

词条 圣约翰大学

圣约翰大学创建于1879年,原名是圣约翰书院(Saint John's College),由美国圣公会上海主教施约瑟(Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky)将原来的两所圣公会学校培雅书院和度恩书院合并而成,是民国时期中国最优秀的大学之一,1950年12月,圣大正式宣布与美国圣公会脱离关系。1952年在全国高校院系调整中,文、理等主要学院并入复旦大学,圣约翰医学院与震旦大学医学院、同德医学院合并成立上海第二医学院(上海第二医科大学,现上海交通大学医学院),其余科系部分并入华东师大。圣约翰大学原校址则交给华东政法学院。


外文名:Saint John's University












建国前,中国共有14所教会大学,分别是燕京大学Yenching University、齐鲁大学Shantung Christian University(cheeloo)、东吴大学Soochow University、圣约翰大学St. John's University、之江大学Hangchou Christian College、华西协和大学West China Union University、华中大学Huachung University、金陵大学University of Nanking、福建协和大学Fukien Christian University、华南女子文理学院Hwa Nan College、金陵女子文理学院Ginling College、沪江大学University of Shanghai、岭南大学Lingnan University、震旦大学Aurora University等。虽然数量不多,但起点很高。在当时的历史条件下,特别是在20世纪20年代以后,教会大学在中国教育近代化过程中起着某种程度的示范与导向作用。因为它在体制、机构、计划、课程、方法乃至规章制度诸多方面,更为直接地引进西方近代教育模式,从而在教育界和社会上产生颇为深刻的影响。由此可见,教会大学史是中国近代教育史不可缺少的重要篇章,它们为中国高等教育作出了不可磨灭的贡献。


圣约翰大学创建于1870年,原名是圣约翰学院,是由美国圣公会上海主教施约瑟(S. J. Sekoresehewsky)将原来的两所圣公会学校培雅书院和度恩书院合并而成,在沪西梵皇渡购地兴办。于4月14日破土动工,9月1日开学招入第一期学生。办学初期设西学、国学和神学三门,用国语(即现在的普通话)和上海方言授课,1881年学校的英语老师卜舫济牧师(F. L. Hawks Pott)开始完全用英语授课,这是中国首个全英语授课的学校。1886年年轻的卜舫济出任校长,时间长达52年,对圣约翰的发展起到了很大的影响。1892年起学校正式开设大学课程,并且将英语作为最重要的学科教授。1896年学校形成文理科医科、神学科及预科的教学格局,为沪上唯一高等学府,对东南地区高等教育的改革产生深远影响。1905年,学校成为正式的大学,并在美国华盛顿州注册,大学设文学院、理学院、医学院、神学院四所大学学院以及一所附属预科学校,成为获得美国政府认可的在华教会学校。此时的圣约翰已经初具规模,拥有了一座1884年美国纽约克拉克逊女士巨额资助兴建的教堂,后经重建成为该校礼堂兼圣公会教堂(80年代末该教堂被拆除后改建为华东政法学院图书馆),一座1894年建造的以创办人名字命名的中国式教学楼“怀施堂”(90年代初该堂改称“韬奋楼”)和另一座1903年用庚子赔款所建起来的“思颜堂”(纪念学校的第二任校长中国籍牧师颜永京先生)。1913年,圣约翰大学又开始招收研究生,1936年开始招收女生,后来发展成为一所拥有5个学院(原来的4所加上后来的农学院)16个系的综合性教会大学,是当时上海乃至全中国最优秀的大学之一,入读者许多多是政商名流的后代或富家子弟,而且拥有很浓厚的教会背景。学校直到1947年才向国民政府注册。



1937年抗日战争爆发后,圣约翰大学曾将学校迁往公共租界里的南京路,与沪江大学、东吴大学、之江大学、金陵女子文理学院 五校组成上海基督教联合大学,但后又于1940年迁回原校址。学校的办学经费除了来自学费的收入外,也有教会和其他社会捐款。

1950年12月,圣约翰大学正式宣布与美国圣公会脱离关系,1952年在全国院系调整中被拆散并入其他多所高校,主要是复旦大学 、华东师范大学和上海第二医学院。其校址现为华东政法大学所用,主要为其培养研究生所在地。









Leaving the lowlands,faces to the dawning,Scaling the mountain heights,heeding not fears warning,Sons of the Orient , children of morning,Seekers of light we come!

Heirs to the wisdom,taught by saints and sages,Gathered from every clime,treasures of ages.Never closing wisdom’s book, turning still new pages,Seekers of truth we come!

Then college days done,stirred by high ambition,Armed’ gainst the foes of man,vice and superstition,Our native land to serve, this shall be our mission,So light and truth shall come!


Johannean Spirit 表现在凝聚在圣约翰的校歌里面。这只校歌对于我们每一个起了潜移默化的作用。许多同学接受了这样一个“圣约翰精神”。





--英文歌词作者,约大神学系教授Dr. Cameron MacRae

--(摘录自丁光训校友在Ⅲ Reunion大会致闭幕词)知名校友

圣约翰大学拥有许多著名的校友,都曾对中国的历史进程起到过影响,知名的校友包括了顾维钧(外交家)、林语堂(作家)、宋子文(政治家)、宋子良、宋子安、荣毅仁(前中华人民共和国国家副主席)、刘鸿生、邹韬奋(政治家)、严家淦(政治家)、经叔平(金融家)、贝聿铭(建筑师)(I.M. Pei) 、周有光、成幼殊、黄金祺、陈成达、何占春(中国评弹理论家)、吴宗锡、董鼎山(作家)、董乐山、王永年、黄宗英(娱乐明星)、曾楚霖(已故香港电视演员,擅长扮演乞丐与吸毒者) 、鲁平(前港澳办主任)等人,其校友多活跃于中国商界、政界、文学界、外交界和医务界。

St.john's University


St. John's University是一所位于美国纽约州纽约市皇后区的天主教会大学;它是当前美国规模最大的天主教会学校,前身为“Vicentian Society”修会于1870年在纽约州皇后县创设的学院,以及1872年“聚会使团”(Congregation of the Mission)成立的圣若望文学联盟(St. John's Union)。





St. John's University was founded in 1870, by the Vincentian Fathersof the Roman Catholic Churchin response to an invitation by the first Bishopof Brooklyn, John Loughlin, to provide the poor youth of the city with an intellectual and moral education.

St. John's Vincentian values stem from the ideals and works of St Vincent de Paul(1581–1660), who is the patron saint of Christian charity. Following the Vincentian tradition, the university seeks to provide an education that encourages greater involvement in social justice, charity and service.

St. John's University was originally founded as St. John's College at 75 Lewis Avenue, in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Beginning with the law school in 1925, St. John's started founding other schools and became a university in 1933. In 1954, St. John's broke ground on a new campus in Jamaica, Queens, on the former site of the Hillcrest Golf Club. The following year, the original school of the university, St. John's College, moved from Bedford-Stuyvesant to the new campus. Over approximately the next two decades, the other schools of the university, which were located at a separate campus at 96 Schermerhorn Street in Downtown Brooklyn, moved out to the new campus in Queens. The last of the schools to relocate to Queens would move there in 1972, bringing an end to the Downtown Brooklyn campus of the university.

The University received praise from Time Magazinein 1962 for being a Catholic university that accepted Jewswith low household income. Later St. John's was the defendant in a lawsuit by Donald Scheiber (the only Jewish Vice President at the school) for discrimination after being removed because he was Jewish. The court ruled against St. John's University in this lawsuit.Timealso ranked St. John's as "good−small" on a list of the nation's Catholic universities in 1962.

The St. John's University strike of 1966-1967was a protest by faculty at the university which began on January 4, 1966, and ended in June 1967.The strike began after 31 faculty members were dismissed in the fall of 1965 without due process, dismissals which some felt were a violation of the professors' academic freedom. The tension of that year was noted in Time Magazinestating, "[A]cademically, [St. John's University] has never ranked high among Catholic schools; in troubles, it outdoes them all."The strike ended without any reinstatements, but led to the widespread unionization of public college faculty in the New York City area. In 1970 arbitrators ruled that the university had not acted improperly.

On January 27, 1971, the New York State Board of Regentsapproved the consolidation of the University with the former Notre Dame College (New York)a private women's collegeand the Staten Island Campus of St. John’s University became a reality. Classes began in the fall of 1971, combining the original Notre Dame College with the former Brooklyn campus of St. John’s, offering undergraduate degrees in liberal arts, business and education. In 1990 the tuition and fee's at St. John's was less than half of that at schools like NYU and Columbia. Now the tuition is comparable with St. John's being $1104 per credit , NYU being 1106 and Columbia being 1302 per credit

In 1999, St. John's purchased the La Salle Center in Oakdale, NY. The 175-acre (0.71 km) campus served as a military academy since 1926.Before this, the land was owned by Frederick Bourne, President ofSinger Sewing Machine Company, who constructed his estate on the grounds. His mansion still remains and is used for party receptions.

St. John's merged with the College of Insurancein 2001. The merger gave St. John's a five-story building located in lower Manhattan which is used by the Peter J. Tobin College of Business and the colleges School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science.After the 9/11 attacks to the World Trade Center, the Manhattan campus was used by emergency workers.

In 2007, St. John's, along with several other universities, settled with New York State attorney general Andrew Cuomofor $800,000.00 among allegations of receiving kickbacks from student loan corporations.

Also in 2007, St John's University purchased a Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centerfacility in Fresh Meadows.This added two medical programs to the school. This added a Physician's Assistant program as well as Bio-medical technician program to the school. Tuition for the PA program at Saint Vincent Medical Center was $15,000 per year, but when purchased by STJ it increased to 29,950 per year.

St. John's opened its new Rome campus in October 2008. Located in the Prati sectionof Rome, the 75,000 sq ft (7,000 m). building can house up to 200 students.


St.john's University 大学为一开设有研究所的四年制综合大学,由圣约翰文理学院(St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)、法学院(School of Law)、药学院(College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions)、托宾商学院(Peter J. Tobin College of Business)、教育学院(The School of Education)、职业进修学院(College of Professional Studies)等组成;另设有神学院。

根据美国新闻及世界报道(U.S. News & World Report)出版的“2011年美国大学调查报告(“America's Best Colleges, 2011”)”,圣约翰大学年内获得三亿三千万美元的捐款;学生平均一学年学费为三万三千美元,一年住宿及通学费用约为一万四千美元左右。



该校以法学院较负盛名(U.S. Newsrank: 70),在破产法方面卓有声望;独立且专门的药学院更为其一大特点;商学院研究所亦获得 AACSB International认证(全美共406所通过认可)。

根据美国新闻及世界报道的每年的大学评鉴,圣约翰大学近年在“美国全国性综合大学(national universities)”的分类中排名约125-150名。在普林斯顿(Prinston Review)的<美国最好的373所大学,Best 373 Colleges>,每年都被选入。






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