词条 | 托普仕 |
释义 | 简介托普仕留学是全国精品留学旗舰机构,我们的成功和欣慰并不是利润的最大化,而是用心去打造一份专属于您们的留学申请,一份您们自己也可以拥有的精品留学全程解析。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村大街中关村大厦四层 团队托普仕留学现在拥有一支在行业内脱颖而出、独树一帜的专业化团队,每一个细节和步骤都会由她们去掌握和把控,这群造梦者是由四个小团队构成。 前期咨询顾问团队:每一位成员均在行业内拥有3年以上的工作经验,通过前期的咨询,后期的沟通,她们会了解您们的申请需求,用她们的专业和关怀带领您们进入托普仕的服务体系,设计专属于您们的个性留学方案,与您们签订留学选校协议,和您们一起走过申请的全程。您只要出现疑问,都可以在第一时间内联系上她们,同时,如果您是申请全奖的寻梦者,她们的陶瓷也会让您们占据一个制高点,从而顺利拿到offer,她们会建议您根据您的申请的时间提早进行规划,申请的时间越早得到的结果就越好。 海外顾问团队:由斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、哥伦比亚大学、卡耐基梅隆大学等世界知名院校的优秀学子和毕业生组成,他们主要负责海外名校第一手资讯的收集,包括最新的招生信息,也有他们比较熟悉的教授信息,随着时间的变化,我们每年都会建立申请相关信息的权威数据库,他们会协助咨询顾问的成员对您们的选校,陶瓷等步骤进行指导和帮助。 外籍顾问团队:来自英语作为母语的每一位成员们都在国内的留学领域进行长达5-8年的文书撰写工作,身为全职的他们一直专注于留学文书的跨文化匹配,采用地道的英文写作给您量身定做个性留学文书。而这套独特性的原创文书又是基于您所申请大学的录取委员会教授的喜好和大学的文化氛围的基础上完成的。因此我们的专业化的文书打造,将让您文书中的细节和大学的价值观相互吻合,让您在留学申请的过程中身价倍增。他们的写作范围涵盖商科、理工、人文、艺术、法律、教育等各领域,成功帮助众多学子成功进入哈佛、普林斯顿、耶鲁、斯坦福、宾夕法尼亚、MIT等世界名校。 签证辅导团队:这里的成员是由前期咨询顾问和文书写作的外籍顾问组成,在您的得到录取通知书之后,您需要的就是一张签证页,这时他们的一种责任心和肩负的使命感,会带领您们走过模拟签证的全过程,让您从容自信地面对,在过去的一年里,我们的签证成功率高达100%,让每一个客户都实现了飞跃重洋的梦想。 特色因为专注 所以专业 托普仕留学集结了数位多年从事资深高端留学专家,为您量身定做留学计划,无论是从奖学金申请方案,还是专业选定,乃至学校选择策略都本着一切为了学生的宗旨来为您申请您满意的大学。多对一的私人咨询形式,面对面的沟通,让您亲身参与到申请的每一个环节,从客户到朋友,让您感受你身边的私人留学专家。 文件材料 精心打造 文化的差异是导致东西方衡量申请者时产生截然不同的结果的关键。有些申请者在文书中展示的“优点”实际上反映了自己对学术问题和自身发展缺乏规划和热情;而有些申请人认为不好在文书中忽略掉的恰恰是西方人所欣赏的特质。为了从根本上解决这一问题,我们建立了外籍文书写作顾问团队。我们的专业化的文书打造,将让您的文书中的细节和大学的价值观相互吻合,让您在留学申请的过程中身价倍增。 信息准确 覆盖全球 托普仕留学海外部由斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、哥伦比亚大学、卡耐基梅陇大学等美国高等学府的优秀学子和毕业生组成。他们负责海外名校的第一手资讯的收集,建立申请相关信息的权威数据库,同时与国外的上百所院校保持密切联系,拥有强大的院校资源供学生选择,满足学生的专业、资金以及地理位置等多方面选校要求。 业内精英 有口皆碑 托普仕从成立伊始到现在,为来自全国各地的近百名学生提供了申请咨询服务,最终拿到英美国名校的大学录取甚至奖学金,深受广大客户的好评,同时专业的态度在业内也树立了很好的口碑。通过我们申请服务拿到录取通知书的同学,现在都纷纷介绍更多的朋友来与我们机构进行合作。另外,托普仕服务定价的透明化,也开创了业内留学高端精品申请的先河。我们承诺没有达成我们最初的目标,我们全额退款。 责任这群造梦者共同为着那一个个精品申请过程付出着自己的努力和心血,他们伴随着托普仕一路走来,见证了许许多多的灰姑娘奇迹、梦想绽放,有去斯坦福的女孩;有托福低于80的top50录取者;有杜克的高中生,也有哥大的魅力生,进入托普仕的服务体系,感受梦想系列计划,让您们不仅在申请之初就体会到托普仕带给您们的优势与自信,而且在申请成功之后,也会让您们感受托普仕的真诚和友谊,真正打造出一个经典和精品的留学申请。 理念托普仕——您身边的私人留学专家,我们打造的经典和精品留学,秉承的就是这样一种理念:专业、真诚、友谊。除了完成留学申请,托普仕人更多肩负的是一种使命,放不下的也是对您们的责任,留学是关系小到一个家庭,大到国计民生的重大问题,这也是我们精品留学所打造的核心,留学路上的我们给您们助力的只是第一步,这条道路上,每一个托普仕人都会不断探索,再接再厉,不断充实自己的专业能力,提高自己的服务质量,着力打造一个引领精品留学风尚的旗舰机构! 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海,在这一份经典和精品的留学策划申请中,希望每一位有梦的学子都拥有一份关怀,托起梦想,谱写未来! EnglishTops (Beijing) International Education Consulting Co., Ltd. is approved by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in providing first-rate overseas studies consulting services to potential students. Tops International consulting team composes of the expert professional consultants who have extensive experience of studying abroad and possess several years of experience in providing international education consultation. Tops International delivers comprehensive consulting services to student-applicants and serves as link between student and the universities and educational institutions overseas. Tops International assists every client in school selection, from preparation to completion of all necessary application documents as well as provides continuous support throughout the application process. Tops International also offers other application advisory regarding application of scholarship and funding grants, visa consultation, academic courses advisory, and meet other specific needs of clients. We are also happy to resolve issues that occur during the course of application. Our commitment is to deliver our expertise, professional guidance, and dedication to cater the needs and demands of our clients and help them reach their aspiration in pursuing overseas studies. We truly care about our clients thus we work with team collaboration to ensure smooth application process. Our consultants and staffs possess specialized expertise and are passionate on their works thereby allowing our clients to receive professional service. We firmly believe that through excellent consulting services, unique application materials, as well as careful and thoughtful personalized service offered to every customer will lead them to have convenient and successful overseas studies experience. We hope that today's customer will become tomorrow's friends. We know that even the application to overseas studies is completed, our friendship with our clients will remain. Tops International also explores all possibilities of building partnership and cooperation with both local and international educational institutions as part of its development initiatives. Our Advantages: Powerful and Accurate Database of School Information Tops International Four Teams: the pre-consultation team, the overseas studies consultants’ team, foreign consultants’ team and visa counseling team are specialist in study abroad consultation. These teams offer first-hand information for overseas studies and built integrated collection and database of school information for international education. They perform accurate professional analysis and provide recommendations according to specific client needs. Specialized Assistance in Writing Application Documents Tops International has a professional team of foreign consultants who deal with the preparation of application materials such as essays, personal statements, and reference letters. Our consultants have deep understanding of the Chinese and foreign culture as they have lived in China for several year and studied overseas as well. They have helped countless applicants to gain admission from top universities such as Yale University, Columbia University, Imperial College, UBC and other world's elite educational institutions. Sincere, responsible & serve with enthusiasm Right from the start, Tops International is committed to providing service-oriented and high professional service and treats every customer as a friend. We take every client’s case as top priority and we carefully handle each customer’s application. These kinds of services represent our passion for efficient service and professional attitude and allow us to win the students and parents’ respect and support but more importantly, guarantee our continuous growth and development. |
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