

词条 托马斯·胡德

托马斯·胡德 (Thomas Hood,1799-1845)



胡德也是个有才能的雕刻家和漫画家,他在许多幽默杂志上投稿,自己也办过幽默杂志。胡德创作了许多诗歌,著名的有《衬衫之歌》(The Song of the Shirt,1843)、《悲叹之桥》(The Bridge of Sighs,1844)、《基尔曼塞格小姐和她贵重的腿》(Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg,1841—1843。)胡德的诗歌主要揭露了资本主义社会贫富不均的现象,对劳动人民寄予深切的同情。他的诗作感情真挚,描写细腻。恩格斯评论胡德说“有敏锐的心灵,但没有一点精神力量”(《英国工人阶级状况》第261页)。

胡德13岁时给一名商人当学徒,但是糟糕的健康状况迫使他去苏格兰住了三年。然后他师从一位雕刻师,这段经历让他后来得以为自己的作品画插图。在担任《伦敦杂志》的助理编辑期间(1821—23年),他结识了德·昆西、海斯莱特和查尔斯·兰姆。他的第一部著作,与约翰·汉密尔顿·雷诺斯合著的《大人物之歌》(Odes and Addresses to Great People)(1825年),是匿名发表的。柯勒律治猜测此书出自查尔斯·兰姆之手。

胡德还编辑了1829年的《瑰宝》(The Gem),一份年刊,其中收录了《尤今·艾拉姆的梦想》(The Dream of Eugene Aram),这部作品树立了他严肃诗人的名声。1835年至1840年,胡德居住在国外,主要是德国。回英国后,他开始编辑《新月刊》(New Monthly Magazine)(1841–43年)。1844年他开始编辑《胡德杂志》(Hood's Magazine),但是不久因病中断。

胡德以幽默诗作而闻名,同时也创作了一些严肃题材的人道主义诗歌如《衬衫之歌》(1843年)。这首诗的创造灵感来自于诗人对服装工人悲苦劳动命运的愤慨。《叹息桥》(1844年)描述了一个无家可归的女孩投河自尽的故事。胡德是把哀婉和幽默融为一体的天才诗人。为追求效果,他的幽默诗常常依赖双关语,例如在《不贞的莎莉布朗》这首诗里他这样写到:“他死了,在自己的铺上,刚刚四十出头;他们把死讯告诉教堂司事,司事敲响了丧钟。” 很不幸,胡德虽然幽默,但一生命运多舛,一直在贫病交加中挣扎,这首诗后来证明也预言了他自己的命运,胡德本人也仅仅活了45岁。




Thomas Hood born May 23 in London, son of a bookseller and publisher of Scottish origin.


Death of Hood's father forces change in educational plans.


Hood forced to leave school to take position as clerk in London.


Hood becomes interested in engraving through the influence of his uncle, a prominent engraver.


Autumn, Hood has physical breakdown; journeys to Dundee to recover health and visit relatives.


Still at Dundee, writes "The Bandit," a narrative poem somewhat in the vein of Sir Walter Scott and Lord Byron.


Autumn, returns to London with the idea of following engraving as a profession.


Hood working as an engraver. Makes occasional contributions to a fortnightly literary society. Early summer, 1821, joins staff of the London Magazine. July, mother dies, leaving Hood's four sisters in his care.


Working as "a sort of sub-editor" on the London Magazine. Meets Charles Lamb, J. H. Reynolds, Thomas De Quincey, William Hazlitt, William Wordsworth, and other prominent literary figures. Around June, 1823, severs association with the London Magazine.


February, Odes and Addresses to Great People, by Hood and Reynolds, published with great success. May, marries Jane Reynolds.


Publishes First Series of Whims and Oddities, which is very well received by the public and praised by Blackwood's. May (?)-August, employed as dramatic critic for The Atlas.


February, publishes National Tales, a collection of stories, and in July, The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Leander, Lycus the Centaur, and Other Poems--both in the "serious tone," and both failures. October, Second Series of Whims and Oddities issued with great success.


Writes a mediocre farce, York and Lancaster or a School without Scholars (one of several lackluster comedies attempted by Hood). October, begins editing The Gem, a "Christmas annual"; contributes to it "The Dream of Eugene Aram" and other pieces.


Becomes one of the proprietors of The Athenaeum, a new and promising journal. September, scores a triumph with "The Epping Hunt."


Hood brings out his first Comic Annual (to appear yearly 1830-39 and again in 1842), which is highly successful and widely imitated. Daughter, Frances, born.


June, Hood unwisely ends his official connection with The Athenaeum, but continues to contribute to it


Moves with his family to a country house in Essex.


Working on a three-volume novel, Tylney Hall. Harassed by poor health and heavy expenses.


Hood quarrels with his publisher, C. Tilt; replaces him with A. H. Baily. October, Tylney Hall published and sells well, but Hood's finances still precarious. December, saddened by death of Lamb.


Son, Tom, born. March, financial disaster sends Hood temporarily to the Continent. At Coblenz, plans a "German book"; continues work on Comic Annual and other projects.


Supports Thomas Noon Talfourd's efforts toward reform of copyright law by writing for The Athenaeum a series of letters titled "Copyright and Copywrong." Winter, reveals increasing humanitarian concern with the poem "Agricultural Distress."


June, moves with family to Ostend, Belgium. Continues work on Comic Annual. Autumn, planning Hood's Own, a monthly magazine.


January, first issue of Hood's Own appears and wins instant popularity, but Hood's finances still critical. Returns to England for brief visit.


Early in year, Hood in England briefly to consult Dr. Elliot about his health and to check into Baily's practices. Publishes the thirteen numbers of Hood's Own as a collected volume. December, publishes his "German book," Up the Rhine (dated 1840).


Up the Rhine a phenomenal success, but Hood's income tied up through litigation with Baily. Summer, the Hood family finally reunited in England. November, Hood's Athenaeum review of Dickens' Master Humphrey's Clock leads to lasting friendship between the two writers. Scores a great hit with "Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg."


Financial situation relieved somewhat by grant from Royal Literary Fund. August, Hood succeeds to editorship of the New Monthly Magazine upon death of Theodore Hook.


Receives many marks of esteem from Dickens and other literary celebrities. June, publishes two more letters on copyright in The Athenaeum. Still editing the New Monthly Magazine.


September, vacations with son in Dundee; visits Edinburgh and is entertained by Lord Jeffrey. October, quarrels with publisher of the New Monthly Magazine and resigns editorship. December, creates a sensation with "The Song of the Shirt"; publishes Whimsicalities (dated 1844).


January, begins publication of Hood's Monthly Magazine and Comic Miscellany; sales are excellent, but again Hood has trouble with his publisher. Health collapses, and friends rally to keep the magazine on its feet. May, "The Bridge of Sighs" wins great acclaim. November, Mrs. Hood placed on civil pension list. Hood still trying to work while propped up in bed.


May 3, Hood dies.





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