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释义 | 著名学者。美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)比较文学系、亚洲语言文化系及亚美研究系合聘教授,亚洲语言文化系主任。国立台湾师范大学英文系学士,加州大学圣迭戈分校(UCSD)文学系硕士,加州大学洛杉矶分校比较文学系博士。主要研究领域为中国文学、亚美文学和华语语系文学,以跨国女性主义、比较弱势话语、现代主义、(后)人文主义和(后)殖民主义为研究重点。主要著作有《现代的诱惑:书写半殖民地中国的现代主义(1917-1937)》(2001,中译本2007)、《视觉与认同:跨太平洋的华语表达》(2007)等。 简历1992年:文学博士,加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles) 1992年至今:加州大学洛杉矶分校比较文学系、亚洲语言文化系及亚美研究系合聘助理教授、副教授和教授 2012年至今:加州大学洛杉矶分校亚洲语言文化系主任 主要学术著作(一)专著Visuality and Identity: Sinophone Articulations across the Pacific (视觉与认同:跨太平洋的华语表达). Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2007. The Lure of the Modern: Writing Modernism in Semicolonial China, 1917-1937. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2001. 中译:《现代的诱惑:书写半殖民地中国的现代主义(1917-1937)》,何恬译,南京:江苏人民出版社,2007. (二)编著Sinophone Studies: A Critical Reader (华语语系研究:批评读本)(co-editor with Chien-hsin Tsai and Brian Bernards). Columbia University Pres, forthcoming. Creolization of Theory (理论的混杂化)(co-editor with Françoise Lionnet). Duke University Press, 2011. Minor Transnationalism (弱势跨国主义)(co-editor with Françoise Lionnet). Duke University Press, 2005. Second printing, 2009. 学术期刊专号: Editor with an Introduction, special issue entitled “Comparative Racialization,” (比较种族化) PMLA 123:5 (November 2008). (430pp.) Editor, special issue entitled “Minor Transnationalism” (弱势跨国主义)featuring selected translations from the book Minor Transnationalism (above) into Mandarin with a new introduction, Chung Wai Literary Monthly 中外文学 36: 2 (June 2007), 13-120. Co-Editor with Ying-ying Chien and with an Introduction, “Third World/Transnational Feminist Practice,” (第三世界/跨国女性主义实践)special issue of Chung Wai Literary Monthly 中外文学, 33: 2 (July 2004). Editor with an Introduction, "Globalization: Taiwan’s (In)significance," (全球化:台湾的(不)重要性)special issue of Postcolonial Studies 6: 2 (July 2003). (三)部分论文“Is the Post in Postsocialism the Post in Posthumanism?,” (后社会主义之“后”等同于后人文主义之“后”吗?)special issue on “China and the Human,” Social Text (Winter 2012), forthcoming. “The Concept of the Sinophone” (华语语系的概念)PMLA (May 2011). “Translating Feminism: Taiwan, Spivak, A-Wu,” (翻译女性主义:台湾,斯皮瓦克,阿乌) lectora: revista de dones I textualitat 16 (Fall, 2010), 35-57. (Translated into Spanish) “Against Diaspora: The Sinophone as Places of Cultural Production,” (反离散:华语语系作为文化生产的场域)appearing in: As lead essay, in Transforming Diaspora: Communities Beyond National Boundaries. Eds. Robin E. Field and Parmita Kapadia. Lanham, Maryland: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011, 3-20. As lead essay, translated into Mandarin and published in China in Chinese-Language Literature «华文文学» 6 (2011), 5-14 Anthologized in: Sinophone Studies: A Critical Reader. Eds. Shu-mei Shih et al. New York: Columbia University Press, in press. Anthologized in: Disaporas and Cultures of Migration. Ed. Judith Misrahi-Barak, forthcoming. Anthologized in: Global Chinese Literature: Critical Essays. Eds. Jing Tsu and David Wang. London: Brill, 2010, 29-48. “Racializing Area Studies, Defetishizing China,” (区域研究的种族化与中国崇拜的祛除)for special issue “Area and Civilizational Difference: Biopolitics, Geopolitics, History,” in positions: east asia cultures critique, forthcoming. “Theory, Asia, and the Sinophone,” (理论、亚洲与华语语系)Postcolonial Studies 13:4 (Fall 2010) 465-484. “Comparative Racialization: An Introduction,” (比较种族化:导论)PMLA 123:5 (October 2008), 1347-1362. “Hong Kong Literature as Sinophone Literature,” (作为华语语系文学的香港文学)Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese. Vols. 8.2-9.1 (2008), 12-18. (lead essay) “Global Literature and the Technologies of Recognition,” (全球的文学,认可的机制)PMLA 119: 1 (January 2004), 16-30. (lead essay). “Reply” to the forum on my essay, PMLA119: 3 (May 2004), 555-556. Translated into Mandarin and published in China in China Scholarship 中国学术5:2 (2004). Translation published in Taiwan, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies «清华学报» 34;1 (June 2004) in Taiwan (lead essay). “Globalization and the (In)significance of Taiwan,” (全球化:台湾的(不)重要性)Postcolonial Studies 6:2 (Summer 2003), 1-12. "Towards an Ethics of Transnational Encounter, or 'When' Does a 'Chinese' Woman Become a 'Feminist'?" (走向跨国相遇伦理,或一个“中国”女性“何时”成为一个“女性主义者”?)differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies 13:2 (Summer 2002), 90-126.(Translated into Mandarin, Turkish, and Spanish) "Globalization and Minoritization: Ang Lee and the Politics of Flexibility," (全球化与弱势化:李安与弹性政治)New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics, 40 (Spring 2000), 86-101. (Translated into Japanese) |
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