314页 正文语种: 简体中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787515400112 条形码: 9787515400112 产品尺寸及重量: 22.8 x 15.8 x 2.8 cm ; 458 g 内容简介《新疆密码:天山高原上的生存传奇》内容简介:新疆,辽阔、博大、神秘。很少有人知道在这块土地上生活着的人们的状态和性格,更很少有人了解这里的动物们的状态,以及动物和人是如何相处的。美丽的长眉骆驼给人以多少美感,苍狼的咆哮中有哪些内涵,“搬家”的河流,寂静的雪山,变化多端的牧场,深藏着多少秘密,朴实的图瓦人心里又装着多少故事。《新疆密码:天山高原上的生存传奇》用大量的真实的事件,描述了人们在新疆辽阔博大地域中的生存状态,以及人受地域影响,从自身呈现出的种种生命反应,展示了新疆鲜为人知的丰富性和神秘性,以及诸多离奇的动物和人的故事。 编辑推荐《新疆密码:天山高原上的生存传奇》敦克尔勇士以雄鹰叱咤四方,塔吉克牧民领千牛羊磅礴转场。 作者简介王族,甘肃天水人,曾从军,现居乌鲁木齐,从事出版工作,系中国作家协会会员。曾长期在新疆生活、工作,对新疆的情况了解较深,曾出版反映新疆生活和风情的书籍二十余部,有散文集《兽部落》《游牧者的归途》《逆美人》《马背上的西域》《上帝之鞭》《藏北的事情》;长篇散文《悬崖乐园》《狼界》《图瓦之书》等20余部作品。曾获《中国作家》“大红鹰文学奖”,新疆首届青年创作奖等,在场主义散文新锐奖等。 目录冰山之父 一个人与羊的灵性对话 塔吉克老人的背影 花儿为什么这样红 公主堡和鹰笛的传说 帕米尔人的羊皮卷 老人的牧羊曲 慕士塔格峰下的失败 他的心中有只奔跑的羚羊在歌唱 “搬家”的河流 让叶子回到树上 在石头城听鸟叫 冰山之父 一只狼的十一天 第一天慢慢睁开眼睛 第二天与狼第一次对视相握 第三天电流穿过狼的身体 第四天打狼人的目光飘忽不定 第五天一只狼跟在一个女人身后 第六天狼与狗,两双目光对接在了一起 第七天地震中的恐惧 第八天孤绝狼志 第九天它突然扑向我,吓了我一大跳 第十天不知道吃羊的狼 第十一天回到野外的家 清凉的高地 男人们都走了 春天是一个慢慢往高处走的人 数羊,图瓦人最郑重的游戏 一个没有留下姓名的人 酒神都在图瓦人的村庄 用一只眼睛同时看太阳和月亮 多尔林和他的细狗 听一首让人流泪的歌 草原上的雨 一次行走,一生回望 夜祭敖包 草原上没有人敢砍一棵松树 美好的事,隐约的低语 跟着骆驼行走 …… 风吹草低见牛羊 励志兽 大雪飘飘 新疆密码,同名书籍,胡笳 钟习政著《新疆密码》,同名书籍,胡 笳 钟习政著2007年10月出版第一版 新疆密码/ 作者:胡 笳 钟习政 著,价格:CNY38.00元,出版者:北京 五洲传播出版社 ,出版时间:2007-10-01,索书号K92/3796,ISBN:978-7-5085-1156-6,分类号K924.5 K924.5。 内容简介人迹罕至的荒山高崖上如何会有名前岩画?数千年前的陶罐碎片隐藏着什么故事?古代干尸又是怎样变身为楼兰美女的呢?丝路双城的残垣断壁扮演着怎样的角色?和田玉为何如此珍贵?格兰姆真是天神传授的地毯吗?草原上沉默的石人缘何能历千年而不倒?世上惟一的野马还能在它们祖先的土地上驰骋吗?葡萄树王隐藏在哪里?中国的西部边陲怎么会有一座八卦城呢?君王的爱妃为何会有一身异香?她又魂归何处呢…… 让我们打开《新疆密码》,寻找答案。 ·查看全部>> 目录随楼兰美女一同上路 火焰山下的传奇 生土夯成的故城 寻找石人的祖先 岩画背后的故事 古寺丽影 陶罐里的秘密 丝路花雨 天神传授的地毯 昆仑美玉 西域八卦城 树之王者 香妃之谜 普氏野马之前世今生 2010年1月,《新疆密码》(胡笳 钟习政著)英文版出版: 《新疆密码》(英文版) 作 者:胡笳,钟习政 著 ;宋冬萌,王庆峰,张莉 译。 丛 书 名:出 版 社:五洲传播出版社,ISBN:9787508517681,出版时间:2010-01-01第一版, 页数:235,装帧:平装,开本:16开,所属分类:图书 > 文化 > 地域文化 内容简介Why did the prchistoric rock carvings appear on the desolatecliffs? What stories lie buried among tile fragments of pottery jarsfrom thousands of years ago? How did an ancient woman dead forcenturies comc to bc known as tile Belie of Loulan? What role have tlletwin cities on the Silk Road played in history? Why is Hotan jade soprecious? Is tile Gelanmu carpet really a gift from Heaven? How havethe silent stone statues on the grassland survived the ravages of time?Will the world's only species of wild horse ever gallop freely againacross the land where its ancestors once roamed? Why does China'swestern frontier have a city laid out according to the eight trigrams?How did the Fragrant Concubine get her name, and where is sheburied? Explore the Mysteries of Xinjiang to find the answers. ·查看全部>> 目录let belle of loulan guide the way legends at the foot of the mountain of flames the ancient city of earth buildings In Search of the Slone Slakles' Ancestors Stories Behind lhe Rock Arl H~sleries of the Ancienl Temples The Secrels of the Pollerv Jar Flower Rains on the Silk Road A Carpel from Heaven. Beauiful lade from the Kunlun Mounlains Bagua, lhe Eight-Trigram Cin The King of Grapes The Mystery of the H-agranl Conct,bine's Tomb The Evolulion of the Przewalski's Horse ·查看全部>> 精彩书摘A City of Buddhists At the heart of the Jiaohe Ruins stands a Buddhist temple. People have long wondered what secrets might be hidden inside. As a professional archaeologist, Wu Zhen's view on when Jiaohe was established, is well-founded. Key to his work are two relics discovered in 1996 at the Gouxi Tomb, near the Jiaohe Ruins. One is a semicircular gold neckband formed of four intertwined hollow flattubes, which was clearly a symbol of nobility and social status; the other is a gold earring inlaid with turquoise,with levels of bright colouring and an unusual design. Both items date from the Hart Dynasty, around thestart of the Christian era. Wu Zhen, as he continued hisresearch, became increasingly interested in the layoutof the tomb. He eventually concluded that the occupantof the Gouxi Tomb must have been a noble of very highstanding. Cheshi is known to have been home to nomadictribes. Its architecture, such as the tombs, thereforetended to be circular in design, rather than square. Wubelieves that the city of Jiaohe was built around theBuddhist temple, which occupied the central point. Thetemple served as the city's main landmark, just as theForbidden City does in Beijing. The streets, alleys andhouses were all built, centred on the Buddhist temple.The city as we see it today, finally came into beingduring the Tang Dynasty. Xinjiang played a key role in the eastward spread ofBuddhism. So, there are numerous sites in the regionthat are associated with Buddhism, among them theancient city of Jiaohe. Buddhism had a major impacton the design and construction of Jiaohe. |
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