

词条 脱离/再入语境的同声传译


出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年2月1日)平装: 221页

正文语种: 中文, 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 7544615898, 9787544615891

条形码: 9787544615891






爱布茹·迪利克(Ebru Diriker)任教于土耳其海峡大学翻译学院。




CHAPTER 1 Previous Hterature,key concepts and grounding theories

1.1 Simultaneous Interpreting Research

1.2 Previous research on actual SI behavior in relation to socio—cultural and interactional contexts

1.3 Context

1.4 DiSCOurse

1.5 Basic theoretical assumptions on“discourse”CHAPTER 2 Broader social context in SI

2.1 Meta—discourse as social context

2.2 Meta—discourse on SI

2.2.1 Discourse of general reference books

2.2.2 Discourse of codes of ethics

2.2.3 Discourse of professional organizations

2.2.4 Discourse of academia

2.2.5 Discourse of Turkish media

2.2.6 Discourse of interpreters in the media

2.2.7 Discourse of a popular book

2.3 Summary 48

CHAPTER 3 Analyzing an actual conference context

3.1 Constructing the COrpus:General reflections

3.2 Constructing the COrpUS in this study

3.2.1 Topic,date and venue of the conference

3.2.2 Conference languages

3.2.3 Interpreters,organizer and the recruitment process

3.2.4 Permission to record

3.2.5 Technical matters

3.2.6 Position of the booths

3.2.7 My position as the researcher

3.2.8 Participants

3.2.9 Speakers

3.2.10 Preparations,documents and the“assistant’’in the booth

3.2.11 Turn—taking

3.3 Interviews

3.3.1 Interview with the organizer

3.3.2 Interviews with the speakers

3.3.3 InterviEWS with the interpreters

3.3.4 Interviews wi出the users of SI

CHAPTER 4 Analyzing an actual SI performance

4.1 Constructing the transcripts in this study

4.2 Deciding on a unit of analysis

4.3 Exploring the“shifts in the speaking subject”

4.4 Presenting the analysis

4.5 Analyzing the conference transcripts

4.5.1 “Shifts in the speaking subject’’in the present corpus

4.5.2 Last 25 minutes of the conference interaction

CHAIRIER 5 Juxta.and counterposing actual SI behavior with the meta_discourse

5.1 Juxtaposing actual SI behavior with the meta—discourse

5.1.1 Broader socio—cultural context:What the meta—discourse suggests

5.1.2 Presence of interpreters:What participant observations and interviews sug-gest

5.1.3 Performance of interpreters:What conference transcripts suggest

5.2 Counterposing actual SI behavior with the meta—discourse

5.2.1 Implications for SI research

Final remarks


Transcription convention

“Shifts in the speaking subject”in the delivery in their order of occurrence

during the conference








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