词条 | 威廉·莫斯里 |
释义 | 威廉·莫斯里,全名威廉姆·彼得·莫斯里,出生于1987年4月27日,Sheepscombe,Gloucestershire,英国的 Cotswolds 地区。那里离伦敦有向西一个半小时的车程,是有古典气息英国乡村的地区。他从10岁起就想要当演员。威廉姆是家里三兄妹中最年长的,有妹妹黛西(生于 1989)和弟弟本(生于1992)。爸爸Peter是英国电影摄影师,妈妈是Julie Moseley。他父亲的名字也是威廉姆的中名。 基本信息威廉姆·莫斯里[William Moseley] 生于1987年4月27日, 英国格洛斯特郡 星座:金牛座 相关作品演员-威廉·莫斯里 William Moseley 铁甲衣 纳尼亚传奇3 纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008).....Peter Pevensie As Crônicas de Nárnia - Príncipe Caspian Chroniken von Narnia - Prinz Kaspian von Narnia,Die Crónicas de Narnia - El príncipe Caspian,Las Cronache di Narnia: Il principe Caspian,Le Monde de Narnia: chapitre 2 - le prince Caspian,Le Narnian tarinat: Prinssi Kaspian Prince Caspian 纳尼亚传奇 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005).....彼得 纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫、魔衣橱 / 魔幻王国:狮子·女巫·魔衣橱/ 纳尼亚魔法王国 万世师表 Goodbye,Mr. Chips (2002).....Forrester (uncredited) 再见,奇普斯先生 Adeus,Mr. Chips Adios,Sr. Chips Cider with Rosie (1998).....Extra Acordar da Juventude,O Masterpiece Theatre: Cider with Rosie 详细资料资料全名:William Peter Moseley 生日:4月27日 1987 出生地:Gloucestershire,England 身高:5' 10" (1.78 m)(IMDB权威资料 )见IMDb的网址 头发颜色:褐色(在拍《纳尼亚》的时候,把头发染淡了) 眼睛颜色:蓝色 星座:金牛座 宠物:一只猫和一条金鱼 父母:Peter和Julie Moseley 兄弟姐妹:弟弟Ben⒆,妹妹Daisy(22) 个性喜爱:茶 隐藏才能:杂耍 如果他要在宾馆使用匿名,他会用 Mr.Teacup 最喜欢的电视节目:24(24小时),The Simpsons(辛普森家族),Family Guy(家庭伙伴),Entourage(明星伙伴) 如果他要约某个女演员出去,会是Jessica Alba 梦想中的车:Mercedes 1950 Gold with red interior 最喜欢的音乐艺人:Bloc Party,Cat Stevens 最喜欢的糖:吉百利巧克力 最喜欢的甜点:Steamed Pudding 最喜欢的食物:金枪鱼 最喜欢的设计师:Marc Jacobs 没了ipod简直没法活 最喜欢的书:《麦田里的守望者》(J.D. Salinger著)《丛林之书》(迪斯尼) 最喜欢的学科:英语 最喜欢的男演员:Morgan Freeman,Jude Law,Brad Pitt 最喜欢的电影:Fight Club(格斗俱乐部),Romeo&Juliet(罗密欧与朱莉叶),Leon(这个杀手不太冷),Apocalypse Now(现代启示录),Me and You and Everyone We Know(爱情你我他) 最喜欢的《纳尼亚》场景:当Lucy遇见Mr. Tumnus那一幕和战斗场面 最喜欢的《纳尼亚》角色:白女巫和Aslan 最期待看的电影:《金刚》 最喜欢的运动:橄榄球,足球 最喜欢的动物:马 最喜欢的球队:纽卡斯尔联 简介简介William在Sheepscombe上小学。William很喜欢茶。他的家人评价他有一点爱指使人,但是有着优秀的领导才能。他不想被人们仅仅以Peter Pevensie记住他,而是希望被认为是一个有天分的优秀演员。他认为自己是一个有主见并乐意与他人分享自己想法和观点的人。 演戏生涯被熟悉他的人形容为一个能明确自己想法的坚持己见的人,他10岁起就想演戏。这位小演员在《万世师表》(2002)(TV)中有一个小角色Forrester,在《萝西与苹果酒》(1998)(TV)中做了临时演员。然而,当他从几千个男孩中被挑选出来饰演《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》(2005)中彼得这一角色时,他最大的机遇来临了。他希望自己不会被定型为彼得,而是将来在演艺和导演方面开拓一个成功的全面发展的事业。 威廉姆在2006年完成13年级的学业,媒体研究、英语和戏剧均为A等。2006年秋,他搬去纽约几个星期,在Sheila Gray的指导下学习表演,在布鲁克林有名的格里森体育馆为拍摄《纳尼亚传奇:凯斯宾王子》排练准备。 琐事William auditioned for the role of Harry Potter,but didn't get the part. 威廉姆曾去试演过哈利·波特,但没有拿到这个角色。 William's dream date is Jessica Alba. 威廉姆梦想中的约会对象是杰西卡奥尔芭。 William knows how to juggle. 威廉姆会玩杂耍。 William says he cannot live without his ipod. 威廉姆说,他离了他的ipod就活不成了。 William's first kiss was when he was 11 and he was playing a game of "truth or dare." 威廉姆的初吻是他11岁玩“真心话大冒险”时送出的。(孩子。你不能酱紫啊。TOT) William considers himself an extrovert. 威廉姆认为自己是个性格外向的人。 William attended Sheepscombe County Primary School,which calls itself a "typical Cotswold village school" on the official school website. 威廉姆曾在“羊之谷乡村小学(囧,瞎翻的)”念书,该校在学校的官方网页上自称是一所“典型的考兹伍德农村学校”。 William spent seven months in New Zealand,where they filmed The Lion,the Witch,and the Wardrobe. 威廉姆在新西兰待了七个月,为拍摄《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》 William has an uncanny resemblance to the royal Prince William. 威廉姆与皇家王子威廉姆(一个历史人物)出奇地相似。 William stars as Peter in the blockbuster The Lion,the Witch,and the Wardrobe. He was hand-picked by director Andrew Adamson to play the role. 威廉姆在耗资巨大风靡一时的《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》中饰演彼得。他是安德鲁亚当森精选出来饰演这个角色的。 He has a younger sister Daisy (b. 1989) and a younger brother Ben (b. 1992). As a 7-year-old,he used to listen to the Chronicles of Narnia audio tapes. He read the books eight years later in preparation for his role as Peter Pevensie in the film adaptation Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,The (2005). 在7岁那年,他听过《纳尼亚传奇》的磁带。八年后他读了这个系列的书,为他在《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》中的角色彼得·佩文西做准备。 He had to repeat Year 12 because he had taken so much time off school while filming Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,The (2005). 他重读了12年级,因为他拍《纳尼亚1》时离校时间过长。 Casting director Pippa Hall was responsible for casting William as an extra when she was filling roles for Cider with Rosie (1998) back in 1998. Seven years later,when casting for Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,The (2005),she remembered him and recommended him for the role of Peter. 选角指导Pippa Hall在1998年为《萝西与苹果酒》选角时,负责选William来当临时演员。七年之后,当《纳尼亚1》开始选角时,她记起了他并推荐他演彼得这个角色。 He attended Sheepscombe Primary School between September 1991 to July 1998. 1991年9月至1998年7月期间,他在羊之谷小学(仍然是独创的囧译名)上学。 Because of his major growth spurt,he had to have his armor modified weekly during the filming of Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,The (2005). 拍摄《纳尼亚1》期间,因为他成长过快,不得不每周都修改盔甲的尺寸。 Grew three inches during the filming of Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,The (2005). 他在拍摄《纳尼亚1》期间长高了3英寸(7.6cm)。 友情他和在纳尼亚传奇里饰演他大妹妹Susan的安娜·帕波维尔是很好的朋友 他和在纳尼亚传奇中饰演他弟弟Edmund的斯堪德·凯恩斯 是兄弟之交 对于他来说,扮演他小妹妹Lucy的乔基·亨莉 在现实生活中就是他的妹妹 访谈节选(on acting) I'm enjoying it and that's the best way to look at these things. If you don't enjoy it then it's not worth doing. It is hard work at the end of the day,they're working you for every mile you fly so it's worth enjoying,it's worth relishing every moment you get. 我很欣赏这部电影,而且这就是看待它的最好方式。如果你们不去欣赏他的话,那它就一文不值。他们辛苦工作到一天的末尾,是为了你们飞行的每一公里,所以它值得欣赏。每一个你看到的瞬间都值得品味。 (on his favourite scene in The Lion,the Witch,and the Wardrobe) I rode on this perfectly trained white Spanish Andalusian horse,bareback with a full suit of armour,sword and a shield across a battlefield,galloping towards snow-capped New Zealand mountains. I mean,that was the greatest experience of my life. (关于《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》中他最喜欢的场景)我骑在驯服的无马鞍的白色西班牙安达卢西亚马上,齐全地装备着盔甲、剑、盾,掠过战场,飞奔向冰雪覆盖的新西兰群山。我是说,那是我人生中最棒的经历。 My favourite childhood memory is running a cross country race when I was eleven - which I won. It was a very long race and I trained very,very hard for fit. My family came to watch me - that’s definitely my favourite childhood memory. 我最美好的童年记忆就是11岁时参加的乡村赛跑—而且我赢了。那真是个很长的比赛,为了适应,我训练得非常非常辛苦。我的家人都来观看了比赛——那确实是我最美好的童年记忆。 (on his early school days) ... I was at this tiny little primary school when I was ten years old. There,we studied the three core subjects and it was relaxed and easy and everyone knew everyone else. (关于他早年的学校生活)我十岁时在这所非常小的小学读书。在那里我们学习三门基础课程,气氛非常轻松自然,而且大家彼此都认识。 In England,18 is your biggest age,and I loved it. We always have such good birthdays at my house--my parents are so good at it! (edit) 在英格兰,18岁是最为意义重大的年纪,我喜欢。我们总能在家里愉快地过生日——我的父母非常擅长此道。 (on being homesick) You don't know what you have until it's not there anymore. (想家的时候)你不明白你拥有什么,直到失去的时候。 I`ll always have time to falling in love . I don`t believe that I won`t have time for a girlfriend,because if I do meet someone I like a lot,I can`t prevent fate. But I`m not worrying so much about it,as I am still young. (smiling) 我总是有时间去爱上一个人的。我并不认为自己没时间交女朋友,因为如果我遇到特别喜欢的人,我不能拒绝命运的安排。不过我没什么可发愁的,因为我还年轻呢。(笑) No,I don’t. But I do want one,though. If I meet someone and I`ll fall in love with her,then naturally I`d want to be with her. (之前应该有个问题,也许是“你会不会主动找女孩子”之类的吧,囧)不,我不会的,尽管我想交个女朋友。如果我遇到一个人并爱上她,我才会自然而然地想和她在一起。 Yes,but that`s not going to affect my daily life. Because I won`t notice if a girl somewhere is in love with me after seeing me in the role as Peter. We`ll never meet,and she doesen`t know who I am. She`s in love with Peter - not me. 是的,但那影响不了我的日常生活。因为我不会理会一个看过我演的彼得就爱上我的女孩。我们永远不会相识,她也不知道我是谁。她爱的是彼得——不是我。 I can only hope there`ll be a sequel made just because I had such an amazing time on this one. It was beyond every experience imaginable,it was basically a dream come true. For that dream to come true a second time would be quite amazing. Unfortunately I don`t have the say . 我只能去期望拍续篇,因为我在这部电影中度过了一段令人惊喜的时光。凌驾于任何想象的到的经历之上,梦被彻底实现了。如果这样的梦能实现第二次的话会多么了不起。遗憾的是我没有决定权。 I love it. I really do. I mean,my mum used to get me out of the house on a Sunday morning as a punishment,but I always thought it was fun,just running wild,climbing trees,whatever. And now I`m doing it in a movie! I ride these beautiful Andalusian horses and do all this sword fighting,which is so well choreographed. And the sword they made is so amazing. It`s the same guys that made the armour for The Lord Of The Rings and when you see it... Well,it really does take my breath away every time I hold it. 我喜欢这样,真的。我妈妈曾在星期天早上惩罚我而把我赶出家门,但我总觉得很有趣,到处跑,爬树,什么都行。而现在我在电影中就是这样!我骑着安达卢西亚马,挥着剑打仗,按照设计的那样做。他们造的那把剑真了不起。就是为《指环王》造盔甲的那帮人做的,当你看到它时…嗯,每一次我拿着它的时候都会赞叹不已。 We just enjoy everything so much. We just tried to relish each moment that we have together as a family and as individuals. The experience we`ve been given is,without question,the greatest experience of our life. It`s just appreciating those things. 我们只是尽情享受这一切。我们试图津津乐道 作为家人和作为个体而在一起时的每一个瞬间。我们收获的经历,毫无疑问,是我们生活中最棒的经历。这些事是值得珍惜的。 I essentially did go from a boy to a young man but that was because of the environmental forces that were pushing me into that role. It`s more of the responsibility that I had to deal with. I was halfway around the world living by myself. Living by oneself is something which you deal with and you have to deal with and get on with. I had an amazing safety net below me. But dealing with adults the whole time as well,not with people your own age or people younger than you. We had jobs. 我的确是在本质上从一个男孩成长为一个青年,但那都是外部环境把我一步步推向了那个角色。我要处理的更多是责任的问题。我靠我自己在这个世界上行走着。“靠自己”是一件必须自己来做并且要不停继续做的事情。在我身后有一个不可思议的安全网。但是我一直在和成年人打交道,而不是那些同龄人或者比你小的人。我们是有工作的。 |
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