释义 | 《COSMOPOLITAN》是全球著名、主要针对女性读者的时尚类杂志。该杂志创办于1886年,1905年出版业大亨威廉·赫斯特以时价四十万美金的价格(折合2006年现价约一千万美金)将其收购。现时,包括中国大陆(中文名:《时尚》)、香港以及台湾地区(中文名:《柯梦波丹》),《COSMOPOLITAN》在全球有超过50个版本的杂志出版发行。 刊物风格时尚就是时尚点击此处添加图片说明 Trends is trend 时尚无需刻意定义它的启始, 更无需徒劳探究未来的结论, 时尚就是时尚! 她世纪、她时尚的引领者 It is not necessary to define the beginning of trends. Also it is a waste of time to look for the conclusions of the future. Trends is trend. 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》 中国本土期刊市场上 名副其实的领导品牌 期刊优势凭借国际出版集团优秀的版权合作优势,秉承在中国期刊市场13年的稳固发展基础,拥有中国最具消费能力的女性读者群,倚靠中国最具实力的期刊出版集团。 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》,成为中国本土期刊市场上名副其实的领导品牌。 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》集团与美国赫斯特出版集团合作诞生的《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》关注中国女性的生活品质与心灵宫殿的构建,不仅以第一时间传递国内外最新的流行服饰、美容产品,更全方位展现和帮助中国女性的职业发展、情感健康和生活方式,真正成为其生活的密友、精神伙伴。 高雅、精致的《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》和大胆、风趣,有着118年历史、52个全球版本的美国。 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》杂志的有机结合,让《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》成为现代女性的最爱。你能成功,你能做到,我们将帮助你!——成为《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》独特、乐观的声音,鼓励女性塑造积极进取、开放大胆的鲜明形象。 the leader of She-fashion in She-century "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" is the leader of She-fashion in She-century. "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" has the advantage of excellent cooperation with the international publications group in the copyright. It was 13 years history in Chinese magazine market and also a female reader group who has a great expenditure ability in China, and moreover, she is supported by "Trends" the most influential magazine group in China, therefore she is really a leader magazine brand in Chinese magazine market. China Trends Group and The Hearst Corporation have a half-blood girl named "Trends COSMOPOLITAN". She cares about the life quality and also the spirit construction of Chinese female. She gives them the latest Chinese and international fashion trends, beauty products. On the other hand, she shows and helps them develop their career, keep their mental health and pursue fresh life style. So the "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" is not only a magazine but also an intimate friend and mental pal of Chinese female. Elegant and elaborate "Trends" cooperate with American "COSMOPOLITAN" which is well known by its fearless, fun style and has 118 years history, 52 editions in the whole world. It makes "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" to be Chinese modern female's favorite. "You can succeed, you can do it, and we can help you." It is a special and optimistic voice of "Trends COSMOPOLITAN". It encourages female to project an aggressive, open and bravery image. 系列介绍《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》 一本杂志 一个品牌 一个家族 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》一直坚信,成就来源于不断创新,并在创新中倾斜着激情与梦想。 经过13年的精心培植,无数优秀编辑人员的心血浇灌,《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》秉承一贯的编辑风格与办刊思想,同时不断创新,以独特的视角、敏锐的洞察,形成自成一体的品质和市场定位。 今天, 《时尚. COSMOPOLITAN》不仅是一本倡导风趣、大胆、韵味的女性杂志,更成为一个充满激情与创新的品牌,在中西文明交汇相融的滋养下,《时尚. COSMOPOLITAN》已经构建出属于自己的家族版图,率先展开单品牌延伸的整合策略,为客户提供更全面的解决方案。 Mini Cosmo是 《时尚. COSMOPOLITAN》区别于竞争杂志的独特营销方式。变换视角,从以市场为主导转变为以读者需求为导向,将提供最纯粹阅读乐趣为己任,压缩杂志尺寸,易于读者随身携带,满足快节奏生活的阅读习惯;相对低廉的市场价格是Mini Cosmo的又一取胜法宝,合理的定价吸引了更多的品牌潜在成长型年轻读者群体,实实在在扩大发行量,且与 《时尚Cosmopolitan》读者人群不重叠;限量发行的渠道营销方式,在吸引更多年轻读者同时,更促进主刊的发行量。Mini Cosmo尺寸变小,空间更广。 a magazine a brand a family "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" always believes that the creativity, enthusiasm and dream are the sources of success. Many good editors work hard for "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" during 13 years with consistent editorial style and thought. In the mean time, creativity,special opinion and acute observation makes "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" from a united quality and market position. Today, "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" is not only a magazine for female, which advocates fun, fearless and female, but also an enthusiastic and creative brand. It gets nourishment from the eastern and western civilization. "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" has its own family tree. And the brand extension in strategic brand merger is executed at first. It can offer the all-around solutions for the clients. Mini Cosmo is a strong marketing tool that makes Cosmopolitan stand out from other magazines. Mini Cosmo meets the requirement of readers as well as the need of the market. The mini size provides best convenience in carry and more fun in reading experience. Mini Cosmo doesn’t only keep up with the fast pace of modern life but also foresee the growing market of young readers.The price attracts consumers with great potential purchase power who have never read Cosmopolitan The Mini Cosmo is best companion of Cosmopolitan so far. Mini Cosmo, smaller size, bigger market. 拥有最丰富的编辑内容《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》& Mini Cosmo 拥有最丰富的编辑内容 时装FASHION 我们不仅以权威资讯传递时装领域的最新潮流趋势,更注重给中国女性以切实的指导,为她们追求高质量的时尚生活提供全方位服务。 同时以敏锐的视角发掘流行背后的东西,对瞬息变换的时尚发出《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》自己的声音。 美容·健康 BEAUTY·HEALTH 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的女性追求身心由内而外的和谐与完美。我们以第一时间把品牌推出的美容、健康产品推荐给读者,同时配以精心制作、创意独特的图片,和生动有趣的文字,使读者在愉悦的阅读中获得身心的放松和切实的指导。 人物·社会 PEOPLE·SOCIETY 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的女性拥有广阔的视野和丰富的心灵,她们渴望走出家门,寻找自己成功的大门。《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》关注现代女性的成长,关注变动的社会中女性遇到的新问题,传递时尚、健康的潮流、生活观念和方式。 职场·情感 RELATIONSHIPS 在世界范围内《COSMOPOLITAN》是一本公认的关于“关系”的最权威杂志。《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》关注现代女性的事业和感情发展,我们广受欢迎的栏目“职场”“爱”“心灵捕手”“心理试剂”,让现代女性在职业发展和两性关系中寻求最佳支点,获得双重成功。 生活方式 LIFESTYLE 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的女性永远充满好奇、追求精致生活,懂得享受人生。所以我们的“文化“娱乐”“旅游”“美食”“派对”栏目将提供最 鲜活的城市娱乐文化大餐,反映新城市、新人类、新女性的生活。 ONLY IN COSMO 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》之所以能成为最受中国白领女性欢迎的杂志,高质量的内容是第一位的,有些内容你更是只能在COSMO里看到。 专栏作家专业指导 拥有一批高水准的专栏作家是一本杂志实力的体现。《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》就拥有一批资深的时尚流行、时装美容、健康心理、职场、两性关系专栏作家。他们极具专业水准和优美文笔的文章是《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》能够拥有一批忠实读者的吸引力所在。 COSMO MAN 虽然是女性杂志,《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》却开辟了独特的《COSMO MAN》刊中刊:男人心事、了解男人、我们爱他、有型男有趣的视角、幽默的文字让女人能够更加了解男人。 the most fruitful editorial content FASHION Not only do we provide the latest fashion trends with our authorized information, but also focus on providing the practical direction for their desire for high quality life, and service them in all aspects. At the meantime, we dig deeply behind fashion, and make our own comments with our own voice on the changing trends. BEAUTY·HEALTH "Tremds Cosmopolitan" readers seek for the harmony and perfect mentally and physically. We introduce the latest hairdressing, health caring products of all famous brands to our readers, and decorate them with vivid pictures and interesting articles, which makes the reading relaxing and instructive. PEOPLE·SOCIETY The female readers of "Trends Cosmopolitan" have got a wide vision on world fashions. They desire their own personal independence and implementation. "Trends Cosmopolitan" focuses on the lives of women, taking care of the problems that women may meet in this ever changing society, delivering the latest information about world fashion , as well as conveying the most fresh concept of healthy life. RELATIONSHIPS World-widely, the magazine Cosmopolitan has always been regarded as the authority in exploring human relationships. "Trends Cosmopolitan" focuses on both development of women career and love. Some of our most widely read column such as Career, Love, Mental view, Cosom Quiz, help women in finding the best balance between career and family, and gaining the success on both sides. LIFESTYLE Female readers of Trends Magazine are open minded to new life style. They always hope to take adventures in life and to pursue the most tasty life style and attitude in modern metropolis. ONLY IN COSMO The reason why Trends Cosmo became the most popular among white-collar women not only lies in it's high quality content, but also due to the unique content you can't find in any other magazines. EXPERTS AND COLUMNIST Owning a first-class columnist shows the standard of a magazine. Trends Cosmo has a high-leveled columnist expertised in fashion, cosmetics and relationships. Their beautiful articles and professional advices is another reason why she has such a big amount of loyal and stable readers. COSMO MAN Being the top female magazine, Trends Cosmo also has a special column for men: Guy Spy, His Viewpoint, Man We Love... Interesting articles and humorous ideas can make women love men better. 专业领域的期刊《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》系列专刊 SERIAL SPECIAL MAGAZINE 系列刊物 专业领域的期刊首选 对于高速增长的《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》杂志品牌,保持市场中的领跑地位是读者和客户对我们的希望。“价值创新”成为《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的崭新方向。从2005年下就开始启动的,以“杂志书”为概念的COSMO系列专刊,将在特定的领域开拓更广泛、更深入的空间,为读者提供更专业而全面的内容,同时也为客户提供更多的合作平台与机会。 serial special magazine the best choice in the professional field "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" is the magazine brand, which is in a period of rapid growth. The readers and clients hope we will keep ahead in the market. So the value innovation is the new developing direction. Mook, which has been published since the latter half of 2005, is the new conception of the COSMO serial special magazine. It will develop more extensive and deeper fields. It will provide more professional and all-round contents for the readers and more cooperation platform and chances for the clients as well. 《COSMO明星专刊》“Trends COSMO Star”——像明星一样时尚,和明星一起时尚! Be like star, be with star! 用明星名流谈论时尚及生活方式的态度杂志,实现白领女性的明星梦想。 服装美容栏目集中明星名流最爱的服装美容名表配饰等奢侈品牌;生活方式内容涉及明星名流最爱的美食、家居、名车、娱乐场所、度假胜地;话题栏目涉及明星名流的时尚话题,女性对奢侈品的内心纠葛,名人明星的生活态度;人物栏目采访到一般媒体采访不到的顶级明星名流,一线明星,年度大戏,富豪榜名人,全面直击他们的心灵深处生活细节;资讯内容不同于网络上的花边新闻,而是优雅地谈论八卦,用时尚的腔调娱乐。5月、11月发行。 Cosmo Star is a magazine about attitude of stars. The office ladies will realize their own dream of being a star after reading it. Fashion and Beauty highlights the luxurious brand of clothing, beauty, watches and accessories, and provides practical advice to office ladies who want to dress like a star. Lifestyle covers the topic of food, housing, cars, hot spots and holiday resort. Topic aims at top stars, which can’t be easily reached, including most popular stars, key movies, fortune celebrities. The interviews go deep into their hearts to discovery more details. Information is different from the gossips from Internet. There are always elegant and entertaining stories talking about Vanity Fair. 90% of content will be Fashion and Beauty, lifestyle and Topic, and the rest will be Information.Publish in May, November. 《COSMO新娘专刊》“Trends COSMO Bride”——打造最时尚的新娘!Be the most fashionable bride! 在国际期刊市场上,以探讨两性关系见长的《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》杂志的副牌《COSMO BRIDE》多年来一直深受读者欢迎,是各国待嫁的COSMO女郎们在筹备婚礼之际的阅读首选。 用丰富的版权资源和本土创造力为青睐COSMO的准新娘们奉上一本实用又养眼、颇具指导性又激发想象力的婚礼指南,深受读者、特别是白领待嫁新娘喜爱。COSMO的品牌效应聚集了更多目标读者;概念更前卫,视野更开阔,资讯更高端;图片更精彩,文字更贴近,切中读者的兴趣点,指导性、实用性与欣赏性兼备,灵动大气。3月、7月发行。 Cosmo has published two issues of Cosmo Bride since March of 2006. The international copyright resources and domestic creativity enable the will-be bride a practical and fascinating guide. Cosmo Bride has following advantages comparing to other wedding magazines—Strong branding of Cosmo gathers the attention of readers; New concept, wild sight, various information is attractive to middle class bride; Fancy pictures and vivid text gives reading pleasure as well as life advice to target readers.Publish in March, July. 《COSMO服饰美容专刊》“Trends COSMO Style”——全面升级时尚!Keep up with Fashion! 面对日益丰富的时尚选择,《CosmoStyle》要让读者了解时装时尚背后的故事,阅读对时尚的业内分析和报道,分享能够帮助人们生活更加美好的时尚理念,在全面了解时尚,全面理解时尚的基础上,帮助读者全面升级自己的时尚。 时装:在每年春夏、秋冬两季之初,服饰美容专刊将最火热的流行信息汇总筛选,包括时装、配饰、珠宝的流行趋势和新品以及实用的消费资讯,也将通过图片和文字给读者提供高端的实用搭配建议。美容:献给时尚读者们的美容高级读本。与专刊相比定位更加深入专业,不光增添了对于美容业界背景的动态分析、对美容潮流的更详细报道,加强了美容产品的高端实用推荐,是满足高端读者的品位之选。2月、9月发行。 Fashion: Cosmo Style provides varied information about fashion. Each year between spring and summer, autumn and winter Cosmo Style will select the hottest fashion news and shopping info and plus the most practical advice on how to mix and match through pictures and text. Today’s fashion is not only about information and guide, also Cosmo Style tells the background story about fashion, analyzes the report on fashion industry and shares the new idea on living a quality life. Making our readers understand fashion and upgrade their sense of fashion is what we are approaching.Publish in February, September. 读者描述基本概述《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》读者描述 READERS PROFILE 读者描述 readers profile 《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的读者是高学历、高收入、高消费能力的女性群体。 "Trends COSMOPOLITAN"‘'s readers are women in High ducation, High income and High consumption. 读者比例GENDER 女性 Female 82.12% 男性 Male 17.88% 读者年龄层分布 AGE 读者教育水平 EDUCATION 读者职业分布 OCCUPATIONS 企业/公司中、高层管理人士 Senior and middle management of company 36.9% 企业/公司职员 General staff 17.7% 私营业主 Entrepreneur 15.3% 专业人士 Professions 8.4% 政府公务员 employee in public service 7.8% 自由职业者 Freelancer 3.8% 学生 Student 6.5% 其它 Others 3.6% 读者收入比例INCOME 平均个人月收入 Average monthly personal income 8195RMB 平均家庭月收入 Average monthly household income 19352RMB 读者消费分析 CONSUMPTION ABILITY 在COSMO的高收入高消费高学历女性读者中,59.87%在公司拥有购买决策权,11.53%每年能够支配的公司购买预算超过50万元人民币。 Among "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" female readers with high education, high income and high consumption,59.87% are purchase decision-makers in their company.11.53% can control a budget over RMB500, 000 (inc.) every year on average. 读者忠诚度比例READING LOYALTY(在100个《时尚Cosmopolitan》的读者中,For one hundred readers"Trends COSMOPOLITAN",) 读者每期阅读率分析 READING RATE ON AVERAGE(平均每个月,Every month on average,) 28.4%的年龄在25-34岁,年收入10万元以上,拥有大学本科以上学历的读者在阅读《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》,21.6%阅读《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的读者在公司拥有50万元以上年购买决策权。 28.4%young readers between 25 and 34 years old, high level educated, with RMB100,000 income per year reading "Trends COSMOPOLITAN",21.6% readers who read "Trends COSMOPOLITAN" are purchase decision-maker in their companies and controll a budget over RMB500, 000 (inc.) every year on average. 读者阅读首选率排名 FIRST CHOICE READING RATE(如果让100个人同时面对四本杂志,只能选择一种阅读,For one hundred readers, if they can only choose one magazine to read among four magazines,) |
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