词条 | 生化危机:诅咒 |
释义 | 基本信息中文片名 生化危机:诅咒 更多中文片名 英文片名 Resident Evil:Damnation 日文名片名 バイオハザード ダムネーション 影片类型 科幻/ 恐怖 / 动画 国家/地区 日本 对白语言 日语 色彩 彩色 画面 3D格式 上映日期 2012年10月27日 简介《生化危机4》的电影版刚刚上映不久,Capcom就立即公布了生化危机CG电影《生化危机:诅咒》,该作将由索尼负责发行,支持3D。预定在2012年10月27上映,主角依然是《生化危机2》和《生化危机4》的男主角:里昂。里昂在得到东欧小国“东斯拉夫共和国”可能将生物兵器BOW投入实战的情报后,决定只身执行潜入任务收集情报。很快,战局发生了变化,美国及其同盟国开始撤军,里昂也接到命令撤出东斯拉夫。然而,为了终止生化病毒制造的连环悲剧继续伤害更多的无辜生命,里昂最终决定无视命令继续战斗。对里昂来说,一场艰苦而残酷的战斗将不可避免。 演职员表制作人 小林裕幸 主演 里昂·S·肯尼迪(游戏人物) 持续更新... 制作发行制作公司 CAPCOM(卡普空).日本 发行公司 sony(索尼).日本 第一部CG电影《生化危机:恶化》海报 生化危机:诅咒 电影资讯《生化危机:诅咒》公布 卡普空近日宣布将推出CG版生化危机续集——《生化危机:诅咒(Resident Evil: Damnation)》。 CG版《诅咒》将采用3D技术,并于2012年在日本首映,目前已经进入制作阶段。卡普空同时公布了新的生化危机男一号,仍然是上一集《恶化》男主角,里昂·肯尼迪。 《生化危机:恶化》于2009年在英国首映,截至目前已在全球售出超过160万张DVD。该片同时还在日本创造了4000万日元的票房的收入(约合31万英镑)。 而此前的真人版《生化危机》更是辉煌,总共为制作方带来了3.8亿美元的收入。 CAPCOM发布资料CAPCOM Co., Ltd. (Osaka, Japan -- Haruhiro Tsujimoto, President and COO; hereinafter "CAPCOM") and Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Japan -- representative director: Masao Morita; hereinafter "SPEJ") have announced the coproduction of "Resident Evil: Damnation", a sequel to the full-length CG animation feature "Resident Evil: Degeneration" based upon the Resident Evil (known in Japan as BIOHAZARD) series of games. While the predecessor "Resident Evil: Degeneration" had only a limited 2-week / 3-screen theatrical release in Japan, Box Office sales surpassed 40 million yen, and the home video release has shipped more than 1.6 million copies worldwide, making the film a global hit. Since its initial release in 1996, the "Resident Evil" series of home video games has established the "survival horror" genre and has shipped over 44 million units worldwide, continuing to captivate its fans as a powerful property. "Resident Evil 5", which was released in 2009, shipped over 5.4 million units worldwide, recording the highest sales within the franchise. The three "RESIDENT EVIL" live-action films previously released have collectively grossed US$ 380 million at the Box Office internationally, making it a mega hit franchise. "Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D" as known as "Biohazard 4: Afterlife", which has just been released globally on September 10th, has become the Number One hit in Japan, the US, and other parts of the world during its opening weekend. "Resident Evil: Damnation" will feature as its main characterLeon S. Kennedy just like its predecessor. The film is currently in production, with plans for a terrifying 3D release in Japan in 2012.
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