词条 | 相爱到分手 |
释义 | 片中曲目(The Inertia Kiss - I won t say adieu The Inertia Kiss - I Remember Love The Inertia Kiss - boyfriend what's the color of love Sarah Dawn Finer - I remember love The Inertia Kiss - born loser) 基本信息译 名 相爱到分手/爱与分手间 片 名 Between Love And Goodbye 上映时间 2009-01-30 国 家 美国 类 别 剧情 语 言 英语 字 幕 中英双字幕 IMDB评分 6.4/10 文件格式 RMVB 视频尺寸 624x352 文件大小 406M 片 长 97 Mins 导 演 卡斯帕·安德瑞斯 Casper Andreas 编 剧: 卡斯帕·安德瑞斯 Casper Andreas ....writer 主 演 Simon Miller ... Kyle Rob Harmon ... April / Cole Ryan Turner ... Tommy Austin Head ... Gutter Punk Jane Elliott ... Sarah Justin Tensen ... Marcel Caroline Delran ... Catherine Aaron Michael Davies ... Danny 剧情介绍Kyle和Marcel是一对一见钟情的同志恋人。Marcel是法国人,为留在美国与Kyle一起,他决定和拉拉朋友Sarah假结婚。Kyle的姐姐April突然回到纽约,打破了Kyle和Marcel的二人世界。April是变性人,一直靠在街上拉皮条为生,她对Kyle有着疯狂的占有欲,想方设法离间这对小情人。看重亲情、率真开朗的Kyle没能识破April的诡计,于是一对甜蜜而执著的恋人陷入嫉妒、愤怒与不能放手的情感纠葛中,徘徊在爱与分手间...... 本片导演Casper Andreas是一名能编能导能演的全才,惯走轻松诙谐的同志喜剧路线,他的作品“春情夏日”(Slutty Summer)“追爱四字头”(A Four Letter Word)都备受好评。值得一提的是,主角Marcel曾经在美版QAF中轧过一脚,还记得他是谁吗?没错,那个第三季一开始因为酷似Justin而被 Brian吊回家的男孩。 本片中的六首歌都非常好听,可惜主角的在中国的资料很少,好喜欢这支乐队,惯性之吻 作品赏析 片名:Between love and goodbye 导演: Casper Andreas 编剧:Casper Andreas 主演: Simon Miller/Justin Tensen/Rob Harmon/Ryan Turner/Austin Head 制片国家/地区: 美国 制作周期:2007年9月12日 - 2007年10月1日 上映日期: 2009-01-30 语言: 英语 / 法语 又名: 相爱到分手 / 爱与再见之间 / between love and goodbye 作品内容Kyle和Marcel是一对一见钟情的同志恋人。Marcel是法国人,为留在美国与Kyle一起,他决定和拉拉朋友Sarah假结婚。Kyle的姐姐April突然回到纽约,打破了Kyle和Marcel的二人世界。April是变性人,一直靠在街上拉皮条为生,她对Kyle有着疯狂的占有欲,想方设法离间这对小情人。看重亲情、率真开朗的Kyle没能识破April的诡计,于是一对甜蜜而执著的恋人陷入嫉妒、愤怒与不能放手的情感纠葛中,徘徊在爱与分手间…… 作品赏析似乎很简单的故事,没有那么多起伏和挫折,只是一对简单的同志情侣相爱,争吵,分手,决裂以至无法挽回的故事。故事的开始是阳光充沛的一天,Marcel和Sarah假结婚,Kyle作为伴郎却为marcel戴上求婚的戒指。阳光下两人接吻的镜头无比幸福。在这个时候他们相信Je t'aime pour toujours(我永远爱你),相信会永远站在彼此身边,相信以后都会这样幸福。那些幸福的细节会让人想起来都想要微笑。但是爱情不仅是自私的,也是脆弱的。开始埋怨对方晚回家,开始在意对方的目光不再自己这里,开始觉得对方很烦,开始觉得和朋友分享约会也无所谓,开始需要冷静期。争吵,出轨,分手,决裂,Kyle轻易地说出了我不爱你,Marce在日复一日的忍耐里失去了冷静。 Kyle会把那些无奈写进歌里唱给不认识的陌生人,Marcel在和朋友见面的酒吧里说希望会在前方。Kyle撕碎了见证曾经幸福的照片,Marcel捂着流血的伤口冲出家门。爱情就这样走向无可挽回。也许这些全都要怪April的挑拨离间,但爱情在这样的考验面前却真实完败。 在Marcel因April举报而找上门的警察带走时,kyle醒悟那是自己的爱人;在kyle因追赶Marcel而被驶过的汽车撞倒时,Marcel在警车里大声呼喊爱人的名字。空荡的公寓里,Kyle曾经慵懒地躺在客厅的沙发,窗帘透过的阳光让他看起来无比性感,Marcel滑坐在门边的身影显得那么孤单。Je t'aime pour toujours。 当我们相爱的时候,我们不厌其烦地说着我爱你,目光追逐,甜腻的情话似乎永远说不够;当我们决裂的时候,伤害的话语,流血的伤口也填满不了愤怒,拼命想要将对方驱逐出境 当我们开始一段感情的时候,或者是当我们意识到自己爱上对方的时候,那是一种多么确定而强烈的感觉! 感人影评不是每一次我们想回头,都还能找得到来时的路 作者 luerdelphic “就是他!我一定会爱他一辈子!” 那是一个多么美好的夏日,阳光在这个时候穿透浓郁茂盛的枝叶落到我们肩头,微风带来一阵甘泉的清冽,停留在我们指尖。 有时候,一个人的出现,能改变我们对整个世界的观点。 你被缘分的美丽和爱情的甜蜜包围着,沉醉在恋人的臂弯中。 为何所有爱情故事的开端,都美得像童话故事的结局。 而真实的生活,才刚刚开始。 这是一首充满杂音的歌,我们都在寻找适合自己音调,一开始,我们的节奏那样吻合,似乎这首歌原本是专为我们而写就! 我们原以为,可以就这样相和一生。 我们多么愿意如此。 然而,除了惊喜,生活中还有许多性质并不这般美好的意外。 当我们偶然的,从各种各样的镜子里面看到属于自己的许多的面孔,被眼前迷幻的景象遮蔽了双眼。 我们意识到,为了爱我们放弃了许多,这种牺牲为我们带来了共同的快乐,忽然你问自己,这值得吗? 欲望膨胀贪婪的本性,时不时在我们明朗的天空凝聚成一片片阴云。 当爱变得如此唾手可得,廉价而泛滥,当我们苦苦追求过的他,现在却一心担心害怕失去我, 我们脑子里时不时开始闪现这样的念头,也许,也许,也许,没有你世界并不会停止转动。 忽然你觉得,他变得狭隘了,自私了,他越来越以自我为中心了,他剥夺你的自由,你的权利,他束缚了你放飞梦想的翅膀,他变成了你的牢笼。 他在用爱编织成一张网,而你前所未有的渴望,想要展翅飞翔。 你忽然回忆起天空的美好,自由的感觉,你似乎早已经遗忘了。 你忽然觉得生活应该还有各种可能。 而他,他苦苦哀求你,你觉得他真可怜,甚至是可悲的,你没有说可耻,但你已经想到了。 于是,你曾经那样醉心于的他的眼神,忽然显得委琐了,你曾那样迷恋过他的耳语,也似乎卑微了许多。 有关他的,一切的一切,都显得如此陌生。 而你嘲笑着发现,他竟然还执迷不悟,他竟感觉不到这个世界的变化,忽然,这个你曾爱过人,这个曾用爱让你感到这世界的人, 竟还是因为他对你的爱,变得如此面目可憎。 他含着泪水写下衷情的句子,以为可以唤醒你曾经的温情。 你不屑一顾的,用无视和嘲讽将他们一句一句念读出来。 你带着胜利者目空一切的笑容,和无比鄙视的心情。 这些泪水凝成词句,在你眼中只不过是没有任何价值的,可悲的,求饶的废话,变成一把把蘸毒的匕首,彻彻底底击碎了他的心。 你们用爱铸成长长的利剑,毫不犹豫刺入对方心灵中最脆弱的要害, 你们用歇斯底里的疯狂,将一切回忆变成悔恨,只给对方留下颜面无存的屈辱。 为何坦诚的表白,真挚的倾诉,脆弱的眼泪,一切一切的努力,都无法挽回你的心? 为何只有决绝转身的背影,才能让你疯狂燥热的头脑得到片刻的冷静? 暴风雨过后,天空多少显得平静。 我们忽然记起,那个夏日的美好。 阳光曾那样温柔的穿透浓郁茂盛的枝叶落到我们肩头,微风带来一阵甘泉的清冽,停留在我们指尖。 仿佛就在昨天,他的脸,还是那样温和的笑颜。 只是,不是每一次我们想回头,都还能找得到来时的路。 片中曲目The Inertia Kiss - I won t say adieu(片头曲) 我不说再会 I wonder why the hell i stayin this town 我想知道为何身在此处 Ain't much to do when the sun goes down 日落后便无所事事 But think about what I'll do when I'm with you 总想和你一起 会做何事 Still don't know why you went away 仍不知你为何离去 When black and white turns into gray 当黑白蜕变成灰 Life is cold but I was warm when I kissed you 世态炎凉 与你亲吻倍感温暖 When I'm with you my heart pounds like rain 有你相伴 我心如鹿撞 When I'm with you,I'm immune to pain 有你相随 我痛苦不再 When I'm with you,I feel no restraint 和你在一起 我无拘无束 When I'm with you 与你共度 …… And I don't know how I'm gonna live this way 未知要如何活下去 Eternity burned out that day 日子已然消逝 And I don't know how I'm gonna spend my life without you 没有你 不知如何度过余生 And the church bells are ringing all across the world 教堂钟声响彻世界 And prophesies go unfulfilled 预言没有实现 Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you 他们总说 我与你将白头偕老 I won't say adieu 我不说再会 …… How much more time will I have to wait 还要等多久 You left me in a restless state 你将我留在喧嚣的国度 I'll walk around like I'm in a trance'til I'm with you 人生恍如梦游 直到我遇到你 I wonder where on earth you could have gone 你究竟投身何处 Feel like a siren that somebody left on 我就似被触动的警报器 Screaming out into the night that I miss you 狂吼直至深夜 我想你 When I'm with you,I feel warm inside 有你相伴 内心洋溢着温暖 When I'm with you,time and space divide 有你相随 时空划分了界限 When I'm with you,I am so alive 和你一起 我活得如此真实 When I'm with you 与你共度 …… And I don't know how I'm gonna live this way 未知要如何活下去 Eternity burned out that day 日子已然消逝 And I don't know how I'm gonna spend my life without you 没有你 不知如何度过余生 And the church bells are ringing all across the world 教堂钟声响彻世界 And prophesies go unfulfilled 预言没有实现 Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you 他们总说 我与你将白头偕老 I won't say adieu 我不说再会 ……Adieu…… ……再会…… The Inertia Kiss - I Remember LoveI can see it in your eyes I can see it in your face I could feel it when we touched It used to mean so much But now it?s gone away We were young and dreams were new And every word we said was true Any mountain we could climb You made me feel alive The first time in my life Yes, I remember love so beautiful Now I know my heart is breakable But I remember love, the true meaning of I remember, I remember - love Though the years have come and gone And by now we?ve both moved on I admit that there are nights When I wonder why Why we said goodbye 'Cause I remember love so beautiful Now I know my heart is breakable But I remember love, the true meaning of I remember, I remember - love. I′ve been losing faith each time I fall But I still believe, love conquers all Yes, I remember love so beautiful Now I know my heart is breakable But I remember love, the true meaning of I remember, I remember - love When I see your face as I hear your voice I remember, I remember - love The Inertia Kiss - between love and goodbye when you weren't around I was ok. I used to have time for my friends all day when you weren't around I was alright I need sometime alone tonight so what would you do if I leave here alone and how would you feel if I won't be coming home cause i got myself to say so i might be gone if you call on me tonight between love and goodbye i won't live in the middle this time between love and goodbye i got a heart of gold you'll never find when you weren't around i was myself i never have to think of anyone else when you weren't around i was me just where my life was going to so i can create what we haven't seen but i can't escape living in a dream my fear is that it's high so i might fall far like the stars in the heaven tonight between love and good bye i won't be live in middle this time between love and goodbye i got a heart of gold you'll never find the thought of losing you tonight makes me want to stay in fire but i can't touch what you believe should i leave between love and goodbye i won't live in the middle this time between love and goodbye i got a heart of gold you'll never find between love and goodbye i got a heart of gold you'll never find between love and goodbye The Inertia Kiss - boyfriendWe had a chance in a million to one Driving the corvette down the road on the run Oh, running in the night Oh, running in the night Me and my boyfriend Why should we care for the powers that be Always gonna do anything to be free Oh, running in the night Oh, running in the night Me and my boyfriend. I could never be lonely I'm together with you Gonna run away Where he goes I will stay 'Cause he's my boyfriend. Boyfriend Day by day love is coming my way 'Cause he's my boyfriend. Boyfriend He's my boyfriend Maybe it's fair to say I live like a fool What else could I do when ever love makes the rules Oh, running in the night Oh, running in the night Me and my boyfriend Why should we plan what tomorrow will bring Why believing that it could change anything Oh, running in the night. Oh, running in the night Me and my boyfriend I could never be lonely I'm together with you Gonna run away Where he goes I will stay 'Cause he's my boyfriend. Boyfriend Day by day love is coming my way 'Cause he's my boyfriend. Boyfriend 'Cause he's my boyfriend. Boyfriend Day by day... He's my boyfriend He's my boyfriend what's the color of loveI've been to Greece I've been to Paris I've been to Brazil and Mexico I've sensed a blooming tree of cherries And watched ten thousand flowers grow Every day my world is full of colors Red or green or bule till I met you oh what's the color of love what'sthe case of my heartbeat call the angels above what's the color of love flying high like a dove you and me in the night heat all the angels above what's the color of love It doesn't matter where I am going I can escape the way I feel how to control where winds are going I can discriber the love I see every day my world is full of colors red and green or bule till I met you oh what's the color of love what's the case of my heartbeat call the angels above what's the color of love flying high like a dove you and me in the night heat all the angels above what's the color of love red orange yellow green bule purple oh oh oh oh what's the color what's the color what's the color of love what's the case of my heartbeat call the angels above what's the color of love flying high like a dove you and me in the night heat call the angels above what's the color of love Sarah Dawn Finer - I remember love(片尾曲) I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your face I could feel it when we touched It used to mean so much But now it's gone away We were young and dreams were new And every word we said was true Any mountain we could climb You made me feel alive The first time in my life Yes, I remember love So beautiful Now I know my heart is breakable 'Cause I remember love The true meaning of I remember, I remember love Though the years have come and gone Oh, and by now we've both moved on I admit that there are nights When I wonder why Why we said goodbye 'Cause I remember love So beautiful Now I know my heart is breakable 'Cause I remember love The true meaning of I remember, I remember love Oh, I've been losing faith each time I fall But I still believe love conquers all 'Cause I remember love (So beautiful) Now I know my heart is breakable 'Cause I remember love The true meaning of Yes, I remember, I remember love Now I know my heart is breakable When we see your face, as I hear your voice I remember, I remember love (I remember, I remember love) The Inertia Kiss - born loserAlthough we know it isn't right It didn't stop us from making a scene tonight I should've seen that you were making your way outta here It's not the first time,but it's the last I guarantee you'll be trying to win me back If you could get out of that mirror you're a born loser,you're out of your mind you're a born loser,and I was so blind you're a born loser,loser you're losing me for good this time you're losing me for good this time you run around telling all your friends my little secrets,I told you in confidence And all the stories are making a star out of me you got the act and drama down you turn them all against me in this town Am I the only one who sees you're a born loser,you're out of your mind you're a born loser,and I was so blind you're a born loser,loser you're losing me for good this time you're losing me for good this time you gonna lose me you're a born loser you gonna lose me you're a born loser you're a born loser,you're out of your mind you're a born loser,and I was so blind you're a born loser you're losing me for good this time 精彩剧照 |
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