

词条 沈阳音乐学院大连校区



2005年经辽宁省政府批准,沈阳音乐学院在大连开发区金石滩国家旅游度假区创办了大连校区,校区位于金石滩金石路33号,依山傍海,风景秀丽。校区占地21万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米。其中教学楼5万平方米,学生公寓2.8万平方米,教学辅助用房2.1万平方米,为莘莘学子提供了舒适的学习、生活环境。 校区设有声乐系、钢琴系、管弦系、民乐系、音乐教育系、舞蹈系、附属音乐舞蹈学校等教学机构。目前,学科和专业建设日益健全,专业结构与布局日趋完善,教学水平不断提升,社会影响日益扩大。大连校区已建立起以传统专业为依托的本科教育、中等专业教育等多层次的音乐舞蹈教育体系。 2006年大连校区开始招生,现有在校本科生1324人,附属音乐舞蹈学校中专学生552人,总计1876名学生。 学院党委高度重视大连校区教师队伍建设,在国内外引进了一批高素质、高水平的教师队伍,长期聘任外国知名专家来校任教,瞄准国际学术前沿,走国际化办学道路。现有专兼职教师275人,其中特聘外籍专家8人、教授22人、副教授25人、讲师43人。具有硕士、博士学位的教师占专职教师的30%以上。校区设有青年教师和优秀学生组成的青年交响乐团、民族管弦乐团和合唱团等艺术实践团体,以高水准服务于以大连为中心的区域经济文化和精神文明建设,引领先进音乐文化。 校区建立了较完备的教学及生活设施:图书馆、多媒体、计算机、电子钢琴教室等功能齐全;琴房数量与面积和设施都在国内同类高校中位居前列;在建的可容纳1200人的音乐厅将成为金石滩的标志性建筑和旅游景点之一。 校区面向全国(含港澳台地区)招生,学生毕业颁发国家教育部统一监制的“沈阳音乐学院”普通本科毕业证书,授予文学学士学位。 大连校区将秉承 “鲁艺”的光荣传统,以沈音七十年办学历史为积淀,以大连这座海滨城市的独特魅力和优秀的办学条件为依托,努力将校区建设成为“高水平、有特色、国际化教学研究型”的高等音乐学府,既为沈阳音乐学院走向世界、打造国际化品牌搭建一个理想的平台,也为大连这座城市增添高雅的艺术内涵。


The Shenyang Conservatory of Music, originally the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, was established by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and some of the CPC leaders in Yan’an, the town of Shanxi province in the Northwest of China in 1938. Chairman Mao inscribed “intense, serious, studious and modest” as the motto of the Academy. In the early period of new China, the Academy moved from Yan’an to Shenyang and in 1958 was renamed the Shenyang Conservatory of Music. With a history of 70 years, the Shenyang Conservatory of Music has grown into one of the most well-known institutions of music and dance in China, having the long-established main campus as its center and three affiliated campuses, namely the South campus, the Tao Xian campus, and the Dalian campus, forming the structural pattern of “one main campus and three satellite campuses”.

In 2005, the Shenyang Conservatory of Music received approval from the provincial government to begin construction of the Dalian campus at Golden Pebble Beach, a national tourist resort in the Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone. The Dalian campus is located at No. 33, Jin Shi Road, Golden Pebble Beach, sitting beside the mountains and facing the sea, with beautiful scenery all year round. The campus occupies 210,000 square meters of land with the new building complex covering an area of 160,000 square meters, among which 50,000 square meters is for classroom buildings; 28,000 square meters for students’ apartments and 21,000 square meters for music studios and practice facilities. A comfortable learning and living environment has been created for thousands of students.

The Dalian Campus Conservatory has departments of voice, piano, orchestral instruments, traditional Chinese instruments, music education, dance, and an attached middle school of music and dance. As the layout of disciplines and majors has become more complete, the Dalian campus has evolved into a multi-level educational system of music and dance, offering primary, middle and high school programs as well as undergraduate programs of study.

In 2006, the Dalian campus began enrolling students and currently there are 1876 students, with 552 in the middle school and 1324 conservatory undergraduates.

The Leader Committee of the conservatory attaches great importance to the employment of the teaching staff. Currently the Dalian campus has a total number of 168 full and part-time teachers, among whom 6 are invited foreign experts, 23 professors, 25 associate professors and 40 lecturers. More than 30% of the full time teaching staff holds master and doctoral degrees.

The Dalian campus has established complete teaching and living facilities, such as the library, multi-media facilities, computers, electronic pianos, and lecture halls. The number of studios and the size of the campus exceed conservatories of the same kind in China. The music hall, currently under construction, can accommodate 1200 people, and has become one of the symbolic structures and tourist sites at Golden Pebble Beach.

The Dalian campus enrolls students from all over China and the graduates will obtain diplomas and degrees from Shenyang Conservatory of Music issued by National Ministry of Education.

Continuing the artistic accomplishments of our past and taking advantage of the unique glamour of the coastal city of Dalian and the superior conditions of education, the Dalian campus aims to establish it a teaching and research oriented institution with high-standards, strong individual characteristics, and an international reputation. Not only do we want to open the door of the Shenyang Conservatory of Music to the world, and to build an ideal platform for creating an international conservatory, but also to enhance the art and musical culture of Dalian city.








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