

词条 托马斯·豪威尔



中文名: 托马斯·豪威尔英文名: C. Thomas Howell

别 名: Christopher Thomas Howell

性 别: 男

生 日: 1966-12-07

角 色:演员,导演,编剧


星座: 射手座

身高: 180cm


更多家庭成员:现任妻子Sylvie Anderson,两人有三个孩子,第一任妻子是Rae Dawn Chong


An ex-child rodeo star, C. Thomas Howell was earmarked as one of the most promising young actors in the mid 1980s after an eye-catching performance in the teen coming-of-age epic The Outsiders (1983). Other roles followed, including the violent Cold War invasion drama Red Dawn (1984), and a co-starring part alongside Jamie Lee Curtis in Grandview, U.S.A. (1984). His career was not helped by the controversial racial comedy Soul Man (1986), which was not well-received. However, he did meet and fall in love with his co-star from that movie, Rae Dawn Chong, whom he later married.

Whilst superstardom has eluded him, there's no doubting that Howell has been in consistent demand with film producers. He has notched up in excess of 90 feature film appearances. including starring roles in Side Out (1990), Gettysburg (1993), Baby Face Nelson (1995), Fatal Affair (1998), Asylum Days (2001) and Hoboken Hollow (2005).

Known as a friendly and likable person to his fans, Howell lives with his current wife Sylvie, and their three children Isabelle, Dashiell & Liam.


2009-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 被时间遗忘的土地 The Land That Time Forgot (演员/导演) Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Land That Time Forgot

The Land That Time Forgot

狼人豪尔 First Howl (演员) Howl

Love Bites

南方警察 Southland (演员) 洛城警事


2008-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 世界大战2之新的进攻 War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (演员/导演)

机器人侵犯地球 The Day the Earth Stopped (导演/演员) 地球停转之日

2007-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 词锋 Fighting Words (演员) Street Poet

马斯登庄园的阴魂 The Haunting of Marsten Manor (演员)

2006-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 浩劫余生 The Far Side of Jericho (演员)

达芬奇宝藏 The Da Vinci Treasure (演员) 破解达文西密码

El códice Da Vinci

El tesoro de Da Vinci

2005-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 黑暗不公 Blind Injustice (制作人/编剧) À l'ombre de mes yeux

Juicio a ciegas

海神波塞冬号 The Poseidon Adventure (演员) A Aventura do Poseidon

Aventure du poseidon, L'

杀人护士 Nursie (演员) Thymata tis nosokomas, Ta

Hoboken Hollow (演员) Destino Macabro

继承者 The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam (演员) Omar

The Keeper

玻璃陷阱 Glass Trap (演员) 玻璃阴谋

H.G. Wells的世界大战 H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (演员)

2004-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 迷失的天使 The Lost Angel (演员)

山腰绞杀手 The Hillside Strangler (演员)

心中的凶手 A Killer Within (演员)

大漠雄风 Hidalgo (演员) 沙漠骑兵 / 狂沙神驹


2003-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 众神与将军 Gods and Generals (演员)

Net Games (演员) Deadly Web

Net G@mes

魔鬼司令2:我已经在等你 The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting (演员) Hitcher 2

The Hitcher 2: The Prey

2002-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 杀手蜂 Killer Bees! (演员) 蜂暴反扑

Essaim mortel


2001-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 24小时 24 (演员) 24小时反恐部队 / 反恐24小时

24 Hours

Twenty Four

WillFull (演员)

化为灰烬 Burning Down the House (演员)

2000-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 江湖正将 The Million Dollar Kid (演员)

1999-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 大雪崩 Avalanche (演员) Escape from Alaska


末路出击 Hitman's Run (演员)

Red Team (演员) Équipe rouge, L'

The Crimson Code

Enemy Action (演员) Ataque Inimigo

1998-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell Charades (演员) Criminales

Fellows - Auf Leben und Tod

1996-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell Pure Danger (演员/导演) Alto voltaje


清道夫 The Sweeper (演员)

1995-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 神秘刺青 Teresa's Tattoo (演员) Mystery Model

A Tatuagem

新烈火情挑 Payback (演员) 欲海情仇

黑色恋情 Mad Dogs and Englishmen (演员) 巴黎春恋 / 英伦迷情 / 疯狗和英国人


Mad Dogs & Englishmen

1993-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 盖茨堡之役 Gettysburg (演员) 美国战火

The Killer Angels

盖茨堡之战 The Making of 'Gettysburg' (演员)

1992-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 艳夏春夜 That Night (演员) One Hot Summer

1990-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 天才老爸 Far Out Man (演员) 百分百挑逗

Facet nie z tej ziemi

Maailmanlopun turo

1989-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 三剑客续集 The Return of the Musketeers (演员) Die Rückkehr der Musketiere

Regreso de los mosqueteros, El

1988-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 少年托斯卡尼尼 Giovane Toscanini, Il (演员) Toscanini

Young Toscanini

1986-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 灵魂男人 Soul Man (演员) Confusão à Flor da Pele

Harvard, movida americana

幽灵终结者 The Hitcher (演员) 魔鬼司令 / 魔鬼搭车人

1985-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 蓝色月光侦探社 Moonlighting (演员) 蓝色月光

A Gata e o Rato

Clair de lune

庞克的六月 Secret Admirer (演员) The Letter

1984-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 坦克奇谋父子兵 Tank (演员)

Grandview, U.S.A. (演员) Pieni kaupunki, suuret unelmat

天狐入侵 Red Dawn (演员)

1983-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 局外人 The Outsiders (演员) 小教父 / 旁观者

The Outsiders - The Complete Novel

Die Outsider

1982-C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (演员) E.T. 外星人 / 外星人E.T.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

A Boy's Life


2009年:担任影片 《被时间遗忘的土地》导演

2008年:担任影片《 世界大战2之新的进攻》《机器人侵犯地球》导演


1996年:担任影片《Pure Danger》导演





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