

词条 台湾中型100指数




日 期: 民国95年11月3日(Date: 3/11/2006 )

ICB行业分类指标Industry Classification Benchmark 成分股票代号Taiwan Local Identifier (Stock Code) 成分股票名称 Constituents Name (Stock Name) 发行股数(单位:股)Number of Shares in Issue(unit : share) 公众流通量系数Investibility Weighting Factor 占台湾中型100指数权重Weight in Taiwan100 Index

产业类别细分Sub-Sector 中文名称Chinese Name 英文名称English Name

9572 2395 研华 Advantech 463,179,515 75.00% 1.44%

2353 1102 亚洲水泥 Asia Cement 2,531,316,748 50.00% 1.52%

2737 3019 亚洲光学 Asia Optical 244,941,548 100.00% 1.51%

9572 2352 明基 Benq 2,619,978,500 75.00% 1.40%

8777 6005 群益证 Capital Securities 1,399,783,086 100.00% 0.76%

8733 2501 国建 Cathay Real Estate Development 1,656,515,602 75.00% 1.11%

3357 2105 正新橡胶 Cheng Shin Rubber Industry 1,217,772,996 50.00% 0.89%

2737 2392 正崴 Cheng Uei Precision Industry 373,220,739 75.00% 1.38%

9572 2385 群光 Chicony Electronics 442,550,000 100.00% 0.82%

5751 2610 华航 China Airlines 3,755,300,612 30.00% 0.69%

8777 2820 华票 China Bills Finance 1,678,700,000 75.00% 0.45%

3353 2204 中华汽车 China Motor 1,370,321,236 50.00% 0.86%

1357 1314 中石化 China Petrochemical Development 1,689,998,000 100.00% 0.60%

1757 2014 中鸿 Chung Hung Steel 1,276,071,960 75.00% 0.77%

9572 2323 中环 Cmc Magnetics Corporation 3,128,258,134 100.00% 1.33%

2733 2313 华通 Compeq Manufacturing 1,217,019,623 100.00% 0.73%

8355 2837 万泰银行 Cosmos Bank Taiwan 1,771,002,000 100.00% 0.94%

9578 2332 友讯 D-Link 670,078,011 100.00% 1.04%

3355 6605 帝宝 Depo Auto Parts Industrial 159,685,141 100.00% 0.64%

5751 2618 长荣航 EVA Airways 3,749,886,920 33.33% 0.69%

9576 2331 精英 Elitegroup Computer Systems 1,067,603,575 50.00% 0.37%

2733 2448 晶元 Epistar Corp 360,722,063 100.00% 1.39%

1357 1717 长兴化学 Eternal Chemical 706,237,070 75.00% 1.23%

2779 2607 荣运 Evergreen International Storage & Transp 1,067,141,000 50.00% 0.35%

2737 2393 亿光 Everlight Electronics 320,083,954 100.00% 1.22%

5373 2903 远东百货 Far Eastern Department Store 1,077,852,812 100.00% 0.80%

8355 2845 远东商银 Far Eastern International Bank 1,868,338,642 100.00% 1.22%

9576 3035 智原 Faraday Technology 317,832,950 75.00% 0.48%

1757 2015 丰兴钢铁 Feng Hsin Iron & Steel 566,832,451 100.00% 0.78%

5753 2707 晶华酒店 Formosa International Hotels 215,625,000 50.00% 0.41%

3763 1434 福懋 Formosa Taffeta 1,684,664,272 75.00% 1.07%

3745 1520 复盛 Fu Sheng Industrial 747,878,042 100.00% 0.92%

8775 2885 复华金 Fuh-Hwa Financial Holdings 3,165,632,235 75.00% 1.46%

3745 9921 巨大机械 Giant Manufacturing 280,184,000 75.00% 0.47%

9576 2376 技嘉 Gigabyte Technology 671,885,898 100.00% 0.67%

2353 2504 国产 Goldsun Development & Construction 1,181,497,824 100.00% 0.74%

9572 6116 彩晶 HannStar Display 5,999,373,345 100.00% 1.24%

5379 2207 和泰汽车 Hotai Motor 546,179,100 100.00% 1.60%

8355 2807 竹商银 Hsinchu International Bank 1,607,865,339 100.00% 1.56%

3743 3367 英华达 Inventec Appliances 432,900,000 50.00% 0.71%

9572 2356 英业达 Inventec Co. 2,293,928,000 100.00% 2.35%

3745 1736 乔山 Johnson Health Tech 154,901,250 40.00% 0.61%

9576 2449 京元电 King Yuan Electronics Co Ltd 1,089,670,967 100.00% 1.08%

2757 1560 中砂 Kinik 113,233,547 100.00% 0.65%

9574 2312 金宝 Kinpo Electronics 1,386,733,648 100.00% 0.70%

9576 3189 景硕 Kinsus Interconnect Technology 389,000,000 50.00% 0.74%

9572 8008 建兴电 Lite-On IT 736,532,064 30.00% 0.24%

9576 2337 旺宏 Macronix International 2,915,921,786 100.00% 1.42%

8777 2856 元富证券 Masterlink Securities 1,376,810,787 100.00% 0.74%

9576 2377 微星 Micro-Star International 880,562,352 75.00% 0.51%

9572 2315 神达 Mitac International 1,277,584,632 75.00% 1.40%

1357 1710 东联化学 Oriental Union Chemical 766,436,982 75.00% 0.51%

2733 2328 广宇 Pan-International Industrial 421,707,300 75.00% 0.73%

2733 2446 全懋 Phoenix Precision Technology Corp 666,627,409 100.00% 1.04%

2733 2411 飞瑞 Phoenixtec Power 471,948,000 100.00% 0.68%

8777 2854 宝来证券 Polaris Securities 1,895,757,569 100.00% 1.18%

9576 6239 力成 Powertech Technology 471,000,000 75.00% 1.40%

3745 2394 普立尔 Premier Image Technology 607,345,225 100.00% 1.72%

5337 2912 统一超商 President Chain Store 915,160,437 40.00% 1.16%

8777 2855 统一证券 President Securities 1,140,673,000 75.00% 0.55%

9576 2379 瑞昱 Realtek Semiconductor 836,140,123 100.00% 1.62%

2733 6286 立锜科技 Richtek Technology 100,214,997 100.00% 1.15%

9572 2349 铼德 Ritek Corporation 2,289,362,866 100.00% 0.77%

8733 9945 润泰新 Ruentex Development 759,318,488 75.00% 0.65%

2733 1503 士林电机 Shihlin Electric & Engineering Corp 520,972,000 75.00% 0.54%

9576 2363 硅统 Silicon Integrated Systems 1,415,424,643 100.00% 0.91%

2733 3311 闳晖 Silitech Technology 134,829,972 50.00% 0.45%

2773 2605 新兴 Sincere Navigation 483,663,234 50.00% 0.41%

9576 2401 凌阳 Sunplus Technology 1,021,881,414 75.00% 1.10%

9572 2347 联强 Synnex Technology International 1,012,000,000 100.00% 1.34%

3722 1504 东元电机 TECO Electric & Machinery 1,917,760,922 100.00% 1.14%

8355 2847 大众商银 Ta Chong Bank 1,834,428,412 100.00% 0.74%

8355 2834 台湾企银 Taiwan Business Bank 2,873,619,458 75.00% 0.91%

2353 1101 台湾水泥 Taiwan Cement 3,072,097,960 50.00% 1.75%

1357 1722 台湾肥料 Taiwan Fertilizer 980,000,000 75.00% 1.76%

2353 1802 台湾玻璃 Taiwan Glass Industrial 1,647,423,360 75.00% 1.30%

2757 3007 绿点 Taiwan Green Point Enterprise Co Ltd 265,204,828 75.00% 0.81%

8575 2833 台湾人寿 Taiwan Life Ins 466,882,339 50.00% 0.39%

2791 9917 中保 Taiwan Secom 444,529,215 75.00% 0.76%

9572 2371 大同 Tatung 4,210,000,000 100.00% 2.13%

9572 2451 创见 Transcend Information 331,143,806 50.00% 0.55%

2733 3044 健鼎 Tripod Technology Corp 365,164,843 100.00% 1.65%

1757 2006 东和钢铁 Tung Ho Steel 799,764,257 75.00% 0.71%

2773 2606 裕民 U-Ming Marine Transport 858,016,656 50.00% 0.75%

2733 3037 欣兴 Unimicron Technology 1,017,623,863 100.00% 1.65%

8355 2838 联邦银行 Union Bank of Taiwan 1,817,719,008 100.00% 0.70%

9576 2388 威盛 Via Technologies 1,335,239,482 75.00% 0.98%

2733 1605 华新丽华 Walsin Lihwa 3,244,314,261 100.00% 2.33%

2773 2615 万海 Wan Hai Lines 2,057,095,321 50.00% 0.81%

8775 2889 国票金 Waterland Financial Holdings 2,119,882,469 75.00% 0.67%

9576 2344 华邦电 Winbond Electronics 3,988,743,193 75.00% 1.35%

2737 2384 胜华 Wintek 1,014,592,081 100.00% 1.24%

9572 3231 纬创 Wistron Corp 1,272,356,836 75.00% 1.53%

2733 2418 雅新 Ya Hsin Industrial 1,064,525,010 75.00% 0.89%

2733 2327 国巨 Yageo Corp 2,406,469,413 100.00% 1.23%

2773 2609 阳明 Yang Ming Marine Transport 2,289,127,926 50.00% 0.81%

1757 2023 烨辉 Yieh Phui Enterprise 1,342,922,525 100.00% 0.79%

1737 1907 永丰余 Yuen Foong Yu Paper Manufacturing 1,556,745,142 100.00% 0.83%

3353 2201 裕隆汽车 Yulon Motor Co. 1,433,851,189 75.00% 1.58%

9572 2391 合勤 Zyxel Communications 503,960,879 75.00% 0.61%





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