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释义 | 人物基本信息北京市特聘教授,生物医学工程专业博士生导师。出生于1968年5月。1994年赴法国留学,并与1996年和2001年分别获得里昂第一大学病毒学硕士和病毒博士学位。2001-2005年在加拿大多伦多大学进行博士后研修。2005年10月受聘北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院特聘教授。 主要研究方向:1. 病毒在肿瘤的发生和发展中的作用,及抗病毒药物和疫苗的研究。 2. 干细胞的分化。 课题基金: 获得北京市自然科学基金和北京市教委基金的资助 部份论文:Sheng W, Wang G, La Pierre DP, Wen J, Deng Z, Wong CK, Lee DY, Yang BB. (2006) Versican Mediates Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition. Mol Biol Cell. Apr;17(4):2009-20. Sheng W, Wang G, Wang Y, Liang J, Wen J, Zheng PS, Wu Y, Lee V, Slingerland J, Dumont D, Yang BB.. (2005) The roles of versican v1 and v2 isoforms in cell proliferation and apoptosis. Mol Biol Cell. Mar;16(3):1330-40. Sheng W., Bouguermouh A., Bouzid M., Djennaoui D. and Ooka T. (2004) BAM HI DNA Fragment H-Polymorphism of Epstein-Barr Virus is Associated with the Mutations Present in an 89 BP Sequence Localized in EBNA2 Gene. Virus Genes. Aug; 29(1): 99-108. Sheng W., Decaussin G., Ligout A. and Ooka T. (2003) BARF1 gene encoded by Epstein-Barr virus contributes to the malignant phenotype and to apoptosis resistance in Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Akata. Journal of Virology, 77(6): 3859-65. Sheng W., Decaussin G., Sumner S. and Ooka T. (2001) N-terminal domain of BARF1 gene encoded by Epstein-Barr virus is essential for malignant transformation of rodent fibroblasts and activation of BCL-2. Oncogene 20 (10): 1176-1185. Wu Y. Sheng W. Cheng L Dong H., Lee V., Lu F., Wong C.S., Lu W. Y. and Yang B.B (2004) Versican V1 isoform induces neuronal differentiation and promotes neurite outgrowth. Mol Biol Cell. May; 15(5): 2093-104. Wu Y., Chen L., Cao L., Sheng W. and Yang B.B. (2004) Overexpression of the C-terminal PG-M/versican domain impairs growth of tumor cells by intervening in the interaction between epidermal growth factor receptor and beta1-integrin. J Cell Sci. May 1; 117(Pt 11): 2227-37. Zheng P. S., Wen J. P., Ang L. C., Sheng W., Viloria-petit A., Wang Y., Wu Y. Kerbel R. S.and Yang B.B. (2004) Versican/PG-M G3 domain promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis. FASEB J. Apr; 18(6): 754-6. Kiani C., Chen L., Lee V., Zheng P.S., Wu Y., Cao L., Adams M.E., Sheng W. and Yang B.B. (2003) Identification of the motifs and amino acids in aggrecan G1 and G2 domains that inhibit product secretion. Biochemistry. Jun 17; 42(23): 7226-37. Guo X., Sheng W., Zhang Y. Malignant transformation of monkey kidney epithelial cell induced by EBV BARF1 gene and TPA. . (2001) Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi. Dec; 15(4): 321-3. Chinese. Bouzid M., Sheng W., Buisson M., Bouguermouh A., Morand P., Seigneurin JM and Ooka T. (1998) Different distribution of H1-H2 Epstein-Barr virus variant in oropharyngeal virus and in biopsies of Hodgkin's disease and in nasopharyngeal carcinoma from Algeria. International Journal of Cancer 77(2): 205-210. |
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