

词条 王安民



王安民, 男,汉族,1955年生,陕西省大荔县人。中共党员,硕士研究生,教授,经济学家。












王安民,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。专业方向:理论物理。研究方向:量子计算与量子信息、量子理论及其应用、量子场论与粒子物理。曾于1995年获得英国皇家学会奖学金资助,在英国Glasgow大学物理与天文学系做博士后;1998年12月赴美国Los Alamos国家实验室理论部做高级访问学者;1999年8月赴英国牛津大学量子计算中心做高级访问学者。现为“量子通信和量子计算”973项目组成员。近年来,在SCI收录的国内外学术刊物上(包括Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. B, Euro. Phys. Lett., Chem. Phys. Lett., EuroPhys. J. D, J. Phys. A, Phys. Lett. A, Optics Communi., Physica A,Nuovo Cimento A, Chinese Phys. Lett.,Comuni. Theor. Phys.等)发表论文40多篇(其中独作或第一作者20多篇,通讯作者或导师作者20多篇)。主持三项(其中一项为分项主持),并作为主要成员参加多项国家自然科学基金;负责中科院知识创新项目子课题和"973"子课题各一项;负责安徽省自然科学基金一项(结题优秀)。已经培养博士后一名、博士两名和硕士一名.目前王安民领导的量子理论小组的研究队伍已经基本建立,研究工作已经具备了初步的基础, 正努力争取做出更多更好有创新性有影响的科研工作.


An Min Wang(王安民), "Combined and controlled remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operations of multiqubits using GHZ states", Phys. Rev. A 75 062323(2007)

Ya Cao and An Min Wang(王安民): "Discussion of entanglement classification of a 4-qubit pure state", 已经被EPJD接受出版

Ya Cao and An Min Wang(王安民):"Probabilistic generalized controlled order rearrangement encryption and secret splitting using W-class state" Optics Communications Volume 275, Issue 2, (2007) 470-475

Liang Qiu, An Min Wang(王安民) and Xiao Sa Ma, "Optimal dense coding with thermal entangled states", Physica A, (2007)

Xiao Qiang Su and An Min Wang(王安民), "Threshold temperature of thermal entanglement in a XXZ ferromagnetic chain", has been accepted by Phys Lett. A

Ya Cao and An Min Wang(王安民)*,“Revised Geometric Measure of Entanglement". J. Phys. A, 40 (2007) 3507-3537.

Ya Cao, An Min Wang(王安民)*, Xiao-San Ma and Ning-Bo Zhao, "Multi-particle and High-dimension Controlled Order Rearrangement Encryption Protocols", 已经被EPJD接受出版

Xiao Sa Ma and An Min Wang*(王安民), “Disentanglement of 3-qubit states with stochastic dephasing”, Opt. Commun. 270, pp 465-469(2007)

An Min Wang(王安民), "Quantum mechanics in general quantum systems II: Perturbation Theory"

An Min Wang(王安民), "Quantum mechanics in general quantum systems III: Open system dynamics"

An Min Wang(王安民), "Quantum mechanics in general quantum systems I: Exact solution"

An Min Wang(王安民),"Remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operations of multiqubits", Phys. Rev. A 74 032317(2006)

An Min Wang(王安民),“Direct diagonalization of Fock space for an exact solution of pairing model”, Phys. Lett. A, 359 (2006)p597-602

Ren Gui Zhu and An Min Wang*(王安民), "Absence of long-range order in antiferromagnetic chain with long-range interactions: Green function approach", Phys. Rev. B, 74 012406 (2006)

An Min Wang(王安民) and Ren Gui Zhu, "The energy spectrum symmetry of Heisenberg model in Fock space", Chinese Phys. Lett. 23 (2006)p2542

An Min Wang(王安民)and Xiaodong Yang, “Quantum simulation of pairing models on an NMR quantum computer”, Phys. Lett. A, Vol.352(2006)304-308

Feng Xu, An Min Wang(王安民), Ningbo Zhao, Xiaoqiang Su, and Rengui Zhu, "Energy as Entanglement Witness in Bilinear-biquadratic Spin-1 Chain", Commun. Theor. Phys. 46(2006)p591

Xiao Dong Yang, An Min Wang(王安民), Feng Xu and Jiangfeng Du,“Experimental Simulation of a Pairing Hamiltonian on an NMR Quantum computer”,Chemical Physics Letters, 422(2006)p20-24

Xiao San Ma, An Min Wang*(王安民), Xiaodong Yang and Feng Xu, "Multipartite entanglement dynamics and decoherence", Eur. Phys. J. D, Vol.37(2006)p135-140

An Min Wang(王安民), "Controlled and combined remote implementation of partially known quantum operations of multiqubits using GHZ states"

An Min Wang(王安民), "Teleportation of an arbitrary mixture of diagonal states of multiqubits via. classical correlation and classical communication"

Xiao San Ma, An Min Wang(王安民), Xiaodong Yang and Feng Xu, "Entanglement evolution of a 2-qutrit system interacting with a fermionic bath", Commun. Theor. Phys. 44(2005)p274-278

Xu Feng, An Min Wang*(王安民), Xiaodong Yang and Hao You. "Numerical simulation solution of the BCS pairing problem", Commun. Theor. Phys. 44(2005)p171-176

Wanqing Niu,An Min Wang*(王安民),Hao You and XiaodongYang:"All-versus-nothing nonlocality for two photons from different sources", J. Phys. A Vol.38(2005)3879-3882

Xiao San Ma, An Min Wang*(王安民), Xiaodong Yang and Hao You. "Entanglement dynamics and decoherence of 3-qubits system in a fermionic envirment", J. Phys. A. 38(2005)p2761-2772

Xiaodong Yang,An Min Wang(王安民), Xiaosa Ma, Feng Xu, Hao You and Wanqing Niu, “Experimental creation of entanglement using a separable state”, Chinese Phys. Lett. 22 (2005) p279

Hao You, An Min Wang*(王安民), XiaodongYang, Wanqing Niu,Xiaosan Ma and Feng Xu, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger correslation and Bell-type inequality seen from a moving frame”, Phys .Lett.A 333 (2004) pp. 389-394

An Min Wang(王安民),“Eigenvalues, Peres’ Separability Condition, and Entanglement”, Commun. Theor. Phys. (2004) 42,p206

Wanqing Niu and An Min Wang(王安民), “Separablility criterion and local information in separable states”, Phys. Lett. A (2004) 327 p103

An Min Wang(王安民): “A Simplified and Obvious Expression of Concurrence in Wootters’ Measure of Entanglement of a pair of qubits”, Chinese Phys. Lett. Vol. 20 (2003) p 1907-1909

An Min Wang(王安民), “Quantum Central Processing Unit and Quantum Algorithm” Chinese Phys. Lett. Vol. 19 (2002) p 620-622

An Min Wang(王安民), “A Universal Quantum Network—Quantum Central Processing Unit”, Chinese Phys. Lett. 18, (2001) p166-168

An Min Wang(王安民), “Note on Entanglement of an Arbitrary State of Two Qubits”, Chinese Phys. Lett. (2000) 17, p243-245

An Min Wang(王安民) and Tu Nan Ruan, “Space-like Form of Bethe-Salpeter Equation: Many Particles”, Commun. Theor. Phys. (2000) 33, p625-630

An Min Wang(王安民) and Tu Nan Ruan, “Space-like Form of Bethe-Salpeter Equation: Scatter State”, Commun. Theor. Phys. (2000) 33, p445-450

An Min Wang(王安民) and Tu Nan Ruan, “Space-like Form of Bethe-Salpeter Equation: Bound State”, Commun. Theor. Phys. (2000) 33, p263-268


An Min Wang(王安民), “Explicit Expression of Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation”, Chinese Phys. Lett. (1998) 15, p235-238

An Min Wang(王安民) and Tu Nan Ruan, "The Extension of Dirac-Bergmann’s Theory of the Constrained Systems", Phys. Rev. A (1996) 54, p57-80

An Min Wang(王安民) and Tu Nan Ruan, "Corrected Physical Supplementary Condition and Gauge Conditions in General Singular Lagrangian Systems", Phys. Rev. Lett. (1994) 73, p 2011-2014

An Min Wang(王安民), Tu Nan Ruan and Sicong Jing, "The Solution of q-deformed Harmonic Oscillator", Nuovo. Cimento, 107A (1994) p1433-1439

Tu Nan Ruan, Si Cong Jing and An Min Wang(王安民), "Comment on the Bosonization Structure of Fermion", Europhys. Lett. (1993) 23 , p317


王安民 男,1946年7月出生,浙江省台州人。现任浙江省台州市中医院整脊专科主任,中国传统医学研究会风湿病研究所整脊分所所长,中国保健科学技术学会疑难病症治疗委员会专家委员,中国科技与人才开发中心特邀技术顾问等。并被香港国际传统医学研究会、泰国世界传统医学会、加拿大传统医学会、英国世界传统医学会、香港中华医学研究会、香港国际中西医结合学会、香港医药出版社、世界医药研究中心、亚洲函授学院等授予理事、顾问、研究员、教授等职衔。曾获国际中西医药优秀成果金奖、紫荆花医学金奖、世界医坛风云人物奖、连续三届世界传统医学大会国际优秀成果奖等数十次奖。获优秀技术人员、世界传统医药突出贡献、当代世界传统医学杰出人物、全国“德艺双馨”医护工作者等荣誉。


王安民,大学学历,成绩优异的高级工程师。曾任潞安矿务局王庄煤矿副矿长、矿长,潞安矿务局局长助理、副局长、局长、党委书记;现任潞安矿业集团公司副董事长、党委书记。 近日,





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