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释义 | 中式园林建筑,单层歇山式小瓦顶,面阔三间四回廊,。建于清同治九年(1870)。因雨水落在梧桐叶上啪啪作响而得名。临时大总统孙中山经常在这里会客。1930—40年代为国民政府军事委员会第二厅、总统府军务局长办公室。 With a classical garden style of China, this house was built in 1870 and named as Tong Yin Guan, meaning nice sound from raindrops on leafs of Chinese parasols. As the Provisional President of the Nanjing Nationalist Government, Dr. Sun Yan-sen often received his guests here. During the period from the 1930s to the 1940s, it became the office of the Second Bureau of the Military Affairs Commission of the National Government and the Bureau for Military Affairs of the Presidential Palace successively. |
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