

词条 谢平
1 中投公司副总经理

























《金融腐败:非规范融资行为的交易特征和体制动因》 经济研究(2003)

《The coordination between monetary policy and exchange rate policy in an open economy in transition a case study on China from 1994 to 2000》 Journal of Asian Economics 14(2003)

《泰勒规则及其在中国货币政策中的检验》 《经济研究》(2002)

《中国农村信用合作社体制改革的争论》 《金融研究》(2001)

《新世纪中国货币政策的挑战》 《金融研究》(2000)

《通货紧缩和货币政策》 《经济研究》 (1999)

《当代西方货币政策有效性理论述评》 《金融研究》(1998)

《货币政策操作的最优规则》 《金融研究》 (1997)

《中国金融制度的选择》 上海远东出版社1996年12月


《关于中国金融形势的几个问题》 《管理世界》 (1995)



2 南朝冶炼家


3 苏州大学教授


4 中国电影集团公司电影摄影师




故 事 片:《天皇巨星》、《人之初》、《青春作证》、《狂吻俄罗斯》、《司马敦》、《金婚》、《面对生命》和《张思德》等。

电 视 剧:《老人与孩子》、《病毒·金牌·星期天》、《父亲是变色龙》、《无悔追踪》、《二马》、《罪证》、《你的生命如此多情》、《贻笑大方》、《葛定国同志的夕阳红》和《母亲》(导演兼摄影)等。


纪 录 片:《斯芬克斯之谜·秦始皇》(德国)、《丝绸之路上的掠夺》(德国)、《国歌》和《中国博物馆·“故宫”、“长城”、“中国古史”》等。


1988年度国家影视部颁发: “飞天·优秀摄影奖”。

1993年度国家影视部颁发: “童牛·优秀摄影奖”。

1995年度中国影视摄影师协会颁发: “优秀摄影奖”。

2005年国家影视总局颁发: “华表奖··最佳技术奖提名”

2005年电影金鸡百花奖评委会颁发: “金鸡·最佳摄影奖提名”。

5 江西中医学院教授



6 武汉大学水利水电学院教授、博导






1980.9至1984.7 江苏省南京市河海大学陆地水文专业(本科)学习 学生

1984.9至1987.6 江苏省南京市河海大学水文水资源专业(硕士)学习 学生

1987,6至1991,8 湖北省武汉市武汉水利电力大学河流工程系工作 讲师

1991,9至1993,12 湖北省武汉市武汉水利电力大学水文水资源专业(在职博士) 讲师/在职博士

1994,1至1995,12 湖北省武汉市武汉水利电力大学河流工程系工作 讲师

1996,1至1997,3 湖北省武汉市武汉水利电力大学河流工程系工作 副教授

1997,4至1997,6 爱尔兰国立大学戈尔威学院,第七届国际河流水文预报高级研究班 访问学者

1997,7至2000,2 湖北省武汉市武汉水利电力大学河流工程系工作 副教授

2000,2至2001,12 湖北省武汉市武汉大学水利水电学院工作 副教授

2002,1至2004,9 湖北省武汉市武汉大学水利水电学院工作 教授、博导














1. 全国山洪灾害防治规划:乌鲁木齐市山洪灾害防治规划,2004。

2. 全国水资源综合规划专题研究:水资源评价及水文频率计算方法研究,2003。

3. 国家防汛抗旱指挥系统一期工程:广东省三防指挥系统勘察设计,2003。

4. 中国科学院知识创新工程项目:变化环境水循环模拟与时空分析研究,2003。

5. 中国工程院重大咨询项目:西北地区生态环境需水量研究,2002。

6. 中国科学院知识创新工程项目:陆气水循环与水资源风险分析,2002。

7. 全国水库洪水调度系统工程重点建设项目:延安市王瑶水库洪水调度系统软件开发设计,2001。

8. 水利部南水北调规划管理局专项研究基金:南水北调中线工程对汉江中下游水华影响研究,2001。

9. 全国水库洪水调度系统工程重点建设项目:云南曲靖市南盘江上游八座水库及河道洪水预报调度系统软件,2000。

10. 水利部南水北调规划管理局专项研究基金:南水北调中线工程对汉江中下游环境影响研究,2000。


1. 谢平,夏军,窦明,张万顺.南水北调中线工程对汉江中下游水华的影响及对策研究(Ⅰ)-汉江水华发生的关键因子分析. 自然资源学报,2004年7月,第19卷第4期.

2. 谢平,夏军,窦明,张万顺.南水北调中线工程对汉江中下游水华的影响及对策研究(Ⅱ)-汉江水华发生的概率分析及防治对策. 自然资源学报,2004年9月,第20卷第5期.

7 安徽华星化工股份有限公司董事长





8 四川省邛崃市水务局党组书记、局长






9 中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员


谢平,男,汉族,1961年3月出生,博士生导师。中科院生态系统研究网络东湖湖泊生态系统试验站(国家重点野外台站)站长,淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室副主任,淡水生态学研究中心主任,华中农业大学水产学院讲座教授。主要研究方向为淡水生态学和环境毒理学。 主要研究内容:湖泊富营养化机制、微囊藻毒素的毒理学(致毒与解毒机理、结合产物的分离、抽提、纯化与定量分析技术等)及对水产品食用安全性的影响(抽提检测技术、分布与动力学、食物网中的迁移与累积等)。国家杰青,百人,享受政府特殊津贴,省突贡专家,国家百千万人才。






(1) 湖泊生态学


(2) 蓝藻水华的发生机制和控制技术

(3) 蓝藻毒素的化学、生态与分子毒理学


(4) 蓝藻毒素的代谢及对水产品安全的影响

(5) 异味物质的化学生态学等。


(1) 担任《Ecological Research 》(SCI源刊)编委;

(2) 担任《International Review of Hydrobiology》(SCI源刊)编委;

(3) 担任《TheScientificWorldJournal》(SCI源刊) 编委;

(4) 担任《Limnology》(SCI源刊)顾问编委;

(5) 担任《湖泊科学》副主编。


(1) 湖北省人民政府参事;

(2) 中科院生态系统研究网络东湖湖泊生态系统试验站(国家重点野外台站)站长;

(3) 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室(中国科学院水生生物研究所)副主任;

(4) 中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水生态学研究中心主任;

(5) 华中农业大学水产学院讲座教授。






1999年获第九届日本生态学琵琶湖奖Biwako Prize for Ecology(国际奖);




在刘建康院士的指导下,谢平博士通过系统和深入地研究水生态系统中牧食食物链的营养关系及下行(Top down)效应,成功地揭开了武汉东湖蓝藻水华消失(达15年之久)之谜,将生态学理论与应用研究有机结合,创造性地提出了用滤食性鱼类直接控制蓝藻水华的新的“生物操纵”法,荣获国际湖泊生态学的大奖—第9届日本琵琶湖生态学奖。




1.SCI 论文


(1) Li GY, Chen J, Xie P*, Jiang Y, Wu LY, Zhang XZ. Protein expression profiling in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to the microcystin-LR. Proteomics(2011) 11: 2003–2018 (*Correspondent author)

(2) Deng XW, Liang GD, Chen J, Qi M, Xie P*. Simultaneous determination of eight common odors in natural water body using automatic purge and trap coupled to gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A(2011) 1218: 3791–3798 (*Correspondent author)

(3) Niu Y, Shen H, Chen J, Xie P*, Yang X, Tao M, Ma ZM, Qi M. Phytoplankton community succession shaping bacterioplankton community composition in Lake Taihu, China. Wat. Res.(2011) 45: 4169 -4182 (*Correspondent author)

(4) Yang H, Xie P, Ni LY, Flower RJ. Underestimation of CH4 emission from freshwater lakes in China. ES&T(2011)45, 4203–4204

(5) Zhang M, Wang ZQ, Xu J, Liu YQ, Ni LY, Cao T, Xie P. Ammonium, microcystins, and hypoxia of blooms in eutrophic water cause oxidative stress and C–N imbalance in submersed and floating-leaved aquatic plants in Lake Taihu, China. Chemosphere(2011) 82, 329-339.

(6) Shen H, Niu Y, Xie P*, Tao M, Yang X. Morphological and physiological changes in Microcystis aeruginosaas a result of interactions with heterotrophic bacteria. Freshwat Biol(2011) 56: 1065–1080 (*Correspondent author)

(7) Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Xiong Q, Qiu T. Involment of p53, Bax, and Bcl-2 pathway in microcystins-induced apoptosis in rat testis, Environ. Toxicol.(2011) 26: 111–117 (*Correspondent author)

(8) Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Xiong Q, Qiu T & Ying Liu. Acute effects of microcystins on the transcription of 14 glutathione S-transferase isoforms in Wistar Rat. Environ. Toxicol.26: 187–194 (2011) (*Correspondent author)

(9) Liang GD, Xie P*, Chen J*, Yu T. Comparative studies on the pH dependence of DOW of microcystin-RR and -LR using LC-MS. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL(2011) 11, 20–26 (*Correspondent author)

(10) GuoNC, Xie P*. A study on the effects of food quantity and quality on Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity and growth rate parameters ofDaphnia carinatavarying in age.Aquat Ecol. (2011)45:63–73 (*Correspondent author)

(11) Zhang M, Cao T, Ni LY, Xie P, Zhu GR, Zhong AW, Xu J, Fu H. Light-dependent phosphate uptake of a submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatumL. Aquat. Bot.(2011) 94: 151–157

(12) Xu J, Zhang M, Xie P*. Sympatric variability of isotopic baselines influences modeling of fish trophic patterns. Limnology(2011) 12: 107–115 (*Correspondent author)

(13) Cao T, Ni LY, Xie P, Xu J, Zhang M. Effects of moderate ammonium enrichment on three submersed macrophytes under contrasting light availability. Freshwat Biol.(2011) 56, 1620–1629

(14) Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Shi ZC, Wang J, Yuan GL, Zhao YY, Tang R. Anemia induced by repeated exposure to cyanobacterial extracts with explorations of underlying mechanisms. Environ. Toxicol.(2011) (*Correspondent author)

(15) Yuan GL, Xie P*, Zhang XZ, Tang R, Gao Y, Li DP, Li L. In vivo studies on the immunotoxic effects of microcystins on rabbit. Environ. Toxicol.(2011) (*Correspondent author)

(16) Zhang XZ, Ji W, Zhan H, Zhang W, Xie P*. Studies on the toxic effects of microcystin-LR on the zebrafish (Danio rerio) under different temperatures. J Appl Toxicol(2011) (*Correspondent author)

(17) Zhao YY, Xiong Q, Xie P*. Analysis of microRNA expression in embryonic developmental toxicity induced by MC-RR. PloS One(2011) (*Correspondent author)

(18) Wang PL, Shen H, Xie P*. Can hydrodynamics change phosphorus strategies of diatoms? – Nutrient levels and diatom blooms in lotic and lentic ecosystems. Microbiol. Ecol.(2011)

(19) Zhou Q, Xie P*, Xu J*, Liang X, Qin J, Cao T, Chen F. Seasonal trophic shift of littoral consumers in eutrophic Lake Taihu (China) revealed by a two-source mixing model. TheScientificWorld(2011)

Papers published before 2011


(20)Li GY, Xie P*, Fu J, Hao L, Xiong Q, Li HY, Microcystin-induced variations in transcription of GSTs in an omnivorous freshwater fish, goldfish, Aquatic Toxicol., 88 (2008), 75-80;(*Correspondent author)

(21)Hao L, Xie P*, Fu J, Li GY, Xiong Q & Li HY, The effect of cyanobacterial crude extract on the transcription of GST mu, GST kappa and GST rho in different organs of goldfish (Carassius auratus), Aquat. Toxicol., 90 (2008), 1-7; (*Correspondent author)

(22)Yang H, Xing YP, Xie P*, Ni LY and Rong KW, Carbon source/sink function of a subtropical, eutrophic lake determined from an overall mass balance and a gas exchange and carbon burial balance,Environ. Pollut.151 (2008), 559-568; (*Correspondent author)

(23)Li DP, Xie P*& Zhang XZ, Changes in plasma thyroid hormones and cortisol levels in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) exposed to the extracted microcystins, Chemosphere, 74 (2008), 13-18; (*Correspondent author)

(24)Geng H & Xie P*, Experimental studies on the effects of toxic Microcystis aeruginosaPCC7820 on the survival and reproduction of two freshwater rotifersBrachionus calyciflorusand Brachionus rubens, Ecotoxicology, 17 (2008), 709-715; (*Correspondent author)

(25)Dai M, Xie P*, Liang GD, Chen J & Lei HH, Simultaneous determination of microcystin-LR and its glutathione conjugate in fish tissues by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. B, 862 (2008), 43-50; (*Correspondent author)

(26)Lei HH, Xie P*, Chen J, Liang GD, Dai M, Zhang XZ, Distribution of toxins in various tissues of crucian carp intraperitoneally injected with hepatotoxic microcystins, Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 27 (2008),1167-1174;(*Correspondent author)

(27)Zhao Y, Xie P*, Tang R, Zhang X, Li L, Li D, In vivo studies on the toxic effects of microcystins on mitochondrial electron transport chain and ion regulation in liver and heart of rabbit. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol.Pharmacol., 148 (2008), 204-210; (*Correspondent author)

(28)Wang Q, Xie P*, Chen J, Liang GD, Distribution of microcystins in various organs (Heart, Liver, Intestine, Gonad, Brain, Kidney and Lung) of Wistar rat via intravenous injection. Toxicon,52 (2008), 721-727; (*Correspondent author)

(29)Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Wang WM, Li DP, Lei HH, Shi ZC, Dose dependent effects of extracted microcystins on embryonic development, larval growth and histopathological changes of southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis), Toxicon,51 (2008), 449-456; (*Correspondent author)

(30)Jiang Y, Xie P*, Chen J & Liang G, Detection of the hepatotoxic microcystins in 36 kinds of cyanobacteria Spirulina food products in China, Food Addit. Contamin.,25 (2008), 885-894; (*Correspondent author)

(31)Sun Y, Tang R, Li D, Zhang X, Fu J and Xie P*, Acute effects of microcystins on the transcription of antioxidant enzyme genes in crucian carpCarassius auratus, Environ. Toxicol., 23 (2008), 145-152;(*Correspondent author)

(32)Xu J, Zhang M & Xie P*, Stable isotope changes in freshwater shrimps (Exopalaemon modestus and Macrobrachium nipponensis): trophic pattern implications, Hydrobiologia, 605 (2008), 45-54; (*Correspondent author)

(33)Ke, ZX, Xie P*, Guo LG, Controlling factors of spring-summer phytoplankton succession in Lake Taihu (Meiliang Bay, China), Hydrobiologia, 607 (2008), 41-49; (*Correspondent author)

(34)Ke, ZX, Xie P* and Guo LG, Phenotypic plasticity in gut length in the planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), TheScientificWorldJournal, 8 (2008), 169-175; (*Correspondent author)

(35)Lei HH, Xie P*, Chen, J, Liang GD, Yu T, Jiang Y, Tissue distribution and depuration of the extracted hepatotoxic cyanotoxin microcystins in crucian carp (Carassius carassius) intraperitoneally injected at a sublethal dose. TheScientificWorldJournal, 8 (2008), 713-719; (*Correspondent author)

(36)Zhang X, Xie P*, Huang, XP, A review of nontraditional biomanipulation, TheScientificWorldJournal, 8 (2008), 1184–1196; (*Correspondent author)

(37)Li L, Xie P*, Guo L G, Ke ZX, Zhou Q, Liu YQ and Qiu T, Field and laboratory studies on pathological and biochemical characterization of microcystin-induced liver and kidney damage in the phytoplanktivorous bighead carp, TheScientificWorldJournal, 8 (2008), 121-137; (*Correspondent author)

(38)Dai M, Xie P*, Chen J, Liang GD, Liu Y and Qiu T, Quantitative determination of microcystins in rat plasma by LC–ESI tandem MS, Chromatographia,68 (2008), 811-815; (*Correspondent author)

(39)Ke, ZX, Xie P*, Guo LG, In situ study on effect of food competition on diet shifts and growth of silver and bighead carps in biomanipulation fish pens in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, J. Appl. Ichthyol., 24 (2008), 263-268; (*Correspondent author)

(40)Xu J, Xie P*, Qin J, Diel isotopic fluctuation in surface seston and its physiological and ecological implications. Annal. Limnol. Internat. J. Limnol., 44 (2008), 197-201; (*Correspondent author)

(162)Zhang M, Xu J & Xie P*,Nitrogen dynamics in large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu, China, Environ. Geol., 55 (2008), 1-8; (*Correspondent author)

(41)Liu YQ, Xie P*, Zhang DW & Wen ZR, Seasonal Dynamics of Microcystins with Associated Biotic and Abiotic Parameters in Two Bays of Lake Taihu, the Third Largest Freshwater Lake in China, B. Environ. Contam. Tox.,80 (2008), 24-29; (*Correspondent author)

(42)Wu S, Wang S, Yang H, Xie P*et al., Field studies on the environmental factors in controlling microcystin production in the subtropical shallow lakes of the Yangtze River, B. Environ. Contam. Tox.,80 (2008), 329-334; (*Correspondent author)

(43)Chen J & Xie P*, Accumulation of hepatotoxic microcystins in freshwater mussels, aquatic insect larvae and oligochates in a large, shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Chaohu) of subtropical China. Fresen. Environ. Bull., 17 (2008), 849-854; (*Correspondent author)

(44)Deng DG, Xie P*, Zhou Q, Yang H, Guo LG and Gen H, Field and experimental studies on the combined impacts of cyanobacterial blooms and small algae on crustacean zooplankton in a large, eutrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Limnology, 9 (2008), 1-11; (*Correspondent author)

(45)Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Tang R and Li L, Plasma biochemical responses of the omnivorous crucian carp (Carassius auratus) to crude cyanobacterial extracts, Fish Physiol. Biochem., 34 (2008), 323-329; (*Correspondent author)

(46)Cao T, Xie P, Ni L Y, Wu A P, Zhang M and Xu J, Relationships among the contents of total phenolics, soluble carbohydrate, and free amino acids of 15 aquatic macrophytes, J. Freshwat. Ecol.,23 (2008), 291-296;

(47)Gong ZJ, Li YL and Xie P, Seasonal changes, life cycle, and production of a psychrophilic chironomid (Propsilocerus akamusi) in a Chinese Lake, J. Freshwat. Ecol., 23 (2008), 467-469;


(48)Chen J,Xie P*, Li L & Xu J, First identification of the hepatotoxic microcystins in the serum of a chronically exposed human population together with indication of hepatocellular damage, Toxicol. Sci., (2009) 108:81-89; (*Correspondent author)

(49)Zhang DW, Xie P*, Chen J, Dai M, Qiu T, Liu YQ, Liang GD. Determination of microcystin-LR and its metabolites in snail (Bellamya aeruginosa), shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponensis) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) from Lake Taihu, China, Chemosphere(2009)7: 974-981 (*Correspondent author)

(50)Qiu T, Xie P*, Liu Y, Li GY, Xiong Q, Hao L & Li HY, The profound effects of microcystin on cardiac antioxidant enzymes, mitochondrial function and cardiac toxicity in rat, Toxicology, 257 (2009), 86-94; (*Correspondent author)

(51)Zhang D, Xie P*, Liu Y, Chen J, Wen Z, Spatial and temporal variations of microcystins in hepatopancreas of a freshwater snail from Lake Taihu. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 72 (2009), 466-472; (*Correspondent author)

(52)Zhang DW, Xie P*, Liu YQ, Qiu T, Transfer, distribution and bioaccumulation of microcystins in the aquatic food web in Lake Taihu, China, with potential risks to human health, Sci. Total Environ., (2009),407: 2191-2199; (*Correspondent author)

(53)Chen J, Zhang DW, Xie P* & Ma ZM, Simultaneous determination of microcystin contaminations in various vertebrates (fish, turtle, duck and water bird) from a large eutrophic Chinese lake, Lake Taihu, with toxic Microcystisblooms, Sci. Total Environ., (2009), 407: 3317–3322; (*Correspondent author)

(54)Zhao Y, Xie P*& Zhang XZ, Oxidative stress response after prolonged exposure of domestic rabbit to a lower dosage of extracted microcystins, Environ. Toxicol. Pharm., 27 (2009), 195-199; (*Correspondent author)

(55)Qiu T, Xie P*, Guo LG & Zhang DW, Plasma biochemical responses of the planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) to prolonged toxic cyanobacterial blooms in natural waters, Environ. Toxicol. Pharm., (2009), 27: 350–356; (*Correspondent author)

(56)Li H, Xie P*, Li G, Hao L and Xiong Q, In vivo study on the effects of microcystins extracts on the expression profiles of proto-oncogenes (c-fos, c-jun and c-myc) in liver, kidney and testis of male Wistar rats injected i.v. with toxins, Toxicon, 53 (2009), 169-175; (*Correspondent author)

(57)Li H, Xie P*, Zhang D & Chen J, The first study on the effects of microcystin-RR on gene expression profiles of antioxidant enzymes and heat shock protein-70 in Synechocystissp. PCC6803, Toxicon, (2009) 53: 595-601; (*Correspondent author)

(58)Li DP, Xie P*, Zhang XZ & Zhao YY, Intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins results in hypovolemia and hypotension in crucian carp (Carassius auratus), Toxicon, (2009), 53: 638-644; (*Correspondent author)

(59)Xiong Q, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Li GY, Qiu T & Liu Y, Involvement of Fas/FasL system in apoptotic signaling in testicular germ cells of male Wistar rats injected i.v. with microcystins, Toxicon, (2009) 54: 1-7 (*Correspondent author)

(60)Jiang Y, Xie P* & Liang GD, Distribution and depuration of the potentially carcinogenic malachite green in tissues of three freshwater farmed Chinese fish with different food habits, Aquaculture, 288 (2009), 1-6; (*Correspondent author)

(61)Tan XY, Luo Z, Xie P*, Liu XJ. Effect of dietary n – 3 / n – 6 fatty acid ratios on growth performance, hepatic fatty acid profiles and intermediary metabolism for juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Aquaculture(2009) 296: 96-101 (*Correspondent author)

(62)Zhou Q, Xie P*, Xu J, Ke ZX & Guo LG, Seasonal variations in stable isotope ratios of two biomanipulation fishes and seston in a large pen culture in hypereutrophic Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, Ecol. Engin.(2009) 35: 1603-1609; (*Correspondent author)

(63)Ke ZX, Xie P*, Guo LG, Impacts of two biomanipulation fishes stocked in a large pen on the plankton abundance and water quality during a period of phytoplankton seasonal succession, Ecol. Engin.(2009)35: 1610-1618 (*Correspondent author)

(64)Wu AP, Cao T, Wu SK, Ni LY & Xie P. Trends of Superoxide Dismutase and Soluble Protein of Aquatic Plants in Lakes of Different Trophic Levels in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, China. J. Integrat. Plant Bio., (2009) 51: 414-422

(65)Guo LG, Li ZJ, Xie P*& Ni LY, Assessment effects of cage culture on nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in relation to fallowing in a shallow lake in China, Aquacult. Int., (2009) 17:229-241;

(66)Zhou Q, Xie P*, Xu J, Ke ZX, Guo LG. Growth and food availability of silver and bighead carps: evidence from stable isotope and gut content analysis. Aquacul. Res., (2009) 40: 1616-1625 (*Correspondent author)

(67)Li L, Xie P*. Hepatic histopathological characteristics and antioxidant response of phytoplanktivorous silver carp intraperitoneally injected with extracted microcystins. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences(2009) 22: 297-302

(68)Gong ZJ, Li YL, Shen J, Xie P. Diatom community succession in the recent history of a eutrophic Yunnan Plateau lake, Lake Dianchi, in subtropical China. Limnology(2009) 10: 247-253

(69)Liu Y, Xie P*& Wu XP, Grazing on toxic and non-toxic Microcystis aeruginosaPCC7820 by Unio douglasiaeand Corbicula fluminea, Limnology, (2009) 10: 1-5; (*Correspondent author)

(70)Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Tang R, Lei HH & Zhao YY, Time-dependent oxidative responses of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) to intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins, B. Environ. Contam. Tox.,(2009), 82: 574–578; (*Correspondent author)

(71)Cao T, Xie P, Li Z, Ni L, Zhang M and Xu J, Physiological stress of high NH4concentration in water column on the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natansL., Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 82 (2009), 296-299;

(72)Yu T, Xie P*, Dai M. and Liang GD. Determinations of MC-LR and [Dha7] MC-LR concentrations and physicochemical properties by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. B. Environ. Contam. Tox.,(2009) 83: 757-760, (*Correspondent author)

(73)Guo LG, Ke ZX, Xie P*, Ni LY, Food consumption by in situ pen-cultured planktivorous fishes and effects on an algal bloom in Lake Taihu, China, J. Freshwat. Ecol., 24 (2009), 135-143; (*Correspondent author)

(74)Wen ZR, Xie P*, Xu J. Contributions of Pelagic and Benthic Dietary Sources to Freshwater Mussels: Evidence from Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis, J. Freshwat. Ecol.(2009) 24: 425-430


(75)Wu LY, Xie P*, Chen J*, Zhang DW, Liang GD. 2010. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tadem mass spectrometry assay for the simultaneous quantitation of microcystin-RR and its metabolites in fish liver. J Chromatogr A(2010) 1217,1455-1462 (*Correspondent author)

(76)Chen J, Xie P*, Ma ZM, Niu Y, Tao M, Deng XW, Wang Q. A systematic study on spatial and seasonal patterns of eight taste and odor compounds with relation to various biotic and abiotic parameters in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, China. Sci Total Environ(2010) 409, 314–325 (*Correspondent author)

(77)Zhang M, Cao T, Ni LY, Xie P& Li ZQ. Carbon, nitrogen and antioxidant enzyme responses of Potamogeton crispusto both low-light and high-nutrient stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2009) 68: 44-50

(78)Hao L, Xie P*, Li HY, Li GY, Xiong Q, Wang Q, Qiu T, Liu Y. Transcriptional alteration of cytoskeletal genes induced by microcystins in three organs of rats. Toxicon, (2010) 55: 1378-1386 (*Correspondent author).

(79)Liu Y, Xie P*et al., Microcystin extracts induce ultrastructural damage and biochemical disturbance in male rabbit testis. Environ. Toxicol. (2010)25, 9-17 (*Correspondent author)

(80)Tan XY, Luo Z*, Xie P*, Li XD, Liu XJ, Xie WQ. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on growth performance, body composition and hepatic intermediary metabolism in juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Aquaculture (2010) 310 186–191 (*Correspondent author)

(81)Wang Q, Niu Y, Xie P*, Chen J, Ma ZM, Tao M, Qi M, Wu LY, Guo LG. 2010. Factors affecting temporal and spatial variations of microcystins in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, with potential risk of microcystin contamination to human health. TheScientificWorldJournal(2010) 10, 1795–1809(*Correspondent author)

(82)Xiong Q, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao, L, Li GY, Qiu T, Liu Y. Acute effects of microcystins exposure on the transcription of antioxidant enzyme genes in three organs (liver, kidney and testis) of male Wistar rats. J Biochem Mol Toxic(2010) (*Correspondent author) 24: 361-367

(83)Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Chen J, Hao L, Xiong Q. Quantitative profiling of mRNA expression of glutathione S-transferase superfamily genes in various tissues of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). J Biochem Mol Toxic(2010) 24, 250-259 (*Correspondent author)

(84)Wen ZR, Xie P*and Xu J. Mussel isotope signature as indicator of nutrient pollution in a freshwater eutrophic lake: species, spatial, and seasonal variability. Environ Monit Assess.(2010). 163: 139-147(*Correspondent author)

(85)Li L, Xie P*et al., Antioxidant response in liver of the phytoplanktivorous bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) intraperitoneally-injected with extracted microcystins, Fish Physiol. Biochem., (2010) 36:165-172 (*Correspondent author)

(86)Wang SB, Xie P*, Geng H. The relative importance of physicochemical factors and crustacean zooplankton as determinants of rotifer density and species distribution in lakes adjacent to the Yangtze River, China. Limnologica, (2009) 40:1-7(*Correspondent author)

(87)Zhang DW, Xie P*, Chen J*. 2010. Effects of temperature on the stability of microcystins in muscle of fish and its consequences for food safety. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol(2010) 84:202-207 (*Correspondent author)

(88)Li ZQ, Xu J, Cao T, Ni LY, Xie P*. Adaptive responses of a floating-leaved macrophyte, Nymphoides peltata, to a terrestrial habitat. J. Freshwat Ecol., (2010) 25: 481-486 (*Correspondent author)

(89)Ke ZX, Xie P*, Huang LM, Xu J. Predation risk perception in Daphnia carinatainduced by the milt of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). J. Freshwat Ecol., (2010) 25: 467-473 (*Correspondent author)

2. 其他论文

1) Shei (Xie) P, Iwakuma T & Fujii K,Population dynamics of Daphnia roseain a small eutrophic pond, Ecol. Res., 3(1988), 291-304;(现为SCI源刊)

2) Shei (Xie) P, Iwakuma T & Fujii K, Feeding of Chaoborus flavicanslarvae (Diptera:Chaoboridae) on Ceratium hirundinellaand Daphnia roseain a eutrophic pond, Jpn. J.Limnol.,49 (1988), 227-236;(现改名为Limnology,为SCI源刊)

3) Takamura T, Shen Y & Xie P, Species richness of Protozoa in Japanese lakes, Limnology, 1 (2000), 91-106; (现为SCI源刊)

4) Xie P& Liu JK, Practical success of biomanipulation using filter-feeding fish to control cyanobacteria blooms: a synthesis of decades of research and application in a subtropical hypereutrophic lake, TheScientificWorld, 1(2001), 337-356; (现为SCI源刊)

5) Xie P, Experimental studies on the role of planktivorous fishes in the elimination of Microcystisbloom from Donghu Lake using enclosure method. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol., 14 (1996), 193-204;(现为SCI源刊)

3. 代表国内论文

1) 刘建康,谢平,揭开武汉东湖蓝藻水华消失之谜,长江流域资源与环境, 8(1999)(3),312-319;

2) 谢平,浅水湖泊内源磷负荷季节变化的生物驱动机制,中国科学D辑(地球科学),35(增刊)(2005),11-23;

3) 谢平,微囊藻毒素对人类健康影响相关研究的回顾,湖泊科学,2l(2009),603-613;

4. 专著

1) 谢平,鲢、鳙与藻类水华控制,科学出版社,2003,北京;

2) 谢平,水生动物体内的微囊藻毒素及其对人类健康的潜在威胁,科学出版社,2006,北京;

3) 谢平,论蓝藻水华的发生机制—从生物进化、生物地球化学和生态学视点,科学出版社,2007,北京;

4) 谢平,太湖蓝藻的历史发展与水华灾害,科学出版社,2008,北京;

5) 谢平,翻阅巢湖的历史—蓝藻、富营养化及地质演化,科学出版社,2009,北京。

5. 专著章节

1) 谢平,第7章第2节,东湖蓝藻水华消失之谜(日文)。高桥敏隆(主编),水与生命的生态学。讲谈(Blue Backs)出版社,2000,日本东京,252-268;

2) 谢平,秦伯强,第七章 淡水湖泊水体生态系统。孙鸿烈(主编),生态系统综合研究。科学出版社,2009,北京,152-183。

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