

词条 史雪岩




1986-09-10 / 1990-06-30 西北师范大学 化学系,理学学士

1990-09-10 / 1993-06-30 西北师范大学 化学系,理学硕士

1997-09-10 / 2000-06-30 北京理工大学 化工与材料学院,工学博士

2000-07-01 / 2002-07-30 中国农业大学 植物保护博士后流动站,博士后

2002-08-01 / 至今 中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院昆虫学系,教师


1993.7~1997.9 甘肃政法学院 基础教学部 讲师

2002.8~至今 中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院昆虫学系 副教授












1.Xueyan Shi, Pei Liang, Xiwu Gao. Determination enantiomer excess(e.e.%) of chiral sharpless epoxides with β-cyclodextrin derivatives as chiral stationary phases of capillary gas chromatography. Chin.Chem.Lett., Accepted

2.Xueyan Shi,Hongchao Guo, Min Wang. Enantioseperation of chiral epoxides using four new cyclodextrin derivatives as chiral stationary phases of capillary gas chromatography. Anal Chim Acta, 2005, 553: 43~49

3.刘洪霞,史雪岩,高希武. 摇蚊乙酰胆碱酯酶最佳反应体系的建立及有机磷类药剂敏感度比较. 安全与环境学报, 2005, 5(5): 67~70

4.汤方,张常忠,梁沛,史雪岩,高希武. 蛋白质沉淀剂对棉铃虫谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶的部分纯化. 昆虫学报, 2005, 48(2): 172~178

5.Xueyan Shi, Pei Liang, Xiwu Gao. The capillary gas chromatographic properties of four β-cyclodextrin derivatives with allyl groups or propyl groups on 3-position or 6-position of β-cyclodextrin. Anal Chim Acta, 2005, 548: 86~94

6.Xiaoning Liu, Pei Liang, Xiwu Gao, Xueyan Shi. Induction of the cytochrome P450 activity by plant allelochemicals in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner ). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2006,84:127~134.

7.Qin Qiuju, Shi Xueyan, Pei Liang, Gao Xiwu. Qualitative and quantitative variation among volatiles of cotton plants induced by herbivores with different feeding habits. J. Chem. Ecol., Submitted

8.Qin Qiuju, Shi Xueyan, Gao Xiwu. Induction of phenylalanine ammonialyase and lipoxygenore by artificial damage and aphid infestation in cotton seedlings. Progress in Natural Science (Chinese), 2005, 15(4): 34~38

9.史雪岩,梁沛,宋敦伦,高希武. 聚合-β-环糊精作手性添加剂的毛细管电泳法分离4种光学活性农药中间体. 分析化学,2004, 32(11): 1421~1425

10.齐俊生,史雪岩,简桂良,李怀方. 棉花黄萎菌落叶型菌系毒素纯化及抗血清制备. 棉花学报,2004,16(6): 343~346

11.刘小宁,史雪岩,梁沛,高希武. 应用毛细管气相色谱法检测棉铃虫P450O-脱甲基活性. 昆虫知识,2004, 41(3): 232~235

12.H.C.Guo, X.Y.Shi, X.Wang, S.Z.Liu, M.Wang. Liquid-phase synthesis of chiral tartrate ligand library for enantioselective sharpless epoxidation of allylic alcohols. J.Org.Chem., 2004, 69(6): 2042~2047

13.李良,史雪岩,戴荣继,邓玉林,傅若农,顾峻岭. 溶胶凝胶法制备全丙基-β-环糊精毛细管气相色谱柱. 分析化学, 2004, 32(3): 289~294

14.Mingming Yin, Xueyan Shi, Qinghua Bian, Nan Li, Min Wang. Gas chromatographic enantiomer separation of cyclopropane derivatives on three 2,6-di-O-allyl-3-O-acylated-β-cyclodextrins charil stationary phases. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2004, 15(11): 1327~1330

15.侯世聪,周志强,乔振,郭红超,史雪岩,王敏. 杀螨剂尼索朗对映体的高效液相色谱分离. 分析化学,2004, 32(1): 126

16.Guangde Chen, Xueyan Shi. Capillary gas chromatographic properties of three new cyclodextrin derivatives with acyl group in the 6-position of β-cyclodextrin. Anal Chim Acta, 2003, 498(1-2): 39~46

17.史雪岩,乔振,郭红超,王敏. 2-苯基-1-环丙烷羧酸酯对映体的毛细管气相色谱分离研究. 色谱,2003, 21(3): 281~284

18.范瑞芳,史雪岩,顾峻岭,傅若农. 应用二元环糊精体系的毛细管区带电泳手性拆分.分析化学,2003, 31(5): 559~561

19.范瑞芳,史雪岩,顾峻岭,傅若农. 维拉帕米和布比卡因的毛细管电泳手性性拆分. 分析化学,2003, 31(6): 706~708

20.李良,史雪岩,戴荣继,邓玉林,顾峻岭,傅若农. 环糊精类固定相对二甲萘异构体的分离研究. 分析化学,2003, 31(11): 1322~1326

21.M.M.Yin, N .Li, X.Y.Shi, M.Wang. Synthesis of some allyl-β-cyclodextrin dericatives and their properties as capillary GC stationary phases. Chromatographia, 2003, 58(5/6): 301~305

22.侯世聪,王敏,乔振,郭红超,史雪岩,周志强. 麦草伏甲酯对映体的高效液相色谱分离. 应用化学,2003, 20(5): 505~507

23.X.Y. Shi, H.C. Guo, M. Wang, S.R. Jiang. Synthesis of three new cyclodextrin derivatives and their application as chiral stationary phases in determination of optical purity by capillary gas chromatography. Chromatographia , 2002, 55(11/12): 755~759

24.X.Y. Shi, H.C. Guo, M. Wang, S.R. Jiang. Capillary gas chromatography separation of pyrethroic acids methyl esters using four acylated cyclodextrin derivatives as chiral stationary phases. Chromatographia, 2002, 56(3/4): 207~211

25.X.Y. Shi, H.C. Guo, Z. Qiao, S.C. Hou, M. Wang. The enantioseparation separation of allethrone and propargyllone using two long chain acylated β-cyclodextrin derivatives as CGC capillary stationary phases. Chinese Chemical Letter, 2002, 13(10): 973~976

26.X.Y. Shi, Y.Q. Zhang, R.N. Fu, J.L. Gu. Synthesis and separation properties of a new β-CD derivative bonded polysiloxane as GC stationary phase. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(English Editorial), 2002, 11(3): 285~289

27.史雪岩, 王敏, 郭红超, 凌云, 李楠, 江树人. 几种拟除虫菊酸甲酯对映体的毛细管气相色谱手性拆分研究. 分析化学, 2002, 30(11): 1293~1297

28.史雪岩, 郭红超, 王敏, 金文戈, 周景梅. 一种新的环糊精衍生物手性固定相的合成及在光学纯度测定中的应用. 色谱, 2002, 20(1): 34~36

29.H.C. Guo, X.Y. Shi, Z. Qiao, S.C, Hou, M. Wang. Efficiency soluble polymer-suppoted sharpless alkene epoxidation. Chem.Commun, 2002, 118~119

30.郭红超, 史雪岩, 王敏. 可溶性聚合物支载的试剂及催化剂. 化学进展. 2002, 14(5): 391~397

31.郭红超, 史雪岩, 乔振, 侯士聪, 王敏. 一种新的改性聚乙二醇毛细管气相色谱固定相的合成与应用. 分析与测试学报, 2002, 21(5): 88~90

32.侯世聪,王敏,周志强,乔振,郭红超,史雪岩. 涂敷型手性固定相的制备及氯氟草醚乙酯对映体的高效液相色谱分离. 色谱,2002, 20(6):537~539

33.侯世聪,王敏,周志强,乔振,郭红超,史雪岩. 苯并咪唑衍生物的对映体的高效液相色谱分离. 农药学学报,2002, 4(4): 71~74

34.X.Y. Shi, M. Wang, R.N. Fu, J.L. Gu. Synthesizing and properties of new cyclodextrin carbamates as capillary gas chromatography stationary phases. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2001, 445: 221~228

35.史雪岩, 邵青龙, 陶丹妮, 顾峻岭, 傅若农. 一种苄基取代的环糊精衍生物的合成及其气相色谱性能研究. 高等学校化学学报, 2001, 22 (7): 1098~1101

36.史雪岩, 郭红超, 乔振, 侯士聪, 王敏. 二氯菊酸甲酯对映体过量(e.e.%)值CGC测定研究. 农药学学报, 2001, 3(4): 93~96

37.史雪岩, 王敏, 傅若农. 环糊精气相色谱手性固定相研究进展. 分析测试学报,2001, 20(6): 75~79

38.D.N. Tao, X.Y. Shi, J.L. Gu, R.N. Fu. Resolution of DL-pantolactone with ethyldiamine bridged dimer permethyl β-cyclodextrin as GC stationary phase. Chinese Chemical Letter, 2001,12(5): 447~448

39.张月琴, 史雪岩, 傅若农, 张汉邦, 凌云. 手性高分辨气相色谱法拆分α-羟基酮光学异构体. 分析化学,2001, 29(3): 336~338

40.陶丹妮, 史雪岩, 顾峻岭, 傅若农. 环糊精衍生物固定相毛细管气相色谱法分离甲酚位置异构体. 分析化学, 2001, 29 (10):1150~1153

41.X.Y. Shi, Y.Q. Zhang, J.H. Han, R.N. Fu. Cyclodextrin dimer derivatives used as GC stationary phases. Chromatographia, 2000, 52(3/4): 200~204

42.X.Y. Shi, Y.Q. Zhang, R.N. Fu. Synergistic effects of mixed GC stationary phase consisting of two different cyclodextrin derivatives. Anal. Chim. Acta , 2000, 424: 271~277

43.X.Y. Shi, R.F. Fan, Y.Q. Zhang, J.L. Gu, R.N. Fu. Separation and characterization of water-soluble cyclodextrin polymer as capillary electrophoresis chiral selector. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2000, 11(1): 69~70

44.史雪岩, 傅若农. 金属配合物作气相色谱固定相的进展. 分析化学,2000,28(1): 118~123

45.史雪岩, 张烃, 韩江华, 顾峻岭, 傅若农. 异丙嗪旋光异构体的毛细管区带电泳分离. 北京理工大学学报, 2000, 20(1): 122~124

46.史雪岩, 张烃, 韩江华, 傅若农. 两种β-环糊精衍生物混合GC固定相的研究. 北京理工大学学报, 2000, 20(3): 371~375

47.史雪岩, 陈祥光, 傅若农, 顾峻岭. 人工神经网络在气相色谱保留值预测上的应用. 分析科学学报,2000, 16(3): 196~200

48.Y.Q. Zhang, X.Y. Shi, R.N. Fu. An excellent gas chromatographic stationary phase for separation of phenol and cresol isomers-heptakis(2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-allyl)-β-CD. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2000, 11(3): 265~266

49.范瑞芳, 史雪岩, 顾峻岭, 邓玉林, 李桂玲, 傅若农. 毛细管区带电泳法用于中药高乌头的质量控制.分析化学,2000, 28(6): 720~722

50.范瑞芳, 史雪岩, 顾峻岭, 邓玉林, 傅若农. 分子内的协同效应——用羧甲基聚合环糊精作手性剂的毛细管电泳分离三种碱性药物. 色谱,2000, 18(4): 357~360

51.张月琴, 史雪岩, 傅若农. 毛细管气相色谱在工业分析中的应用——甲酚和苯酚位置异构体的分析. 北京理工大学学报, 2000, 20(3): 380~384





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