

词条 施巍松


施巍松,毕业于西安电子科技大学,现任美国伟恩州立大学计算机科学系终身教授,博士生导师, 移动和因特网系统结构实验室主任,可持续计算实验室主任。全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者,美国国家科学基金会杰出青年教授奖获得者(NSF CAREER Award)。

施巍松1995年7月本科毕业于西安电子科技大学计算机学院,2000年1月在中科院计算所获得博士学位(导师:夏培肃院士)。施巍松博士的研究兴趣包括计算机系统,移动云计算和可持续计算。他独立主持和作为课题负责人的项目已超过5百万美元,已经和正在培养14名博士生,并在相关领域的高级杂志和会议上发表了SCI论文52篇, 论文被他引1500次以上, H-Index值为21。他编写的《Foundations of Computer Systems Research》一书2010年由高等教育出版社出版,全球发行。其团队开发的很多软件被国际同行使用,其中JIAJIA被世界20多个国家120多个大学和研究机构使用。

施巍松博士是IEEE资深会员,目前担任 Elsevier Sustainable Computing, 英文计算机学报(JCST)和国际传感器网络学报的编委,并担任多个国际学术会议的程序委员会主席和委员。施巍松博士担任过多个国际一流期刊的客座编辑,包括Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), IEEEInternet Computing Magazine, 和世界多个科学基金会的特邀评审专家, 如美国国家科学基金,香港研究资助局,卡特尔国家研究基金等。他还获得过伟恩州立大学2004, 2010年度文理学院“优秀教师奖”, 伟恩州立大学2009年度“Career Development Chair”奖(该系历史上第一人获此殊荣),2004年度 IFIP Web工程会议(ICWE)的最佳论文奖,2005年度IEEE国际并行和分布处理会议(IPDPS)的最佳论文奖,并于 2009年入选世界名人录。



施巍松, 男, 汉族, 1974年生于安徽巢湖。

1991.9 --- 1995. 7 西安电子科技大学计算机系本科学习;

1995.9 --- 2000. 3 中国科学院计算技术研究所计算机系统结构专业博士研究生(免试直接攻读),获工学博士学位(师从著名计算机专家夏培肃院士);

2000.4 --- 2002.8 美国纽约大学库朗所计算机科学系Associate Research Scientist;

2008.8 --- 2008.8 美国伟恩州立大学计算机科学系助理教授;

2008.8 --- 至今 美国伟恩州立大学计算机科学系副教授, 终身教职;

2009.12 --- 至今 同济大学特聘(讲座)教授




A Two-Tiered On-Demand Resource Allocation Mechanism for VM-Based Data Centers, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, May 2011. (with Ying and Yuzhong)

CloudAligner: A fast and full-featured MapReduce based tool for Sequence Mapping, accepted by BMC Research Notes, May 2011. (with Tung and Douglas)

Providing Hierarchical Lookup Service for P2P-VoD Systems, accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, May 2011. (with Tieying, Xueqi, Jianming and Zhenghua)

The Seventh Cell of a Six-Cell Battery, in Proceedings of the third Workshop on Energy-Efficient Design (WEED 2011), June 5, 2011, in conjunction with ISCA-38, 2011. (with Delyan and Youhuizi)

In Cloud, Can Scientific Communities Benefit from the Economies of Scale?accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, March 2011. (with Lei, Jianfeng and Yi)

SensorTrust: A Resilient Trust Model for Wireless Sensing Systems, accepted by Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Feburary 2011. (with Guoxing and Julia)

SPAN: A Software Power Analyzer for Multicore Computer Systems, Elsevier Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems,Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 23-34, January 2011. (with Shinan and Hui)

Trust and Reputation Management, IEEE Internet Computing Magazine, Sep/Oct 2010. (with Ling)

Where Does the Power Go in a Computer System: Experimental Analysis and Implications, Technical Report MIST-TR-2010-004, June 2010. (with Hui and Shinan). (Technical Report Version)

Failure-aware Workflow Scheduling in Cluster Environments, Cluster Computing Journal, Volume 13, No. 4, 2010, pp. 421-434.. (with Zhifeng and Chenjia)

Wukong: A Cloud-Oriented File Service for Mobile Internet Devices, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2010), July 5-10, 2010., Miami, USA. (with Huajian, Nong, Yutong)

RD4: Role-Differentiated Cooperative Deceptive Data Detection and Filtering in VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 1183-1190, March 2010. (With Kewei and Shinan)

TARF: A Trust-Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Feb. 17-19, 2010. (accept rate < 20%) (with Guoxing and Hongmei)

Utility Analysis for Internet-Oriented Consolidation in VM-based Data Centers, in Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2009), New Orleans, Aug. 31 - Sep. 4, 2009. (With Ying, Yanwei and Yuzhong)

A Reputation-driven Scheduler for Autonomic and Sustainable Resource Sharing in Grid Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 111-125, Feb. 2010. (with Z. Liang)

TRECON: A Trust-based Economic Framework for Efficient Internet Routing, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, part A, Vol. 40, No. 1., pp. 52-67, January 2010. (with Z. Liang)

A Survey on Dynamic Web Content Generation and Delivery Techniques, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 32(2009), pp. 943-960. (with Jayashree Ravi and Zhifeng Yu)

App-MAC: An Application-Aware Event-Oriented MAC Protocol for Multimodality Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 57, No. 6, November 2008. (with J. Du) (A full technical report version is here).

Consistency-Driven Data Quality Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 68, No. 9, pp. 1207-1221, September 2008. (with K. Sha)

SPA: A Smart Phone Assisted Chromic Illness Self-Management System with Participatory Sensing, in Proceedings of ACMHealthNet 2008, in conjunction with ACM/USENIX MobiSys 2008, Breckenridge, Colorado, June 17, 2008. (with K. Sha, G. Zhan, M. Lumley, C. Wiholm and B. Arnetz)

Adaptive Secure Access to Remote Services in Mobile Environments, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan-Mar 2008. pp.49-61. (with H. Lufei and V. Chaudhary)

Analysis of Ratings on Trust Inference in Open Environments, Elsevier Performance Evaluation, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 99-128, Feb. 2008. (with Z. Liang) (citation:37)

Energy-Aware QoS for Application Sessions across Multiple Protocol Domains in Mobile Computing, Computer Networks (COMNET), Vol. 51, No. 11, 3125-3141, August 2007. (with H. Lufei)

An Adaptive Rescheduling Strategy for Grid Workflow Applications, in Proceedings of the 21st IPDPS 2007, Long Beach, Mar 26 -30, 2007. ( with Zhifeng) (citation: 46)

Preserving Source Location Privacy in Monitoring-based Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Systems and Networks (SSN '06), in conjunction with IPDPS 2006. Rhode Island, Greece, April 25-29 2006. (with Yong and Loren) (citation: 62)

Wireless Sensor Networks Security: A Survey, book chapter of Security in Distributed, Grid, and Pervasive Computing, Yang Xiao (Eds.), Auerbach Publications, pp. 367-410, April 2007. (with J. Walters, Z. Liang and V. Chaudhary) (citation: 141)

Fractal: A Mobile Code Based Framework for Dynamic Application Protocol Adaptation,Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 66, No. 7, pp. 887-906, July 2006.(with H. Lufei) A preliminary version of this work has been awarded the Best Paper Award at IPDPS 2005.

Enforcing Cooperative Resource Sharing in Untrusted Peer-to-Peer Environments,ACM Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 771-783, December 2005. (with Z. Liang)

Accelerating Dynamic Web Content Delivery using Keyword-based Fragment Detection, Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 79-99, March, 2005. A preliminary version of this work has been awarded the Best PaperAward at ICWE 2004. (with D. Brodie and A. Gupta)

PET: A PErsonalized Trust Model with Reputation and Risk Evaluation for P2P Resource Sharing, in Proceedings of HICSS'05, January, 2005. (with Z. Liang) (citation: 101)

Modeling Object Characteristics of Dynamic Web Content, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol. 63, No. 10, pages 963-980, Oct. 2003. (with E. Collins and V. Karamcheti) (citation: 54)

Workload Characterization of a Personalized Web Site ---- and Its Implications for Dynamic Content Caching, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Content Caching and Distribution (WCW'02), Boulder, Colorado, August 14-16, 2002. (with R. Wright, E. Collins and V. Karamcheti) (citation: 41)

CANS: Composable, Adaptive Network Services Infrastructure. Proceedings of the3rd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS'01), San Francisco, March 2001. (with X. Fu, A. Akkerman and V. Karamcheti) (citation: 165)

JIAJIA: An SVM System Based on A New Cache Coherence Protocol.In Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN'99), LNCS 1593, pp. 463-472, Springer, April, 1999, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (with W. Hu and Z. Tang)(citation: 180)


pTop: A process-level power profiling tool

CloudAligner: A cloud-based sequence analysis tool

SPAN: A software power analyzer

WebTACT: Web traffic analysis and characterization tool

DYCE: Dynamic Web Content Emulator

RatSim: A Simulator of Rating Algorithms for Reputation Systems

SCore: A Cross-layer Sensor Core Library (for TinyOS)

JIAJIA: A Software Distributed Shared Memory System





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