

词条 王中良














1. Wang Z.-L., Yamada M. Geochemistry of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Environmental Geology, 2007, 52: 779-787.

2. Yamada M., Wang Z.-L. 137Cs in the western South Pacific Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 2007 (Accept).

3. Yamada M., Wang Z.-L., Zheng J. The extremely high 137Cs inventory in the Sulu Sea: a possible mechanism. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2006, 90: 163-171.

4. Yamada M., Zheng J., Wang Z.-L. 137Cs, 239 + 240Pu and 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in the surface waters of the western North Pacific Ocean, eastern Indian Ocean and their adjacent seas. Science of the Total Environment, 2006, 366(1): 242-252.

5. Yamada M., Wang Z.-L., and Kato Y. Precipitation of authigenic uranium in suboxic continental margin sediments from the Okinawa Trough. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2006, 66: 570-579.

6. Wang Z.-L., Yamada M. Plutonium activities and 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in sediment cores from the East China Sea and Okinawa Trough: Sources and inventories. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2005, 233: 441-453.

7. Zheng J., Yamada M., Wang Z.L., Aono T., Kusakabe M. Determination of plutonium and its isotopic ratio in marine sediment samples using quadrupole ICP-MS with the shield torch system under normal plasma conditions. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2004, 379: 532-539.

8. Wang Z.-L., Liu C.-Q. Distribution and partition behavior of heavy metals between dissolved and acid-soluble fractions along a salinity gradient in the Changjiang Estuary, eastern China. Chem. Geol. 2003, 202: 383-396.

9. Wang Z L, Liu C Q, Han G L, Xu Z F. Variation in Sr isotope composition of Changjiang estuarine waters: implications for water-sediment interaction. Science in China (Series E), 2001, 44(Sup No): 129-133.

10. Wang Z.L., Liu C.Q. Distributions of dissolved Rare Earth Elements during estuarine mixing at the Changjiang River mouth. Chinese Science Bulletin (KEXUE TONGBAO), 2000, 45(19):1795-1799.

11. Wang Z L, Liu C Q. Two-stage correlation between pH and REE concentrations and patterns in rivers. Chinese Science Bulletin (KEXUE TONGBAO), 1999, Vol44(Sup No2):106-107.

12. 王中良,刘丛强,朱兆洲,山田正俊. 东海和冲绳沉积物中自生U的蓄积过程及控制机理. 地球化学,2006,35(3):240-248.

13. 王中良,刘丛强,朱兆洲,宋柳霆,梁莉莉. 北太平洋西部和印度洋东部及其邻近海域表层水体中137Cs的分布. 海洋通报,2006,25(6):85-90.

14. 王中良,白莉. 水体超低含量稀土元素分析方法研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报,2006, 25(增刊): 228-231.

15. 王中良,刘丛强. 长江河口区水体的锶同位素地球化学---对水与沉积物相互作用过程的反映. 地球与环境,2004,32(2):26~30.

16. 王中良, 刘丛强. 长江口水体混合过程中溶解态稀土元素分布特征. 科学通报, 2000, 45(12):1322-1326.

17. 王中良, 刘丛强, 徐志方,韩贵琳,朱建明,张劲. 河流稀土元素地球化学研究进展. 地球科学进展, 2000, 15(5):553-558.



1. Wang Zhongliang, Liu Congqiang, Zhu Zhaozhou. Aqueous geochemistry of rare-earth elements in karst Lakes, southwestern China. Abstract for the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Beijing, China. September 24-27, 2006. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2006, 25(Suppl.): 171.

2. Wang Z.-L. and Yamada M. Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Abstract for the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China. July 24-27, 2006:B41A-0050.

3. 王中良,刘丛强. 长江口水体混合过程微量元素与锶同位素地球化学特征. 第10届矿物岩石地球化学学会年会摘要,中国武汉,4月24-28, 2005. 矿物岩石地球化学通报,2005, 24(增刊): 332.

4. Wang Z.-L. and Yamada M. Determination of U, Th and Pu in marine sediments by ID-ICP-MS after separation using ion-exchange resin. JOS (The Oceanographic Society of Japan) Fall Meeting, 2003:265-266.

5. Yamada M., Aono T., and Wang Z.L. Seasonal variation of 239+240Pu fluxes in the western equatorial Pacific. Geochim. Geochim. Acta 2003,67(18, Supplement 1, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts): A547.

6. Wang Z. L., Liu C. -Q. Water-particle and water-sediment interactions at the Changjiang estuary. Abstract for the 11th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Hot Spring, Virginia, USA. May 20-24, 2001.

7. Wang Z L, Liu C Q. REE Fractionation in water-particle interaction at Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary. 31st International Geological Congress, 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

8. Wang Z L, Liu C Q, Zhang J. First data on REE distributions in the Changjiang Estuary: Relatively low concentrations and conservative behavior at low salinity region. In Ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, 1999, 319-320. Lpi Contribution No. 971, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.

9. Zhang J, Yamada M, Wang Z L, Liu C Q, Ma Y J. First data on REE distributions in the Changjiang water: Weathering processes and fluxes to the East China Sea. Abstract for the 8th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Toulouse, Mineralogical Magazine (Supplement), 1998, 62A:1693.


王中良现任西安高新医院肛肠科主任,主任医师,教授,陕西“王氏肛肠”第三代传人,中华中医药学会肛肠分会常务理事,西安市医疗事故技术鉴定专家库成员。1979年至2003年在西安市中医院肛肠科工作,病区主任,2003年到西安高新医院创立肛肠科。王中良主任长期受父亲 ——著名肛肠专家王芳林的言传身教,不仅传承其学术思想的精髓,而且经过三十多年的临床实践,结合中医传统理论和现代医学知识,形成独具特色的肛肠疾病治疗体系。具有微创、彻底、痛苦小、疗程短、花费少的特点,王中良主任在长期的临床工作中不断总结经验博采众长,发表专业学术论文数拾篇,并多次参加《陕西省肛肠疾病新技术研修班》教材编写及授课,现承担西安医学院和延安医学院学生带教工作,多年来为西北地区培养了大批肛肠专业技术人才,而且在临床实践中研制出“润通颗粒”冲剂,“消瘢灵”软膏,“洗痔汤”等系列肛肠病特色用药,取得了满意的临床疗效。为西北地区乃至全国肛肠学科的发展和建设做出了突出贡献。 业务范围:善治各种肛瘘、混合痔、肛裂、肛乳头瘤、肛门狭窄、直肠息肉、顽固性便秘、结肠炎及肛肠疑难杂症。采用国内外最新技术治疗痔疮,RPH、PPH被定为世界肛肠学会治疗痔疮的金指标。尤其是治疗高位复杂性肛瘘、直肠阴道瘘、陈旧性肛裂、直肠脱垂、便秘、结肠炎等,中西医结合,疗效安全可靠。高位肛瘘隧道开窗术,高位脓肿负压引流术,直肠远端内套、直肠前突、肛门整形再造术。





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