词条 | 上海发展研究基金会 |
释义 | 上海发展研究基金于1993年成立,是利用自然人、法人或者其他组织捐赠的财产,以从事公益事业为目的,按照国家有关规定成立的公募基金会、非营利性法人。 上海发展研究基金会以促进对发展问题的研究、推进决策咨询事业为宗旨;以募集、运作资金,研究、交流、资助、奖励经济、社会、城市发展决策咨询项目为业务范围。 上海发展研究基金会简介十几年来,基金会大力支持本市决策咨询研究工作,资助了许多研究项目,并资助开展了上海市决策咨询研究成果奖评奖工作。同时,基金会也组织研究团队,完成了自行设立或从其他单位承接的一系列研究项目。 近年来,基金会继续为实现其宗旨而积极探索。基金会每月举办一次“上海发展沙龙”,邀请国内外知名专家、学者就当前的热点或敏感问题作演讲,并与参会者进形互动讨论;每年举办两到三次高层次的研讨会,邀请多位海内外专家与政、商、学界人士共聚一堂,就全球经济和中国经济的形势进行讨论和交流;举办“中国经济未来”系列小型研讨会,针对中国经济发展中一些深层次问题,进行深入的讨论。基金会还通过资助的方式,与复旦大学、上海交通大学、上海财经大学合作举办了各种形式的研讨活动。基金会将各种研讨活动中的精彩内容,不定期地编撰出版内部资料《研讨实录》和《研究简报》,在更大的范围内推广对发展问题的研究和讨论成果。 自2008年开始,基金会与上海市人民政府发展研究中心共同设立了“上海发展研究奖学金”项目,每年资助本市高校的十余位博士或硕士研究生,为决策咨询研究队伍培养后备力量。 上海发展研究基金会现由汪道涵先生、庄晓天先生任名誉理事长,原市人大常委会副主任沙麟先生任理事长,上海社会科学院党委书记王荣华先生任副理事长。其业务主管单位为上海市人民政府发展研究中心。 Introduction of SDRFShanghai Development Research Foundation (SDRF) was established in 1993. As a public-foundation and a non-profit legal person established in accordance with the relevant governmental regulations, SDRF is devoted to the public welfare undertakings by utilizing donations from individuals, legal persons and other organizations. SDRF aims at actively promoting the research on the development issues and the development of decision-making consultation. Its business scope includes capital raising and operation, and researching, communicating, sponsoring and awarding the consultation projects concerning economic, social and urban development strategy. Since established, SDRF has been strongly supporting the research work on decision-making consultation in Shanghai, with a lot of projects being sponsored and numbers of awards for great research achievements being held. Meanwhile, we have accomplished many research projects set up by ourselves or other organizations. For the last several years, SDRF has been continuously endeavoring to fulfill its missions. We hold “Shanghai Development Salon” monthly, inviting distinguished experts and scholars home and abroad to make speeches on hot topics and sensitive questions, and make interactive discussion with the attendees. The high-level symposiums are held twice or thrice annually, gathering numbers of domestic and overseas experts, and the noble guests from political, business and academic circles together to discuss the important issues in the development of global economy and Chinese economy. In addition, SDRF holds a series of mini-seminars themed “The Future of Chinese Economy” for a thorough discussion on the depth-rooted problems in the development of Chinese economy. SDRF has also sponsored and jointly held many academic conferences with Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) and Shanghai University of Finance and Economy (SHUFE). Taking the advantage of the fruitful contents of these conferences, SDRF has compiled its booklets Discussion Record and Research Review so as to further spread the achievements of research and discussion on the development issues. Since 2008, SDRF and the Development Research Centre of Shanghai Municipal Government have jointly founded the “Shanghai Development Research Scholarship”, sponsoring more than ten doctoral or master degree candidates for the purpose of encouraging and training the reserve force of the research team of the development issues and decision-making consultation. Mr. Wang Daohan and Mr. Zhuang Xiaotian were appointed the honorary chairmen. Mr. Shalin, former vice president of the Standing Committee of Shanghai People’s Congress is the chairman of SDRF, and Mr. Wang Ronghua, secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, is the vice chairman. Development Research Centre of Shanghai municipal government is the business reporting unit of SDRF. 第四届理事会监事会成员名单(2009年4月15日第四届理事会第1次会议通过) 理事会成员名单: 姓 名 单位、职务 沙麟(理事长) 原上海市人大常委会副主任 王荣华(副理事长) 上海社科院院长、党委书记 乔依德 上海发展研究基金会秘书长 孙福庆 上海市人民政府发展研究中心副主任 万曾炜 上海市公积金管理中心主任、党委书记 王益民 东方证券股份有限公司董事长 郑辛逸 上海市人民政府研究室副主任 施德容 上海国盛(集团)有限公司董事长 范永进 上海市金融服务办公室副主任 张玉良 绿地集团总裁、董事长 陈安杰 中共上海市杨浦区委书记监事会成员名单: 姓 名 单位、职务 吴修艺 原上海实业综合研究院常务副院长 罗永富 上海市人民政府发展研究中心秘书处处长 |
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