

词条 瓦尔明

约翰内斯·尤金纽斯·布洛·瓦尔明(Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming), 丹麦植物学家,现代生态学的创立人。

约翰内斯·尤金纽斯·布洛·瓦尔明(Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming)

Early life and family life

Warming was born on the small Wadden Sea island of Mandø as the only child of Jens Warming (1797-1844), parish minister, and Anna Marie von Bülow af Plüskow (1801-1863). After the early death of his father, he moved with his mother to her brother in Vejle in eastern Jutland.

He married Johanne Margrethe Jespersen (known as Hanne Warming; 1850-1922) on November 10, 1871. They had eight children: Marie (1872-1947) married C.V. Prytz, Jens Warming (1873-1939), who became a professor in economy and statistics at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Fro (1875-1880), Povl (1877-1878), Svend Warming (1879-1982), engineer at Burmeister & Wain shipyard, Inge (1879-1893), Johannes (1882-1970), farmer, and Louise (1884-1964).[3] External link: Ancestors and descendents[4]

Education and career

He attended high school at Ribe Katedralskole and commenced 1859 studies of natural history at the University of Copenhagen, but left university for three-and-a-half year (1863-1866) to act as secretary for the Danish palaeontologist Peter Wilhelm Lund, who lived and worked in Lagoa Santa, Brazil. After his return to Europe, he studied for a year under K.F.P. Martius, K.W. Nägeli and Ludwig Radlkofer in Munich and, in 1871, under J.L. von Hanstein in Bonn. Later in the same year (1871), he defended his Dr.Phil. thesis in Copenhagen.

The professorship in botany at the University of Copenhagen became vacant with the death of A.S. Ørsted and Warming was the obvious candidate for a successor. However, he was passed over and the chair given to the older, but much less productive and original Ferdinand Didrichsen. Warming then became docent of botany at the University of Copenhagen, the polytechnic (Polyteknisk Læreanstalt) and the Pharmaceutical College 1873-1882. He became professor in botany at Stockholms högskola (later Stockholm University) 1882-1885. As the eldest professor, he was elected rector magnificus.[5] In 1885, he became professor in botany at the University of Copenhagen and director of the Copenhagen Botanical Garden and held these positions until his retirement in December 31, 1910. He was rector magnificus of the University of Copenhagen 1907-1908.

He was a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters from 1878 to his death. As such, he served on the board of directors of the Carlsberg Foundation 1889-1921 and, because a biologist, on the board of the Carlsberg Laboratory. He also served on the board of the Geological Survey of Denmark 1895-1917.

Eugen Warming was a frequent visitor to foreign universities, e.g. a travel to Strasbourg and Paris in 1876 and another to Göttingen, Jena, Bonn, Strasbourg and Paris in 1880. He participated in several Scandinavian Scientist Conferences between 1868 and 1916 and in the similar German meeting in Breslau in 1874. He joined the International Botanical Congresses in Amsterdam 1877, in Vienna 1905 and in Brussels 1910 and was president of the ‘Association internationale des botanistes‘ (1913). He attended the Linnaeus celebration in Uppsala 1907 and the Darwin celebration in London 1908. He was honorary fellow of the Royal Society in London and honorary member of the Danish Botanical Society. He was a corresponding member of the botanical section of the French Academy of Sciences.[6] He was made Commander 1st Degree of the Order of the Dannebrog, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order and the Brazilian Imperial Order of the Rose. He is buried in Assistants Cemetery in Copenhagen.

Warming’s influence

Despite the language barrier, Warming’s influence on the development of ecology is remarkable, not the least in Britain and the USA. The British ecologist Arthur Tansley was extremely influenced by reading ’Plantesamfund’ (or rather the 1896 German edition). Reading the book made him jump from anatomy to ecology.[1] Tansley used the book as textbook in a university course as early as 1899.[10] Similarly, Warming's book was decisive in forming the careers of North American naturalists like Henry Chandler Cowles.[11] Cowles' now classic studies of Lake Michigan sand dune plant communities were directly inspired by Warming's studies of Danish dunes.[12] Also Frederic Clements was much inspired by Warming when starting to working with succession, but more by Oscar Drude in formulating his concept of vegetational climax in his 1916 book.

A more unexpected avenue of influence went through the American sociologist Robert E. Park, who read Warming's Oecology of Plants and used the ideas of ecological succession as inspiration for a notion of succession in human communities - a human ecology.[13]

Warming’s influence on later Scandinavian ecology was immense. Especially significant was his inspiration to Christen Raunkiær – his pupil and successor on the chair of botany at the University of Copenhagen. In addition, he had a direct influence of Danish research, scientific and other, for a couple of decades. After his appointment to the professorship in Copenhagen, he gradually took over Japetus Steenstrups power base, most notably as one of three members of the board of the Carlsberg Foundation for 32 years. Thus, Warming had the upper hand in whom should be granted money and whom should not.



1841年11月3日,瓦尔明出生在沃登(Wadden)海弗里西亚(Frisian)群岛的芒弗(MandΦ)岛,属于石勒苏益格地方。父亲詹斯·瓦尔明(1797-1844)是当地教区的牧师,母亲名叫安娜·玛丽·冯·布洛·布鲁斯科(1801-1863)。3岁时,父亲去世,他跟母亲搬到日德兰岛东部的维泽勒(Vejle),去投靠他的舅舅。后来,他在古城力倍(Ribe)的教会学校(即著名的Ribe Katedralskole)上了高中,1859年进入哥本哈根大学开始学习自然史。

1863年,瓦尔明应选去了巴西的拉哥亚桑塔市(Lagoa Santa,一译圣湖市,属米纳斯吉拉斯州)给在当地采集化石的丹麦化石学家伦德(Peter Wilhelm Lund)做秘书。登陆巴西之后,在里约热内卢经过短期的培训,他骑在骡背上艰苦跋涉42天,到达拉哥亚桑塔的工作地——一个荒陋的小村庄。工作之余,他独自一人在当地进行徒步的自然史考察。当时拉哥亚桑塔的植物区系还是空白领域,而这个21岁的大学生手头只有恩德利歇(Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher)的《植物属志》和林德雷(John Lindley)的《植物界》,他唯以无可比拟的勤勉从事植物标本的采集。三年多的时间里,尽管他闲暇时间不算多,交通也不便,他的足迹由住地向四面八方散发了约6公里远,覆盖了约100平方公里的地域,收集了2600种维管植物,其中有370种后来被发现是以前的科学完全没有涉及的。


1866年,瓦尔明回到欧洲,到慕尼黑跟随博物学家玛尔谢亚斯(Karl Friedrich Philipp Martius)、纳吉里(Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli)和拉德尔科佛(Ludwig Adolph Timotheus Radlkofer)各学习了一年。这些年间,他致力于传统的形态学研究并成为该领域出类拔萃的人物,同时与一些分类学家诸如艾希勒(August Wilhelm Eichler)和恩格勒(Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler)联系与合作,尝试把拉哥亚桑塔期间收集的大量植物种弄清楚,编撰了《巴西中部植物鉴定谱》40卷(有1400页)。1871年,而立之年的瓦尔明又到波恩的汉斯坦(Johannes Ludwig Emil Robert von Hanstein)处学习显微镜技术。同年稍后,他在哥本哈根完成了博士论文答辩,论文题目是《大戟属花或花序的“杯”:器官发生学与形态学研究》(注:大戟属花序为聚伞花序,呈杯状)。他终生都对花这一器官着迷不已,特别是胚珠部分。这一年,他与汉娜·玛格丽特·雅斯贝森(后来即以汉娜·瓦尔明闻名)结婚。

当时,哥本哈根大学的植物学教授讲席由于奥斯特(Anders Sandøe Ørsted)的逝世出现空缺,瓦尔明是被看好的一个接替者候选人。但是,他将这一席位让给了老资格的戴里克森(Didrik Ferdinand Didrichsen),这位老先生其实缺乏创见也没什么成就。他自己在技术和制药学院的编外教师职位上干了近10年(1873-1882)。不过,这10年间他的思想发生了巨变,进化假说为他所接受,他的微观研究事业渐渐从描述植物发育转向了检视植物结构与适应的关系。并且,从1878年起,掩不住锋芒的他就进入了丹麦皇家科学与文学学会,并保持会员身份直到去世。1882年,他终在新成立的斯德哥尔摩学院(Stockholms högskola,即后来的斯德哥尔摩大学)成为植物学教授。作为深孚人望的教授,他又当选为该校的副校长。



迄于19世纪之末,瓦尔明超卓的科学成就已经使他跻身于欧洲第一流的科学家之列。同时,在大学的讲台上与实验室里,他也是一位娴熟和热忱的教师。除了《植物分布学》被认为是植物生态学领域的第一本教科书,发覆开新,倡生态学一时之盛,1880年出版的《普通植物学:中学和大学教程》和1990年的《植物的生活:中学和大学教程》(值得一提的是,该书丹麦文第四版是由他的学生拉恩基尔Christen Christensen Raunkiær与他合著的)也曾以不同语言多次重版。这些著作所裨益的范围远远超出了哥本哈根大学的讲台。瓦尔明的教学方法强调学生直面自然的观察与实践能力。在长期的田野与讲台实践中,他深感有必要带领学生们走出课堂。执掌哥本哈根大学植物学讲席以后,他就利用植物园向学生们展示植物机体,涉及植物生态则要求学生走向田野。但在哥本哈根周围步行的活动范围太促狭,于是他向政府申请并获得一笔资金供每年带领学生长途考察之用。从1893年起,他们每3年去一次西日德兰,偶尔去过波恩霍尔姆和新西兰。他的考察记录出版过,在介绍沙地、海滩等生境的环境与植物适应方面不乏启发性。1907-1908年间,瓦尔明还担任过哥本哈根大学的校长。

此外,瓦尔明还是卡尔斯堡基金会的董事(并因为专业生物学家的身份,成为卡尔斯堡实验室的主管人员之一)、国际植物学会1913年届的主席、伦敦皇家学会和丹麦植物学会的荣誉会员、法国科学院植物学部的通讯会员,曾被授予丹尼布洛一等勋章、维多利亚皇家勋章、巴西帝国玫瑰勋章、瑞典皇家科学院林耐大勋章。瓦尔明发现的植物种命名人的标准缩写为Warm.,兰科有一个Warmingia属和几十个种(比如Warmingia eugenii)以他命名,作为对他的纪念。






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