

词条 十二小时制

十二小时制是一个时间规则把一日二十四小时分为两个时段,分别为上午(a.m.,拉丁文ante meridiem表示中午之前)和 下午(p.m.,拉丁文post meridiem表示中午之后)。每个时段由十二个小时构成,以数字12、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11依次序表示。上午时段由午夜至中午,而下午时段由中午至午夜。



十二小时制起源于埃及. 然而,每个小时的长度会由于季节而不同,从黄昏到黎明12个小时,从黎明到黄昏也是12个小时长。罗马人也使用12小时制:全天平均的分为十二个小时(因此一年中各天的长度是不尽相同的),夜间被分为三个小时。这是因为在水鈡发明之前,人们使用太阳作为计时工具,所以没有办法准确的划分时间。

罗马人对于早上的时间计数同现在是相反的:例如,"3 a.m.",或3 hours ante meridiem意味著中午以前的第三个小时,而不是现代意义的“午夜以后的第三个小时”








confusion about the correct notation for noon and midnight;

confusion about the difference between midnight at the start and end of a given date;

typographically, the a.m./p.m. suffix requires more space;

the rollover from 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. happens one hour after the rollover from one day's date to the next;

simple lexicographic string sorting in computer programs does not lead to the temporally correct sorting order;

generally more complicated to understand and to implement in software and digital electronics.


“午前”(A.M., ante meridiem)及“午后”(P.M., post meridiem)这两个词在形容“正午”及“午夜”时可能会造成混淆。

在美国,已经约定成俗将“正午”以 12:00 p.m 表示,而“午夜”为 12:00 a.m.。The practical advantage of this convention becomes clear when one considers a digital clock. Noon and midnight are only infinitely short points in time, and therefore it is not practical to use any other convention than that which also applies immediately afterwards, when the clock still displays 12:00. This convention is standardized for computer usage in American National Standard ANSI INCITS 310 (which extends the international standard ISO 8601 time notation with a 12-h a.m./p.m. variant for the U.S.-market).

Many U.S. style guides (including the NIST website) recommend instead that it is clearest if one refers to "noon" or "12:00 noon" and "midnight" or "12:00 midnight" (rather than to 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m., respectively). Some other style guides suggest "12:00 Template:Smallcaps" for noon and "12:00 Template:Smallcaps" for midnight, but this conflicts with the older tradition of using "12:00 Template:Smallcaps" for noon (Latin meridies), and "12:00 Template:Smallcaps" for midnight (media nox).

Even with all these conventions, references to midnight remain problematic, because they do not distinguish between the midnight at the start of the day referenced and the midnight at its end. Therefore, some U.S. style guides recommend to either provide other context glues, or to avoid references to midnight entirely, for example in favour of 11:59 p.m. for the end of the day and 00:01 a.m. for the start of the day. The latter has become common practice in the United States in legal contracts and for airplane, bus, or train schedules.

The 24-hour clock notation avoids all of these ambiguities by using 00:00, 12:00, and 24:00.





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