词条 | 沈亚领 |
释义 | 沈亚领,男,汉族,1960年3月出生,工学博士,生物反应器工程国家重点实验室和生物工程学院教授,生物化工、发酵工程专业博士研究生导师,鲁华生物技术研究所副所长,应用微生物研究室主任,上海市生物工程学会高级会员。 长期从事微生物、生物化工、生物医药领域的研究工作,主持10多项国家级、省市级和横向课题,并获得良好经济和社会效益,其中主持的国家863重大科技专项子课题-“抗肿瘤类新药重组人凋亡素2配体(注册分类I)的研发”分别获Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期临床批件。 出版译著两部、参编著作三部,近年获发明专利4项,申请专利13项,国内外发表论文60多篇,其中Sci收录论文28篇(总他引72次)。指导的硕士研究生论文分别获2005和2007年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文),为主参与并获省部级奖5次,目前承担和在研国家和上海市项目3项,企业横向课题4项。 近年主持或参加主要项目:国家863重大科技专项及滚动“微生物表达蛋白药物规模化制备平台技术”(副组长、子课题承担人),国家中小企业创新基金“I类新药重组人凋亡素2配体的临床研究”(承担人),“十一五”国家863专题“生物法制备2,3-丁二醇”(目标导向,承担人)等。 主要研究方向1.发酵工程、生物化工:微生物培养和发酵过程调控及优化;生物催化;生物下游过程;微生物生物基产品和精细化学中间体。。 2.微生物学:微生物群体效应及功能基因;发酵生理;代谢工程;药用重组蛋白或小分子活性物研究; 获奖:1.2004年国家教育部技术发明2等奖“一种发酵法生产谷氨酰胺的新工艺” 2.2005年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖(上海市优秀硕士论文) 3.2006年上海市科技进步三等奖“生物催化法制备单唾液酸神经节苷脂GM1” 4.2007年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖(上海市优秀硕士论文) 5.2007年上海市自然科学奖三等奖“应用生物催化与生物分离技术发现和获得新生物活性物质的研究” 主要论文(带星号为通讯作者):1. Shi Chen, Xiangzhao Mao, Yaling Shen,Zixin Deng* et al,A tailoring P450 monooxygenase gene for FR-008/candicidin biosynthesis,Appl. Environ. Microb.(in press) 2. Xiangzhao Mao, Feng Wang, Jianguo Zhang, Shi Chen, Zixin Deng, Yaling Shen*,The pH-Shift and Precursor Feeding Strategy in a Low-Toxicity FR-008/Candicidin Derivative CS103 Fermentation Bioprocess by a Mutant of Streptomyces sp. FR-008,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology(in press) 3. H. Zhu, Y. L. Shen* et al, A novel quorum sensing system co-regulated by chromosome and plasmid-encoded genes in Serratia marcescens H30, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2008, 319,:87–90 4. H. Zhu, Y. L. Shen* et al, Cloning and characterizations of the Serratia marcescens metK and pfs genes involved in AI-2-dependent quorum sensing system Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,2008,315,25-30 5. Ji-Cheng Yin,Jin-Song Zhou, Jing Sun, Yi Qiu, Dong-Zhi Wei, and Ya-Ling Shen*,Study of the crystal shape and its influence on the anti-tumor activity of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand(Apo2L/TRAIL),Cryst. Res. Technol.2008,43(8),888 – 893 6. H. Zhu,Y. L. Shen*,D. Z. Wei, J. W. Zhu, Inhibition of quorum sensing in Serratia marcescens H30 by molecular regulation , Current Microbiology,2008, 56:645–650 7. Yanyang Wu, Jiawen Zhu*, Kui Chen, Bin Wu, Jiang Fang, Yaling Shen. Liquid-liquid equilibria of Water+2,3-Butanediol+1-Butanol at T=298.15K, T=308.15K and T=318.15K. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2008, 265: 1-6. 8. Yanyang Wu, Jiawen Zhu*, Kui Chen, Bin Wu, Jiang Fang, Yaling Shen. Liquid-liquid equilibria of Water+2,3-Butanediol+Butyl acetate at T=298.15K, T=308.15K and T=318.15K. J.Chem.Eng.Data. 2008, 53(2):559-563 9. Yanyang Wu, Jiawen Zhu*, Kui Chen, Bin Wu, Jiang Fang, Yaling Shen. Liquid-liquid equilibria of Water+2,3-Butanediol+Ethyl acetate at different temperatures. Fluid.Phase Equlibria. 2008, 266: 42-46. 10. Yan-Yang Wu, Jia-Wen Zhu, Kui Chen, Bin Wu, Ya-Ling Shen,Vapor–liquid equilibria for the binary mixtures of 2,3-butanediol with n-butanol, n-butyl acetate, and ethyl acetate at 101.3 kPa, Fluid Phase Equilibria,2007,262 169–173 11. H. Zhu, W.Y. Zhou, M. Xu, Y.L. Shen* et al ,Molecular characterization of Serratia marcescens strains by RFLP and sequencing of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA and 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer,Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2007,45(2),174–178 12. Xiangzhao Mao, Yaling Shen, Zixin Deng*et al, Optimizing the medium compositions for accumulation of the novel FR-008/Candicidin erivatives CS101 by a mutant of Streptomyces sp. using statistical experimental methods, Process Biochemistry,2007,42,878–883 13. Hui Kang, Ya-Ling Shen*et al, Refolding and Structural Characteristic of TRAIL/Apo2L Inclusion Bodies from Different Specific Growth Rate of Recombinant Escherichia coli, Biotechnology Progress,2007, 23, 286-292 14. Hu Zhu, Ya-Ling Shen* et al, Functional solubilization of aggregation-prone TRAIL protein facilitated by coexpressing with protein isoaspartate methyltranferase , Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2006,72:1033 – 1038 15. Ai-You Sun, Ya-Ling Shen, Dong-Zhi Wei* et al, Improvement of expression level and bioactivity of soluble Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) by a novel zinc ion feeding strategy,Biotechnology Letters, 2006,28:1215 – 1219 16. Hu Zhu,Yaling Shen* ed al,Chromosomal integration of the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene and its physiological actions in Tremella fuciformis, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2006,72:770 –776 17. Qingping Luo, Ya-Ling Shen*,et al, Optimization of culture on the overproduction of TRAIL in high-cell-density culture by recombinant Escherichia coli, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2006,71(2), 184 – 191 18. Jing Zhang, Yaling Shen*et al, Inhibitive Effect of Prodigiosin on the Proliferation of Human Malignant Pancreatic Cancer Cells,Medicinal Chemistry Research,2005; 14(4),181 - 197 19. Xuedong Wang,Yaling Shen, & Dongzhi Wei et al,Highly efficient conversion of polysialoganglioside to GM1 with Brevibacterium casei as a microbial biocatalyst,Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 2005; 23(1),29-32 20. Jing Zhang, Yaling Shen et al, Antimetastatic Effect of Prodigiosin Through Inhibition of Tumor Invasion, Biochemical Pharmacology, 2005, 69(3), 407-414 21. Mao Xiangzhao , Shen Yaling*et al, Determination of Candicidin/Fr-008 and Related Components in Fermentation Broth by RP- HPLC,Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Science, 2005,14(1),115-118 22. Ya-Ling Shen, Dong-Zhi Wei* et al, Refolding and purification of Apo2L/TRAIL produced as inclusion bodies in high-cell-density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli ,Biotechnology Letters,2003,25: 2097-2101 23. Xuedong Wang, Yaling Shen* et al,Development of an adsorption process for the direct separation and purification of prodigiosin from culture broth,Biotechnol.Appl.Biochem.2004,40(3),277-280 24. Ya-Ling Shen,Dong-Zhi Wei*et al,High-level production of soluble TRAIL in high-density cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli using a bombined feeding strategy,Biotechnology Letters,2004,26:981-984 25. XIA Xiao-Xia, SHEN Ya-Ling*et al:Purification and Partial Characterization of Recombinant sTRAIL/Apo-2L Expressed in Escherichia coli,Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica,2004,36(2),118-122 26.Jin-li Tao,Ya-ling Shen* et al, Strategy for the improvement of prodigiosin production by a Serratia marcescens mutant through fed-batch fermentation,World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2005,21: 969–972 27. 吴艳阳,朱家文,陈葵,武斌,沈亚领,2,3-丁二醇的絮凝预处理研究,化学工程(印刷中) 28. 汤亚南,潘若鋆,周劲松,张国钧,孙菁,球谊,沈亚领﹡,TRAIL包涵体在细胞内重折叠现象的初步研究,工业微生物(印刷中) 29. 杨亮,毛相朝,周文瑜,陈实,沈亚领* ,邓子新等,基因工程FR-008/杀念菌素脱羧衍生物CS103发酵过程优化,中国抗生素杂志,2008,33(6),333-337 30. 唐芸,宋庆训,李晓敦,沈亚领,魏东芝*,十二节杆菌胞外脂肪酶的纯化和性质研究,工业微生物,2007,37(4),45-49 31. 李欣峰,徐勤,魏东芝,沈亚领,苏勇*:透明颤菌血红蛋白对两种D-氨基酸氧化酶的不同影响及机理研究,工业微生物,2007,37(4),31-35 32. 李元芳,曹学,王学东,沈亚领*,魏东芝:粘质沙雷氏菌产2,3-丁二醇培养基的优化,工业微生物,2007,37(3),24-28 33.张继忠,迟莉丽,沈亚领,辅酶Q10的生产及在医学领域中的应用,上海应用技术学院学报(自然科学版),2004,4(4),301-305 34.沈亚领,魏东芝*等:灵菌红素对人胰腺癌细胞增殖抑制的实验研究,中国临床药理学与治疗学杂志,2004,9(5),504-509 35.陶金莉,沈亚领*等:产灵菌红素沙雷氏菌的诱变育种,微生物学通报,2004,31(2),45-48 36.陶金莉,沈亚领等:Quorum Sensing及其研究进展,生物化学与生物物理进展,2004,31(1),93 37.陶金莉,沈亚领*等,细菌的群体行为调控机制——Quorum Sensing,微生物学通报,2004,31(4),106-110 38.罗清平,沈亚领*等,一种新糖肽抗生素LY333328的抗菌活性与作用机理,国外医药抗生素分册,2004,25(5),221-225 主要专利:1. 沈亚领, 许平, 孙际宾等:中国专利ZL98122157.2:L-谷氨酰胺的分离纯化工艺 2. 孙际宾,许平,沈亚领等:中国专利ZL98122156.4:一种谷氨酰胺的发酵生产工艺 3. 魏东芝,沈亚领,孙爱友:一种分批补料培养大肠杆菌的方法,中国专利:ZL 200510028037.6 4. 沈亚领,汤亚南,周文瑜等:一种表达可溶性TRAIL蛋白的方法,中国专利申请号:200510030356.0,公开号 CN1778914A 5. 魏东芝,尹哲,沈亚领, 王学东:单唾液酸四己糖神经节苷脂的制备方法,中国专利ZL 200410018280.5 6. 沈亚领,毛相朝,邓子新等:一种链霉菌培养基及其优化过程和应用方法,中国专利申请号:200610025713.9,公开号CN1844358 7. 沈亚领,曹学,李元芳等:一种发酵生产2,3-丁二醇的方法,中国专利申请号:200610027146.0,公开号CN1884560 8. 沈亚领,毛相朝,邓子新等,脱羧FR-008衍生聚酮抗生素及其应用,中国专利申请号:200710037060.0,公开号CN101024665A 9. 马志英,沈亚领,汤俊等,采用酶酸复合制备天然活性胶原蛋白的方法,中国专利申请号:200710041028.X,公开号CN101126104 10. 沈亚领,马志英,董莹等,具有血管紧张素转移酶抑制活性的新型肽及其制备方法,中国专利申请号:200710044975.4,公开号CN101153055 11. 沈亚领,刘伯雅,汤俊等,灵菌红素的新用途,中国专利申请号:200710047618.3 12. 沈亚领,朱虎,周文瑜等,从粘质沙雷氏菌分离的S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶基因序列及表达重组菌株,中国专利申请号:200710048015.5 13. 王小宁,张颋,王菊芳,冯延叶,沈亚领等,重组蛋白的变复性方法,中国专利申请号:200810033253.3,公开号CN101220079 14. 沈亚领,周文瑜,孙金杰等,2,3-丁二醇生产过程与微生物生物质循环利用的集成化方法,中国专利申请号:200810202808.2 15. 朱家文,吴艳阳,沈亚领等,一种分离提取2,3-丁二醇的方法,中国专利申请号:200810202188.2 16. 沈亚领,毛相朝,邓子新等,一种芳香族多烯抗生素的发酵生产工艺,中国专利申请号:200810204283.6 主要专著:1.刘叶青主编:《生物分离工程实验》(参编第三篇),北京,高等教育出版社,2007(ISBN 978-7-04-022086-5) 2.王福源主编:《生物工艺技术》(参编第一、第四章),北京,中国轻工业出版社,2006(ISBN 7-5019-5524-7/Q.029) 3.Steven L Nail(美国)等著,童望宇,沈亚领,张勰旻等译,《蛋白质药物-开发与生产》,北京,化学工业出版社,2006(ISBN 7-5025-8359-9) 4.余儒均,李爽,沈亚领:氨基酸,《生物化学品》(王家勤主编),1~45,北京,中国物质出版社,2001 5.Moser. A 著,曲音波,沈亚领等译:《生物工艺技术学——动力学及反应器》(Springer Verlag New York Inc.授权湖南科学技术出版社,1994年第一版) |
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