词条 | 仙人承露台 |
释义 | 基本信息仙人承露台 Xianren Chenglu (Platform of Immortal Receiving Heavenly Dew) 【简介】仙人承露台,位于凤麟洲湖西岸山凹。相传,汉武帝刘彻(公元前140-前87年在位)妄求长生,听道士说用天降甘露拌玉石碎屑服食,可止阴气生阳气,长生不死,于是下令在西安建章宫修造了一尊托盘承露铜仙人。本园此处点景之物,约建于嘉庆年间,原是铜铸雕像。园毁后铜像丢失。原址今竖随露仙人,为1989年重制的墨玉石雕,样式、尺寸皆依清代藏图。 绮春园涵秋馆东山外侧山凹处,有点景之物露水神台,亦称仙人承露台。为山石丛中建高台,上竖铜铸托盘仙人,寓意承接天降甘露。仙人面东,台前有四柱石栏。前临东湖。据昔日藏图可知,该仙人承露台,底层青山石高1.28米,砖砌方形仙台高0.96米,圆形石须弥座高2.66米,铜仙人莲花座高2.43米。此景似为嘉庆年间修建。 圆明园被劫毁后,仙人承露台之铜仙人不知散失何处,但该台圆形石雕须弥座仍在,1925年前后被拉运至中山公园。1931年3月下旬,营造学社在中山公园举办《圆明园遗物文献展览》时,此石为参展遗物。现圆形石雕须弥座倒扑在中山公园管理处之北. 翻译英文:This vista was located on a hill on the western side of the lake containing the Fenglin Islet. According to legend, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (reigning 140-87 BC) longed for an eternal life. When he heard that swallowing jade powder mixed with heavenly dew could help him attain his desire, he ordered the making of a bronze immortal holding a plate at the Jianzhang Temple in Xi'an. A bronze statue of the same kind was erected at Qichunyuan during Emperor Jiaqing['s reign, which disappeared when the garden was destroyed. Today, standing in its place is a sculpture of black marble carved in 1989, its size and style designed in accordance with a picture preserved by the Qing court. |
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