词条 | 山西太原华运达物资贸易有限公司 |
释义 | 公司介绍: 山西太原华运达物资贸易有限公司(以下简称华运达),成立于1997年。公司注册资本叁仟万元人民币,主营钢铁,其它经营范围包括:建材销售及加工(需审批的持证经营)、批发零售金属材料(除贵稀金属)、建材、装潢材料、五金交电、普通及电器机械、电线电缆、化工产品(除火工及化学危险品)、橡胶制品。 公司现有员工45名,平均年龄30岁,是一家不断发展壮大的公司。2009年销售钢材50万吨,销售收入30亿元。 华运达钢铁在多年发展当中, 在“携手厂家、服务终端,打造物流品牌,架设钢铁生产与消费的金桥”战略思想的指引下,华运达先后与山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司、临汾钢铁有限公司、天津天铁冶金集团有限公司、马鞍山钢铁股份有限公司、首钢长治钢铁有限公司签约销售卷板、中板、H型钢,年销售钢材50万吨。依托太钢优势,以销售为龙头,在青岛成立集装箱板剪切、加工、配送中心,在太原建成以H型钢加工、安装为主的钢结构厂,形成了集信息化和高质量服务于一体的物资配送加工业务。 华运达以“长期推动钢铁物流事业的发展,持续地为客户提供超值服务,为员工搭建成长平台,为社会创造应有的效益”为使命。经过不断努力,积累了良好的声誉和知名度,赢得了大量的客户的信任并建立起长期稳定的合作关系,如:中国国际海运集装箱(集团)股份有限公司、新加坡胜狮货柜企业有限公司、新华昌国际集装箱有限公司,服务客户遍及全国各地。 经营中,华运达秉持“规范发展、稳健发展、持续发展”的经营理念,业务经营追求健康的、可持续发展。通过引进GB/T19001—2008标准和要求的质量管理体系,将日常管理工作程序化、制度化、标准化,使公司管理工作持续改进、业务流程日渐优化、整体管理水平不断进步。以实施ERP信息管理系统为契机,使公司的业务数据及时准确,内部管理更加条理。“以发展吸引人、以事业凝聚人、以工作培养人、以业绩考核人”,公司成立以来,以员工成长为中心,不断加大教育培训支出,努力提升员工素质,吸引了一批优秀的员工一起奋进。 华运达将是一颗冉冉升起的新星! Hua Yun Da was founded in 1997, specialized in steel products distribution, its handling products include coal, coke and pig iron as well. As the business grew rapidly in several years, the company has become a large scale distributing and processing firm,with assets over 100 million RMB, employees over 100,and annual sales reaching 600 million RMB. Our business strategy is to supply the national market by relying on local steel factories and meet local demand by introducing resources from other cities.We have built up strategic cooperation partnership with Taiyuan Steel, Linfen Steel, Maanshan Steel, Laiwu Steel, Rizhao Steelz, etc. Relying on the supply from these steel factories, we successfully developed rolled plate and middle thickness plate distribution business , set service business of H form steel bar including selling,processing and installation, and material distribution and processing business with high quality information service. Our principle is "Credit and Service" .We have won in several bidding for steel supply in recent years,including projects of Shengli Oil Field,Wanjiazhai Yellow River rechanneling construction, Taiyuan centralized heat supply, etc. We have built up long term supply business and strategic cooperation with large firms such as China International Marine Containers (Group) Co.,Ltd.,Baosteel Pudong International Trading Company,Korea's Hanjin Group, Danmark's Maersk Group, etc. Harvest comes from tillage.With several years efforts,we have become a large scale and influencing steel products supplier in Shangxi province.We deeply appreciate the support from steel factories, customers and friends, we could not make any success without this. "Among three people, there must be one person who can teach me."We hope to provide benefit to you in future cooperation. Welcome to Hua Yun Da! |
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