

词条 万德集团

万德集团是新加坡独资企业,于2000年7月成立,由国内之东莞万德电子制品有限公司、东莞万德镜片科技有限公司、东莞万德精密模具制品有限公司、南通万德电子工业有限公司与湖州万德电子工业有限公司、泰德兴(昆山)有限公司六家分公司所组成,专业生产手机按键(硅胶、 IMD、P+R、钢片……..)和汽车按键、手机外壳及手机镜片,是国内手机按键行业的领航者。


集团始终以客户需求为中心,凭借崭新的理念和设备,先进的科技与管理,优越的品质与服务,最新的技术和工艺,为客户创造最大的价值,力求达到客户完全满意指数。“以团队产生力量、以革新求取发展,以速度创造优势、以诚信保证信誉”这是万德集团上下一万二千名员工的神圣使命。本集团的东莞万德与南通万德分别在2002年8月14日与2003年10月7日通过了质量管理体系ISO 9001:2000以及QS-9000,并于2004年7月份在新加坡成功挂牌上市。本集团自成立以来,发展迅猛,每年成长200%以上,已成为国际知名的按键生产厂商,其主要客户有:摩托罗拉、诺基亚、西门子、德国KOSTAL、法国SAGEM;另外还有中兴、联想、波导、光宝、厦新、TCL、华为、富士康等国内著名的手机生产商,而且我们的目标是要成为世界按键行业的领航者。

20年的行业经验铸就了万德坚实的基础,完善了生产的每个环节,“ Whatever Design you do,Memtech will realize it!!!”,这是万德经久不变的创新精神我们完全相信:从项目引进到品质监控,您都会对万德充满信心!而出于对全球物流的考虑,我们在中国中部和南部都设有工厂,同时,万德在新加坡、台湾、日本、韩国、北京、上海、杭州、苏州办事处的全体精英都随时随地,想您所想,供您所需!第三所工厂的筹备使我们坚信,不久的将来,万德将无处不在!

过去的万德,5年间实现了年销售额从0到9000万美元的神话,其中东莞万德年销售额为4000万、南通万德为4000万、万德精密模具为500万、南通模具为500万,而今天的万德,期待您的加盟,再创新高! 公司


1.本公司包吃包住. 为职工安全考虑,凡本厂职工,一律住宿厂方提供的宿舍.


a. 病假2天/月、有薪年假每年3天或3天以上、有薪婚假5天、有薪产假女(男)90天(2天)、有薪丧假1~3天、公假等都为有薪假。
















Corporate Profile 官方网站 www.memtechchina.comMemtech is an integrated precision moulded components manufacturer for the mobile phone, IT equipment and automotive industries. We are a total solution provider for mechanical components including Keypads, lens and plastic components. Other than pure mechanical components, the suite of services provided by Memtech has expanded to include design and manufacturing of antennas.

Our keypad division is one of the top industrial players in the world mobile phone market. We produces ultra-thin, metal, high-end silicone rubber, plastic and silicone rubber plastic hybrid keypads primarily for the mobile phone and automotive industries and offers a one-stop solution, beginning from the initial stage of engineering design and mould fabrication to the manufacture and assembly of the components to meet the changing needs of its customers.

We service reputable International brands and contract manufacturers such as Motorola, Nokia, Sony Ericson, LG, Foxconn, Flextronics and HTC as well as reputable China brands such as Ningbo Bird, Lenovo, UT Starcom, TCL & Alcatel. To service our customers and expand our global outreach, we have established overseas sales offices located in the Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, America and Europe as well China sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Nantong, Huzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Xiamen.

Memtech has three keypad manufacturing facilities strategically located in the major mobile phone manufacturing hubs in China, namely the Pearl River Delta (Dongguan, Shenzhen and Guangzhou), and the Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou). The Group has another facility in Kunshan, which manufactures plastic components and casings, primarily for digital cameras and mobile phones. Our lens facility is located in Dongguan. Memtechs antenna business is a joint venture with design house in Shenzhen and manufacturing facility in Dongguan. Our manufacturing facilities are awarded with QS9000, TS16949, ISO14000 and ISO9001 certifications

Corporate Milestone

February 2008Memtech International Ltd. entered into a Shareholders Agreement (Agreement) with with Mr. Kim Seong Soo, Koch, Samjun ATS and Teradisplay Co., Ltd (Teradisplay Korea) in relation to the Companys investment in Teradisplay Co., Ltd, a company incorporated in South Korea.

Pursuant to the Agreement, the Company shall invest in Teradisplay Korea by subscribing for 77,500 ordinary shares at an aggregate issue price of US$5 million to be paid in cash. Upon completion of the aforesaid subscription of shares, the Company shall own 26.9% of the issued share capital of Teradisplay Korea. In the event that all preference shares held by preference shareholders are converted into ordinary shares, the Companys interest in Teradisplay Korea will be diluted to 17.1%.

The current principal activities of Teradisplay Korea are that of manufacturing and sale of Touch Screen Panels. The US$5 million capital injection into Teradisplay Korea is earmarked for its China expansion plan. Teradisplay Korea intends to incorporate a subsidiary in Nantong (Teradisplay Nantong), the Peoples Republic of China. Pursuant to the Agreement, the Company has the option to take a 20% direct investment in Teradisplay Nantong.

Teradisplay Nantong will be Teradisplay Koreas manufacturing base in China and will manufacture both resistive and capacitive touch screen panels mainly for the mobile phone industry. The Company will assist Teradisplay Nantong to develop its manufacturing base and establish its sales network in China.February 2008Incorporation of new wholly owned subsidiary, Memtech Technologies Pte. Ltd. in Singapore. December 2007Group revenue increased by US$16.0 million or 13.3% from US$107.7 million in FY2006 to US$122.0 million in FY2007. September 2007Taitech Singapore Pte. Ltd. (TTS) increased its investment in Taitech Precision Electronic (Kunshan) Co., Ltd (MTKS) by us$5.4 million.September 2007Taitech Singapore Pte. Ltd. (TTS) has increased its issued and paid up capital from us$4.6 million to us$10.56 million.Memtech International Ltd. subscribed additional 5.16 million ordinary shares of us$1 each. The minority shareholder, Mr. Wu Kuo-Tsai has subscribed an additional 800,000 ordinary shares of us$1 each. Memtech International Ltds interest in TTS increased from 60% to 75%.August 2007Memtech International Ltd. entered into an Investment Agreement (Agreement) with VLU Corporation Limited (VLU), a company incorporated in South Korea and Dr. Jae-Min Kim (Dr. Kim) in relation to investment in VLU.Memtech International Limited shall invest in VLU by subscribing 3,333 ordinary shares with par value of KRW5,000 each at KRW281,160 each. Total contribution shall be KRW937,106,280 (approximately us$1 million). Upon completion of the aforesaid subscription of shares, Memtech International Ltd. shall own 25% of the issued share capital of VLU.VLU is a startup company incorporated in October 2006 with principal activities of manufacturing and sale of rheocasting magnesium alloy products. Dr. Kim, a major shareholder of VLU has invented a new rheocasting magnesium alloy technology that will improve the production efficiency and composite of magnesium alloy casted products as compared to the current thixoforming technology.July 2007Memtech International Ltd. invested in Sentehon Co., Ltd. (Sentehon), a company incorporated in Soma, by subscribing 441,000 ordinary shares of us$1 Each at par in Sentehon. Upon completion of the aforesaid subscription of shares, Memtech International Ltd will own 49% of the issued share capital of Sentehon. The principal activities of Sentehon are research, design and trading of electro light induction components.January 2007Dongguan Memtech Lens Technologies Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$3,500,000 to us$4,000,000. The capital increase is to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirements.December 2006Group revenue increased by us$32.8 million or 43.8% from us$74.9 million in FY2005 to us$107.7 million in FY2006.October 2006Mr Yap Chin Kuan, executive director of Memtech International Ltd., (Company)and General Manager of Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd (MTD) was appointed as Chief Operating Officer of the Group. Following Mr Yaps new appointment, he will relinquish his role as General Manager of MTD and remain as a director of the Company. Mr Heng Ngee Boon, existing Deputy General Manager of MTD assumed the role of General Manager of MTD.August 2006Memtech International Ltd. has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary, Nantong Memtech Technologies Co., Ltd in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, Peoples Republic of China with registered capital is us$10 million. The principal activities of Nantong Memtech Technologies Co., Ltd are research, manufacturing and sale of high precision mould and electronic products. Nantong Memtech Technologies Co., Ltd will acquire a piece of land with an area of approximately 70 acres for future development.August 2006Memtech International Ltd. entered into a Joint Venture Agreement (Agreement) with Celestin Technologies Limited and Mr Wong Kin Ping in relation to the establishment of a joint venture company, Raytech Co., Ltd (Raytech) in Hong Kong.Under the Agreement, the Company will subscribe for 5,325,000 ordinary shares of HK$1 each at par in Raytech. Upon completion of the aforesaid subscription of shares, Memtech International Ltd. will own 35.5% of the issued capital of Raytech Co., Ltd. Raytech will in turn acquire 100% of the issued share capital of Celestin Integrated Micro-System (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (Celestin Shenzhen), a company incorporated in Shenzhen, the Peoples Republic of China. The principal activities of Celestin Shenzhen are research, design and trading of wireless and Bluetooth antenna for the mobile phone industry. Memtech International Ltd. will assist Celestin Shenzhen to develop its manufacturing base and establish its sales network in China.The investment s part of our corporate strategy to expand our product offerings that will complement our core business. Celestin Shenzhen was established in late 2004 with a team of micor-wave scientists led by Dr. Huang Yong. Prior to setting up Celestin Shenzhen, Dr. Huang was the Deputy Director of the Antenna Division of Research Institute of Navigation Technology in Xian, Shannxi Province, China and was involved in several national projects. Celestin Shenzhen will focus its efforts in Research and Development of Bluetooth technologies and leverage on the Companys established sales network to promote its products.December 2005Group revenue increased by us$16.3 million or 27.8% from us$58.6 million in FY2004 to us$74.9 million in FY2005.November 2005Dongguan Memtech Lens Technologies Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$2,000,000 to us$3,500,000. The capital increase is to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirements.November 2005Dongguan Memtech Precision Tools & Products Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$2,280,000 to us$3,780,000. The capital increase is to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirements.September 2005Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$6,680,000 to us$10,000,000. The capital increase is to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirements.July 2005Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$6,180,000 to us$9,180,000. The capital increase is to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirements.June 2005Huzhou Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$3,000,000 to us$6,000,000. The capital increase is to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirements.May 2005Memtech International Ltd. had acquired 500,000 ordinary shares of NT10.00 each representing 100% of the issued and paid up capital of Memtech Technology Holdings Co, Ltd, a company incorporated in Taiwan, for a consideration of us$186,382, on a willing-buyer willing-seller basis. Memtech Technology Holdings Co, Ltd is in the business of selling and distributing keypads in Taiwan and is our agent for Taiwan market.May 2005Dongguan Memtech Precision Tools & Products Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$1,390,000 to us$2,280,000.May 2005Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$3,680,000 to us$6,680,000.May 2005Dongguan Memtech Lens Technologies Co., Ltd, has increased its registered capital from us$600,000 to us$2,000,000.February 2005Mr Chang Chih Ching resigned as Director of Memtech International Ltd. In replacement, Mr Teow Joo Hwa has been appointed as Director of Memtech International Ltd.January 2005Huzhou Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd has increased its registered capital from us$2,000,000 to us$3,000,000.January 2005Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd has increased its registered from us$3,380,000 to us$6,180,000.December 2004Group revenue increased by us$19.3 million or 49.1% from us$39.3 million in FY2003 to us$58.6 million in FY2004.December 2004Taitech Singapore Pte. Ltd. incorporated Taitech Precision (Kunshan) Co., Ltd, a subsidiary company located in Kunshan, Suzhou, China, with an registered capital of us$4.6 million increased its issued and paid up capital to us$1 million. Taitech Precision (Kushan) Co., Ltds principal activities include production of tools and plastic components.November 2004A new wholly-owned subsidiary, Taitech Singapore Pte. Ltd. was incorporated in Singapore. Following the incorporation with us$2 share capital, Memtech International Ltd. subscribed for additional 2,759,998 new shars of us$1.00 each at par for cash and Mr. Wu Kuo-Tsai who has more than 20 years of experience in the spray painting industry owns several companies that service the high end notebook market subscribed 1,840,000 shares of us$1.00 each at par. Following the completion of the subscriptions, Memtech International Ltd. owned 60% of the entire issued share capital of Taitech Singapore Ltd and Mr. Wu will own the remaining 40%. The principal activity of Taitech Singapore Pte Ltd is that of investment holdings.July 2004Memtech International Ltd. was listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.120,000,000 new shares comprising 6,000,000 offer shares and 114,000,000 placement shares were issued and allotted. All shares rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued shares. 120 million new shares were issued at S$0.55 per share. Net proceeds from the issue of new shares amounted to S$62.9 million.July 2004The convertible loan signed in December 2003 between Memtech International Ltd., formally known as Memtech International Pte. Ltd. and OCBC Capital Investment I Pte. Ltd., formally known as OCBC eVenture Fund I Pte. Ltd. was converted into 33,330,000 new ordinary shares of Memtech International Ltd.June 2004Memtech International Pte. Ltd. was converted to a public limited company and changed its name to Memtech International Ltd.May 2004Huzhou Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd has increased its registered capital from us$1,200,000 to us$2,000,000.April 2004We have established a new subsidiary, Dongguan Memtech Lens Technologies Co., Ltd, with a registered capital of us$600,000. The principle activities of Memtech Lens Technologies Co., Ltd. relates to manufacturing and sale of glass and acrylic lenses for mobile phones.March 2004We have established a new subsidiary, Huzhou Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of us$1,200,000 to service new customers located in Suzhou and Hangzhou.December 2004Huzhou Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd obtained ISO9001 certification.February 2004Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd has increased its registered from us$2,280,000 to us$3,380,000.December 2003Group revenue increased by us$27.2 million or 224.8% from us$12.1 million in FY2002 to us$39.3 million in FY2003.December 2003Memtech International Pte. Ltd. entered into a convertible loan agreement with OCBC Capital Investment I Pte. Ltd., formally known as OCBC eVenture Fund I Pte. Ltd. Pursuant to this agreement, Memtech International Pte. Ltd. was granted a loan drawdown of us$2.5 million, which bears interest at 2% above us$SIBOR for a term of 36 months from 7 January 2004 or from 7 January 2004 to the date of the listing of the shares of the Company on a recognized stock exchange, whichever is the earlier. The loan is secured by personal guarantees of certain Directors of Memtech International Pte. Ltd.November 2003Memtech International Pte. Ltd. was incorporated in Singapore under the Companies Act as a private limited company. Following a Restructuring Exercise, Memtech International Pte. Ltd. became the holding company of Memtech Products Co., Ltd, Dongguan Memtech Products Co., Ltd, Dongguan Memtech Precision Tools and Products Co., Ltd and Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.October 2003In order to meet expected increase in demand for our products, we have embarked on an expansion plan to increase our production capacity. In October 2003, Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd leased another factory space of approximately 13,000 sq m in October 2003. July 2003Dongguan Memtech Precision Tools & Products Co., Ltd has increased its registered from us$880,000 to us$1,390,000.May 2003In order to meet expected increase in demand for our products, we have embarked on an expansion plan to increase our production capacity. In May 2003, Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd entered into an agreement to acquire an adjacent plot of land in Nantong of approximately 14,000 sq m.March 2003Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd increased its registered capital from us$1,680,000 to us$2,280,000.March 2003In order to service our customers and further penetrate the markets surrounding the Yangtze River Delta, Memtech ElectronIc Products Co., Ltd acquired Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd, a company incorporated on 25 December 2000 which had a turnover of approximately us$1.0 million for FY2002. Nantong Memtech Electronic Industries Co., Ltd is located in Nantong, Jiangsu, China.January 2003Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd increased its registered capital from us$1,280,000 to us$2,000,000.December 2002Group revenue in FY2002 was us$12.1 million.August 2002Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd was awarded the ISO9001 and QS9000 certifiactions. August 2002 To tap on the vast experience and business expertise of Mr Chuang Wen Fu, he was invited to join us as our Executive Chairman.April 2002Acknowledging the importance of a comprehensive tooling service for our business, Memtech ElectronIc Products Co., Ltd acquired Dongguan Memtech Precision Tools & Products Co., Ltd. Dongguan Memtech Precision Tools & Products Co., Ltd was incorporated on 25 October 2000, located at Dongguan, Guangdong, China and had a turnover of approximately us$0.6 million for FY2001.January 2002Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd acquired Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd, a company incorporated in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. Dongguan Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd was incorporated in July 2000 and was engaged in the manufacture and sale of mobile phone keypads. Its turnover was approximately us$2.6 million for FY2001.June 2001Messrs Yap Chin Kuan, Ma Teng Ming and Chang Chih Ching acquired Memtech Electronic Products Co., Ltd, a company incorporated in Hong Kong as an investment holding company.





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