

词条 武汉软件职业学院

武汉软件职业学院是经湖北省人民政府批准、教育部备案、武汉市人民政府举办的全日制普通高等学校,也是湖北省唯一一所经教育部评审认定的国家示范性软件职业学院。 学院位于新建的武汉高等职业教育园内,占地1300亩;现已建成18万平方米的教学楼、图书及实验综合楼、办公楼以及学生公寓。现代化的楼宇气势恢宏,园区环境优美,功能齐全。目前在校学生4000人。校园坐落在东湖新技术开发区,与高等院校、高新技术企业毗邻,是广大考生求学、择业的理想选择。


学院教学设备先进、校园环境优美、生活设施齐全、办学经验丰富、校风良好。学院基础教学设施有:20间计算机通用实验室(教学用计算机1000余台),30间多媒体教室,有300余门多媒体课程教学资源,图书馆藏书20余万册;另有信息技术专业实验室有:计算机电路实验室、电子实验室、组网实验室、微机组装实验室、逻辑设计实验室、计算机多媒体制作实验室、计算机组成原理实验室、计算机硬件实验室、计算机网络实验室、计算机辅助设计实验室、单片机微机接口课程实验室、单片机开发综合实验室、软件技术实验室、微处理系统实验室等。学院 学院坚持专家治校,专家治教的办学方针,努力提高师资队伍的整体素质,拥有自己的专家队伍,现有副教授以上职称教师一百三十人,其中,享受国务院津贴专家3人、市管优秀专家1人、享受市政府专项津贴专家8人,入选“213人才工程”2人,武汉市“十大名师”1人,市级学科带头人14人,市级优秀青年教师12人。学院坚持以就业为导向和育人为本、德育为先的办学宗旨,以社会需求确定培养目标,要求学生“学会做人,学会做事”。在努力让所有学生都能享受到高质量教育服务的同时,积极做好毕业生就业指导与推荐工作。学院设立了专门机构,配备了专职人员,采取征集就业意向信息、组织就业指导报告会、邀请企业来院专场招聘、向毕业生发布招聘信息、与企业签订优先录用协议等多种形式,指导、帮助毕业生就业。 学院坚持开放办学的理念,积极引进国内外优质高等职业教育资源。学院先后与英国爱丁堡特福德学院、德国马克斯培训中心就教师交流、共同培养艺术设计、商贸等专业高等职业技术人才,达成合作协议;与微软公司就共同培养软件开发和计算机应用人才达成协议,并已于2004年开办试验班,效果良好;与华中科技大学、武汉大学软件学院达成联合办学协议;聘请武汉知名专家、教授进行教学督导,确保教学质量。学院为适应经济建设与生产技术的发展、为使人才培养目标更加贴近岗位需要,在加强专业建设与改造的同时,走校企联合办学之路,先后与武汉蓝网信息技术有限公司、湖北鼎诚网络系统集成有限公司、武汉重型机床集团公司、长飞光纤光缆公司等东湖高新技术开发区多家IT企业达成联合办学协议;依靠企业的技术、设备等优势,加强学生的实训力度,共同培养地区经济建设所需要的软件业、商贸业、制造业专门人才;经信息产业部电子行业职业技能鉴定指导中心审核,我院被授予“IT职业技术教育工程定点院校”。








乘坐 738路(或 903), 在 上钱村站 下车

乘坐 758路, 在 吴李湾站 下车

步行至 武汉软件职业学院藏龙岛校区


乘坐 536路, 在 关山口站 下车

乘坐 718路, 在 吴李湾站 下车

步行至 武汉软件职业学院藏龙岛校区


Introduction of

Wuhan Software Vocation College

The Wuhan Software Vocation College (WHSVC for short) is a full-time ordinary college conducted by the Wuhan people's government. It is not only authorized by the government or putted on records by the Ministry of Education, but also it is the only one national campus college of software Vocation College that certificated by the Ministry of Education.

The WHSVC is located in the Wuhan higher vocational education lyceum built newly with occupying a land area of 1,300 Chinese acres. 180,000 square meters of classroom, library, lab, office as well as student apartment buildings had already been built completely. The modernized buildings are imposing in all there majestic as well as their beautiful surrounding and effective functions. There are more than 4,000 students in the WHSVC at present. The campus is adjacent to the East Lake and lots of high technology and new technology enterprise, which make it more easily to learning and job-hunting for the students.

The WHSVC insists that the expert manages the college, the expert manages the guiding principle for running a college taught, make great efforts to improve the whole quality of teachers' team, there are one's own expert's teams, there are the above 130 professional title teachers of associate professor now, including 3 teachers awarded the State Council subsidy expert, 1 of them is in charge of outstanding expert, 8 of them awarded municipal government special subsidy expert, 2 of them are got elected to " 213 human resource project ", 1 of them is in “Top ten great teachers of Wuhan”, 14 of them are the city level pace-setter in scientific research , 12 of them are outstanding young teacher at city level.

WHSVC has advanced teaching equipment and beautiful environment in campus. Life in the campus is very convenient. The faculty is seasoned and honorable teachers with a unique way to train students. Infrastructure of college includes as follow: 20 Laboratory's computers for common use of (including more than 1000 computers for teaching use), 30 rooms of multimedia classroom, there are course teaching resources of more than 300 pieces of multimedia, the library collects more than 200,000 volumes books; There are professional laboratories of information technologies that have: Circuit laboratory of the computer, electronic laboratory, network laboratory of the group, the computer assembles in the laboratory , design the laboratory in logic, multimedia making laboratory of the computer, the computer makes up the principle laboratory , computer hardware laboratory , network laboratory of the computer, CAD laboratory , the computer interface course laboratory of the one-chip computer, one-chip computer develop the comprehensive laboratory , software engineering laboratory , little process system laboratory etc..

The WHSVC insists on taking employment as the direction and breeding and is based on people and theory of moral education, confirm the train objective with the social demand, require students to “learn behave well and learn to do things well ". While making great efforts to let all students able to enjoy teaching service of high quality, do a good job of graduate's careers guidance and recommendation actively. The college has set up specialized agency, have allocated a full-time staff, adopt and collect and obtain employment purpose information, organize the public lecture of careers guidance, invite enterprise come college special show recruit, issue recruitment information, is it give preference to agreement, etc. various forms to sign to graduate with enterprise, instruct, help graduates and obtain employment.

The college fastens on a notion of the democratic ideals of open ness as well as introduces high-quality high vocational education resources both at home and abroad actively. Exchanges on the teacher College's priority and Britain Edinburgh special Ford college, German Max training center, trains such high professional technicians of the specialist as art design, trade and business, etc. together, reach the cooperative agreement; Make the agreement on training professionals in fields of software development and computer using with Microsoft Company together, and has already run and tested the class in 2004. And the result is good; Reach the agreement on jointly run a school with Central China University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University Software College; The WHSVC also engages the famous expert in Wuhan, teach and supervise and guide teaching, in order to ensure guarantee teaching quality.

The WHSVC breaks out a way to brighter the future of uniting the college resources and the enterprise's experience in order to meet the Economic construction and development of the production technology of the college and make talent's train objective press close to the post need further while strengthening specialist construction. Many IT enterprises of high and new technology development zone of East Lake reach the agreement on united with the college, such as united with Blue Net information tech Ltd. of Wuhan, Hubei DingCheng Network system integration Co., Ltd., Wuhan Heavy-duty Machine Tool Group Company, ChangFei optic fibred cable Company, etc. Depend on such advantages as the technology, equipment of enterprises, etc., it will be strengthened in training dynamics of students adapting to the needs of software industry, trade and business, manufacturing industry. Verified by the instructing center of verification of professional technical ability of electron trade of Ministry of Information Industry, the WHSVC is awarded" IT vocational and technical education project fixed universities and colleges ".

The college consists of eight departments now, namely: Computer uses the department, software engineering department, economic trade department, artistic, electromechanical engineering department, biochemistry, environmental engineering department, humane social science department, department of foreign languages. At present, the college has already set up electronic information, it is completely categorized that the computers, finance and economics trade, machinery design the making type, electromechanical equipment, art designs, culture of the language, biological food, etc., with software engineering, safe practice of information, network technology of the computer, application technology of the computer, e-commerce, Financial management and practice, machine-building and atomizing, numerical control technology , products shape-designing , art design , travel management , secretarial , technology of the garden , food biotechnology , commercial English ,etc. specialist are the subject , the professional structure systems of 28 specialties and 30 professional directions; Bear and train the skill type urgent important task which is short of talent for the society.

The college complies with the actual needs of software of Hubei, Wuhan and manufacturing industry development, basing on Hubei, the whole country of the service, is oriented towards the whole country in more than 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and enrolled new students. The college will recruit 3000 junior college students of professorship in Hubei in 2005. We welcome you to enter for the professional college of software of Wuhan heartily; wish to offer good study environment as well as teaching service for you.





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