

词条 香港纺织业联会

香港纺织业联会是一个由本地主要纺织业商会组成的团体,代表会员表达意见,包括纺织品配额管制、反倾销条例、香港纺织制品出口管制、雇佣规则、环保条例、各项税例及收费等等。联会亦会与其他组织合作,举行交流 团、研讨会和其他活动。香港纺织业联会荣誉主席陈瑞球。








Textile Council of Hong Kong comprises ten major textiles associations and is a non-profit making organization. It represents the entire Hong Kong textile industry whose business activities range from spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing and finishing, garment making and the manufacture of textile goods.

The Council, incorporated on 22nd July 1988, was officially inaugurated on 12th December 1989. Its main objective is to promote and foster the interests of the textile industry of Hong Kong as a whole.

Associations and organizations whose members are mainly manufacturers in the textile industry in Hong Kong may become Full Members. Firms and corporations the business of which is the manufacturing of textile products in Hong Kong may join the Council as Associate Members. The Council's affairs are managed by a General Committee consisting of representatives of Full Members and Associate Members.

The Council, as a body representing all major textile associations, acts as a voice for the textile industry on matters that affect the industry. Such matters mainly concern with commercial policies affecting Hong Kong's textiles exports such as quotas and anti-dumping actions, Hong Kong's textile export controls system, the employment ordinance, environmental rules and regulations, taxation and tariff etc. It also undertakes by itself or jointly with other organizations study missions, projects, seminars and other activities.

Among members of the General Committee, two members at present serve in the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. One of them also serves as a Member of the District Council. Another member of the General Committee serves in the Executive Council and several members are Hong Kong Deputies to the National People's Congress and Representatives of Hong Kong Members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Many others are appointed members of advisory boards and committees of the HKSAR and semi-government organizations such as Labour Advisory Board, Textiles Advisory Board, Textiles Projects Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund, Advisory Council on the Environment, Clothing Industry Training Authority, Vocational Training Council, Trade Development Council, Productivity Council, Employees Retraining Board, Equal opportunities Commission, Export Credit Insurance Corporation, Hospital Authority etc.

In order to respond to and support the economic reform in China, members have invested in China, particularly in Guangdong Province, by establishing mills for spinning, weaving, dyeing and finishing and garment manufacturing. In this way, members have contributed towards the economy and technology of the textile industry and at the same time the Council makes every effort to maintain the interests of Hong Kong textile investors in China.


Dr S K Chan, GBS, JP


Mr Y C Chen, JP


Mr Jack Tang


Mr Chen Din Hwa


Mr Frank Lin


Miss Eleanor Wong


Mr Kenneth Fang, GBS, JP


Mr Chan Wing Kee, GBS, JP


The Hon Andrew Leung, SBS, JP


Dr Harry Lee, SBS, JP


Mr Willy Lin, SBS, JP

林 宣 武


Mr Clement Chen, BBS, JP

陈 镇 仁

Mr Norman Tam

谭 志 峰

Ms Katherine Fang

方 淑 君

Mr Yeung Fan

杨 勋

Mr Willie Fung

冯 炜 尧

Ms Evelyn Lu

陆 雅 仪

Mr Albert Tung

童 和 平

Mr Kenneth Wong

黄 启 智

Dr Gordon Yen

严 震 铭

Mr Sam Chen

陈 通 生

Dr Roger Ng

吴 镜 波

Mr Sin Hon Pun

冼 汉 鑌

Mr Pat Nie Woo

吴 柏 年


Mr Ronald Chao

曹 其 镛

Mr Kenneth Lo

罗 乐 风

Mr Raymond Fung

冯 义 栋

The Hon James Tien, GBS, JP

田 北 俊

Mr Kelvin Cheuk

卓 汉 坚

Mr Peter Pang

彭 显 璋

Mr Lawrence Fang

方 超

Mr Andrew Sia

谢 安 如

Dr Kenneth K K Wang

王 克 继

Mr Christopher Cheng, GBS, JP

郑 维 志

Mr John Chow

周 伟 伟

Mr. Lam Tai Fai, BBS, JP


Mr Jesse Zee

徐 静 波

Mr Peter Law

罗 建 生

Mr Michael H K Chan, JP

陈 鸿 基

Mr Robert Mui

梅 应 春

Mr Lui Chun Fan

雷 振 范

Mr Lincoln Yung, JP

荣 智 权

Mr Benjamin Lau

刘 文 东

Mr Jerry Yu

虞 哲 奂

Mr Alan Chan

陈 焯 然

Mr Charles Yeung, SBS, JP

杨 钊

Mr Wong Kwok Lam

王 国 林

Mr Stanley Szeto

司 徒 志 仁

Mr Francis Cheng

郑 文 彪

Mr Peter Wang

汪 建 中

Mr Alex Woo

吴 中 豪

Mr Roger Lee

李 国 权

The Hon Mrs Sophie Leung, GBS, JP

梁 刘 柔 芬


Mr Michael Wu

吴 伟 骢


Mr Michael Leung

梁 礼 贤

Member Associations 成员商会

The Federation of Hong Kong Cotton Weavers


The Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers


The Hong Kong Association of Textile Bleachers, Dyers, Printers and Finishers


The Hong Kong Chinese Textile Mills Association


The Hong Kong Cotton Made-up Goods Manufacturers Association


The Hong Kong Cotton Spinners Association


Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers Association


Hong Kong Intimate Apparel Industries' Association


Hong Kong Knitwear Exporters & Manufacturers Association


The Hong Kong Weaving Mills Association


Hong Kong Woollen & Synthetic Knitting Manufacturers' Association






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