

词条 夏庆霖






将现代成矿理论、信息技术与矿产勘查相结合,在矿产资源定量预测方法技术、地质异常时-空模型、矿床编码和矿床谱系等方面进行了大量有益的探索。先后对云南东部地区Cu-Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag及铂族元素矿产资源、西南“三江”南段Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Au矿产资源、天山—北山地区Cu-Ni-Au矿产资源、川滇黔相邻区Cu-Ni-V-Ti-PGE及Pb-Zn-Ag-Au矿产资源、滇西地区新生代富碱斑岩相关矿产、冈底斯斑岩型铜矿资源等进行了综合预测与评价,所取得的成果为战略性矿远景调查(1:5万矿产综合调查)的工作规划部署提供了重要依据。曾获得教育部科技进步一等奖1项、全国数学地质及地学信息学术会议优秀论文奖1项、中国地质大学(武汉)优秀教学成果二等奖1项,并于2008年获得全国优秀博士论文提名奖。曾担任IAMG 2007“矿产资源评价”分会场和第6届IPACES年会“地质过程与矿产资源潜力评价”分会场主席。合作出版学术专著1部、参与专著部分章节编写3部,发表论文50余篇(其中SCI收录7篇、EI收录7篇、ISTP收录15篇),软件著作权登记(2008SR00448)1项。


1、陈永清,夏庆霖.地质异常找矿靶区定量评价模型 & 鲁西金矿找矿有利地段圈定及评价.见:地质异常成矿预测理论与实践(赵鹏大等著).1999,武汉:中国地质大学出版社,101-109 & 110-114



4、陈永清,夏庆霖.西南“三江”南段矿产资源综合定量评价 & 东天山成矿带矿产资源综合定量评价.见:基于GIS矿产资源综合定量评价技术(陈永清等著).2008,北京:地质出版社,238-256 & 271-284

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2. 夏庆霖,赵鹏大,陈永清,等.2008.云南德泽下寒武统黑色岩系中Ni-Mo-V-PGE多金属矿化.地球科学,33(1):67-73(EI核心

3. Zhao P.D., Cheng Q.M., Xia Q.L., 2008. Quantitative Prediction for Deep Mineral Exploration. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 19(4): 309-318(SCIEISTP

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5. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zhang S.T., et al., 2007. Newly discovered pentlandite in the Gejiu tin deposit, southwestern China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, v18, special issue, 269-271(SCIEISTP

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7. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Wang X.Q., et al., 2007. Coding of ore deposit: a new approach for digitization of mineralization information. Proceedings of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 114-118 (ISTP

8. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zuo R.G., et al., 2007. Diversity of mineralization in eastern Yunnan province, China. Proceedings of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 119-122 (ISTP

9. 夏庆霖,张寿庭,陈守余,等.2007.云南个旧锡矿深部资源潜力评价的几个关键问题.矿物学报,27(sup.):530-531

10. 左仁广,夏庆霖,谭宁,等.2007.西藏冈底斯斑岩铜矿综合信息预测.中南大学学报(自然科学版),38(2):368-373(EI核心)

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15. Wang X.Q., Chen Y.Q., Xia Q.L., et al., 2007. Design and developing of basic database for resources evaluation of national important mineral zones of China. Proceeding of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 314-318 (ISTP

16. Wang X.Q., Ju F., Xia Q.L., et al., 2007. Research on spatial data mining techniques based on mineral belts foundation database Research on spatial data mining techniques based on mineral belts foundation database. Proceeding of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 343-346 (ISTP

17. 陈永清,张生元,夏庆霖,等,2006.应用多重分形滤波技术提取致矿地球化学异常:以西南“三江”南段Cu、Zn 致矿异常提取为例.地球科学,30(6):861-866(EI核心

18. 夏庆霖,陈永清,卢映祥,等,2005.云南芦子园铅锌矿床的地球化学、流体包裹体及稳定同位素特征.地球科学,30(2):177-186(EI核心)

19. 张振飞,夏庆霖,2005.成矿环境空间结构的模糊建模.地球科学,30(1):109-113(EI核心)

20. 孙华山,赵鹏大,张寿庭,夏庆霖,2005.基于5P成矿预测与定量评价的系统勘查理论与实践.地球科学,30(2):199-205(EI核心)

21. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zhang S.T., 2005. GIS Spatial-Temporal Model of Geological Anomaly: A Case for Cenozoic Geology in Northwestern Yunnan Province, China. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.2: 1111-1116(ISTP)

22. Chen Y.Q.,Xia Q.L., Chen J.G., 2005. Quantitative Assessment of Prospecting Target Areas for Base and Precious Metal Deposits in Western Yunnan Terrain Province, Southwestern China Using MORPAS2.0 Software.. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.2: 1077-1082(ISTP)

23. Zhang S.T., Zhao P.D., Xia Q.L., et al., 2005. The Ore-forming Spectrum and Multitarget Minerals Prediction and Assessment of the Himalayan Alkali-rich Porphyry in Northwestern Yunnan Province. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.1: 145-150(ISTP)

24. Wang Z.J., Cheng Q.M., Xia Q.L., et al., 2005. The P-A Fractal Model Charactering Microtexture Propertieses of Minerals. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.1: 317-322(ISTP)

25. 夏庆霖,赵鹏大,张寿庭,2003.幂律度与成矿预测.成都理工大学学报(自然科学版),30(5):453-456(EI核心)

26. 夏庆霖,赵鹏大,陈永清,2003.滇东铂、钯地球化学勘查及异常评价.地质通报,22(9):704-707

27. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zhang S.T., et al., 2003. Application of Weights of Evidence to Mineral Potential Mapping of Yujiacun Ore Field, in Northwestern Yunnan. Journal of China University of Geosciences, Vol.14, No.3: 2-4

28. 夏庆霖,陈永清,2002.山东龙宝山岩体稀土元素特征及矿源研究.物探与化探, 26(2):110-112

29. 夏庆霖,高燕,王小哈,2002.鲁西龙宝山金矿成矿流体特征与矿床成因模型.黄金科学与技术,10(3):13-17

30. 夏庆霖,陈永清,2001.鲁西龙宝山金矿地球化学特征.地质与勘探,37(4):14-17

31. 夏庆霖,陈永清,2001.鲁西龙宝山金矿致矿地质异常浅析及成矿预测.地质找矿论丛, 16(2):108-111

32. 夏庆霖,2000.网络多“S”集成技术在地质异常矿体定位中的应用前景.地质论评,46(sup.):97-100





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