

词条 王仁曾


基本信息(Basic Information)

姓名: 王仁曾

Name: Rick Renzeng Wang

职称: 教授

Title: Professor

所在系: 华南理工大学 金融系

Department: Finance

研究领域(Field of Research)

中文: 资本市场, 实证金融, 国际竞争力

English: Capital Market, Empirical Finance

主授课程(Courses offered)

中文:财务管理 金融计量学 计量经济学 统计学

English:Financial Management, Econometrics, Financial Econometrics, Statistics


中文:英国萨里大学 博士

中国人民大学 经济学博士

陕西财经学院(现西安交通大学经济与金融学院) 经济学硕士

西北民族大学 经济学学士

English:PhD , University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Doctor in Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Master in Economics, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Xi’an, China

Bachelor in Economics, Northwest University for Nationalities, Lanzhou, China




Professor Rick R. Wang has been devoting to academic career since 1987, with long time overseas work experiences. He was promoted to lecturer in 1989, associate professor in 1995 and professor in 2002 at Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, P. R. China. Apart from teaching and research, he also undertook management responsibilities in the institution. He was appointed as the head of Teaching and Research Section in 1992, deputy director of the Department of Statistics in 1994, director of the Institute of Economic Development in 2000 and dean of the School of Statistics in 2001 at LUFE. Prof. Wang worked in the School of Management at the University of Surrey in the UK as a visiting research fellow during October 1999 to April 2000,under an EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme. He was the leader of Gansu Delegates of 25 junior officials at the Worcester County Council in the UK during October 2002 to February 2003. From April 2003 to July 2007, he undertook part-time teaching responsibilities for both undergraduate and master students at the School of Management of the University of Surrey in the UK. Prof. Rick R. Wang joined SCUT in September 2008.

科研项目(Research projects)

1. 纵向(中英文)

(1) 甘肃省社科基金项目:西北少数民族地区发展社会主义市场经济的特殊性及对策研究,1997年。主要研究人员。

The Particularities of the Socialist Market Economy in the Northwest Minorities Region of China, funded by Gansu Provincial Government, P. R. China, completed in November 1996, joint with Professor Wenyi Min of Northwest University for Nationalities, China.

(2) 甘肃科技计划项目:甘肃省大中型工业企业技术和资金实力调查研究,1998年。主要研究人员。

Survey and Research on the Technological and Capital Strength of the State Owned Large and Middle Manufacturing Enterprises in Gansu Province, funded by Gansu Provincial Government, P. R. China, completed in November 1998, joint with Professor Baoping Ma of Lanzhou Business Institute.

(3) 兰州商学院科研规划项目:西北地区城市化问题研究,1994年。

Urbanization of Northwest China, funded by Lanzhou Commercial College, completed in November 1994.

2. 横向(中英文)

(1) 中国-欧盟高等教育合作研究项目:The Studies on Competitiveness Development of EU Service Sector in European Integration Process,合同编号:4040046/99。1999-2000年。主要成员,课题报告执笔人。

A Comparative Study on the Development of International Competitiveness of EU Service Sectors, funded by EU-China Collaborative Research Project, Contract No. 4040046/99, completed in November 2000, joint with Professor Haiyan Song of the University of Surrey and Professor Yanyun Zhao of Renmin University of China.

(2) 西藏自治区人民政府、中国藏学研究中心重点研究项目:区域成本差异及其对西藏经济发展的影响,2001-2003年。主要研究人员。

Regional Cost Differentials and Their Influences on the Tibetan Economy, funded as a key research project by the Government of Tibetan Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Tibetology, completed in November 2002, joint with Dr Ming Zhang of Chinese Academy of Tibetology. During the two years of research, extensive fieldwork and interviews were conducted on the economic and social running conditions in Tibet both urban and rural areas for three months.

(3) 甘肃省临夏回族自治州项目:科学发展观下的经济社会发展综合评价方案(中组部贯彻落实科学发展观试点单位项目),2008.3-7。项目主持人。

Methodology of Comprehensive assessment on regional social-economic development in the perspective of the scientific outlook on development, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu, March-July 2008, Project co-ordinator.

著作论文(Major Publications)

1. 专著(中英文):

(1) 《中国国际竞争力发展报告(2001)-21世纪发展主题研究》,中国人民大学出版社,2001年。主要作者。

Report on the Development of China’s International Competitiveness 2001, Renmin University of China Press, Beijing, 2001. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, Wanjun Jiang, etc.)

(2) 《中国国民经济管理理论与应用》,中国统计出版社,2000年。副主编。

Theory and Practice of National Economic Management in China, China Statistical Publishing House, Beijing, 2000. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, Wanjun Jiang, etc.)

(3) 《中国国际竞争力发展报告(1999)-科技竞争力主题研究》,中国人民大学出版社,1999年。合作作者。

Report on the Development of China’s International Competitiveness 1999, Renmin University of China Press, Beijing, 2000. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, Wanjun Jiang, etc.)

(4) 《如何计算和使用GDP》,中国财政经济出版社,1999年。与赵彦云合作,第一作者。

Calculation and Application of GDP, China Economics and Finance Press, Beijing, 1999. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, first author)

(5) 《中国国际竞争力发展报告(1997)-产业结构主题研究》,中国人民大学出版社,1997年。合作作者。

Report on the Development of China’s International Competitiveness 1997, Renmin University of China Press, Beijing, 1998. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, Wanjun Jiang, etc.)

2. 教材及译著(中英文):

(1) 《应用统计学(美国MBA课程经典教材)》(译作),中国人民大学出版社,2004年。与李静萍、许涤龙合作,第二译者。

Applied Statistics, textbook for MPA Programme, (an USA key MPA textbook Translation from English into Chinese, with), Renmin University of China Press, Beijing. 2003. (Joint with Dr Jinping Li and Peng Xu)

(2) 《宏观经济统计分析(高等院校统计专业“九五”规划教材)》,中国统计出版社,2000年。副主编。

Statistical Analysis of Macro-economy, Textbook for undergraduate students (key textbook appointed by the National Bureau of Statistics), China Statistical Publishing House, Beijing, 2000. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, Lihong Peng, etc.)

(3) 《宏观经济统计分析(普通高等教育“九五”国家教委重点教材)》,中国人民大学出版社,1999年。副主编。

Statistical Analysis of Macro-economy, Textbook for postgraduate students (key textbook appointed by the Education Ministry of P. R. China central government), Renmin University of China Press, Beijing, 1999. (Joint with Yanyun Zhao, Lihong Peng, etc.)

(4) 《统计学》,宁夏人民出版社,1994年。主编。

Business Statistics, Textbook for undergraduate students, Ninxia People’ Press, Yinchuan, P. R. China, 1994. (Joint with Yamin Liang, first author)

(5) 《社会经济统计学原理学习指南》,甘肃人民出版社,1995年。主编。

A Guideline on Studying Business Statistics at Undergraduate Level, Gansu Minzu Press, Lanzhou, P. R. China, 1995. (Joint with Yamin Liang, first author)

3. 期刊论文(中英文):

(1) ARCH Effects and Trading Volume: An Empirical Study on the Chinese Stock Market within the MDH Framework,Proceedings of 43Conf. of Euro Working Group on Financial Modeling, September 2008, CASS Business School, City University London, UK.

ARCH 效应与交易量:MDH框架下对中国股票市场的实证研究,第43届欧洲金融建模组会议论文,2008年9月,伦敦城市大学CASS商学院,伦敦,英国。

(2) Modeling the Volatility of China’s Stock Market with Regime Shifts, Proceedings of 3 IASTED Conf. on Financial Engineering and Application, October 2006, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. ISBN: 0-88986-634-1.


(3) 股权分制改革中上证指数的波动性─基于ARCH类模型的比较分析,《统计与信息论坛》,2006年第6期。与刘明合作。

The Volatility of Shanghai Composite Index in the Equity Division Reform: An ARCH based study, Journal of Statitistics and Information, Issue 6, 2006, Xi’an P.R.China.

(4) 汇率作为出口竞争力的度量指标:中国数据的理论推算与实证分析,《数量经济技术经济研究》,2002年第6期。

Foreign Exchange Rate as a Measurement of Export Competitiveness: The Case of China, Quantitative and Technological Economics (A Journal of Chinese Academy of Social Science), Issue 6, 2002. Beijing, P. R. China.

(5) 产业国际竞争力决定因素的实证研究—进展、困难、模型及对中国制造业截面数据的估计与检验,《统计研究》,2002年第4期。

An Empirical Study on the Determinants of the Industrial Competitiveness in China: Estimation and Test using Cross-sectional Data, Statistical Research (A Journal of Chinese Society of Statistics), Issue 4, 2002, Beijing, P. R. China.

(6) 欧盟与美国、日本的国际竞争力比较,《欧洲》(现《欧洲研究》),2001年第4期。

A Comparative Study of International Competitiveness among EU, USA and Japan, EUROPE (A Journal of Chinese Academy of Social Science), Vol.19, Issue 4, August 2001, Beijing, P. R. China.

(7) 国际竞争力的新审视:国际化过程中的国家保护,《国际贸易》,1999年第4期。

The National Protectionism in the Process of Internationalisation ¾ A Study on International Competitiveness, Inter-trade (Edited by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation), Issue 4, 1999, Beijing, P. R. China.

(8) 中国国际竞争力的现状、演变与发展战略,《河北大学学报》,2002年第1期。(《人大复印资料》全文转载)

Present Conditions, Evolution, and Strategies of the International Competitiveness of China, Academic Periodical of Hebei University, Issue 1, 2002, Baoding, P. R. China.

(9) 产业国际竞争力理论、方法与实证研究,《统计学博士论文内容摘要(2000-2001)》(“十五”国家重点图书 — 经济与统计博士文库),中国统计出版社,2002年4月。

Theory, Methodology and Empirical Study of International Competitiveness of Industries, Anthology of Economics and Statistics PhD Dissertation (2000-2001), China Statistics Press, 2002, Beijing, P. R. China.

(10) 关于产业国际竞争力测度指标体系的思考,《西北民族学院学报》,2002年第2期。

The Measurement of International Competitiveness of Industries, Academic Periodical of NorthwestUniversity for Nationalities, Issue 2, 2002. Lanzhou, P. R. China.

(11) 贸易自由化的渐进性发展逻辑与贸易保护,《南京经济学院学报》,2002年第2期。

Logic for the Gradual Development of the Trade Liberalization and the Trade Protectionism, Academic Periodical of Nanjing University of Economics and Finance, Issue 2, 2002. Nanjing, P. R. China.

(12) 中国工业制成品显性比较优势计算和分析,《兰州商学院学报》,2002年第2期。

Calculation and Analysis on Revealed Comparative Advantages of Chinese Manufacturing Industries, Academic Periodical of Lanzhou Commercial College, Issue 2, 2002, Lanzhou, P. R. China.

(13) WTO与中国制造业的国际竞争力战略,《兰州商学院学报》,2001年第6期。

WTO and the International Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing Industries, Academic Periodical of Lanzhou Commercial College, Issue 6, 2001, Lanzhou, P. R. China.

(14) 一体化过程中的欧盟服务业国际竞争力,《兰州商学院学报》,2001年第2期、第3期连载。

International Competitiveness of EU Service Sectors in European Integration Process, Academic Periodical of Lanzhou Commercial College, Issue 2 & 3, 2001, Lanzhou, P. R. China.




2. “五个一工程奖”(一篇好论文),中共中央宣传部,1997年。

3. 第六届全国统计科学研究优秀成果著作一等奖,国家统计局,2002年。


5. 第五届全国统计科研优秀成果二等奖,国家统计局,2000年。



1.Expert of Outstanding Contribution in Science, Technology and Management. Awarded by the Ministry of Internal Trade, P. R. China, 1997.

2.The “Five First” Prize (excellent theoretical article). Awarded by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China, 1997.

3.Prize for Excellent Research Achievements, 1 class, Awarded by National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2002.

4.Prize for Excellent Textbook. Awarded by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2001.

5.Prize for Excellent Research Achievements, 2 class. Awarded by National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2000.

6.Prize for Excellence in Course Design and Development. Awarded by Gansu Provincial Government, China, 2001.





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